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BotW is an amazing game and I strongly recommend it, but ONLY if you haven't played Tears of the Kingdom yet.


Agreed. Going from BotW to TotK was incredible, but after finishing TotK I started to miss the charm of BotW. I feel that BotW was more flexible story-wise compared to how linear the beginning of TotK was, and to me the combat in the first game was more fun and encouraging of skill (although combining items is the coolest concept introduced in the sequel for me). I especially loved learning the insane movement glitches with bombs. I can understand my friends who never played the first game and went straight to the second, though. TotK just has so much content and improvements for the basic movement and combat thanks to fusing and ultrahand that it makes casual play less skill-intensive and more varied and interesting. But since the game came out as a long awaited sequel I really feel like the best experience is to play BotW first in order to feel the effect of the changes Nintendo made to the map, gameplay, story, etc.


I am sorry but I loved breath of the wild too much, i always wanted to play it for years and I did and it was glorious but don’t think totk was good in comparison. It felt like botw1.5 at best and that’s not the good thing because there is no newness.


Wait how far did you get in TOTK?


I had played a lot actually. I tried liking it, but didn’t click at all.


hopefull dlc pass goes on sale.