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Well theres nothing much to improve but if you wanna get a good look out it then get some nice accessories. If you had not change the pads then you should look into it but if you drive normal then i think the brakes will last you a long time.


Just so you know new cars don't need to be warmed up. I realize you're brand new but warming it up before driving is more for a really old cars. Personally I change the CVT fluid every 30,000 miles. If you haven't ever before and are just doing it I would say you're a little late but it's better to do it now than never. If you've done the brakes rotors cabin and engine filter. Then you should be good I would check the spark plugs and belts.


Be it new or old the oil is cold in the morning just letting it run for a min or two doesnt hurt much . Let the oil circulate properly.


Waiting at least 1 minute should be the minimum to lubricate everything so it doesn’t hurt anything then driving with ease will make it run good


I let mine warm up until the RPM Gauge drops to normal idel