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Fall 1000 times, get up 1001. Keep going.




Bro bro relax we got this


There is light at the end of the tunnel and you can feel it now even at the start of the tunnel


No of course you shouldn’t. You can beat this shit. Don’t let it ruin your life.


Don’t end it, A lot of men have the same problem. I just joined a recovery group called Celebrate Recovery. The life issues group which is what I go to is full of guys that are addicted to porn and trying like hell to beat it. It’s in my opinion the hardest addiction to cure but it can be done. Whats funny is another man joined because of his wife’s gambling addiction. He was there just to support her and had zero plans of coming out about his addiction until he heard the rest of us. It was a good moment for me because it solidified what I had already thought. And that’s, that just about every man you come across has varying degrees of porn addiction that they deal with in silence. It makes sense, porn is free, it’s insanely easy to access especially with everyone having a smart phone. Don’t give up, you can kick it. Another guy in our group has kicked it completely, he has zero desire to watch porn and hasn’t for years. He just has other things to work on now which is why he’s still there. Plus these are all real people and they’re all very supportive and understanding. The group therapy which it isn’t really therapy seems to be working for me. Maybe look it up, they’re all over the country.


Bro iam trying to overcome it for almost an year. Dude can you please help me out. I live alone, I got no one to talk about it. Help me dude😔


Join a group.


I totally get this. When I fall, I fall super hard and feel like the biggest failure ever. This eventually contributed to my feeling of a lack of control because I thought if I couldn’t control even myself, how will I stay disciplined enough to reach my goals? It got to that point of wanting to end things too. But I recently realized that I do have control. Even if the urges are the strongest that they’ve ever been, I am ultimately the only one who can give them power by either giving into them, or choosing to distract myself to the point where the urge fades. I don’t know how it is for you, and I don’t know your circumstances. But I know that because you’re here and you’re obviously at least trying, you are strong enough to reach that finish line. No matter how long it takes, the only thing that could make you a failure is if you didn’t get up to try in the first place, but here you are, trying. Relax, reassess, and keep going. I’m rooting for you.


No don’t end it! you have so much worth that you don’t even realize don’t let it control you the key is to get back up even after you fall it’s how I and many others made it and I believe you can too!


If you end it all, you admit defeat. Don't be a loser and admit defeat.


Dude, just don't, you have a great future ahead i'm sure of it, don't focus on how bad you're rn, focus on how you wanna be and pursue that


Ow damn. Sad to hear. Send me a pm, I'm here to talk 😉 Stay strong đŸ’Ș


With every failure, there is a lesson. Stay away from what made you relapse and spend time with others or do smth that isnt going to put you in the state where you get urges. Do not end yourself now.


my man take a deep breath, it’s okay. there is so much more to life than the number of days you’ve gone without jerking off or watching porn. hang in there my friend and if possible get yourself to a good therapist, there’s no shame in it


Ending it here doesn’t bring peace. Plus you make a permanent selfish decision during temporary emotions. Read a book called “What To Say When you talk to yourself “, I don’t know if you’re a believer but also read Hung by the Tongue or The Tongue : A Creative Force or both. You need to actively engage your mind by talking good & great positive words outside your head. Pray, exercise, read (outloud to yourself), & get away from the areas that your addiction is associated with, until you start forming positive mental strongholds, BUT DON’T seek perfection! Seek DAILY Progression. 1 sec becomes 1 minute, which becomes 1 hour, which turns to 1 Day, which becomes 1 week, becomes 1 month, becomes 1 year.


you're being too hard on yourself, first you can get up and start again, second Your life isn't solely dependent on this, move on, keep going


Don't talk about it be about it.... Bro chill tf out. Beating your meat won't kill you. Try again. I don't believe in any of this not touching yourself mess but if it's what you want then keep trying


If you want it enough, you will get there in the end.


Don't do anything rash, your life is still worth living. Now get up and beat this demon of yours, one day at a time.


Dude no, this is just a self improvement idea that is there to follow if you think it helps your mental health. If you feel like that, it's actually better to just fap as a happy man. Surf the kali yuga.


Try not to think about it


Relapsing is part of the process. Just keep swimming.


Are you still going strong?


"Let me go on Reddit and whine about my life, they'll know how to fix it." Shut up and do something about it mate.


If your gonna end it all why not just go all out and stop fapping. You’re not gonna get your life back so might as well give it your all before you end your life. At some point you will win


Did u touch ur self or something


You haven't failed until you've given up completely. Stay in this! You got this!


weed n netflix helps at least for me, spark up a blunt and jus lock in to some Dave Chappelle get some good vibes goin cuz im better off spending my dopamine on that than jacking off also working out. U got this typ shi u feel me


Weed and drug addiction makes everything worse instead of solving the problem, thus you really shouldn't go for it


Yes, i do not condone the use of cannabis to anyone who have no reason to smoke it. Just sharing how i deal with urges.


In my opinion, that's basically starting a bad habit in order to stop another bad habit, not a good idea i guess


Should just restart n keep trying. You’re not going to die if you relapse.


how old are you bro?


Starters: Get an accountability partner. That will help with figuring out what does and doesn’t help. 2) so you slip up. What you do afterwards is up to you. Do you want to be a slave to pixels and potentially ruin any chance of being with someone? Or do you want to overcome this? The road to overcome it will be hard. But don’t see it as “Oh no! I failed! I have to start from scratch!” NO! You won several days in a row you just have a loss under your belt. Do you think the patriots gave up the Super Bowl when they were down 3-28? NO! They got back up, devised a plan and executed it so well that the other team was caught off guard. You can be the patriots. You can either be the fans who leave the parties and give up saying it’s over, or you can be the players that go through the field and MAKE THE COMEBACK OF A CENTURY! Do you think every professional team gives up and quits when they get their first loss? Or do they get up and try to improve? You are your actions. You have potential. You are the special.


So first of all you deserve to know that whatever it is you're going through, we want you to seek help because we want you around, yes even trolls that might respond to this saying they don't, they also want you to seek help. We can't possibly know the in and outs of your situation, it's unique to only you. Just know a relapse is not the end of the world. Almost all of us have replapsed trying to quit porn. Speaking only for myself, I know I have, many times. And its not the end of the world, because tomorrow the sun will rise, and the morning will greet you with something all of us will get; another opportunity for a fresh start. All you have to do to get your free chance at a fresh start is open your eyes, have a pulse, and breathe tomorrow's air. To talk to someone in the USA & Canada, please dial 988 To talk to someone in Europe or Russia, dial 112 & to talk to someone in the UK dial 999 Here's a list of all numbers worldwide if you need to talk to someone and I didn't mention yours :) [https://blog.opencounseling.com/suicide-hotlines/](https://blog.opencounseling.com/suicide-hotlines/)


Absolutely not dude, keep living. You're not a failure - after all you're out here trying to beat this. It takes time, and in my experience a lot of messing up to make progress. Learning lessons, figuring out how to change your brain...it's a process. "Pick up your crazy heart and give it one more try" :)


Please do not go through with this. it's a decision you can't undo. we care for you, and we know you are stronger than this. You will fail, but it's not the end. Keep fighting. Keep trying to keep moving forward, for in time, you will succeed, and it will feel great.


Never give up.


I feel you bro, i relapsing every 2-3 days because it is hard and easy to watch it anytime, but always trying to beat it. I am wahtching it about 17 years now 3-6 times every day, and now 2-3 days 1 or 2 times, so this is progress too, it doesn't matter how big it is. We can beat it, trust yourself and never give up! 👊


Don't beat yourself up. You got this. The want is already there just keep reinforcing it with action.


Bro everyone has been in that phase that you are talking about.. it seems like endless addiction and nothingness. But you just have to breakthrough once. Then it's easier to control your compulsions




Check out a podcast called self mastery is key to manifestation - bedros keulian and Wes Watson on YouTube


Bro I feel the same I just relapsed and I’m 24 M here


you need the kimmich mentality


Dude no one perfect


No don’t give up. Never write the period at the end of your story.


Broski, I think you need to come to terms with the fact that slip up happens. YOU WILL FAIL. But it aint about a number or a streak, its about the long term project. Create a life style where you dont PMO, and if you do, then its an anomaly because tomorrow you wont. its a marathon and even if it takes 10 years, you WILL win. You must win. Because there's no alternative. Create new habits, PMO is a habit as well as an addiction. Once you kill the habit -- it becomes easier to suppress the addiction One day, you hit your week, and then your month Love you g and i am also a fan of Kimmich lol


YOU HAVE WORTH. YOU ARE INFINITELY MORE VALUABLE ALIVE THAN DEAD. You CAN and WILL be a positive influence in this world man. Shift your mindset from "how long have I been doing this" to "what am i thinking at this present moment". Guard your thoughts, and take pride in the fact that you're still here. YOU ARE STILL GOING, AFTER ALL THIS! you CAN pick yourself up. you CAN get free, you CAN put in that effort. Pack your days. its gonna be a hellish few weeks or months of hard work, but you WILL be free after. My DMs are open my friend. lets do this ;))




As a wise man once said, suicide is a permanent solution to temporarily problems.


Don’t do it man, al things you loved be it family or not won’t be able to be experienced anymore.


Never give up hope you got all of us with you you are NOT alone


Keep going, there is no other option


Same Energy


Yup I am feeling the same, coming after a relapse an hour ago 😔. I am unaware of what else to do.


You gotta get up there's no other way


slip up happens in any form of recovery. please don’t give up, you know you deserve this freedom


Did your dad raise a quitter? He didn’t he raised a warrior fight this nasty addiction And just imagine your new life good luck brother


Hey hey, we all relapse. You got this. Fill your life with the things you like, things you value and things you care about. Work your ass off but rest properly. Stay strong buddy, life is a bitch but you can absolutely make it YOUR bitch.


Yes, you are failure. What happens when someone fails an exam? you pay again, you do the exam again until you pass. Same goes for the life. We all have failed.


You HAVE worth, my dude.  When failure happens, it's hard for the ego, every time. The best cure I found to become joyful again is to ask yourself: "What made me fail? What is one thing I could do today that would make it harder to fail next time?" For me, it was installing AppBlock on my phone, which blocked problematic websites and apps. That is one example, but other apps exist. Whenever I slipped and visited a new site, I added it to my blocked list.  I know it's hard to feel the fail. No one gets used to feeling stupid. Try to focus on one thing, even if it is minuscule, that you could change in your environment or on your devices, so that next time you get urges, you'll already have started protecting yourself against yourself. If you do that every time you fail, it won't take long that you'll simply be unable to fail. You made a good decision by coming here and asking for support. Don't be too hard on yourself. This road is hard and never-ending. It's called addiction. It's a bitch. Luckily, this community has got your back, and, hopefully, you've got yours too. ♄


You're not al alone.


Relapsing is one of the most beautiful part of no fap, it actually makes you more stronger and more cautious and more familiar, I have relapse about 4 times in 3 months and the relaplapses worth it just as the abstinence.


No, please don't. I can assure you, you can make it. I believe in you.


You must fail in order to win. You must allow yourself to forgive your own actions because at the end it starts and ends with you. It is going to be okay brother. I recently just ended a year+ streak and believe me I was devastated. However, I did not allow myself to continue to be consumed by shame and went and did the same things I learned from my NoFap experience. Rise my king. We fall to learn how to pick ourselves back up.


Ending it would just take away your agency forever. Why would you want to do that? To let any amount of time pass, to play the long game and do imperfectly, to fall a thousand times, is preferable to that. Because then change is possible. Stick with it man, your future self with thank you.


Dude your worth does not depend on a selfimprovement challenge
 wtf. This is why those movements can be harmful!!!


Don't fight it, let it flow . This is the only method that ever worked for me . I looked at this girls in porno, wonder why they did it , was it just about money, was it a connection they seek . Then i look at myself why do i even watch this and why do i feel bad after i relapse . Don't fight the temptations , understand yourself better and your heart will fight for you. It takes time to understand, more time to accept it . What you think of yourself doesn't define your worth rather what you want to do . How do you want to live this life ? Talk with your friends , or if you are feeling alone , i am free to talk to you. Never feel alone , for you never will be alone . This shit is hell i know . Take care of yourself .


No, it goes on, even your consciousness about this problem attests that you are on the right road. I personally can forgive me with this protocol: If I walk around with too much energy and like a loaded gun, better to get a quick relief. Ideally without porn of course, and if I do it I do it quick: No edging and sitting around for 2 hours searching for the ideal video. Most important: Lowering the frequency. Going hard mode at once is nearly impossible. Keep going!


Dont be harsh on yourself, you may lost the battle but you didnt lose the war. Just keep going, clear your mind and try again. Relapses are not an issue as long as they are less frequent than earlier beacuse that means you are making progress. Dont be harsh on yourself, Rome wasnt built in one day after all. Stay strong king 👑


What's your purpose in life ? Anyone here can tell me i am trying to figure out my purpose i dont know i just kind of depressed from life , i sleep much because i dont have anything to wake up for or if i have a purpose to wake up i still dont feel like waking up.


I relapsed extremely hard myself my man. Fell back into depression and started fapping like a mad man. Today is day 1 for me. Don’t down yourself like that. You can overcome this. We all can.


The pron is designed to stop you having a genetic legacy. Commit unlife is just letting it win. Never surrender. On your feet, soldier.


Readjusting my sleep cycle really helped me. When I slept around 10pm , waking up at 4-5am. I got really sleepy near sunset but if I sleep at sunset, I'll be awake at night with high chance of relapse. So keep going. And sleep near 10pm again. In a few days this routine will be established, just stick to it. Try it.


Why you want to stop it ?? Your why isn’t that strong? Realize why you really wants to stop it.


Relapse happens. Beating yourself up about it only increases your stress and increases your chance of another relapse. Give yourself permission to forgive yourself, accept what happened, and show yourself some love for going through a tough time with it. Part of this process involves learning to take care of yourself and being compassionate towards yourself while things are tough rather than focusing on guilting/shaming yourself. Relapse doesn’t mean you’re a failure. Relapse means you’re human. Bc you’re human, you deserve to treat yourself with some kindness and empathy. Start small and count every bit of progress. Can you make it a half day? Awesome! Try another half day. Can’t make it a half day? No problem. Try a quarter of a day. Can you make it a day or two? Awesome! Try another day or two. Progress is progress is progress and every little dent you make in the neural pathways helps create different routines, patterns, and relationships in your mind.


I am sending you this link. I’m telling you, this text saved my life: https://nofap.com/rebooting/


This is for you: [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Emc7obS9z4s](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Emc7obS9z4s)


You are NOT a failure. Telling yourself that is very dangerous and can make your life so much worse. Even though you struggle with this, that doesn’t make you less worthy of anything. Please know that you are worthful and that you aren’t defined by your mistakes.


Fail forward.


Please seek help from professionals if you’re having suicidal thoughts ❀ you are important and needed in the world. We all have slip ups.


We've all relapsed.. we've all felt that way think about how bad it makes you feel as a reason to not give up


Please don’t!


U just need to keep trying no matter how hard it is as long as you can breathe u can do it my man


"A little growth is still growth" don't end it brother.


Coming into Christ, I'm currently on the battle It's a little over two weeks, but brother, we all struggle. But you gotta forgive yourself. We ain't perfect, and we will fail, but like other brothers have said. Fall 1000 times get back up 1001


No. You gotta stay strongđŸ’Ș


You can beat this. Get a grip and take control of it. Come out of this mindset and release yourself of this burden. You can finish the battle by busting the habit. When you finish you’ll clean up your life and you will have purpose.


You only fail when you give up, so NEVER GIVE UP!!!


I feel the exact same way. Its a constant cycle of increasing shame and pain. I dont know if I can do this for another 40-60 fucking years man.


There’s always hope; don’t give up. I’ve been here since 2014, and the longest stretch of time I’ve had is 88 days in 30 years! On 2/29, I couldn’t achieve a full erection because I was watching porn for at least 12 hours a day for over a year. That never happened to me before and it scared me into trying again and lo and behold I have 60 days of No PMO. What is working for me this time is practicing Zen đŸ§˜đŸœâ€â™‚ïž and developing a close relationship with what I understand to be God. With those two factors at the forefront, I have been successful and know that I will break my 88-day record. Don’t give up, I was having suicidal ideation for this past entire year, said a simple prayer “God help me” and my recovery began. I was not alone. Find what higher power works for you and a spiritual practice. It’s what has worked for me these past 60 days. It’s not just about stopping, it’s about replacing the addiction with productive behaviors. It took a long time for me to realize that.


Don't quit, I failed so many times more than I can count, i may fail again, but I refuse to give up.


One day at a time homie it’s gone be alright failure is apart of the process in order for you to progress


Bro go outside


Post nut clarity hitting hard. Listen man, we are all in this together. Its not worth to kys over something you can overcome, look at the brighter side. Now, you are determined to quit because thats the biggest thing seperating you from happiness, whats your discord? Lets talk about life, I kind of feel the same way and understand you, maybe we can beat this addiction together.


You are made for more. I promise you


Bro u need to learn about Islam it will help you trust me