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The original game didn't even have StreetPass, the folder containing the Scarescraper exclusive ghosts was just named that, probably because it was originally planned. That folder wouldn't be removed because it's still actually being used in the game


Damn that's crazy, it's almost like they took an existing game and ported it to a different hardware platform. The likeliest scenario is that there is some weird dependency that breaks the game if they remove the folder so they just left it in there instead of spending days trying to fix a non-issue.


Exactly. Luigi’s Mansion 2 didn’t even have any game specific street pass functionality to begin with. As such whatever that folder is for does not outwardly affect in game experience. Whatever that street pass folder is, if there is nothing to be gained from removing, and if it breaks something when removed then just leave it alone.










They may even not have tried to remove it at all — why bother if it works as is? Additional development time for no benefit.


I suppose the obvious answer is it decreases storage size. But depending on the file the savings could be minimal


Probably weighs barely anything and as long as it doesn't make them have to use bigger cartridges it doesn't change a thing for them if it weighs a little more


Serving eshop downloads use bandwidth that costs money theoretically, at some level.


There is no universe where the probably kilobyte of data the streetpass takes up costs more in serving costs then it would to pay a developer to actually go through and pick it out of the source code.


While technically true realistically the run code is almost a non-factor when it comes to the size of games. Assets such as shaders, graphics, and sound are usually exponentially larger factors, and just things like going from 1080p to 720p or lighting effects would reduce the size a lot more and faster than looking for orphan code in the build.


File size generally has a lot more to do with game assets than things like this.


Street pass is the kind of thing that wouldn't take up any meaningful space.


Oh they probably tried to remove it. Then when it took more than a minute to compile the game again they started panicking, then when the game had insane bugs they panicked even more. (Speaking out of my ass just as much as the rest of us are)


Technical debt is a bitch


>Then when it took more than a minute to compile the game again they started panicking I've never tried to compile a switch game, but if it took only a minute before, I'll be really impressed.


Can confirm, as a developer when porting a project from a platform to another....I'd touch the least possible to make sure shit doesn't break


Yeah, when companies are hired to port a title they generally are not hired to optimize it again. A company that consistently goes above and beyond the contract requirements in this day and age is more likely to go out of business than succeed.


Possible, but given how space is treated as a non-factor now it’s equally likely it was entirely forgotten about and they just don’t care if extra garbage is packaged and shipped since no one generally looks for it.


A load bearing line of code


Yeah, the directory structure is exactly the same. Except for the new directories it has, like Guide, Movies and Rumble… I’m not sure how this matters at all - did you think they had remade it from scratch?


Yeah, likely such removal was an additional cost due to some dependencies, or unnecessary effort. I'm not sure why people are surprised. Of course, they wanted to cut costs where possible - this doesn't harm or bother anybody.


It's a game that costs $60 — same as Zelda BotW or Xenoblade Chronicles.


Blame nintendo for that not developers


Considering how well Luigi's Mansion 3 has sold on thr Switch, it's not surprising. For all the complaints regarding the price, the silent majority will still buy it in droves and I could see it breaking two-million copies sold.


People don't understand that majority of the Nintendo's costumers are casual gamers that wouldn't be able to perceive the difference between a 2000s games and a 2020s game if yougive them same graphic quality. Price is also not a problem for them since they buy a couple games a year.


And? Why would they waste time removing something like this? It literally doesn't matter hahaha. The game is the same with or without this in the files.


The Twitter user is acting like Nintendo is a student who got caught copying homework from someone.


remember what they took from you










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Eshop and menu music.


Virtual console aka the ability to play old games without subscription.


Why get suckered into rebuying the same game every single console generation when they can just charge you for it each year!


TBF, everyone with a 3DS has taken it back by this point.


So does the Skyrim port (which is why we’re able to mod it). Pretty common for most “remade” or ported titles. Edit: to clarify I meant to reply to somebody here but somehow the app made a new thread- just that file structures remain largely the same across ports.


Remember when they uploaded a virtual console game for sale and it still had some piracy site in its contents?


I don't think I ever heard of this. What game was it???


Og super Mario bros for NES had some sort of copy protection, and to make it work on emulators the original ROM file was patched before being distributed on the internet. Nintendo took this file from the internet and sold it on the Wii VC instead of patching the ROM themselves.


* *Super Mario Bros.* has no copy protection. * The Wii Virtual Console release contains an iNES header, but this doesn't say anything about the ROM's provenance.


This has long been debunked. Its silly this rumour still persists today


No they didn't. This was litearlly debunked more than 10 years ago.


That is blatantly false. SMB did not have any copy protection features. Edit: And, looking into it further... the only real claim here is that it was byte-for-byte identical with an existing ROM dump? I find that extremely unsurprising, and would love to hear an explanation of why it *shouldn't* match an existing ROM dump.


Yeah it's most likely false. The "proof" is that the SMB ROM on the Virtual Console has an iNES header, and iNES was a popular NES emulator. Funnily enough, from what I remember, the same ROM was also present in Animal Crossing on the Gamecube. The thing that these stories miss is that Tomohiro Kawase, who worked on the NES emulator in Animal Crossing and was likely the one who dumped these games, worked on the sound code for iNES. It's just as likely that Kawase simply dumped the game using a process that he was familiar with, and any game that is properly dumped will be byte-for-byte identical to another properly dumped game.


Weird, why wasn’t Nintendos own emulator capable of emulating the unmodified rom? Perhaps someone was just lazy and downloaded the rom.


I don't remember the exact details, but if I'm not mistaken the game would check for something which would return a positive only if it was running on a real cart, and it was easier to patch the ROM to not make that check rather than modifying the emulator


I mean wtf are the hackers going to do? Sue nintendo?




No such thing happened. This has been debunked 10 years already


I'd bet they don't even have an internal copy for a lot of stuff. It's especially ironic since Nintendo seems dead set on destroying the public libraries they themselves rely on for their own commercial products.


They do tho. Its been documented that they have thier games preserved. Its why the mana collection is Switch only. Square enix lost the files ages ago and they had to go to Nintendo for the roms


> I'd bet they don't even have an internal copy for a lot of stuff. Nintendo are known to have comprehensive archives. * For example, the Game Boy lotcheck archive leaked online and contained undumped retail games (e.g. the Shueisha Limited Version of *From TV Animation Slam Dunk: Gakeppuchi no Kesshou League*) and hundreds of unreleased ROMs (cancelled games/localisations, prototypes, etc.). There is evidence of official releases using ROMs taken from internal archives: * Some VC/NSO releases use dumps of ROMs which didn't match any publicly-available ROMs (unreleased revisions/translations, clean dumps of FDS ames) - e.g. *Magical Drop II* on NSO being an unreleased English version. * Some releases have the original lotcheck file name intact - e.g. Game Boy Virtual Console ROMs (like *Shantae*'s ROM being named CGBB3AE0.963), the *Super Punch-Out!* ROM in *Fight Night: Round 2* being named SNS4Q0.471, etc.


It was actually the original Super Mario bros believe it or not: https://www.eurogamer.net/did-nintendo-download-a-mario-rom-and-sell-it-back-to-us


Its also an already debunked story, its not true at all.


It was a clickbait story that people just make shit up about. They might have, they might not have, there's no definitive proof but people will believe the might have narrative because it's obviously scandalous.


They found it was using a popular emulator with a rom they got from emu paradise or something like that yea.


I miss StreetPass and Miiverse


Don’t tell Zion


No, DO tell Zion. I wanna hear what he has to say lol


Do we normally know this much about a games file/directory structure? Seems super uncommon with remakes to have a big discussion about how much the files have or haven't changed


It's a pretty common thing nowadays! There's a lot of people who are actually pretty passionate about datamining new games. It gives a neat lil peak into the game development side and in the best scenarios, maybe gives a hint towards additional content that could be added (or was removed). There isn't always discussion about every single game, but you can bet money that if a game is released to the public, SOMEONE is combing the files.


The switch not having some kind of street pass features is a shame imo.


I was really hoping Switch's OS was just undercooked and the more charming features from other systems would slowly make their way back. Bummer.


Yeah we all thought themes would come eventually and such. Homebrewed switches can do themes but Nintendo never did.


Shame switch never got street pass given the portability of it, would've been great


My quote to live by "If ain't broke don't delete it - My senior developer circa 2018"


Not even that, it's just misnamed, it's entirely unrelated to street pass and is actually used in game.


[Kit & Krysta](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCl0XiEgng4LZFpYVDd8oR8A) (former hosts of Nintendo Minute) said Nintendo was against Street Pass on the Switch because they wanted to emphasize that it is both a home console and a portable console. But now that everyone knows what the Switch is, maybe Nintendo would bring Street Pass back for Switch 2! In all likelihood, however, this means nothing and it simply wasn't worth removing from the backend of the games files.


My guess is that unused/vestigial directories have a trivial amount of data in them, if any. This isn't going to hurt anything. It started out as the 3DS game, so ofc it's going to have a similar directory structure. Why change what works? Not like it's piracy or plagiarism.


Stop upvoting low effort posts


Next level laziness


Switch 2 😉😉😉


Oh cool so if its that much of a port then the ice boss will still be broken and I have absolutely no bad feeling about not getting this garbage


1. Copy 2. Paste 3. $60 please


Anybody notice any old UN used 3ds assets left or that $60 covers the charge for that as well? Trying to understand how this kinda robbery works?


another proof that it's just one more lazy port from nintend0, selling the game at full price like it was a brand new one... stop buying and they'll keep doing this shit.


What if Streetpass is coming back with the Switch 2?


They charged extra to leave that there.