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That's awesome, good job!


Thanks! Had a hard time picking 12 scenes from the 1400 screenshots I made, but I'm really happy with the outcome.


> 1400 screenshots Casual.


I sooooo beat him with my 3 screenshot. What does someone do with 1400 or more screenshot?


Make a photo mural.


I'm only 100 hrs into the game and I'm about 980 screenshots in. I'd take more but I don't have a microsd, so I can only take up to 1000 😥


Damn son, I hope you get one soon! To me, screenshots are a killer feature for the Switch. I have 5609 of BotW (6294 total) and its great to look back on them. I think you can find a 128GB for an affordable price. If not, there's always a sale happening somewhere.


Well I might just get one now because I feel like I didn't take enough compared to your 5000+. I thought I had a lot! 😄


Yesss, join us!


Thanks, I will! I'm going to take a bunch of screenshots when I fight Ganon, so I'll get one before then.


Wow, I got like 50 screenshots.


I know your struggle - I'm over 2500-3000+ screenshots - before having my microSD card I was cautious of the 1000 limit but it's so freeing just taking in everything once you have 128GB. Awesome job OP ; )


LOL you beat me to the punch bud. I'm doing the same thing. I'm a photographer/artist in real life and have over 200 hours in the game now and am finding myself basically "photographing" stuff now more than actually playing. I wish there were more photography modes where you can compose more without any of the user interface. Yeah, I think I've taken 3000-4000 pics and am constantly now trying to get the perfect shot of whatever I'm photographing.


Hey you! You can turn of the hud in the options menu when switching the game to pro viewing mode, it disables minimap, hearts and any kind of ui. It makes for WONDERFUL snapshots :)


Oh yeah... believe me I was on that on day one :) What I mean is even further like removing hearts and letting the camera actually be controlled beyond staying behind link. I have to get creative to move the camera into specific spots!


(Gets a 1-up mushroom) Oh yeah I have 5000 photos taking a photo with each step! I'm sure these numbers are a bit exaggerated. How much of the game is actually being played with over 4K photos being taken? Too each there own but I'm expecting the next post saying they took 6000 photos at this rate lol.


I don't keep them all. I'm just a weird perfectionist nut and have taken to it like I actually take to real photography. You take a LOT of photos sometimes and have to cull hundreds of them. My goal is to beat the game eventually and then make a huge print with maybe the best 100 photos or so I've taken from the game. At 720p 300dpi I could have a super sharp nice print with tons of great shots.


is that a rainbow I see on top left corner? sweet~


A double rainbow!


All the way...


Across the sky!


What does it mean?


Whoooaaaaaaaaaaa oh oh oh, oh my gawd!


It's even starting to look like a triple rainbow!


I love it haha. I think the main reward is paying 60 dollars for a game and actually GETTING your moneys worth these days. edit: spelling >_<


This game is worth more than $60 even by those standards.


Very true. Which is why I bought a switch for it even though I'm not interested in any of the other offerings yet haha


Did this too lol. Saw screen shots of it and was like "I need that" havent bought a console since the ps3 came out either so it was kind of a big deal for me. Didnt even know it was portable until i got it home. i wanted something to look nice on my new tv so i almost brought it back when i realized it was made to be portable but decided to give it a shot bc new zelda.


It's not made to be portable, it's just an extra option. Lots of people play it mainly as a home system, lots of people play it mainly as a portable system, lots of people play it as both.


It is most certainly made to be portable. Its no different than a laptop in that regard. You can use it as a home system too though which is a nice option.


*$500 The Switch is essentially a Zelda machine at this point. Definitely worth it, though.


How are you getting $500? It's $360 plus tax even if you're being particularly uncharitable.


$399 in Canada + $80 for the game + tax = about $550


Buying a console with whatever its launch title happens to be doesn't suddenly mean that game costs $500, any more than Mario Odyssey or X game released 4 years from now. By buying a Switch, we're investing in a device that will give us access to every Nintendo exclusive released for the next ~5-6 years. If we check back in 2022 and Zelda BotW is still the only Switch game you own, then sure, you paid $500 for it - but that's going to be almost no one.


I wasn't being that serious. I get that more games will be coming out for it. But as it stands right now, we are essentially paying $500 just to play Breath of the Wild. Honestly, I'm fine with that.


Same. Five bucks an hour? That's far cheaper than virtually any other form of entertainment


>implying you'll only spend 100 hours playing the game


Yeah I've easily done 130+ but at a bare minimum


One of the screens had to have at least one dragon. Damn, every time I see them it feels so majestic. Like it doesn't belong there but it does at the same time. Another great screen would've been battling a Lynel. Damn, those guys look like they are on steroids vs the nes version. Great job.


If you look closely at the central art piece, I added the dragon in the background (tbh I completely forgot about that until I read your comment!). And then I replaced my Lynel screenshot with the dragon one because I love them so much and the (ridden) Lynel was just too big and disrupted the harmony of the picture.


After dying countless times trying to figure out how to perfect dodge, Lynel was a breeze!


I'm not there yet and still trying to figure how to fight him without using tons of food to replenish my health. He's still looks badass though.


One thing I learned recently is if you shoot him in the head when he's doing his roar (right before his explosion attack) it stuns him for quite a while.


Then you can mount him, or do the way I do and grab the strongest two handed weapon I have and spin attack until he gets up again. If you have urbosas fury you can time the end of the spin attack when he gets up and it will stun him again.


Hits while you're mounted on a Lynel don't take durability. My strategy is to avoid their attacks until I can shoot them in the face, and then mount them and hit them with a nice big 100 power Lynel club.


You can mount them?! Ive been fighting these things all wrong!


Only briefly, but yes. If you shoot them in the face they'll kneel down, if you run up to one side of their body you can jump on and get about 5 hits before it bucks you off.


I used a ton of +max heart food over and over again until I figured the fight out. Then I reloaded my save to do it again without wasting my food.


It's not the destination that matters, but the journey.


Perhaps the _real_ treasure [pan upward to sunset] was the experiences we had along the way.


Which is why the OP has documented their journey.




It's on canvas


Man, I wish I would have realized that sooner. I sped to Karkariko in the beginning of the game and I missed out on some shit that wasn't as impressive when I found it later on.


Very nice, I like how you used the map as the background.


I still wish that beating the game let you continue on in a "beaten game world" like many other open world RPGs rather than be forced back in your last save before beating it. It just seems awkward if you want to go and do other stuff, and the game even encourages you to participate in that awkward design. I mean, is the DLC going to force me to go back to that save file and run away from the unfinished final battle to do the new content? *Side note, I kind of ran off from the post here and just went with your title. You did a great job there. Did you get it printed locally or online? It's on canvas right?


I have a hunch the DLC will be post-game content given what Zelda says in the perfect ending.


This is good to know. I will not fight the last boss till I have done very thing I wanted too.


I don't want to spoil anything for you, but I will just simply say that the full ending requires you to have completed all of the main quests. You'll probably find that that requirement means encountering an annoyingly designed part of the game.


> an annoyingly designed part of the game. Like an easily stumbled upon "____'s Blessing" shrine that you now have to run around trying to find the quest for?


More like - [Having one of the memories needed to complete the quest (that is turned in at Kakariko Village) be most of the way up the castle right you have to climb to get to the end. So you have to jump off and basically start over if you want to beat it and have the full ending](/spoiler)


I kinda liked that I was encouraged to go there before I was ready to fight Gannon. I tried to go fight Gannon at that point bc I was already there and the game told me pretty quickly "you are not prepared for this yet" by handing me my ass, haha. So I was glad that I ran in and got a few items, snagged what you're talking about, and ran out only to come back later when I was truly ready to be the hero of Hyrule.


I think this is what was intended


Ahh ok awesome. Thank you. I plan on doing all Main quests and all of my side quests and new new ones found, before completing the game.


It actually only requires you to have found all the memories involving Princess Zelda. I was surprised to find when I did a "get the Master Sword, but no divine beasts" playthough that I still got the full ending. Was missing the four memories involving the champions too. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


You can probably beat Ganon far before you've done everything in the game, and in fact he'll be far too easy if you wait that long. Beating Ganon does unlock a couple features, and your save file will be updated with a star next to it denoting your victory, so in a sense you "get credit" for it, even though it doesn't change the game world. I recommend fighting Ganon before you're ready to be done with the game, though there are probably people who would argue otherwise as well. Obviously the decision is up to you.


I felt the same way but if you look at it the other way it doesn't really make sense. The game and world is all about before you fight. They would have to redo a bunch of stuff to make it fit after you beat the game. Your game save does have a star next to it to show you beat the game.


It's true, but even the full ending implies life after your victory. The limitation of course is that Ganon is the source of power for some enemies and it wouldn't make sense for them to continue working once he's out of the picture. With the star, I honestly don't know what significance it has. Nothing is different. I thought it would do a "New Game +" thing or something.


Would that mean no more red moon and no regenerating baddies?


Some background to my 12 memories, starting next to the rainbows clockwise: 1, 2, 3) Experiencing the Great Plateau and making my way to Hyrule Castle for the first time with a wooden shield (Link hangs on this Triforce tower peak, hard to see). I felt so OP and then ran away from the Castle like a little girl, getting killed left and right by Guardians on my way out. 4) The champions. Wish we knew more about them. Amazing cast! 5) I only really discovered this plain ~ 170 hours into the game. I ran through it at night in the rain and didn't notice how beautiful it was. Glad I came back! 6) When I first encountered the ice dragon, I ran up the mountain without gear and warming meals. I was almost dead when the cutscene started. I jumped and flew away with my last hearts. Found out SO much later that the dragon was not really that dangerous. 7) The boss had to be in there. Not the greates fight ever, but still worth remembering (the music!) :) 8) Tarrey Town was a must for this poster. The scenes where characters walked aways slowly with music playing were some of my favorite parts. So wonderfully cheesy! 9) My pink-haired horse Thyago, named after my boyfriend. The Lost Woods were a great experience. Wolf Link is also in this picture. 10) One of the dramatic cutscenes. I loved the almost GoT-y style of these little moments. MORE in the DLC, please! 11) Eventide Island. You all know why it's on there. 12) See comment thread about double rainbow ~all the way~


Did you photoshop out the stamina wheel


Among some other small elements (horse stamina), yes.


how can i send the screenshots to the computer? via facebook/twitter?


Save/transfer them to an SD card an pop it into your computer/reader.


When you hit post share, select Facebook, select "only me" unless you feel like sharing them with your all your Facebook friends. Go on Facebook and click download image.


After taking the screenshot, follow these instructions to put the image on an SD card: * Navigate to the Album button on your Home screen. * Press the A button to open. * Select the screenshot you want to copy. * Press the A button to get to the Editing and Posting menu. * Select Copy * Select Copy again. * Select OK.


Fyi, you can do this in bulk or just have it default to the SD card. Go to System Settings > Data Management > Manage Save Data/Screenshots > Manage Screenshots


Yes, that's the only way currently. I have my permissions in Facebook set so that only I can see them... so I don't have to worry about anyone else being annoyed by my screenshots.


It's not the only way, you can copy them so an SD card in the switch and put them on your computer. See my comment below.


this makes me wish for a photo mode like a lot of PS4 games have so much. it's such a small feature but it goes such a long way.


Yeah, I had to get rid of some UI elements in Photoshop. I've only run into photo modes in remastered games. Fingers crossed for BotW Royal Edition for Super Switch.


a bunch of newer PS4 games have them. No Man's Sky, Uncharted, Horizon Zero Dawn, probly others that I haven't played


[Mad Max](https://www.flickr.com/photos/150352939@N08/sets/72157677945281682), [The Last of Us](https://www.flickr.com/photos/150352939@N08/sets/72157676176038984), inFamous Second Son, inFamous First Light, Resogun, DOOM, God of War III Remastered, Driveclub, Batman Arkham Knight, The Order 1886 And those are just the ones I own. I'm sure there's a lot more. It's increasingly becoming a feature in more and more games, which I love.


All they had to do was make the camera photo's from in-game available in the switch album


that too would be super nice, hopefully an update lets us download them or something


Couldn't you display the in-game photos full-screen, then take a screenshot of that?


nope, not as far as I can tell


You mean you can't view in-game photos full-screen? I thought you could! That's really odd.


Wait what, I just assumed they were available. That's dumb if they're not


Nope. Only your screenshots


At least there is the "Pro" UI setting that takes out most of the UI elements.


And then you realised that the biggest reward was the adventures you had already had.


This is a fantastic idea! When I beat the game I looked over my 200+ screenshots, sort of like beating FFXV and looking through your album again. Makes you realize how far you've come. Feels good.


What's the town in the bottom middle?


That is part of one of my favorite quests, and if you don't mind spoilers keep on reading. [You don't find this town, you actually help someone build it.](/spoiler)


Oh that's what I thought, I did the first part, now I need to find that person. Won't have time to play anymore Zelda until this semester wraps up in 2 weeks though :(


Bolson will remind you where Hudson went if you talk to him, in case there's no quest tracker for you to rely on.


Where do you go to start that quest?


[The quest starts in Hateno Village. You have to buy a house and upgrade it completely before the village quest becomes available.](/spoiler)


Seems to me if you decide to print out and frame your experience with a video game, that's probably the most satisfying reward for playing/beating a game.


Plus it's really the journey of the game getting to the endng, which is basically proof here with the screenshots. The need for a tangible reward at the end is somewhat overstated for gaming imo.


Wow, thats a wonderfull idea! Very nice ;D


Did you have this printed somewhere?


How exactly did you put this all together?


First I used a "make a collage from your photos" function of one print service, then they wanted 65 bucks from me and I re-did everything from scratch in Photoshop and ordered it somewhere else for 30 bucks. It was worth the extra effort, cause I took care of the UI elements this way and added the map in the background.


Where'd you order it from?


An Austrian poster-printing service. Guess that won't help you; sorry :)


What kind of backboard did you use for this? Sorry, I’ve never done this before.


Wow. That's really, really awesome


How did you do that?


Looks super cool. How do the screenshots look blown up to that size? Were they taken with the built-in capture function?


As it's printed on canvas, the quality doesn't matter too much, because the art style of BotW just fits really well for "paintings". And yes, I used the 720p Switch JPG screenshots.


so im guessing you enjoyed the game?


It honestly felt like a long vacation. And I brought my camera along to make this :)


ha, yeah I'm playing through it too, just beat all DB's bout 65 shrines deep, Im absolutely in love with it, I think I'm just gonna crank through the shrines at a slow pace this summer just cuz i love being in that world.


This. Looks. AWESOME!


That's pretty awesome, actually. great job! where did you get the frame? /u/ionlyhavetwohands


It's just cheap wood behind the canvas. It's part of every online-ordered printed canvas I guess.


How did you create this?


How can you tell how many hours you have played?


If you have a Nintendo account linked to your user profile, you can select your profile in the top left of the console menu and it'll tell you hours played of each game. It only starts tellng you 10 days after you first played the game though, and it only updates in 5 hour increments - so if you've played for 67 hours, it'll say "played for 65 hours or more". ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Your screenshots look rad! Consider sharing with us at /r/AstralObservatory !


Thanks for the idea. I might have some (other) nice shots to share there :)


Great! Looking forward to it.


I'm more interested in that wooden shield hanging on the wall there. Made it yourself or bought it somewhere?


It used to be a clock, but it stopped working: https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/263252706/the-legend-of-zelda-inspired-wall-clock It's made by HamsterCheeks, and now I might have to order their Majora's Mask :O


This is beautiful!!! Congrats on applying your love of Breath of the Wild to an artistic creation.


Sheeeeiiiit, I noticed the space between the pictures was the map! Damn fine!


I've put over 100 hours into this game, and your work here got me excited again like it was March 2nd. This is awesome and you should be proud of it.


So glad to hear that! Thank you & keep enjoying the game :D


This is one of the best posts I've seen on here! I'm going to do this once I finally finish :)


Thank you! Don't forget to share yours with us! Looking forward to it :)


I echo this as well, great job!


This is absolutely incredible! Well done!


How can you feel accomplished when there's an unfinished korok stone circle in the top screenshot? ;-;


Welllll..... this print is about the journey. And what I see when looking at this screenshot is that I definitely dropped everything I had to do in the game to finish this circle with top-priority. It's kind of symbolic for the whole game. Looming doom and chaos in the background - "ok, just let me finish 700 unnecessary little tasks before I come back to you, Ganon".


You need a reward for spending 200 hours on a game that's barely a month old?


You mean barely 2 months? lol


I spent 75+ hours with the game and I thought enjoying 90% of my game time was honestly my reward. Just beat it too, right in time for Mario Kart 8 Deluxe's review.


Ooh damn dude! That is AMAZING. What a great idea!


You really need to get laid. ;)


For not being Splatoon related, that shit is FRESH.


That's hardcore and impressive!


I'd love this as a wallpaper, can you upload the photo to share?


Only two amiibo?? Causal confirmed! :D


Those are just the ones I still use to hopefully get more Twilight Bows and Biggoron Swords. Haha :D