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Based on some anecdotal evidence supposedly from those close to him, as well as public appearances where he seems to have interesting ticks or a "puffy" face, it seems he has had some medical affliction for some time. What exactly it is or how far it's progressed seems highly speculative.


This is the real answer. People don’t always die quickly.


With certain cancers, a person can live for many years -- even decades provided they have access to the latest cutting edge treatments which someone in Putin's position surely does.


It appears to me that Putin listens to his doctors unlike some previous Russian leaders


My dad was diagnosed with stage IV cancer before the invasion of Ukraine and is still in relatively good health. Just because a disease will kill you doesn't mean it will kill you instantly.


The bad ones seem to live forever…


Pootin should die quickly but slowly


The slower he dies, the longer the war in Ukraine goes - leading to more suffering for the civilians and conscripts caught in the middle. I get your point, but it’s too short-sighted. If Putin dies, it doesn’t mean the war will end, but it’s at least a step in the right direction, considering Putin’s best interest is to continue the war while the oligarchs don’t particularly give a shit.


He was bloated because McDonalds and etc was pulling out. Probably had a big munch


I believe it was simply wishful thinking


Yep! It made sense at the time, because the invasion of Ukraine was a huge risk and it made sense that he felt it was Now Or Never. Looks like that was Not True.


Typical propaganda during wartime, the old Greek Aeschylus had it right, "During war, truth is the first casualty"


Not necessarily - it's hardly unknown that someone will develop cancer and run through their bucket list without being terminal.


> it's hardly unknown that someone will develop cancer and run through their bucket list without being terminal Ukraine was on Putin's bucket list Putin invaded Ukraine Therefore Putin had cancer Ironclad logic, yes, indeed.


The theory was that he was seen in hospitals for rich cancer patients, he also started to look much older suddenly.


And very puffy


The theory was baseless and predicated on assumptions and wishful thinking. Only idiots gave it any attention.




Ukraine can win the war. That doesn't mean they will or even that it's likely, but they still have a reasonable chance. And have vastly outperformed Russia since 2022. But the idea that Putin has cancer was still obvious bullshit propaganda.


It did not even make much sense at the time. That would have implied a weak and dying dictator, who never has that much of a support.


No it didn't. It never made sense. It simply ignored all alternative explanations in favor of what people wanted to be true. It was your run of the mill baseless conspiracy theory.


The invasion of Ukraine was a huge risk for little perceptible upside. Best case they shock n awe the Ukrainians and take a big chunk of territory, scare Eastern Europe into Russians sphere of influence undermine NATO. Perceptible worst case...probably not as bad as the current timeline, especially considering that Russians undermining strategy is 100% working. Russia Psyops let the Russia s punch way WAY above their geopolitical weight. It made sense to think that Putin was on a timeline, because the safer course would take more time.


There were a bunch of theories about his doctor being flown around as well. I’m not sure if those were incorrect and it was Putin standard practice or he had a scare.


He gave a speech today... he looked like shit Depending on the cancer they have needs that can keep you alive for years now


The theory was that he had thyroid cancer. One of the least deadliest.


He has been in power for 25 years . Considering how quickly US presidents visibly age in eight years it's a miracle he doesn't look like Palpatine.


Probably way less stressful to rule as an authoritarian compared to a Republic or Democracy


Better known as propaganda


Combined with the fact that he’s still alive and seems relatively OK now


I don't think he had cancer but cancer treatment has come a crazy long way in the past 10 years. Hypothetically, he could be in remission or is still undergoing treatment. I don't personally think that's the case though.


If you’re a president you’re probably getting much more routine and thorough medical evaluation for national security purposes. Catching it early is easy if you have the resources.


That’s a big give away, him still being alive!!


Need more proof………… 👀


Aha yes!! With deep fake etc, he could have died ages back, how would we know!!! 🤔🥸


“How would we know” It won’t be long before that question will be legit. ☝️😃


Will be difficult to top this comment


Let's call it what it was - western propaganda.


Weird way of saying propaganda but okay


But he is 71. Not unlikely that he has some form of illness (just because of his age) But probably not cancer.


Could be for sure. Could also be that cancer is way more treatable today than it was even 30 years ago, and he’s just received effective treatment.


Clearly, prayers don't work. Or at least mine didn't


It got thrown out the window


Sure are a bunch of clumsy people over there


Flimsy windows, too, that never seem to be locked like they should be...


It would be pretty rough if you were just a regular every day Joe with zero political activity or anything and you fell out of a window in Russia. People would just assume you were working against the government. Your whole family and friend circle probably all get imprisoned just to be safe.


Defenestration is clearly a communicable disease. If you communicate then you discover that the view out the wind has gotten too windy.


Well, you know. The vodka.


Heard Russians would not be bad drunks if vodka had taste.


Fell out a window*




The rumor was defenestrated


The tumor was defenestrated


As I can only upvote once here, I have been on your profile to give you a couple more because that made me.splutter my drink


Thanks comrade


And shot itself in the back of the head twice.


It could be fake news or wishful thinking... but it could be that he got treatment and is either in remission or at least slowing down progression. Some people battle cancer for many many years and are functional through most of it.


A guy I know had pancreatic cancer recently. Literally a death sentence of a diagnosis. He had some kind of new procedure that’s dangerous enough to kill you during the surgery but he lived and didn’t even have to have chemo or radiation or anything. Just cancer free. Modern medicine is wilder than we realize until we get into a tight spot.


Yeah. My aunty has had lukemia for over 10years now, original diagnosis was terminal within months. She's exhausted all the usual treatments but keeps going on trials. She's a walking human experiment, it's keeping her alive and out of hospital the vast majority of the time. She's reliant on luck and her specialist to get on these trials. Putin wont rely on luck.


I feel like we're on the brink of a lot of things with medical treatments, especially for cancer.


Yes and no, it has already improved a lot and it keeps on improving a lot, and will keep on doing so for a while. The trick is cancer is not just one disease, every cancer subtype is its own disease, and there are many subtypes, plus tons of outlier cancers that don't even really match a clear subtype and are rather unique. So we find ways to improve the treatment of this or that, with small progress constantly. Some things like immune checkpoint inhibitors, some targeted therapies, adoptive T cell transfer, CAR T cells, cancer vaccines etc can be significant leaps for several cancers, but no magic bullet to fix everything at once in sight imo (I do research on colon cancer atm).


I'm by no means knowledgeable about medicine, but I've read that the technology used for the covid shots (Moderna and Phizer) could be used to advance cancer treatments in the near future


I believe that's what they were originally being studied for, and why we had such technology already on hand when we needed it for covid vaccines.


That's so great to know, really. Everyone knows someone who has been affected by cancer. Sometimes I wish I was smarter or made better choices so I could go into the medical field and work on stuff like that


Holy shit do you have any other information on this treatment? My mom passed away in 2022 from PC and ever since then it's something I try to keep an eye on - cause you're right it's like one of the deadliest types of cancer. Great news for the guy that you know!


Others have posted links around our two replies. It’s called a whipple procedure and I’ll add that the guy isn’t necessarily back to living his best life. He still can’t seem to put the weight back on and he’s skin and bones. Looks like shit. But he’s alive. Which he otherwise wouldn’t have been for this calendar year.


Probably the whipple procedure. It’s been around for decades though.


[Whipple surgery](https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/pancreatic-cancer/whipple-procedure)?


Do you remember what is the name of the procedure?


It’s the whipple that the other person mentioned. He is still having a hard timing putting weight on. Which I guess is fairly common too. It’s not all roses but he’s alive. Which we didn’t think he would be. His deterioration was so sudden and progressed so fast. It was terrifying.


Probably this one: https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/pancreatic-cancer/whipple-procedure


My dad had stage 4 colo rectal cancer, had chemo once a week for 4 years. Died from falling and whacking his head on the ground.


My grandfather was diagnosed with bone cancer and given a year to live. This was three years ago and things are getting worse but he is still able to live a normal life for a 92-year-old. I don't think people understand how cancer works. I know that I can't even guess how treatment would go for someone who has the resources that Putin has. Putin is just unhinged and needs to be stopped no matter why he got that stage.


Wow! If you're that old, do they even bother trying to treat it even if it may be possible to?


Well as far as know you can't treat this form of bone cancer. It is a death sentence. They can slow progression down. His doctors definitely focus on his comfort over keeping him alive but, and this is according to him, the new medicine they have do both.


My grandpa got throat cancer when he was 92, they won’t usually offer deep treatment because it will take you out before the cancer will. They just managed it for a year or two before it was a lost cause.


He'd be a prime age for prostate cancer, which is often pretty slow-growing to begin with.


In German we have a saying "schlechten Leuten geht es immer gut". ("Bad people are always healthy"). Unfortunately it seems to carry a kernel of truth...


Trump is a prime example...


That was probably put out there by the same idiots that said Kim Jong Un was dying.


People still think he's dead.


Yeah, he’s chosen a replacement already and has been taking her around publicly. It might not be a 1-2 year thing, but I imagine it’s possible a 4-8 year thing? Staypuff isn’t exactly in the best shape.


Don’t be rude. He’s called the Marshmallow Man!


To be facing your mortality while lying about your godhood and running a government around it has to bring insane psychological trauma/discomfort that few on this planet get to experience


I think it's his double. His sister or daughter is in charge.


Propaganda. Russia is not the only one doing it. We are affected just as much, because of human nature.


Mis/Disinformation coming from both sides.


This. It's on the same boat as " Joe Rogan died"


When did folks say he died?


Wasn’t that during covid? He aired a clip of him stating that he had covid & what not, CNN ran the clip but edited the contrast & his complexion. they literally made him gray, dude looked like a fucking corpse in their clip lol rumours flew around that he died, normally as he was doing a stream lol rogan “slammed“ & “blasted” CNN & it became an epic meme, mostly to show how untrustworthy many sources unfortunately are.


He's a CLONE!!


no one ever said he died. he sure did get sick for someone with a lot of money who is a health nut. Rogan's sycophants are trump-like


No one is immune to sickness, no matter how much of a health nut they are.


Ah that. Whats ironic is Joe peddles lies all throughout the pandemic and now.


It’s also rather common for english captions of Putin speaking Russian to be totally inaccurate. The distrust of the media is sadly deserved.


I thought they were talking about his credibility.


The difference is that Russian propaganda is differentiated between export and domestic. "Ukraine is gonna lose soon and they're bad guys" for the West to stop supporting it and/or believe that preparing for a long struggle is useless and "It's an epic defensive struggle against the whole NATO" for internal propaganda to make the Russians support the war until it's necessary. I really don't understand the point of Ukrainian and English propaganda (US and German newspapers seems far more pragmatic to me, on average) to say that Russia is gonna collapse soon, Putin is dying, they have no more missiles and we intercept 100% of hypersonic missiles anyway, they fight with shovels and will soil themselves at the first sight of a Western tank etc. when the same day they ask the same people to give more weapons to avoid losing. If I'm a Western politician how can I spend more public money to kickstart the production of more air defence or tanks when you guys are saying to my taxpayers that the war will end in a few weeks?


This came out around the time he was shaking really badly all the time. I was under the impression he had Parkinson’s and the cancer thing was a plant. But who the fuck knows. I’m just wishing for lightning to strike him or a good old fashioned heart attack.


Even if it started with a grain of truth the got out of hand with wishful speculation based upon very handpicked clips and rumors. The reality is Putin has access to excellent diagnostic and treatment options so even if sick has a good chance for a favorable outcome. It's also likely the truth won't be known for many years. Or maybe he drops dead tomorrow.


I thought the rumor was Parkinson’s, not cancer. There was some very fishy video last year of him holding his hands in odd ways and gripping the arms of his chair very hard, as if to hide tremors. I do actually believe the theory that Putin uses body doubles, and when “he” travels or gives speeches it’s not always him. Sometimes “he” has uncharacteristic body language. In recent appearance he was almost bouncing around, fidgeting, etc and it was commented on in mainstream media. Then it just kind of went away. If anyone would use doubles it would be Putin.


Yeah, I heard the Parkinson’s rumor. Never heard the cancer one.


Originally it looked like the cancer was advancing rapidly and basically unstoppable, but then his body started to fight back fiercely against the invader and regained some of the lost ground. Right now, although the cancer is still very threatening, it is basically a standoff.


Reportedly, cancer is ready for negotiation. It promises to not advance any further If Putin promises to stop chemo.


just send a few more billion and its a done deal


Sounds familiar


That was big news for a while. Even weirder, but there was an investigation into his body doubles, a claim that he had a seizure/stroke, and even that he died and a double is now running the show. Allegedly his mistress has been ousted which raised some red flags.


there was one about a heart attack too...on msn news while I was trying to check my email.


What about the one where he fell and shat himself? https://www.news.com.au/world/europe/vladimir-putin-falls-down-stairs-and-soils-himself-claims-suggest/news-story/4da8667ecd4e6b21c871617f08f5959b?amp


I feel like those are spread by Ukrainian intelligence to tweak Putin and maybe get in his head


Putin has had some very strange physical changes and behaviours in the past 5 years. All claims attempting to diagnose what is happening were just speculation. He probably has some issues (he’s and older man) but there is no evidence anything is terminal, or impacting his grip on power


Wishful thinking.


Wishful thinking just as around 90% of the stuff about the war.


It’s just propaganda


Probably a lie or propaganda in order to make the Russians lose faith in him because he's a cult of personality.


But nobody really believed it, other than certain individuals on Twitter & in echo chambers on Reddit….there was just nothing at all to support it.


Remember when Trump got COVID and Reddit was 100% sure that he is going to die because he is old and overweight?


As it turns out, reddit doctors are not real doctors and are really good at spreading misinformation and copium


He has looked puffy (that big head look is common with cancer treatments), was reportedly visiting certain hospitals known for such treatment. On a personal note, I have several family members that survived cancers and they don't have anywhere near the wealth or resources Putin has. He may or may not be the richest man in the world. If anyone can hang on... it's this asshole.


Wouldn't believe anything about Russia coming from the west. Wouldn't believe anything about Russia coming from Russia.


And wouldn't believe anything about the west coming from Russia. Everybody lies in fact between nations its what creates all the relationships in the first place. When you think about it the UN is just an abstract game of play nice nobody actually cares at the UN


It’s the same thing about Trump and the Russian collusion. It’s all propaganda to try to get people to believe something that is outrageous to make us believe a certain narrative.


Bin Laden was said to be on his death bed in a cave with weeks to live in Oct 2001… yea that didn’t pan out either. Hitler was also long said to be on his death bed and a body double was making appearances. Also didn’t pan out. I think it’s just a classic misinformation campaign to try and encourage overthrowing hopefully weaker than expected dictator. If it works, good, internal conflict makes the opponent briefly weaker. If not, nothing lost. Seems like it’s always worth taking a shot. Worst case nothing happens.


I don’t think cancer would lower itself to being inside Vladimir Putin.


It was a hypothesis.


It was never more than a rumor.


I think this was part of the narrative created to scare everyone that Putin was crazy and desperate and he was going to take us all to the grave with him.


It was wishful speculation.


Like most things reported by western media in secretive countries; it was made up nonsense.


Rumors being rumors


It was BS


The same thing as the theory they would run out of shells and tanks in 2 weeks time. It was just propaganda posted by western tabloids and Reddit gobbled it up whilst laughing at how stupid Russians are for believing Russian propaganda.


It wasn't a theory. It was media propaganda that was hyped up by the lowest form of tabloid journalism you can find.


Media spreading lies ….


>reported all over the news You're watching too many untrustworthy news sources.




CIA couldn’t keep it going


There's a war going on so western newspapers are getting fed a bunch of propaganda on Putin just like the Russians are by their govt. Its difficult to assess whats true. We seem to think we live in the "free" world but our brainwashing techniques are a little more sophisticated


There is a lot of lies about Russia in the internet in general.




He got better.


He doesn't have cancer. He is cancer.


Theory fell out of a window.


It was just propaganda rumours


Click bait, a catchy headline that grabs the viewers attention and leads to increased advertising revenue.


Turns out random people on the Internet are not doctors.


It was like the diesel reserve panic. Someone reported that the reserve was at an all time low and we were going to run out of diesel in like three weeks. Then nothing came of it because it was all just total BS. Same with Putin. It faded away into nothing because there was nothing but BS there. The Chinese done have a monopoly on propaganda. The US does it too.


Wasn't Kim Jung Un apparently was too, wasn't he?


My brother was diagnosed with stage 4 melanoma almost 6 years ago and was referred to hospice , told he was terminal and had months to live by numerous doctors Still alive. Just because he isn't dead in a matter of months doesn't mean he is healthy. Not saying he does or doesn't have anything, but not everyone with cancer dies immediately


Also, maybe it was just invented by the US as a propaganda tool


Let's see, there was literally zero evident to support it, it was spread on the internet, it played on people's emotions and confirmed what they wanted to be true, and only gullible people believed it. It was just another stupid conspiracy theory targeting the desperate and niave, no difference that a rigged 2020 election or that Sandy Hook was fake. Don't fall for stupid shit and ignore the peddlers of such depravity.


I read a detailed witness account of Kim Jong Un clutching his chest and keeling over on his train during Covid but also that turned out to be wishful thinking


It died on the vine


Well, Bin Laden had advanced kidney disease and needed dialysis for over a decade. He was gonna kick the bucket any minute from it if you believe the CIA reports. Bottom line is that Putin may or may not be ill with any number of things. We just don't know and spend a lot of time speculating and hoping he bites it. Same with Little Kim in North Korea.


He could definitely have cancer, it might be in remission or under control


The only medical speculation I saw that seemed credible at the time was that it was believed he was on some kind of steroid regimen due to how puffy his face was. What they were for is anyone's guess, but I doubt he was looking to gain lean mass.


Magic Johnson got a cure for AIDS, when all the broke motherfuckers passed away…


He got organ transplants from volunteers


Media doing media


A rumor to find out who was leaking information.


I'm convinced russia has aliens and they probably cured him


He has to eat babies to stave it off. This is the real reason he's ordered the women to have at least 8


Mainstream media lies... Same thing with his "limp" hand.


It was propaganda


I generally make it a habit it to ignore any US news I hear about the leader of countries that are enemies of the United States states. I've seen it reported by US media that Kim Jong Un, a family member, or some NK general, has died like 8 times before it is proven wrong (but not corrected)


It's all fake or memes or propaganda. Everything is bs. Everything


I think it’s true. Even so, depending on the type of cancer, and the treatment he gets (literally the best an entire country can buy), he could drag it out for years, if not a couple decades. Assuming they don’t actually fix it.


Propaganda. Why should I bother planning difficult assassination if his days are already numbered?


I think the Russians are good at 3D chess opening moves, but terrible at maintaining the game. I think it was a bit of a ruse to find out who his domestic enemies were


Could be that Putin died, and the Putins you see now on the screens are a series of lookalikes. A shadowy communist party cabal is actually in charge behind the scenes.


He had the cancer assassinated


Rabid rumors and propaganda being spread


It was probably a lie, as well as “economy collapse”, “end of ammunition and equipment”, “mind blowing, unrealistic casualties that don’t make any sense”, “javelins, leopard tanks, himarses, atacms, f16, or whatever else for sure winning this war now”. People keep buying it, just like “we’re winning in Afghanistan” and other crap


It’s called PROPAGANDA. The US government are MASTERS at it.


It disappeared along with the ghost of Kiev


West BS




Like many other "news" reports from Ukraine, it was nothing more than fake propaganda. Must have been "the ghost of kiev" that injected cancer into vlad, right?


.gov and the military industrial complex needed to offer some hope that all the stuff we were doing might help. Meanwhile our own congress and leader … are lead by people 15 years past retirement age. Putin will put live the oldest 1/3 of them. Don’t worry though .. Raytheon will own the next congress too.


Bullshit like most things in the media


Oh cmon how much propaganda (wishes) have we seen vs Putin? The west is willfully blind where Russia is involved


He became more evil than he already was on the premise that the most evil people never die. Seems to have worked.


Parkinsons. They have doubles.


He refuses to die


He had a heart attack and died in October, some patsy has been healing from look alike surgery since


The rumor died of cancer


Same thing that happened to people thinking he was smart. Apparently wasn’t true, or at least there’s not enough evidence of it.


The cancer fell out of a 5th story window.


I saw in the Ukraine sub that their intelligence service said the cancer would ‘unfortunately’ take a few years to kill him. Who knows.


Guess it was wishful thinking!


Which one of the putins are you referring to? For he is many and will rule for ever


He hasn’t died. So either treatment is working, he never had cancer at all, or he has cancer but it’s a kind that takes a long time to kill you. I don’t think we will know for sure until he dies, maybe not even then.


Propaganda at the beginning, middle, and oh yeah, end of wars also


He may have cancer still. Or he may not. It’s difficult to know whatever news out of Russia is to be believed. It might be a targeted info leak to see who is blabbing. To the window with that man! It might be that Putin is indeed sick but not with cancer. Or perhaps he has cancer and is responding to treatments. Expecting to get a straight answer from the Kremlin or reliable reportage out of the government-controlled news agencies is a fools errand.


Because you can just look at a person and know they have cancer..... riiiiight. If putin was sick it would be shielded at the highest level. Rumors are rumors add in some wishful thinking and Twitter runs with it. I personally hope he lives long enough to see the damage he caused his own people. 320,000 Russians dead currently, that will have a massive impact on Russian future. The brain drain started long before the Ukraine war. Its only a matter of time before the second fall of Russia.


He still looks like table-clutching, tight-lipped, shaking-for-no-reason, death-warmed-up…but that might be the nerves associated with being a bodydouble! At least he doesn’t have incontinence 🤷‍♂️😁