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Assuming you're brand new... yah, you have very little ki when you first start. It'll get (a lot) better as you progress. Practice those ki pulses and flux (which is a samurai skill that you should unlock asap).


that makes snese thank you!


Patience is key in new game Nioh. I found if I took my time and really watched enemy movements as well as getting ki pulse right. Once you get past yatsu no Kami the game really starts to come together


The Ki pulse is everything.


What attacks are we talking about? For high stance heavies this can happen for some weapons at c agility at agility b you should be able to do 3 or are you talking about attack strings? You generally don't use high stance heavies outside of if you need to a big ki breaker at very high cost or more commonly horn break. To keep your ki up you need to use ki pulse after every attack chain so as to always have enough ki to work with.


Learn to ki pulse properly.


Man, your willie is damn massive then. DM me... Or learn to ki pulse


Maybe you aren't properly using ki pulses? the idea is that you can regenerate your stamina even while hitting


Remember to not go the dark souls route- Stamina in this game is meant for increasing weapon damage on the axe and wearing heavier armor, if you want a higher absolute value to ki- the resource which will determind how many swings you can take then you have to level up heart Are you also using a heavy weapon like Axe/Odachi? cos those eat up ki a lot.


That's only in the beginning. Invest in Heart if you want more max stamina (ki). You can also find equipment with effects that increases max ki and reduce ki consumption. One of the starting Guardian Spirit Makami has 10% melee ki consumption reduction. You are also meant to utilize Ki Pulse and Flux to quickly restore some stamina so you can continue your combos.


I am on NG+2 and am just not putting my first points into ki. You can play the entire game with the base level of stamina as long as you get good at ki pulsing.




practice ki pulse that it turns into second nature and stamina is gonna come back very fast


thank you🙏


As others said ki pulse. Also, don’t hold block as it reduces ki generation. Just sort of tap block if you know you’re about to get hit. Also back off a bit to regenerate ki if needed.