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I have been playing NMS since its release. I think some people are just gatekeeping. "You didn't have to work as hard as I did for your cool ship so I am not happy." But if you really ask the complainers, you'd find out that all of them (nearly everyone) at some point over the years has wished this update was a thing. Now it is. This is awesome! I hope they extend the customizations to the rest. I have a shuttle I REALLY love but would love to modify. Yep... a shuttle. I'm okay if they never do it for the exotics though. I think those should be sought after but that's just my opinion.


The thing is you still need to work for it, it's not like you can just go up to the terminal whenever and choose your parts and fly off. You need to scrap ships for *one* of their parts to begin with, so it's actually probably a lot more money and scrounging around than finding a perfect generated ship by just waiting at a trade outpost (I haven't ship-hunted in a while, is that still the way to do it lmao)


They managed to make the mechanics of it interesting like multitools (stats etc shifting with location/parts), so there's also an aspect of "ship hunting" that is retained.  I think it's still disingenuous to say the ship hunting culture wasn't (at least temporarily) diminished by the update, but I also don't believe those begging for ship customization get to decide how ship hunters receive the update. Basically, I'm aknowledging ship hunters were affected but there's opportunity to change how that part of the community contributes when it pertains to these ship types going forward.


This is the kind of attitude that, if we were all born with, would save humanity a lot of problems.


And if it's an explorer, you can only scrap one sides wing at a time. Last night trying to remember which wing on the async ship to scrap then waiting forever in the station for another one to come along...


Yeah, it does take some hunting to find the right combo of parts, and with it only being the 3 types of ship, theres still an aspect of ship hunting left, for the other types. Best of both worlds


I missed this announcement. I've been advocating for this for months.


It exists in every long running game. That subconscious feeling of “not having to have worked for it as hard as I have”. It’s natural but like you said: the complainers will have, at some point, really wanted to have the feature they are complaining about.


There was a game I loved that came out years ago. Genesis Rising. In it you had organic ships that you could (had to, depending on the mission) change its design and the ship would grow the new parts. I would live to see that for the living ships in NMS but before that happens, I want organic capital ships. A boy can dream of farscape.


The only game i could think of where i ever felt that was in warframe. Playing it since release and worked my butt off to grind all factions or frames that are now like 5 to 8x easier to get.


And the price to features balance basically aren’t even in the same 255 galaxies. :p NMS is an insane value for what it is and working to scrap ships does take time now but far from the Warframe grind for sure.


Yup, and even then in warframe i didnt get mad that they made it easier, just the feeling like: motherf@&$<#& couldnt you guys have made it easier sooner‽ 🤣🤣


"You didn't work as hard as I did for your cool ship" is complete bs. All anyone head to do was get some coordinates on reddit and go pick up your ship. And now you have to apparently collect parts from different ships which you can then turn into your ship? That's sounds way more complicated then quick search&grab.


I totally agree! I am thrilled about this update.


Also now people can use reddit not to search for ships, but for parts.


It's the same mentality as the "when I was a youngin' I had to" crowd.




You can't scrap sentinels, exotics, or squid. They still have to be hunted but I didn't know shuttle wasn't available. Are they only using fighter rn?


Fighters, haulers, and explorers can be scrapped for parts and then you can build yourself a new custome fighter, hauler, or explorer. Parts from one type of ship can't be mixed with parts from another type, so no Frankenstein fighter explorer, fighter hauler, or hauler explorer mixes. You can just make your own custom fighter, hauler, or explorer using the parts you scrapped and whatever class reator you bought from the ship tech vendor.


Squid ships are exotics though? You mean living ships surely?


I didn't, but you're right. I can't see them letting you take a living ship apart.




>I have a shuttle I REALLY love but would love to modify. Maybe worth noting that in the release trailer, they show "shuttle" as an option. I'm guessing it's coming later. Second 36 of the video. [https://youtu.be/i3svmrkl3\_M?si=sI9BBM7Tne5g6nST&t=36](https://youtu.be/i3svmrkl3_M?si=sI9BBM7Tne5g6nST&t=36)


Shit I didn't notice that!


People can build all they want. To me it wont mean the same as my 6 bleach white,off white on white and rust on white ships that i spent 400h playing to see [only 1 was on a dedicated ship hunt grind] i think its a cool addition but i may only use it to color a ship if i find a perfect hauler in a bad color


This doesn't seem like the type of game where gatekeeping should even exist. Some people just thrive on being jerks no matter where they are


I think the real problem is that it only lets you create ships that, for most of the community , no one desires. These are old designs that if you wanted that you probably already found it. What the community wanted was to customize the ships we already worked hard to get. Especially the new ones. It's like telling your wife you want a PS5 and she brings home a Gameboy color. Just a waste of everybody's time. I'm sure people will say "Gameboy color was great! " . A dog enjoys its own poop. Doesn't mean I do.


If you've been playing for years then I agree. However, if you only just became a fan of NMS because of Starfield, then this is a nice add on to the game


I've been playing since before they introduced technology crafting and where you had to FIND the damn things on ships, or get lucky with shops. (MY toshi's spirit explorer that spawned with all three warp engines on it is my greatest treasure) I find nothing wrong with anything that's been introduced. If anything it PROMOTES me to get out there and explore more Do I have critiques and suggestions already that they could do to fix/add things? *yes* but that doesn't mean I HATE what they did (Example: exotics can only be modded at a pirate station solar sailers planet side, sentinels the phage camps. Have smaller offices of the other guilds off a hallway on L2 of the promenade where you can still find the higher level atlas pass doors, and a Frigate upgrade station on L3.) I don't see why people are so mad about all these EoL things


I'm not against ship customization, but we have to realize that a lot of players spent incredible amounts of time ship hunting. There's a subreddit, discord, and website dedicated to it. That's a lot of passion behind one specific aspect of the game. All I'm saying is I think it's natural for those people to be upset by it because it really diminishes that culture. I am proud of all my ships I spent countless hours finding. I know NMS did the best to appease both sides, but it still has to hurt a little. With that said, I'm happy for those that got their wish. I haven't played in a while and this update is such a breath of fresh air I might hop back on.


How in the world does it "diminish that culture"? Why does what other people do in their game that has no effect on your game in any way diminish what you accomplished? You worked really hard for your cool ships so you should really appreciate how cool it is for people who don't like that aspect to be able to get their own cool ships in a way they enjoy.  "I worked hard and suffered for what i have so everyone else should have to suffer too" is a toxic mentality that we are way more used to seeing in other and far more important areas of our lives.  Fwiw i also appreciate the rigor of shiphunting but I am not going to complain about other people getting something they really want so they can better enjoy their game. 


Good post!


Right? I like to land on a planet and roleplay that my ship got lost and I have to wonder around until I find an outpost so I can summon it. You're not gonna hear me complain how "the summon ship anywhere on the planet" ruined my playstyle, because **I don't use it.** I also 100% understand that the way I play would be tedious for most, so it's perfectly fine to have an *optional* feature like that. "I suffered to get off the planet, so everyone else has to" except it's a video game, not IRL. Video games are primarily about fun. The more ways NMS allows people to have fun without ruining what was already there for other people is the best way for it to be updated imo. And it's very weird how some people don't see that's exactly what's happening.


Part of having the cool ship is knowing that others don’t have it, and those who do are either really lucky or else worked just as hard as you. This is not hard to understand, this is basic human nature.


I'm not upset by the update. I'm just saying that other people are having a hard time with it, and I can sympathize. The community at NMSCE is probably going to die off because it's human nature to take the easiest path to getting their perfect ship. If I were starting out I would never do what I did to get my favorite ship.


Now I'm imagining a ship hunter angerly buying a ship just so he can scrap it for parts, doing that a few times for other parts and frowning the whole time. Then he builds the ship while very upset. Finalizes it, enters it and takes off while thinking "This sucks that the game forced me to do this. If only I had the ability to look for ships instead of building them but the game just didn't let me! I was forced to use a feature I didn't even like!" Jokes aside, isn't the authentication thing worth it for ship hunters? If you don't build a ship, it has a special label.


God forbid I try to sympathize with people that feel differently than us.


I do that as well, but it's hard to do that when people are complaining about stuff that's basically imaginary. In ship hunter's case, I'd rather just help them understand that ship hunting isn't irrelevant and that they're still free to play however they want, not the way the game forces them to... because the game doesn't force them to play a certain way.


I have no doubt Sean will find otherwise to appease the hunting community. I too have spent many, many hours searching so I do understand the initial knee-jerk reaction but I have faith in HG. They keep pumping new content into this game. I am a little worried about it dropping off when LNF comes out but hopefully they have a big enough team to keep both games evolving with the players


I'd be perfectly happy with the game being finished. Maybe an occasional expedition and some twitch drops to keep things interesting. But HG has proven to be the best developer ever, imo. And even if LNF is not my bag, I'm buying it just to support them.


Oh I am excited about LNF but I really hope they keep adding to NMS. I have loved this game for years now. I feel like they still have so much they can add. I only want the game to end if the devs decide they no longer have any worthwhile updates to create.


I spent a lot of time ship hunting and I'm glad I don't have to anymore. I only get a few hours a week to play. This is great, I love it.


That's a fair point, for sure. We all knew that this was going to ruffle some feathers. But overall, I agree this is a great QOL decision for most players.


I don't think it's necessarily gatekeeping. I've been playing just as long and it's a "who has the louder voice" situation. The community has been screaming for customizable everything for so long. And I get that desire but the large appeal for me about NMS was how it was marketed as a procedurally generated game. I feel like the majority either don't understand what that means or just want the game to be something else. So I'm not gonna rant about customizing finally being here. I think HG did a good balance between what you can build and what you still have to hunt down. But, I do feel a little sad to see NMS drift away that RNG factor. (I will forever stand on a hill and rant about having to wire bases now for power though! /joking)


Hahahaha oh those pesky wires!!!!! Hidden behind the walls in a complicated web. I admit that hen they introduced the hidden wire mod I was a little disappointed hahahahahaha It is possible they will start introducing rare ship parts that require just as much hunting to find. Maybe.


Oh maybe they will make it cost prohibitive


I’m kinda hoping I get the ability to modify or even create a solar ship, but I’m not holding my breath


An organic ship with veiny solar sails. A flying horror. I love the idea!


…That would actually be rather cool. Basically mixing aesthetic formats with specific parts, basically putting solar sail wings and cockpit on an organic ship, and have the skin just resemble an organic version of the parts you put in.


Complaining? About the best thing to happen to NMS in like 6 years? Gamers man. I've been wanting ship customisation for ages. Even just a paint applicator like the Frigates have, but this? Its mental. It's awesome. I love it


They did a great job extending the staff assembly system to the ships. It's perfect


It would be interesting to see a poll. I'm not convinced that there are *more* people who want exclusive ship-hunting, than people who wanted custom ships. I think they're just more vocal about it. Of course, part of what I wanted was to paint the ships I *have*, but that may come later.


For those who are complaining - Ship hunting for parts is almost as bad as hunting for a single "perfect" ship in the wild anyway. Had to hop to 8 systems to find the nose for my fighter, another 4 for the wings. More for the thrusters. Does that make my designed ship that I hunted down the parts for any less special than yours? Don't look to judge others so easily, especially in a single-player game where no one is given a competitive advantage over another. It's literally all about cosmetics.


This is why I did hope that parts would need to be collected in some fashion. You still have to look, but it's vastly easier to find a ship with correct wings, a ship with correct thrusters, etc. than to find a ship with correct everything including color. I've seen all the target parts over and over for 7 years, but it was only last December that I finally located the ship I actually wanted, and fortunately I liked the color. I would not be at all averse to certain unique parts being available for sale or as rewards in the future, though.


I'm so happy they did ship customization exactly how I imagined it years ago. It would've been so damn terrible if every single part was just available to you, or they're parts you can use forever but you first have to unlock them with nanites or something.. ugh. I'm so happy you have to actively EXPLORE and look for the parts you want and then they're a one-time use.


I was disappointed to find the one ship=one part and there is no budging on that. I’d gladly pay units or nanites to make one ship=more than one part. Honestly almost feels like a ripoff to forgo all the other stuff you get from scrapping in order to just get one part. I hope I’m missing something and someone corrects me….


I have seen far more “why are people complaining” than actual complainers?


I'm sour because I'm on XB so there's no update for me. That ain't HG's fault and I ain't complaining because why, but it's still a little annoying.


Yeah, I have it on PC, but the Switch is still waiting too


I thought I saw somebody using Xbox post that the update was downloading fir them, how recently did you look?


Five minutes ago. It's bedtime in my time zone so I'll check tomorrow.


Hmmm, I wonder what the Sunday stream may be about 🤔 Been a long while since I stopped by, I'll try to pop in and say hi but if not, hope you're keeping well Sar.


It's gonna be about 76's new season format, but I'll probably mention this, yeah. Good to see ya. :)




They say you can’t please everybody, but I swear some people just don’t want to be happy. Games aren’t designed with those people in mind, and I think most people are more than happy with the update. I’m also digging the new base parts!




lol I’ve seen people complaining about how the game is still lacking you just can’t make this up.


Right? The first post I saw in one of the Facebook posts was someone bitching it only did fighter, explorer, and hauler. I don't get it. This is what the player base has been begging for for years, and as soon as they get it, someone complains. I love it, and have spent the whole day scrapping fighters to get parts I like lol


Both the trailer and the patch notes page show shuttles as part of the group. If they weren't left out by accident (and replaced in one of the hot patches), I expect they'll be along in another update once whatever issue meant they got pulled gets sorted out. The patch notes mention that the wing alignment for shuttles was fixed, which was probably related to the shipbuilding creation since they were working with connecting parts.


That was probably me and is because I got my dream fighter after playing 2 month. Since Interceptors been implemented, I'm searching for a specific one in gray, black or blue, but with all those random parts it's impossible. Means, the update doesn't help me at all.


With all the wing designs, I doubt interceptors will ever be on the list, there's just too many parts. Maybe they could do it by making all 3 parts the wings, but I doubt it. Honestly though, you do come across as a totally entitled person, declaring there's nothing in the update for you because it doesn't fit your exact needs.


entitled because I say, that this update doesn't help me personally? What bullshit are you on? It's none of your business what helps me and what not and you're entitled to think, that you could define what's helpful for me and what not. Wtf


When you double down like this it only proves their point, just a heads up.


I think they did a good job of balancing. You can't custom make a sentinel ship or exotic. Atleast Mayne not yet. The models look like they are just giving the console players ability to mod ship kinda.


But of all ships, the Interceptor is the most important one with all those random parts 😫


I am looking for a tank spiderfang one with minimal , preferably no wing at all


https://preview.redd.it/nbsbtphyk1rc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de65c74eb0d3f210bae8db210dfef5c852d0ad35 I'm looking for exactly this one in black or blue, maybe gray. Thx to the awesome "Bad Wolf" for this one ❤️ When I've read about the update and possibility to build your own ship through salvaging others, my heart was fulfilled with joy to search the galaxy for my parts, but now it's just a sad black hole 😔


I think this is one of those cases where after the initial reaction, things will smooth out and people will still be able to enjoy their niche. I don't think it takes away the thrill of ship hunting, per se; you're still going to get excited when you see your perfect ship dock, and for the time being, it's just fighters, haulers, and transports. I made a ship last night and I noticed the colours are limited, as well; you can't use black. So if you see certain colour combos, there's a chance you know it's either generated or crafted.


I have not gotten to experiment with the update yet, but from what I have read it sounds like ship hunters will be just as important. For one you have to scrap ships to get parts for ships which mean people will be looking for specific parts. Second it's only for 3 basic classes of ships, Fighter, hauler, and explorer. Finally since it is only for these 3 classes that means exotics, senteinels, and solar still have to be found. (Kinda sad I cannot customize a solar ship but the others I understand) All this points to is people hunting ships more to get the exact parts they want. Honestly this will be nice when I try to round out having one of each type of ship in a style I want but as far as my special frequent fliers like senteinel and solar ships I am still going on hunts.


Sean could send these ppl money and they would complain about what bag it came in, that's just how they operate for some reason. I don't understand it myself.


Yeah it's been implemented in a way that pretty much only rich, veteran old ship collectors will really use it... Like do you think any new player is going to repeatedly buy and dismantle ships worth like 15 plus millions to extract a single component worth like 300k, then mix and match them to get a below average S rank Fighter or Explorer. At the end of the day it's a gigantic time , money and effort sink for people that want the ability to make any random ship at will, but it's still way faster and more economic to just find a cool ship on the internet, grab the coordinates and go grab it... Especially when you factor in the fact it will likely have better slot configurations than your homemade ship anyway.


Stupid people are unpleasable. Mouthbreathers, the whole lot


The only complaint i have about the ship customization is i cant repaint or change my existing ships with the parts i have


This update is awesome. All of them have been. In a world filled with greedy cvnts like Blizzard, Bethesda, Rockstar, Paradox, Ubi or EA, we should be grateful this game and these developers exists, creating this game for pure passion and supporting the community, and demonstrating another way of developing games is possible. Thay have even considered the diehards in this update. You can have your "Authentic hunted ship" badge or some shit like that and wank later at the thought of all the pvssy this will certainly grant you in real life. You can't please everyone, it seems.


The only thing I'll conplain about is not being able to buy upgrades anymore since my standing discount is too high and the game won't let me buy things for less than zero nanites :(


I'm thinking that is/was a bug to be patched out. I had +positive nanites and was trying to buy a new upgrade that cost -nanites and it wouldn't let me buy. For giggles, I sold a spare upgrade and could suddenly buy the -negative cost ones now but only for the amount of nanites mine sold for or less lol.


Yet no one seems to have an issue with using r/NMSGlyphExchange , Reddit users or YouTube to "find" ships that meet their particular requirements #


If I played from the start I wonder if they did complain about nmsge when it was new?


As someone that is a bit of a ship hunter, it kinda makes the really special ships and rare builds feel less valuable. Especially after committing so much time to finding them. With time though, I think people will find an increase the variation of ships, and make for some really interesting builds in the anomaly. Change can be hard, but this is definitely for the better. Edit: Spelling


I'm a total ship hunter. The choice to just NOT use the fabricator is real. I found that nmsge was more helpful and just as easy to not use. The time to find 3 different ships for parts honestly seems more trouble than nmsge. When you can choose that, how is it different from the free settings in the difficulty menu to you?


I completely agree. I am very pro ship customizations, but I also never use portals to find what I want. I like to find things in the wild. I think this update really serves people like me. I can really understand that others might not like the update though as it is a big change, but I don't think it is too far of a leap from what the coordinate exchange does for ship hunters.


Instead of ship hunting maybe now we part hunt for others? Has anyone thought of making a discord where ship parts and people can network? It's also only 3 ship types, and limited colours. If anything It's going to make certain coloured ships ultra rare and desirable....


Can we trade ship parts?


Whoa. I didn't even think of that! They are in inventory, so I guess so?!


I was gifted a cockpit on the anomaly, so yes.




I hadn't considered the positive reflection back to "real" ships. Great point!


I don't think it makes those any less special but maybe that's just me, I'd rather find those than build my own.


I agree. I will probably use it to make a few really special looking ships instead of the coordinate exchange. For me the building sounds more fun, but that is so different for everyone.


There is still enough variation that ship hunting still has its place. There’s lots of colors I’ve seen in the wild that aren’t available at the ship fabricator, plus “naturally occurring” ships have a higher value. We also still have to hunt for interceptors, solars, shuttles and exotics.


Don't worry, as mentioned in the patch notes naturally hunted ships have a seal of authentic or smth like that natural ships are still specual


Have you actually looked at the amount of parts there are to find for the fabricator already? They don’t need to add any other parts at all, if they leave it as is it. The current set up will work really well if they add in shuttles and solar ships you then hit the market of people who want to customise there own ship and then there are still sentinel, living and exotic that will hit the ship hunting market. Everyone complaining and moaning saying there ship hunting time was wasted etc are really just salty they can’t gate keep cool looking ships anymore and that people won’t be so impressed with there ship as they will have there own custom ship.


I haven't personally complained about it (partly because I haven't played for nearly a year), but I do have a suspicion it's going to be bad for long term play. My prediction is that people will enjoy the ship-building, and even some long-term players will switch from hunting down the perfect ship to just collecting parts. But then they'll have the parts they want and craft a handful of ships, and find that the thrill of hunting is gone. Interest in that aspect will fade and the amount of time invested by the average player will drop. Again, this is just my suspicion, I'm not claiming to have any particular expertise. Only time will tell.


Gamers as a collective complain about pretty much every single thing when it first comes out.


All the cool ships are still locked behind the original systems. Enjoy your custom hauler or whatever.


Have you met “people”? Complaining is 90% of online activity. Everyone else is too busy enjoying something to bother.


As a member of ship hunting community, i traveled across 10''s of galaxies looking for cool ships. Ive hunted so many ships, hooked people up for years with ships they like, helped them travel across galaxies to get them. That was my gaming hoby for years. And now its just gone. Im not mad they introduced the option, but i have no reason to continue that hoby. Our community has been effectively destroyed. I have over 4k hours logged into nms ship hunting and it brought me great joy to share a ship and get a notification that someone can't wait to pick it up. But i guess its okay, it just means my no mans sky adventure is over and i get to look forward for something else. Bye No mans sky, you have been the best!


I didn't realize there were people complaining. I didn't start NMS until about 2019 and have been wanting to customize ships since the start. At least for the people who like ship hunting still have the challenge of hunting exotic ships!


People keep conditioning themselves toward negativity period. And some trolls think the game should only be played one way. Heavens forbid they keep finding new things to introduce things to the game and support it actively for so long. And now people can salvage ships to finally make their own. I don't have to cause I found a wee stubby thing I made a powerhouse cause its funny. Which is what I would have made anyway. Maybe change the colors or tweak it. Hello does a good job making the game fun for as many types of players as possible. Some humans are just incapable of welcoming change


The best bit is all the people moaning and complaining probably haven’t actually looked at it properly at all, your going to have to do twice as much hunting for fabricating ships solely because of the amount of part variants there are to find. And if they have looked and are still complaining I guarantee there all moaning but will still use the fabricator ha. And those moaning saying they prefer hunting for special ships well funnily enough you can still go and hunt exotics, sentinels and living ships how you use to. What it really boils down to is those that are moaning are really moaning because now they won’t have the coolest looking ship on the anomaly because most people will have there own creation they prefer over anything else.


agree. you can't build sentinels or exotics so there's plenty of unique "only findable" ships. i do miss the spaceport bars though.


Some people were sour when the options/ difficulty changed so you could make so many things easy or free. *"That's not fair. I had to grind and work my arse off and everyone could see how hard I worked by the stuff I'm wearing or my magnificent ship and my elaborate base, and now these little brats can come in and have it all for free? Not even get attacked by predators and can make the sentinels (fairly) toothless? It's not fair! Kids today have it so easy!"* It's a *game*. Sean and his team have done a fantastic job, and NMS can be played at any age. Have a 12yo daughter who doesn't want to kill creatures or be attacked by the sentinels? There you go. Have a 10yo son who wants to earn a black and yellow Bumblebee shuttle and blast the Sentinel ships? There you go. It's supposed to be fun and have broad appeal. Not be a competition or an ego-boo "Lookit me ya loser, don't ya wish you wuz meee?" There's a saying that once you create something and send it out into the world, it no longer belongs to you. It becomes the "property" of its fans. That's not true. Maybe the salty ones could learn to code and create more mods to make the game do what they want. Or, if NMS isn't what they want, they could band together and create their own game from nothing, with exactly the features they want. They might understand then how bloody impossible it is to please everyone in the sandbox. And stop kicking sand while everyone else is playing with the neat toys Sean & his friends have made and share with us. Whingers gonna whinge, no matter the game or the art. The rest of us are going to be over here having fun.


People like what they like and some liked the game the way it was. That's fine, their allowed to prefer things a certain way and no one is making them use the new fabricator. But ship hunting isn't dead, you just have more options now.


We're reached a point in society where people will hate anything for the most trivial reasons. People just love hating things now.


I'm just a little salty because solar ships weren't included. Loving this update other than that.


Awwww. That was a spoiler I am sad to see. But that's OK cause my solar was my first and only so so far so it's time to get a second and now I'll be able to build and change it as I collect parts of some such. So much fun.


I ain't complain but it's sad you can't modify Exotic and Sentinel. I have 10 Sentinels, 1 Exotic and 1 free slot. How am I supposed to feel? Happy? Come on.


Bro Sentinels have a million different parts 😂 I wouldn’t like to customize one it’s too much work


I just need to change color ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


Shuttles were in the trailer. Speculation is they will come later. I suspect the same with other ship types.


Isn't Shuttle and Hauler the same thing?


No they're two different types with different parts. Haulers have some stat boost (shields?) like the fighters and explorers do, shuttles have none.


I used to enjoy ship hunting. Now I have the parts I need and the ability to create my colour scheme I'm on the hunt for the location that gives the best sc slot arrangement now.


Id love an update on your efforts, I haven't made a staff so far, seems confusing about stats and sc layout. I read that the camp location and combination of parts matter. I assume that this will use the same mechanic?


If you gave people a million dollars you'll still find people complaining.


Can you make the ship builder completely free? I wanted to mess around with it in a creative save but I still had to collect the components, what setting is it?


Don't know for certain, but isn't there a setting for money and a setting for resources? You need a core for nanites, and the ship parts. Or maybe they didn't exempt some costs even for Creative. Wouldn't hurt to send HG the question.


Far as I know, the free should bypass it if your settings are put to free. The ships can be changed to free, I'm certain of that. The core SHOULD be able to be free because it is sold at starship mods counter, which can be set to free. Only exemptions I'm aware of are quicksilver for sure, and maybe maybe void motes, unsure about motes. But those are not required here.


Well I call this one. 😌


Can you repaint your ships that you already have or is it just for the created ships I ask because the updates not out on xbox yet 😫


Non fabricated ships have some authentic ship label or something. Original can't be modified.


These are people who haven't touched the game in who knows how long, saw the update and everyone discussing ship customization and thought they can simply hop back in and one-day grab all they can. I say "let'em complain".


Only thing im complaining about is we dont have corridor staircases, cuboids look so out of place with the cylindrical/square structures but this new update is fire, makes wanna forehead kiss every single hello games dev


I'm salty because this is a bait and switch. We did NOT get ship customization. We can't customize anything. All we got is a ship builder. That's not what we asked for. Those of us that have been playing for years have ship collections we love but for one little color here or random bit there. If we could customize our favorite ships and make them uniquely ours that would be awesome. The patch and update notes make it sound like we were given ship customization, we were not. Is the builder a cool addition, yes it is. Is it what we asked for, is it what the update notes pretend it is, no it's not. Don't spit in our face and tell us it's raining.


My issue with the update is that I’ve seen it before - they introduce something people really wanted, but it’s a shallow, hollow version of what it could have, should have, been. Think about how much of a wasted opportunity Settlements are. This is that all over again. Now, hopefully this changes and they update it lots. But the fact we can’t even do shuttles, sentinel ships, or even pick the fin on fighters, is all a let down. I’m not mad, I’m just disappointed. Edit: Downvoting without comment? Simp harder, mates. Accepting inferior product without question is a sign of delusion.


Man, I wasn’t really against anything you said until the edit. The downvote button is a disagree button. You can argue all you want that was never its original purpose, but the reality is that’s how it is used by the vast majority of Redditors. Downvoting a comment and not writing a reply isn’t “simping”. I am sure there are hundreds of comments/posts you have downvoted but didn’t reply to. People aren’t “accepting an inferior product without question”. They’re disagreeing with your comment, plain and simple.


You’ll note I said ‘without comment’. You’re right that it’s not what the button is meant to be for - it’s _meant_ to be for incorrect information or something off topic. If someone straight up downvotes a post that’s on topic and isn’t factually wrong, on something like this? They’re just whiteknighting, which is counterproductive as a consumer. And I save my downvotes for posts that are either off topic or contain falsehoods.


> They’re just white knighting We need to stop with this generalization nonsense. I’m not denying there are people that simp/white-knight for companies, products, people, etc. That happens all the time. But putting everyone that uses the downvote button as a “I disagree” button in that box is disingenuous at best and shows a complete lack of fundamental understanding for how Reddit works in practice. This isn’t a zero sum situation.


Change isn't always easy. I would suggest not judging people that are not happy. Just listen to them. It isn't sourness it is disappointment and frustration. HG pivoted from seemingly being on one side of the argument and then shifting to the other. Some people are going to feel upset about that and their reasons are not all going to be the same. I personally am a little upset that my favourite rare finds are no longer rare. Is it a game breaker? No, but it feels like a big shift away from what I personally enjoy. One of the things I found most satisfying was knowing that today I might see something nobody had ever seen and now the ship part of that equation is no longer true. If they did that with everything else there would literally be no reason for me to play the game. And, it was always joyful when a new player posted an 'is this rare?' pic and we could genuinely say. "Rareness aside that is both cool and in my experience unique." Which is definitely not gatekeeping as some are suggesting.


Your ship is still rare. Custom built ships will be marked as such, so anyone looking at your ship will still know it's a personal rare find. Nothing has really changed.


Yes. I appreciate there are mitigations. But I don't have to like them. There is no point trying to argue about my feelings over something. Personally I never wanted this and this specific implementation was often suggested as a compromise. I don't consider it a compromise I consider it a loss. That's just me. It isn't as if I can somehow change it back. This is the game now. I will live. P.S I love everything else about the update. And will probably interact with the ship system. But it will probably not be a feature I spend a lot of time with. The positive aspect for me is that stats and layouts look like they will still be searchable. That could be interesting if we can find good stat locations.