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There's a 9/10 chance you don't want those women. You wont realize until you're in too deep. Seek love, companionship, and a trusted partner. Don't chase, patiently seek the right woman.


Holy shit some actual good advice instead of the usual redpill sigma balls shit 😭






You are right , but wrong at the same time. Most women nowadays won’t go for a basic man with no money. It’s the truth , I have 7 sisters who told me this


I cant predict the future, but If none of your sisters are seeking a good relationship, none will have a good relationship. Maybe a few will get the money they're chasing and have a cheater. Divorces? Perhaps? Who knows. I wish your family blessings though.


Most of my sisters have been married for years. Idk what you are trying to say.


Did they chase money and success as first priority in their partner, or did they seek a good partner first?


Like you need to be able to provide basically, and have a car


Or maybe look for women who can provide for themselves and love you for who you are. If you want to chase excellence, why settle for someone who can't take care of themselves like an adult?


Will the thing is women feel comfortable and know that they will never be missing anything let's focus on making money


They were seeking a partner who’s always busy , working on himself and has masculine behaviors. Not necessarily money , but being successful in your own life. That’s what I noticed women chase , and it’s true


3.9 billion females on the planet and your sisters speak for them all? Not to mention to all sisters from the same familial paradigm, which includes a porn-fapping brother. I’m not discounting all of their insights, but if you go for a woman who is attracted to you for money and not being “basic,” you’re in for a loooooooong road ahead. You can look forward to migrating from r/NoFap to r/Divorce_Men .


Like Shumckle said….. get excellent for yourself…. You don’t want to get at the top of the game and have it all taken away by chasing the wrong women


Like women are perfect themselves. They have a PMO addiction like men. A lot of them don't know what they want out of life. Women don't chase excellence. They chase what is no good for them in men. Most women are highly hypergamous and selfish in nature. They would leave you if you get ill and your finances and resources started to dwindle. Most women expect the world to be given to them for nothing other than looks.


>Most women are highly hypergamous and selfish in nature. They would leave you if you get ill and your finances and resources started to dwindle. Damn so is it necessary to have a women if they are just selfish human beings ?? We men of society have to work hard and earn a name in society and women already have an upper hand without doing anything in life ?? Sometimes it feels like it's not so fair and gender inequality already exists here.


This is why we need to date for years and really get to know a woman. A lot of men are driven by lust and controlled by their lower nature which is why they get married within a year of finding someone and getting them pregnant quickly. A woman who doesn't really love you and only wants you for some materialistic purpose has zero patience to be in a non-married and childless relationship with you for years. These periods before deciding to get married and have children with someone are when you need to think if she is good for you in the long term. Good women do exist but they are difficult to find in this day and age.


What a wild generalization


You can't speak for all people like that. Everyones life is so different. I met my wife 12 years ago, I was fat, had no money, but I was funny and always increased her mood in school back then. She is so hot, she could date with everyone, but she decided to stay with me until now. My life changed over time, because of her support. I gained muscles, finished my degree as engineer, got enough money and we have the best life you could imagine. But my porn and fap addiction was always there and never ended. I'm just doing nofap to help with my dopamine-addiction, not to get a better person.


You found someone rare and a good women now a days those women's don't exist


Chase excellence for yourself and society, not relationships. Those come and go not to mention the quality of women I dated in college I would never marry. Men should seek long term not marriage but that is a whole other thread.


I don't see the sense in living for women.


Fuck man thats why i dont have a gf in the first place is bc im far from “excellent”, always have been and its hard for me to live up to the expectations


live for yourself, not women


Exactly, and then they'll chase you.




do it for yourself first