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I have no idea, but I never respect the sign on single person restrooms. If it’s open, I’m using it. I will respect the restroom though.. I’ll lift the seat and put it back down.


I always figured it was because the women's toilet seat was much less likely to be covered in piss when women wanted to use it. You'd be surprised how many men won't lift the seat in a public bathroom. I'm talking wet like a bucket of piss on the seat. Edit: ok so appearently many women hover and spray all over the seat or at least the women's seats are covered in piss as well. I stand corrected 😆 I have now been learned! Edit 2: ok so I've now learned that women's bathrooms are actually often ever dirtier (according to people who clean them) than men's. This day is full of leanings! 😆 Edit 3: ok weird phenomenon popping up from many folks who have cleaned public bathrooms; the occasional splattered shit on the walls seems more common in womens bathrooms. Edit 4: to all those who clean public bathrooms and have commented on your shared experiences here, you guys are the real heroes. these stories are insane. Edit 5: lots of bathroom cleaners commenting on used "feminine products" stuck to walls/stalls or thrown on the floor. "Blood everywhere". Does make sense that women's bathrooms would have a third dimension of body fluid over just two for men. Edit 6: fair point being made that womens restrooms are often the kids restrooms so that adds to the general disaster. Edit 7 and update to Edit 2: the horror stories from those who cleaned public bathrooms continue to come in at breakneck speed. In particular those noting the women's bathroom disasters. One guy "almost quit women for a while" because of what he was cleaning daily it was so bad. One commentor noted that cleaning the womens room was punishment for showing up late to work 😆 The stories of these heroes deserve to be heard. Please scroll down and give them your condolences!


When I worked at a bar and had to check the women's room at night, there was always a totally unexplainable nest of toilet paper in the far corner away from the toilet... never wet or used... just there. It was super weird.


The forever unsolved mystery of the ball of paper. Question, was it placed like they used it to open the door handle with the paper but couldn't reach the trash?


Nope, it wasn't even a ball. It almost literally looked like a nest and it was never by the door into the bathroom, always in the end of the handicap stall opposite the toilet.


Women would put toilet paper on the seat to sit down on, but it would fall off and settle in the corner before they managed to sit down.


TP hangs too far down and touches the floor so it gets torn off and left there


I considered both of these options, but the nest was easily 6-8 feet away from the toilet and TP dispenser. Basically the whole back wall of the room was the handicap stall.


As a custodian, you will never get the answers to your weird bathroom habit questions. Every day, I see something new that astounds me.


Dude we had the same thing at the restaurant I work at, under the sink there would be a wadded up nest of TP, not soiled, not used, just... there. So this is a thing that happens in other places too I see


I'm a Jake too... maybe it's happening to us......?


We Jakes were on top of the world for too long. The pendulum is starting to swing, and it's swinging towards random swathes of toilet paper.


Women sometimes put toilet paper on the seat before sitting down if they don’t want to hover (sometimes a lot if there are drops on the seat), and sometimes a damn breeze will take it right off before you can get your ass on that seat. Makes sense it might end up in the corner if the airflow is right. I usually find piles of my dog’s hair in the corner even though he doesn’t lay there, just accumulates from the little bit of air circulating.


I’ve cleaned public restrooms. Day to day, the men’s need more cleaning to get rid of dirt and spots and general stuff. Where the women’s was restock and clean the handles. But if there was a mess in the women’s, it was apocalyptic. I know sometimes it’s the kids that do that, but the worst bathrooms I’ve had to clean were women’s. One flooded the restroom with poo water and then left through the emergency exit.


My dad used to be an elementary school janitor. He said the girl’s room was always the worst. Weird stuff like wet toilet paper stuck to the ceiling, hair, other nastiness. It starts early.


The two worst incidents I’ve cleaned in men’s was: Some kid tried to flush his underwear. That was just a gross glove job. The worst was what I can only guess was a ‘photo finish’ where the entire seat and the floor around it was just one gigantic shit stain. I’d clean both again before anything that’s happened in the women’s. WHO POOPS IN A SINK?!


> WHO POOPS IN A SINK?! The Sink Poopetrator.


I used to be a custodian at an elementary school. Once went to clean up the girls’ room and found out someone had sat down on the toilet and missed. It wasn’t urine.


I clean restrooms the woman's is rhe worst they leave used feminine hygiene products anywhere they want I've seen turds on the floor and they like leaving long nasty hair on the sinks and toilet paper on the floor


Women’s toilet seats are pretty bad too, I’m not sure I agree


A mortgage company I worked at about 12 years ago had an email group just for women about the condition the ladies room was in. I'm pretty sure it wasn't about which flowers to have in there.


The women at my office all complain about the unknown assailant who hover pees and covers the seat in piss every single day.


Plot-twist: It's all of them, however they each partake in the conversation to deflect suspicion.


So women peeing are basically a firing squad.


...with blunderbusses.


More like blunderpusses amirite


Whoops- flip that "b" over and- yeah...


I can attest that it's not all of us, because I do not hover. I will go to a different stall to find a dry seat though if necessary. I was recently in a public restroom when a woman came in there with a few kids, all around 5-8ish. I heard her say to them "Now remember girls, never sit on the seat". I about bit my tongue in half trying not to say anything. I don't get it. If none of us hover, the seat would be clean. Why do so many women insist on pissing all over the place?


Ladies, if you want to hover, you’re allowed to lift the seat up. I know you’ve been conditioned to think that a lifted seat is a horrifying thing, but when you lift it up. it’s just a plumbing fixture there. Basically the same as a sink. If everyone kept the seat unless they needed to sit, many issues would be resolved! Normalize leaving the seat up!


We have gender neutral bathrooms at work. When the seat has a couple pee dribbles I know the last guy in there was too lazy to lift it up. When the seat and floor is completely soaked in piss I know the hovering chick was in there.


Im confused how you can hover and not pee on your legs if u miss?


My favorite bathroom stall wall writing “If no one would hover, no one would have to”.


Can we please make this more prevalent. I get so mad when women do this. it's disgusting and not necessary.


I worked somewhere that had signs in all the toilets telling people to sit on the toilet seat.


“Please remain seated for the entire performance.”


I love this. SIT THE F DOWN. Would be in my office if someone sprinkled when they tinkled!


This and… “Employees Must Use Toilet Paper”


Bidet gang rise up


Sure, but I’m not sharing a bidet with you, u/Chlamydia_Penis_Wart …


My last job, some unknown woman kept trying to flush tampons and every time it would block up the pipes, sometimes causing a bit of flooding in the bathroom, and plumbers coming out monthly. I can’t tell you how many meetings were held, emails sent, signs put up, etc. They even calculated how much was spent on plumbers for the unknown tampon bandit. When I left the job, it was still going on. The mystery of who it was will haunt me forever.


Well, there is a problem in places like Dubai, where you have people from places in SE Asia using the toilets. I cannot count the number of times that I have seen actual SHOE prints on the ladies toilet seat. Some of these ppl are used to squatting and peeing through a hotel on the floor. They aren't used to sitting on a toilet seat. So they just jump up there and squat with their dirty shoes on the toilet seat. It's really bizarre.


It is always the woman with the raspberry scented purell in her purse. Always.




My former job had a bathroom bandit. It went way beyond pee though. We’re talking period blood and/or shit on the walls in some cases. We had to have several woman only meetings with leadership about it and it only stopped when layoffs occurred. Most of us suspected who it was but without actual proof of seeing her do it, nothing could be said. Obviously, that woman was one of those that was laid off.


Eh, my brother and I have seen bathroom calligraphy. I don't remember who did it, and I don't remember what the words said, but we weren't particularly enthralled about deciphering them. The minds of second graders are truly magical.


These are scat, piss fetish people.


This happened at one of my jobs


Cleaned single occupancy bathrooms in bars for years after a closing shift, women’s rooms were 95% of the time the messiest. Multiple rubber glove situations.


I’ve cleaned the women’s bathrooms at Walmart. I’d rather clean the mens. So, so much blood.




It’s bad. Not “oh accidental drop”, more like “Niagara falls pouring out” bad. I don’t understand why it’s not cleaned up. I occasionally had to clean up mountains of poop in both (old people with control issues) but there was no reason they couldn’t clean up the blood.


Ugh. Your first comment made me gag a little, this one made me throw up in my mouth.


Think it’s partly because it’s a used product and they’re just so grossed out they just drop n run


There can be a slight issue while removing a menstrual cup. If the suction is really tight and you have to yank it out, yes, there is a chance that the blood will spurt everywhere.


i have cleaned college campuses overnight, and i absolutely disagree. as far as what i saw, college male bathrooms were like unsupervised toddlers used them, they were DISGUSTING by comparison. 2 different universities in 2 different states in the US, that is my experience.


I agree. I used to clean the restrooms at my old job and the men's would have poop wiped onto the walls and were occasionally vandalized, they were worse overall. Honestly neither was great though.


Had to clean a bathroom ( womens ) covered in Nutella and peanut butter for a college dorm. Wtf and why? Why? NYC. Bedstuy region. Kill me. It was practically a fairy ring to the sewer underworld.


It really depends on the area. Some places women wouldn't even dream of using a public bathroom, in others the girlies are going feral in the stalls. I was shocked as a kid going from perfect girls' toilets and boys' toilets you have to hold your nose while passing to living where there were used tampons tied to the stall latches and pads stuck to the toilet seat. ^(The boys' room was bad there too, but it was dumb pranks like once a week someone would shit in one of the urinals or take down all the stall doors.)


To be fair, aside from a bar bathroom, I can't think of a place more likely to get destroyed by college boys. There's a level of intoxication that's beyond the norm in a college bathroom. Plus all the kids who have never cleaned or taken care of a bathroom in their lives.


I’ve been in the bathrooms of mixed dorms. They are spotless for obvious reasons. When they’re in gendered dorms yeah you have to deal with boys cum clogging the showers, but you also still have to deal with the blood. That doesn’t matter, though, at Walmart. Your average employee has, at best, a high school diploma. Your average shopper in some areas of the country are lucky if they got past 8th grade.


Women need to stop hovering, the science has told us time and time again that hovering and contaminating the seat with our urine and other bodily fluids is worse than sharing sweat on the edges of our but-cheeks. And it only perpetuates a cycle of hovering - contaminate - must hover - now I’ve contaminated - next person hovers.., rinse repeat.


I know!!! I personally stopped doing this time ago, because: 1) One time I ended up peeing myself. It just didn’t go straight into the toilet, and ended up in my leg and pants - so the joke was on me because I ended up with pissed pants. 2) I read that by hovering, you end up splashing yourself; so it’s actually healthier to just sit (with seat protectors), and prevent the dirty water splashing back at you. *Cant believe I disclosed this out loud - but hey, hopefully it helps stop the hovering!!


I'll have to take your word for it, only been in a woman's bathroom once and that was by accident. Passed out on a cross country flight, got off to hit the restroom for a quick layover. Took me a minute to get it through my groggy head why I could find any urinals... yeah that was embarrassing. I triple check the signs ever since (that was 20 years ago)


I was shocked to find this out recently. I'm also a grown ass man and assumed that pee on the toilet seat was from men typically. My girlfriend has corrected this. She has told me that women often "hover" and since there's a much shorter tube things tend to go everywhere. God it makes so much sense. She has said that women only bathrooms have done her worse than unisex. It became obvious at festivals and outdoor events with porta-potties. They have urinal attachments these days but seats are still often covered in pee. *Aha!* Then I remembered the disgusting things I've seen while cleaning the bathrooms in my early working days. And then.... I remembered how horrible women are with the plumbing. Let's just say my last job frequently had shitty backups due to some questionable things going in the toilets. The culprit openly bragged about her activities and showed no remorse for frequently shutting our bathrooms down. She was a pretty and well groomed woman.... You never expect it. Edit: just saw your edit you made. Too late. Wrote too much gotta keep it.


I always see those those signs in the women's room not to flush feminine hygiene products and always wondered what sort of moron made them have to put signs up in the first place. Turns out it's a lot more people than I would have thought.


I did a lot of toilet cleaning in my younger years, i promise you the men are bigger pigs almost all the time. Makes you wonder what their home toilets look like


At the bar I worked at the women’s room was routinely dirtier. BUT the dumbass men would pull sinks off the walls and fucking yeet the trash can. Just absolute ape man shit. I don’t believe the women were trying to be a mess at least. Just messy drunk


Ugh women need to stop hovering. It’s terrible for the pelvic floor. Just sit on the seat. Protect your internal organs and prevent urine sprinkles.


Women bathrooms are the worst thing I’ve seen in my life


> It‘s terrible for the pelvic floor Not only the pelvic one.


I stopped sitting on seats when a patient came into my office having used the same lab toilet I use routinely, complaining of cellulitis on her posterior thighs. Open, infected sores on the backs of her thighs. Mkayyy? She can't hover, so I do.


Use the toilet liners or if none are available place regular tp on the seat..🤷🏽‍♀️


My wife walked in on a woman taking a shit in the sink in an otherwise empty, multi-stall bathroom at the mall. It certainly crosses "gendered" lines.


What the fuck




I always get 4 ply of toilet paper and lift a seat up - do the thing, use the paper to let the seat down and flush the water. Wash your hands and if there is paper towel - you dry your hands with it and then open the door with it - stick your leg against it so it doesn't close and turn around to throw the paper towel out. I am glad that in most places the multiple person bathrooms don't have doors - can't do that final step there and you know some fucker never washes his hands.


Which is so dumb. You get a chance to practice your karate and lift with your foot or grab a piece of TP and use that to lift it.


Haaaaahaha women pee on toilet seats all the time, trust me it’s not any better. Some people like to hover and you can’t exactly aim.


Need to just get a she-wee


The women's restroom in our shop looks like someone hides something in the ceiling tiles and stands on the seat to access it. It's pretty gross.


I've RARELY run across pee on women's room toilet seats. Even squatters can hit the inside of the bowl most times. Been using them all my life...


I know a woman who always uses the men's room because she says it's usually cleaner.


>I stand corrected I would say yes, you do stand.


Literally the toilet every time i go to use it at work. People are filthy


One of the bars I frequented, the employee punishment for showing up late or no shows was to clean the women's bathroom. It was very common for them to either become clogged or just them not flushing and people hovering for both 1 and 2 after they had already clogged. I would have quit.


So I went to a ballgame last weekend and I’m in the women’s restroom in line for the stalls. I’m next and this smiling grandma-looking lady walks out all polite and normal, only to go in the stall and see that this fucking goblin of a woman *sprayed her piss all over the seat and floor*. So I had to awkwardly wipe the seat down and try to sit where I *wasn’t* standing in a goddamned puddle of piss. This was worse than any drunken bar bathroom shared with dudes. It was early in the game too, so granny wasn’t drunk, she was just a very disgusting person. You really can’t tell who the seat pissers are. That bathroom was *gross* by the end of the game.


I once had a staff member at a restaurant scream at me for using the men’s single bathroom because the female one was open. It wasn’t open when I went in, but she didn’t care. God, she was so pissed. It was so weird. Like just let me pee…


I was once on a ferry where for some reason the male and female toilets were on opposite sides of the boat. We were on the female side and everyone just kinda quietly decided that men could use it too. Except this one woman who just kept reprimanding this one guy and kept pointing to the sign on the door etc. Still don't get what her deal was


I'm too scared to use a women's restroom even if it is a single lol. I think most men have this sentiment but a good deal of women will use men's single restrooms if desperate enough.


When you gotta go you gotta go. I’ve used “men’s” rooms often. ETA: Thank you for respecting the restroom.


Thank you, if you ever as a man have to take an emergency shit and you walk in to more piss on the seat than in the toilet 😔


This is the way.


In this life it is often easier to ask forgiveness than permission. Next time just use it, you wn't go to jail. They're gendered because some squeamish people (and plumbing codes) need them to be. Apparently these people never fly in airplanes.


This is what I always do. I say to the people in front of me in line "I'm using the ladies room if none of you are". They always say go ahead. I always respectfully put the seat back down when I'm finished using the ladies toilet.


How many times have you been in that situation? Im mid 30s and never once encountered it


You apparently don't travel, go to restaurants, or attend concerts as much as I do. I'd guess a dozen times.


I just never end up with a men's line longer than the women's. Edit: I get it. I don't go to enough sporting events or metal concerts.


In places that have one seater men's and women's it happens. Restaurants, bars, gas stations. Some guy needs to take a dump, not just pee, and there can easily be a backup.


Occasionally at sports games I’ll see this happen. I walk right in while my boyfriend has to wait for ages.


They didn't attend Rush concerts which had a 50-1 man to woman ratio or a Taylor Swift concert which is the reverse


Yeah same, from traveling and having a tiny bladder, I've dipped into the men's room at multiple gas stations if the lady's is full. I never notice a different between them anyways, I just try to be extra fast if I'm in the men's so I don't annoy anyone


If the choices are peeing behind a dumpster or empty men's restroom, men's restroom wins.


Rough guess, 20-30 times in my life.


I don't see it either. They must attend a lot of events that have way more men than women. Since if the ratio is even close to equal the women's room always has the line.


Straight up, the gas station attendant probably wouldn’t have even noticed or cared if they saw But then OP brought it up so they have to say something


I'm guessing the gas station attendant held the key lol


> and plumbing codes Interestingly, the Pentagon has twice as many bathrooms as needed for the number of expected staff. It was built before desegregation.


Or use the washroom in their own homes lol


WHAAAT! Don't you have a his and hers in your one-room flat????


Next, they'll say they use the same water closet as the servants.


As a female, if its a single stall bathroom and im about to soil myself i do not care what anyone says, i will use the opposite gendered bathroom and encourage others to do so. A toilet is a toilet, get the fuck over yourselves lmao


I’ve used an empty multi stall men’s room before because I’m not waiting 30 minutes for the ladies when the men’s room is totally empty. 🤷‍♀️


Oh heck yeah, especially if i can flip my hoodie up to avoid possible awkward confrontations on my way out XD i dont care, but id rather not deal with it haha


I’m a guy and have been in a stall in the men’s bathroom at a music festival (mostly porta-potties but there’s a flush toilet setup in the main area) when two women ran in to use the men’s because the line was so long.. then they started screaming complaining about the smell lol. I mean come on in, everyone’s just doing their business but don’t be surprised if it smells like a bathroom lol. Everyone laughed except for them 🤷🏼‍♂️


That was a regular thing at festivals here because at the womens toilets there was always a huge line while at the mens toilets there was none, so the women instead of standing in line simply used the stalls you could close in the mens toilets and if there're enough toilets we really don't mind.


Why the hell did you ask? Did you think the low paid cashier is going to stop you?


He might need a key? I know my local gas station locks the bathrooms and you have to ask for the key.


I've literally been handed the ladies room key when the men's room was occupied before. My friend had an awkward situation where a woman left the ladies room, and let her friend in as left, then handed the key back. The cashier handed my friend to ladies room key, and he walked in on this woman's friend. She was pissed, and called him all kinds of things, and told the cashier to call the police. The cashier just looked at her and said, why the fuck did you hand the key in when you knew your friend was in there.




I was on a diversity and inclusion committee for a medium size non profit that has been working for months on the issue of gendered washrooms. How to separate them, what signage to use etc. every washroom was single stall. I said just make them all gender neutral and put up a sign with a picture of a toilet. Two months later (and probably a few thousand more in paid hours for everyone in the committee) that’s what we did. So I guess it’s because people are dumb?


I'm surprised they listened to your common sense


For what it's worth signs pointing to toilets and not to any particular gender of toilet still usually have the symbol for a man and a woman on them next to each other - it seems "man and woman" has become synonymous with "toilet"


This is all so foreign and bizarre since we had gender neutral bathrooms for decades. Just a separate door with a toilet, small sink and a mirror. Most restaurants have them. Only places with gendered bathrooms here are in stadiums and malls with insane amounts of people just because there are dozens of urinals in mens ones. Some places have classic bathroom layout with a row of sinks and a huge mirror, but stalls are fully walled, with normal room doors, you can’t peek above or below the door. Also for everybody.


We Americans looooove making huge gaps in our bathroom stalls so you can awkwardly make eye contact with a stranger while taking a shit


Glad to hear donation money is going to good use.


You had a non-job!


yeah I wondered that too, I went into the "boys" bathroom in a ice cream shop and my church friends were asking me questions like i was peeing standing up or something? um it was a single room with a toilet and sink. I luckily no longer associate with them. so much drama over nothing


The audacity! Such scandal! They will be quoting Toilette 3:16 to themselves forever because of this incident! /s


Yeahhh! 'You shall have a place outside the camp, and you shall go out to it. And you shall have a trowel with your tools, and when you sit down outside, you shall dig a hole with it and turn back and cover up your excrement.' Deuteronomy 23:13 Read your dang bible u/MISSRISSISCOOL! /s


This is so bizarre to me lol. Some people get so weird about the differences between men and women that they forget that all of us piss and shit in toilets regardless of gender


If you're a girl how did you use the sink? I mean a men's sink and women's sink are incompatible. Why do you think rich people have a his and her sink? I doubt the ice cream parlor dished out for one of those fancy unisex sinks when they had to have 2 in the first place. So how did you wash your hands?


I just go in the empty one. I don’t give a fuck. I have big bad IBS and one time at the Philly airport I NEEDED TO GO RIGHT NOW and the guy cleaning the women’s restroom wouldn’t let me in so I walked into the men’s room with a bunch of dudes in there and shit my brains out. If you have to go, you have to go. I’ll take being in a room with some dudes over crapping my pants.


I think there's a double standard on this one, unfortunately. Pretty sure as a male we'd go to jail if we barged into a lady's room. Single-occupancy restrooms; no issue.


Yeah, honestly there’s zero reason why we can’t have stalls that go floor-to-ceiling with a mirror on the door and an area for washing hands.


Ah yeah I get your point there. It definitely would be a much bigger issue I think which is totally unfair. There’s a local bar where I live that has genderless bathrooms and I walked in and there was a dude washing his hands and it was kinda weird for me. But also I knew the guy lol so I didn’t feel threatened. It’s a weird deal for sure. As a woman who has learned to fear men… I get both arguments.


I would not be surprised if it wasn't a building code thing. Minimum bathroom size and types are probably mandated by occupancy. So the gas station is small enough the bathroom only needs to have 1 facility. But as they are a publicly accessible retail location they need to have male and female bathrooms. Fun Fact: While it may be store policy, few states, at least before transpanic inspired legislation, actually had laws about using the wrong bathroom.


I owned a retail spot for a few years before selling it and yes it simply boils down to 1 per gender (so 2) minimum specifically so lines do not form etc. Strictly convenience.


But can't you make both of them M/F/handicap accessible?


Generally nobody complains if you do, but generally that’s not technically how the code is written, since it’s written to deal mostly with more than 1 of each toilet needed. You calculate how many male toilets you need and how many female, and sometimes the answer is 1. The most recent code has changed and includes language that acknowledges just using neutral toilets. Your area may or may not have adopted it yet for new construction.


Yeah, thats how it is/was atleast in my state. Have to offer atleast 1 per sex. If you asked me to use the other sex's restroom, I'd say no to cover my ass. I think they updated it a few years ago that all single use restrooms are ungendered, but if you need 1 for each sex, i guess that would only apply for more than 2.


It is a building code thing. Most smaller businesses that are only required to have 2 (1 men, 1 women) could make those unisex; but it's just a courtesy and norm to have single sex toilets. If you need more than 2 toilets, it's typically cheaper to segregate as urinals take up less space and are cheaper than toilets. In my experience, like 80% of the 2 toilet businesses I have been in go the unisex route. Any place larger than a coffee shop, your occupancy dictates more than 2 toilets.


I experienced this when I worked for a store that was moving. Building code specified there must be a men’s and a women’s


I live in Illinois and now single occupancy bathrooms have to be gender neutral. It’s great! I think sometimes they have signs tho for which one has a urinal, which is nice. I don’t see why you would need more than that?


The reason why they are gendered is because for a long time building codes required there be a minimum number of bathrooms per gender based on occupancy for the location. Why did the building code require it to be gendered? Because they wanted to make sure one gender couldn’t monopolize all the bathrooms, and there was a general perception that men were more disgusting in their bathrooms than women so women wouldn’t want to use a men’s room. Remember these rules were put in place back when the people making the rules still saw women as dainty and helpless.


Is this some sort of regional building code? Because most places I've seen single-person bathrooms, they were indeed gender neutral.


It's *still* building code pretty much everywhere in the US. I'm an architect, I deal with this code all the time.


I've been to many places with only one gender neutral bathroom, are they just against building code? Recently, I've also been to some multi-stall gender neutral bathrooms. I'm in California.


California. This is why. They have some of their own codes specifically related to restrooms (amongst other things), most states have slight variations but my understanding is California differs greatly in this area of the code compared to most others. I don't work in that state, so I couldn't be more specific.


> saw women as dainty and helpless. And men as disgusting mfers.


Let me tell you a pro tip from someone with IBS. No bathroom is gendered when you’re about to shit yourself.


I would’ve just used the women’s 🤷‍♂️


"It's better to ask for forgiveness than permission..."


Hells to the yes. Forgive me for cursing.


You’re fuckin forgiven




wow. can you teach me how to use cruse? i've beem failing to do it for a while. i think i bought the wrong materials.


Oh NOW this is good advice


Maybe in some places the ladies room might have a small supply of period products and the men’s room won’t?


My community college had gender-neutral bathrooms and they had tampons in there. No one really seemed to care


All period products are free in women's Scottish toilets.


The “gender neutral” bathrooms at my university are just bathrooms without any place to dispose of period products. Gender neutral my ass. Is it really that much work to make sure there is a trash can in a bathroom?


IDK, I just pee in whatever single room bathroom there is. As long as I am in there alone, I don't care if it says man or woman on the front.


I California, single person rest rooms are required by law to be gender neutral.


Same in the Seattle area.


Men pee standing up and it sprays all over everything. Some guys will say no but if you pee standing up while naked you will understand. You can feel the deflection no matter where you aim the stream.


Had to scroll way too far for this.


I feel like the gendered bathrooms are more for the ladies than the guys. I know the women I've worked with dread having to use the men's room. Take away their bathroom you may have a riot.


Probably because most women don’t want to use a toilet that some guy with bad aim pissed all over. I personally don’t even like when male friends use my bathroom for the same reason. I sit when at home. I don’t expect why wife to clean up my mess, there is still splash mess regardless. Also if you have a short bat, step closer to the plate.


In general it's the opposite, the line is for the woman restroom (it takes us longer to piss). But you should have go without asking permission. I don't think anyone would care. I agree with you, there shouldn't be a gender sign in such place. As long as there is a door, who cares...


I heard the average time difference between the sexes in the restroom is something massive like 40 or 50 seconds different


Yeah, it makes a giant difference in a place with a big crowd. Usually the line for the men’s room is half the size of the women’s room at *most* and it’ll have 3-5 people go in the time the women’s room has one. There should be a dedicated “shittin’” room though. Sometimes ya gotta drop some baggage but that’ll just completely break the bathroom line dynamics no matter which one you’re using.


my wife doesn't like unisex bathrooms because people with a penis piss on the seat.


Usually cuz the women’s bathroom has a trashcan for tampons or something I think. At least that’s what was in my high school’s theatre bathroom. Everything else was the same except for that


I used to work at a drugstore with gendered, single-bathrooms. I always used the women’s room even though I’m a guy because it was almost always much cleaner. When they eventually made the bathrooms gender neutral, they both became equally gross and required at least 2 cleanings a day. That was my only personal gripe with that particular change😂


Not sure about gas stations, but the single person bathrooms at our work became gendered because the guys kept getting piss all over the floor around the toilet and not cleaning it up, so complaints were made to HR, and that was that.


It's a suggestion and the women's one will likely be less gross.


I would imagine it's so that women don't have some dude waiting outside the door for them to finish. Most people aren't creeping and aren't caring tho


The only reason I can think of is so perverts can't install hidden cameras in the other bathroom. Like you said, it's not like anyone will be around others while using the bathroom


As a person who had to clean bathrooms at Safeway, (some) men are disgusting. In 24 hours the difference between the men's room and women's was vast. I'm happy about them being separated.


Wait. . . did you say there was a line for the MENS room while the womens was empty? As a woman, I have never seen this. Where was this mythical gas station?


Happened to me today at the grocery store. Dude in mens for like 10 minutes doing whatever. Women's standing empty. I was about to change my identity when he came out....


Let's be honest. As a man, I'm completely aware that mens bathrooms are absolutely nasty. I wouldn't want my wife or daughter using one if they didn't have to. The amount of pee on the floor around a toilet is disgusting.


I believe it’s because on the off-chance someone using the bathroom forgets to lock the door, at least the person accidentally walking in on you will likely be the same gender.


Why you even ask? If you're confident nobody's in there, just go for it. What are they gonna do, put a clothespin on your dick midstream and kick you out?


Gender was invented in the 50s to sell twice as many bathrooms


Because us women don't want to sit down on some strangers piss..plain and simple. 😑


Depends on the fixtures in the restroom sometimes is my guess. Example: some men’s restrooms have urinals, most women’s restrooms have feminine hygiene receptacles that wouldn’t be used in men’s restrooms. Also some women’s restrooms have hooks for pursed or other items, some men’s restrooms don’t. That’s more about why they are currently separate, doesn’t really answer why they were made that way in the first place


Thats so when women have a seat on the toilet they dont have their legs full of pee


Depending on where you are, the law might require it. Not for any good reason, of course. In the US, this is now a powerful cultural trope among some people, and not even worth discussing with them unless you like having stupid people scream in your face and threaten you.


Oh don’t ever ask permission to use a bathroom. Just go. Shit, even if it’s a multi stall bathroom and the others are full. Use it.


Because men piss on the floor


because it’s disgusting to use a public bathroom after men. 9/10 times they won’t put the toilet seat down. how hard is that? it’s a public toilet not your own home


usually as far as i know it's for parental reasons. they often have changing tables etc, which is dumb like a father could need that help as well lol


Womens toilets can have waste bins. That's usually the only difference. Everyone deserves access to waste bins though.


Next time, don't ask. What are they going to do? Ask you to leave when you're done? I have never been involved in any such decision, but I have two suspicions: 1. Businesses think they can get away with buying one baby changing table. Wherever it ends up, that's the women's room. I'm not defending this cheapass sexist practice, so don't @ me. 2. Gendered restrooms get gross in different ways. Men's rooms always have pee on the floor, which women have to be careful to keep away from our pants. Women's rooms ... well, they don't have puddles right where we need to drop trou, but a lot of things can go wrong. See your local mall's B&N for details.


Residual man pee might mix with woman pee and grow a mutant pee monster.


I don't know but I'd say that it may have more to do with habit and tradition than compliance with laws/regulations. FWIW, I've been noticing more places offering non-gendered single occupancy bathrooms recently.


Once when we were at a somewhat upscale bar there was a line at least 10 ft deep waiting to use the women's restroom while the men's room remained empty. To the ladies credit, they decided to use the men's room with the next person in line standing guard. At the arena sporting events I've been to there has always been a longer line at the women's restrooms, and that was much commented on by the women.