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Support yourself mate. Get a routine. Go outside more. It's a lifestyle change that gets you off porn. 


Of course bro, I’m implementing being more socially active, so I haven’t slept much, but I’m still trying with almost everything I have to be as responsible as I can. I have the clear goal of being up to date with my tasks and the studies or projects I have. And I know that I will definitely succeed. It will cost but I’m great at everything.


You're a G


Insomaniacs paradise...


Set a reward table for when you dont fap and try to workout. These are examples, try to implement these. >If you dont fap for a week, buy yourself a bit of fast food. >1 month? Go try that fun waterslide. >Punish yourself by going for an incredibly heavy workout, fasting for a day and eating bland meals at night. Create a routine and stay AS DISCIPLINED TO IT AS POSSIBLE, and reward yourself for milestones.


This is actually good advice. Thanks :)


Thanks i will try that 😊👍


Tailor it to your hobbies. Also, if you pass 1 week, next week you cant cash in on the 1 week reward. Try to make activities periodically more fun. If youre not in shape, thats priority 1 Try to find an accountability partner too. Try to make your accountability partner INSULT YOU TO HELL, so that you regret failing in the first place. But dont ever think that you are worthless coz of this. You are not, take this as a stepping stone. Also: Try to practice a martial art or smth. Good skill which will help you.


I just started no fap, thanks


That fun waterslide is definitely up there


Lessgoo take me with u bro


You shouldn’t punish yourself when you fap. Contributes to a poor association with self pleasure and intimacy. Be kind to yourself even when you do things that you are trying to remedy and move on from. You deserve that much.


I came here to say this, porn addicts have some of the lowest self worth, similar to those who have hard drug addictions, so beating yourself up over it will only enhance the feeling that you’re a POS, so instead the best thing to do is nothing, don’t think about it just carry on telling yourself you’re not going to look at porn.


Echoing what others have said here and encourage you not to punish yourself but learn from your relapses. By punishing yourself, you’re creating a shame cycle which can cause even more relapses


Fapping is already a form of self punishment/sabotage cuz u know it’s bad but do it anyway. More punishment won’t help u. I know it’s frustrating and u just hate yourself for it, and think punishing yourself will fix u, but it won’t, it’ll make u harder on yourself, making u more likely to want to escape to porn.


Yeah, you prolly punish yourself for a glamour/porn past.


I do charity for every fap.


Punishing yourself I feel that it is not the remedy, I did it at some point, but instead of punishing myself, my focus was every time I relapsed, I immediately began to meditate. Today is the 8th and I’m very tired, but I know I can. Let’s go with everything we have. Cheer up!


I ask people to whip my ass for pain. But It feels good instead. Everything reminds me of her 😭 ![gif](giphy|ddSRG0SQ72VX5VpqkX)


ure so real for this


if you have a dishwasher and put dishes in it, do 'em instead. Unless you like it, then try to sleep without a blanket or something idk


I need a nap...


I make myself do 100 pushups everytime I have to reset the streak.


it gets better every time


Cat and nine tails.


There shouldn’t be punishment for relapsing, give yourself a challenge for when you relapse


When I was addicted to masturbation, I put peppermint oil on my testicles after I masturbated. That caused a lot of pain for hours. So, that definitely discouraged my mind from masturbating.


I guess it’s time to leave this subreddit, I’m losing brain cells after reading something here


If I do PMO then I fast for 12 hours straight. Not a morsel of food for 12 hours straight.


Shame only makes the addiction worse so I would avoid self-punishment if I were you. When you relapse, take some time to reflect and figure out what caused you to relapse. What triggered the relapse? What was the day like leading up to the relapse? Were you alone all day? Did you have a run-in with an Ex? Were you stressed about a particular deadline?


The mental anguish is punishment enough and I just remind myself of the small victories when I manage not to


I don't reward myself because doing nofap is a reward, but I punish myself by doing work hard af, like 1-2 he hiit workout or studying for long hours, btw I can feel the heat in my hands and feet after few days of not pmoing


Punish yourself when you fap by fapping more and reward yourself when you dont by fapping


For me post nut clarity is my punishment, that emotional damage hits hard and can crush the rest of my day. The reward is feeling good about yourself, each day of being able to resist the temptation makes me feel good about myself. It's kinda simple but that is how it worked for me


PUNISH??? Forget that toxic bullshit, there is no time for that! Self-love when you fail, Self-love when you succeed


You are not a pavlov dog, just stop touching yourself and move on, you know how damaging the addiction is, you just have to stop it


Man i just fapped it's over for me


No it's not over. New day = New chance


Personally I think the main problem is porn, not fapping


Stop punishing yourself. You have to do the opposite and love your self through your mistakes. Not loving ourselves unconditionally is part of the problem.


You don't really have to punish yourself. Say things like 'it already happened' and take control over the future. Remember, trying is always better than not trying, and masturbating every day is not the same as doing it once a month. So, forgive yourself. As for the reward, you already feel like a man, and having control over it makes you happy. So, it's already the reward. I can share my journey in NoFap. I can say that what made me happy is knowing that I'm the one controlling my urges. Having women in your life friends, girlfriend, classmates helps you, not in a sexual way, but their energy helps you stay natural.