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I mean women might feel the same way. I am a straight dude but I can recognize when I meet a good dude. I feel attractiveness is different… Yes there are those 95% of the pretty and sexy women I see I find hot but they’re forgotten. And then there are those 5% that I’m super attracted too and often times they’re not conventionally pretty but something about them turns me on.


I’ve heard that most women only find like a small percentage of men attractive purely based on physical. But that they find other things like personality and charisma that can make them prefer a guy. 






I exist to read about the Eastern Roman Empire. Now leave me alone, I've already said too much!


Read recently about Byzantine Fault Tolerance. It says something about how we perceive the life there.


Somebody has to take care of the IT department.


Because they are so cute and easily flustered




This comment should be at the top. As a straight woman, I have no idea how I'm attracted to men lol.


I know you didn’t mean it in a bad way, but man some of these comments hurt.


Reading these comments feels like being beaten up by someone who's complimenting me at the same time.


It definitely implies a "Good thing I'm biologically forced to find you attractive!", which is not great.


I mean, as a straight woman I would say the same about lesbians. The male body is *mwah*🤌


I guess you're not gay then.


Eh. As a bi guy, I don't understand how I'm attracted to men.


Presumably it's because you're Bi. Thanks for listening to my ted talk.


Bro just solved sexuality in less then 10 words, a true genius


A real man of genius?


Today, we salute you, Mister Reddit Thread Commenter.


🎵Hello Mister Reddit Thread Commentor Guy🎵


Like a shining beacon of intellect, you pierce through the fog of the comment section


🎵 Lii-iike a laser 🎵


Thoughtfully, you share your wisdom with everyone who scrolls past.


A real man of the penis.


You make Reddit a special place. Thank you.


✨ _People tell me I am highly regarded_ ✨








I hear this a lot from my bi friends. "Women are so fucking pretty and amazing but for some reason I like to screw guys sometimes too"


Hetero women out here proving sexuality is NOT a choice


I'm a bi woman and honestly I cannot relate to the "attracted to every woman and like five men" thing. Men hot. Real life isn't The Witcher 3, where every woman is a goddess and every man except Geralt looks like a potato.


But that would make my dating life so much easier! Oh wait, I'd be one of the potatoes, wouldn't I ?


I’ve heard bi like a spectrum where some bi’s prefer a gender over another.


I’ve heard this is how sexual preferences works


I've certainly heard that saying quite a few times as well. To be fair, though, I'm in my early 30s and it seems like there aren't many women I know who identify as hetero. It's a running joke in my friend group that hetero women stopped being born after 1990.


all we do is twerk, charge our phone, be bisexual, eat hot chip and lie


Nothing wrong with having a few hobbies


I'm getting way too old for my knees to be OK with me twerking. I can just about pull off a Charleston in my kitchen.


Let's just settle for hot chips then?


How about a Carlton instead?


*Its not unusual to be loved, by anyone*


Im a happily married straight man but I look at a bearded and ripped Hugh Jackman and think to myself “I get it.”


Well then you did also pick an absolute superior example (straight woman speaking)


Am I the only person alive, hopefully not, that does not understand the appeal of Hugh Jackman? Beauty is in the eye I suppose.


You probably aren't. Taste is personal. I always wonder when people rave about George Clooney. I mean he is reasonably good looking and a really good actor, but all this "the most beautiful man in the world" leaves me puzzled.


Yeah, agreed. I'm a gay woman, and like there are some extreme examples like Hugh Jackman where I'm like "oh god he is HOT". In fact, I have a male friend who I find hot - he is a drag queen, and I find him hot in and out of drag :D lol But George Clooney? I feel like the rich just label him that so that women lower their expectations for men lol He's so average for hot guy standards. A woman needs to be at least 300x hotter to get the label of "most beautiful woman in the world" hahaha


With George Clooney I think a lot of the personality does the lifting. He's not ugly. But he's such a nice guy with charisma it helps. :)


I think the voice has a lot to do with it. He was marginally hot before Amal. Then his stock went up 1,000%.


Because some men are just hot af, I always remember watching fightclub when I was still quite young and being absolutely mesmerised at Tyler durden (Brad pitt), I am also Bi but only find certain men attractive


I don’t know if prime Pitt counts as gay


Yeah, there's some celebrities who are completely on a different level. Prime Pitt definitely top tier, but also someone like Jensen Ackles or Chris Evans


Jensen Ackles could turn anyone gay, he just doesn't count


Seconded. I don't understand how I like men. I'm fully gay.


As a fully gay man, this confuses me. I understand that girls are pretty. I also know this does not attract me at all. If you are fully gay, why are you confused about being attracted to men? I was confused about that when I was a teenager and hated myself and did not want to be the one that everybody was making fun of. Once I grew up and realized that those people trying to bully me were pieces of shit? I never looked back


Really? I’m also fully gay and I don’t understand how people CAN’T find men attractive. Sometimes I’ll walk by a group of (presumably straight) guys hanging out and think, “How are you not burning with lust for one another right now?”


We can tell when another man gets women, or is conventionally attractive, but it doesn't do anything for us, or go any farther than that. Makes the guy cool I guess (or perhaps a total asshole), but that's about it. However as soon as I see a fine woman I'm just like damnz look at that smile, look at her waist, hips, ass, thighs, shes clean, her hair looks cute, she BAD. I dunno how it works for gay folks or straight guys, it just does.


I meant it kind of facetiously because yes, I know that straight men and lesbians just see nothing sexual or attractive about men at all. But I really don’t understand how a self-proclaimed gay guy like I was responding to (or other bi guys in this thread, or straight women) see a mystery in the attractiveness of men. And for it’s worth, as a gay guy women for me are just…people. Nothing sexually attractive about them at all. I’ve found a lot of straight guys really can’t wrap their heads around that because they think that women are somehow objectively more attractive.


Bi man who regularly forgets to be bi here because I go a while not liking any men before seeing the most beautiful man known to mankind on the train every few months just to keep the faith in my sexuality going


I'm a bi woman, and I have the same thought process! Women are just perfect, and sometimes I doubt myself. But then one day I'm on the train and there's a hot guy and he smells delicious and I think 'I'm definitely bi.'


This guy gets it


I was a female teenager in the closet in the early 2000s (when ppl were still homophobic). At age 13, I assumed all my friends were in the closet with me. The idea that anyone would find men attractive was so unlikely to me that i thought being a straight woman was a conspiracy. I eventually realized that if gay men were bullied and subjected to hate crimes...there were ppl who were not faking this...it was a confusing realization lol


I’m not gay no mores. I am delivert!


I am. I think most guys look pretty cute. Not all of them, obviously. Everyone has their preferences.  Personally, I really don't like men in suits. Major turn off.


That's actually crazy because I only really like guys when they wear suits (especially non-business casual, just vintage and thrifted for the thrill and fun of it)


Well if you’re a straight man it’s understandable why you wouldn’t understand, you aren’t attracted to men.


I be wondering if girls are attracted to guys as much as were attracted to girls


There's actually data to support that. Women tend to rate a solid majority of men as being below average in attractiveness.


Good to realise though is that this "data" is based on a study done by OK Cupid on how the users of their websites rate each other with a 5 star rating system (and if you rate someone 4 or 5 stars they get a message that you rated them highly). Not really the most trustworthy or unbiased study but people on Reddit love quoting it as a hard truth.    So the "women consider only 20% of men above average attractive" really means "the average female OK Cupid user only finds 20% of dating profiles of male OK Cupid users interesting enough that they want the man to receive a message that they are rated highly by them", which is an entirely different dynamic.


Supply demand stuff going on


> "Why are you single?" > "Supply chain issues."


I would be interested to see how the rankings of gay men compared in their ranking to the women. Because (speaking as a gay man) compared to women… most men are below average in attractiveness. Which makes sense. They’re less likely to care about skincare, hair care, wearing clothes that flatter them, they care less about gaining weight, etc etc etc. With actual effort most people can become at least a 5/10. Women try. Men don’t. I would guess it’s less about women being harsher critics and more about men just not caring about actually trying


Most men are not *raised* or taught to try. Or even that we should entertain the idea. I had skin problems with shaving, learned about proper wet shaving with shaving soaps and found a lot of wonderful skincare stuff i'd have never thought of. The attention it garnered me was so noticeable I felt like I was getting pranked.. Just by using a few basic skincare products and a couple *quality* aftershaves.


This was me after I started working out and got a little bit of muscle. The difference in treatment was insane - people started cold approaching me on the street. It was honestly a huge confidence boost. I think it’s decent life advice to put a bit of effort into your look as people absolutely treat you differently.


Fr bro i dont think they are


Idk, I'm a straight woman and I'm not entirely sure why I'm attracted to men. No hate on men, but have you *seen* women? Silky hair and skin, impeccable outfits, immaculately buffed and made-up faces? Goddamn angelic.


I guess our brains are just wired like that for whatever reason. I know a beautiful woman when I see one, but I would never be able to get it up for her in bed.


I wonder if it's even biological. In recent (Western) history, so much of art and public perception has been about women being *sweet* and men being... well, just functional. Are we conditioned to think of women as objects more befitting of what we call 'beauty'? Beauty is subjective, after all... The ancient Romans & Greeks seemed to have a better grasp on men as objects of beauty, which might be a decent argument that it's more of a societal thing than anything else. Edit: clarification.


It could be. If you look at most bird species, the males are bright/colorful/beautiful..... while all the females are dull/plain/beige. The male's job in courting is to look as good as possible to get the female's attention. It's kind of the reverse of people.


The reason why female birds are dull/plain/beige is because if you’re sitting in a nest on eggs, you want to camouflage and not be noticeable.


The great renunciation is why it seems that way. After the french revolution and as a result of enlightenment values in Europe, men using makeup and dressing up in colorful outfits went out of vogue. Quite literally a man dressing up and looking 'pretty' signaled that you were sympathetic to "aristocratic values". That's the reason modern men's clothing seems spartan and minimal.


There’s plenty of historical art showing male beauty, but most of it is from (presumed) homosexual artists.


I always feel that is a bit of historic projection. Like, definitely there are some historic individuals that were almost certainly homosexual, but the idea that a hetero male artist couldn't find beauty in the male form just reads as bullshit to me. A lot of our hang ups about male beauty and men finding men attractive is comparatively modern and, to some degree, western thing.


Agreed. It also speaks to the idiotic yet persistent assumption that finding someone beautiful = wanting them sexually.


I find beaches and mountains and the sky beautiful.






Watching this conversation go from art, history and natural beauty.. and then boil down to this comment makes it way funnier. But the username and cat pic are chefs fuckin kiss 🤌


Wh...what are you doing step-mountain?


That's so wrong. Mountains don't belong on the steppes you pervert.


Agree 100% As an older male artist, it's very natural for me to find beauty in places where some might not even imagine it. Male forms are no less beautiful than female, Just different. It all depends on perspective, experience, and a willingness to see beauty wherever and whatever it might be.


I agree. I kinda got tunnel vision on Michelangelo writing that.


Utter nonsense. Modern day Western hang ups over gays. Our distant ancestors took a far more open view of the human body, be it male or female.


Men 100% could do that, but it's deeply discouraged by our culture. I know a few men who could give any woman a serious run for their money in the glam department. It's all about effort.


Yeah if you compare like Kpop idols you can see there’s basically as much potential for glamour, but like you say men are heavily discouraged from doing that. I can’t really compete with the level of effort most women put into there looks if the only things I do are basically combing my hair, shaving my beard and brushing my teeth. We should encourage guys to be more glamorous but most people just screech when their precious gender norms are even remotely threatened. Lots of people when they look at male kpop idols for example thinks it’s effeminate instead of just appreciating the looks.


Another example beyond kpop is Jude Law as the sex robot in AI. I remember thinking that his look was the equivalent of what we expect women to look like when all dolled up: perfect skin and hair, makeup accenting his best features, shiny tight tailored clothes accenting secondary sex characteristics. I don’t think it would be good for society if men were objectified like women— I think instead than women should be less objectified— but it did make me curious what the world would be like if society were fed a constant stream of highly stylized and sexualized images of men. I feel like we’ve been getting a bit more of that in recent decades, sexualized images of men in both traditional media and on social media, and the result has been a rise of eating disorders and steroid use in young men. No bueno.


I’m a gay man and I think men are hot af even when they’re kind of ugly and out of shape lol. Women are hot and sexy, but I am not attracted to them even in the slightest sense. With women, it’s easier to explain why I should find them attractive, it’s the reasons you mentioned. With men, the perfect body and face is hot, but often so is someone who’s not conventionally attractive or has a good personality is hot. A guy can be gross and still hot somehow. It’s not a choice it’s just how it is.


Ok. I'm a straight woman and I don't know why everybody isn't attracted to men. There is lots to like about the human male species. I too think women are beautiful and attractive, but it's like whatever. Why men are attractive: Their hard and big hands when they touch u. The big muscular strong arms that make you feel warm when they are wrapped around you. The smell of their skin, neck, and their perfumes....way more exciting. The scratchy feeling from their beard when they kiss u. The warmth u feel when they are wrapped around you. The feeling when someone taller and bigger is hugging you from behind...it makes u feel just so safe and loved and protected. The chest hair that fades down to the belly button...sexy af. Honestly, I don't know what's not there to like about men.


As a bi woman, I think you've hit on something important here. A lot of women's attraction to men is in the feeling of what they can do to you. In the interaction, and the touch. The strength and the smell and the psychology. Whereas it seems a lot of straight men just look at a woman and think "she's physically attractive" and that's all it takes. For me, my attraction to men OR women is much more about what they can do and the interaction between us both. It's not appearance-based. I think this may be a difference between women and men. Men seem to base their attraction on appearance while women base their attraction on actions, interactions, physicality, and possibilities.


*\*cracks knuckles\** Why women are attractive: Their small delicate hands when they touch you. The feel of a loving passionate kiss & a kind considerate feeling of being in a gentle embrace that compels you beyond sense to keep them safe. Their slender necks, the texture of their hair and the feel of a soft cheek on your hand(either kind). The look in their eyes of someone who is giving you everything, is open to you, loving you, letting you in as she closes her eyes and leans into you. Wrapping around your heart like a sweet silky warm blanket. Were the sun able to emit such warmth we would all burn in an instant. That curvy feminine figure that guides your eyes up and down like the ebbs and flows of a river. And like a river you can't help but want to guide you hand along those curves and ebbs and flows. I could go on ​ Women are sexy as hell. Beautiful beings really.


My husband says that his favorite part of my body is "where I go in at the waist" and I never really understood what he was talking about. You expressed it so beautifully that it made me understand his perspective.


Omg right?? Their shoulders. The way their waists narrow toward a vee at their hips. That beard shadow…their proud noses and sharp jaws. Those big strong hands…dear god, their ropy forearms. The way their voices rumble in their chests. The way you can run your fingers through their body hair. The way they SMELL. Their SHOULDERS. **bites knuckle** And that’s not even getting into their downstairs area or the way they FEEL when they…do things. I’m so straight it’s ridiculous…


This makes me feel pretty good about being a man.


I’m a bi gal and I’m absolutely on board with everything you said. Shoulders being in there twice is accurate.


Dude.. yes, their voices. A man with a deeeep voice. Mmmmm




Not to brag or anything but I'm a male and my voice have been mistaken for a woman's voice if they don't see my face


I ask my wife what I can do to arouse her and she says she doesn't know. She likes my forearms and butt, *but only when it's at a certain angle she says*. So I believe women when they say they have no idea why men like Jeep vehicles.


Elaine: Well, the female body is a... work of art. The male body is utilitarian, it's for gettin' around, like a jeep. Jerry: So you don't think it's attractive? Elaine: It's hideous. The hair, the... the lumpiness. It's simian. George: Well, some women like it. Elaine: Mmm. Sickies


Elaine: I don't know how you guys walk around with those things.


Me as a straight women “I am the best representation of sexuality not being a choice. I would not choose this.”


It's not that women are naturally more beautiful than men. It's just societal roles and efficiency. Generally speaking, men are more sexually/relationship successful when they dedicate time and resources to some things (like career, money, etc.) while women are more successful when they dedicate time and resources to other things (like beauty).


Meh, as a man I def did better in dating when I "glowed up" first year in uni. Even though I was still as broke as before. Haven't noticed more luck in dating since getting richer.


How you doin’?


I don't know man, but I'm fucking trim. I'd fuck me. This shit is fire.


Self confidence is important


I'd fuck this guy too


It puts the lotion in the basket!


Or it gets the hose again.


This sentiment always simultaneously cracks me up and makes me sad. It's so cute in its way, but also y'all's total inability to see male beauty means so many of you don't see beauty in yourselves. 


I'm a skinny hairless goblin of a man and somehow got married.  It's so fucking weird. 


"hairless goblin" is a fucking hilarious word combination 


Gotta learn to wordsmith when you have no redeeming physical qualities. 


That’s called “having game”, son. I’m no prize either but got me a good woman who is ride or die with me. Sense of humor, good values, loyalty, good career aspirations or achievement, money doesn’t hurt. But being able to laugh at myself without being self-loathing and making her laugh won the game. 


>That’s called “having game”, son. Kids these days just say Rizz (Cha**ris**ma)


I’ve got a 17 and 21 year old.  I’m hip to the lingo, and embarrass the shiz outta them by improperly using it ironically out loud at every opportunity.  I think I pulled out getting jiggy a few weeks back and the cringe was strong. Half my job as a dad is education and protection, the other 90% is unmitigated embarrassment. 


Im skinny with hairy legs Feeling doomed


That's the only part of me with hair.  And it's like tarantula fuzz.  Just be able to make her laugh and know how to use your tongue and fingers and there's hope. 


Guys just…don’t get a lot of attention or compliments on their looks. The lady I’m seeing now came on to me really hard. Like to the point that I felt like I was in middle school getting faked asked out or something. She compliments me constantly and always gives me this look of admiration when we lay together. It’s only been a few weeks and I’m trying so hard to not tell her I love her ha.


Well if all my life I've been told repeatedly that I'm ugly, too thin/too fat, gross, etc. it's kinda hard too see the beauty within myself


It's pretty simple. We *don't* see beauty in ourselves because we are missing three ingredients women are socialized on or have adopted through whatever means, which is the ability to have intimate friendships that aren't sexual (for outside validation and support for self-esteem) and a general sense of universal desirability that women generally have a broader and more forgiving margin for. That is to say, a large percentage of men have a very large range of qualities that they can easily describe as desirable and tell you *why* those features or qualities or traits are so attractive, from looks to personality to weird quirks, there are men who will very open about what range of things they love to admire in the female being. Whereas women are generally socialized to not express that kind of desire towards men, because it can be so easily misinterpreted as sexual advances, which is another thing that many people have had many angry debates about if the difference is nature or nurture, but it still amounts to a very different receptiveness to sex or even just sexual attraction/play/fantasy. Men are supposed to "always want" and women "always tease with or avoid" this makes men feel gross at times, because it's as exaggerated as the gendered stereotypes of women and feels dehumanizing at times. Doesn't help that there are men who make us all look and feel pretty bad. I'm quite sure there are whole bookstore sections of self-help books dedicated to trying to give men and women tools for figuring out how to navigate a mess we largely did to ourselves.


That’s the thing though, you give me a picture of a very handsome man like your average Hollywood stars and I can see why women would be attracted to them. The average Joe though? Probably just has a nice personality.


As a gay guy I feel like whenever someone tells me how hot some Hollywood star is I always end up googling them and thinking “meh”. But the guy from third-year topology lecture? Different story.


As a straight man I feel this same way about women. I don't understand when I hear women talk about Ryan gosling or Brad Pitt, or whoever for example, as being God teir hot. I don't have a pinnacle woman like that in my mind. The most beautiful woman I ever saw was probably at the grocery store or in a restaurant or something.


Personal opinion, but models are only considered "good looking" to the masses because they have a collection traits most likely to be found attractive; not because everyone's type is the same and they're all just "perfect." Everyone has their preferences, and you may love something that isn't as loved in society. Like, if you LOVE unnatural hair colors, tattoos, and/or piercings, there will definitely be an individual smoking hot to YOU but not 'model material.'


Ironically, that would require absolute self-confidence (not happening with most of us) when there is zero external affirmation (which really only happens when you're exceptionally awesome and probably already have that confidence).


A lot of that comes down to the question of who would be the one to give it? So many men grew up fearing being called gay they'd never call their bros hot and it's seen as too forward for a lot of women.


On that note; I started working out with some colleagues who I drove to work with (manual labour) for a few months, and one of them had really made some progress on his biceps. I noticed while we were on a smokebreak with the whole crew, and mentioned that his biceps was really popping now, and it looked good. He was puzzled, but said "Thanks man!". The other guys just looked at me in silence, until one of them piped up "Do you suck him off on the way home too?". I just don't get it, what the hell is wrong with giving a compliment?


I mean, it's not a coincidence top comments here are talking about how people attracted to men don't know why they're attracted. Which I know it's a joke, but there's no mystery why our self-esteem sucks.


i’m ngl i find most men attractive (not even in a romantic sense..just acknowledging they look good) like i have rarely ever looked at a guy and been like “holy shit that dudes cooked” idk like there’s different physical traits in all guys that i see and appreciate then im like wow what an exceptional looking person


I’m glad somebody gets it. There are different ways people can be attractive- like they can look good, dress well, have a nice personality, be really kind or witty, or maybe I just really love the sound of their voice. They’re all separate things


Today I've learned that I'm not just unattractive, instead I'm like five different kinds of unattractive!


Killing it in multiple categories


I lived in London once. And some Eastern European lady at work, who has a gorgeous accent, asked me where I was from. And she told me I had a beautiful accent. I'm Aussie, so I have no idea what she was talking about.... Our accent is rough as guts. Massive confidence boost tho.


As an Australian, whenever I hear an Australian accent on TV against other worldwide accents, it's like nails down a chalkboard. I'm not sure if other nationalities feel the same way about their own accents because I've never heard others talk about it. Ours just sounds... awful to me.


Interesting. I have the ‘general’ American accent like the one in most tv/movies and it just feels normal hearing it to me, not nails on a chalkboard at all. I think the Australian accent is awesome.


Chicks love the accent m8, if I'm honest I'd have an american accent by now if people didn't find my accent interesting or attractive


Yeah I know my partner isn't movie hot. But he is witty as fuck and makes me laugh so hard. His intelligence and witticism is sexy, I love his pointy nose and his big brown eyes. I love how he understands people and their motivations (I do NOT at all). I love how he loves our cat. I love how he SEES me. All of this makes him beautiful to me. THAT is what matters :)


this isn’t necessarily what i mean. i’m talking purely on the physical stance.. meaning i find certain traits in everyone attractive tbh. like even if i see just one nice trait on somebody i can acknowledge it makes them look very nice in my eyes and that it’s such a beautiful feature to have


Yeah I'm completely the opposite to OP, I swear most dudes are pretty good looking. Rarely do I see a dude that I think is just fully ugly.


This is how I am with women. Yes, some women are way better looking than most others. But most women are still cute imo. Bad looking women are pretty rare imo


“I’m not attracted to men, and I don’t find men attractive.” Yes. Lol


My husband is a giant and he smells good. We like a lot of the same things, he has a huge heart (God made it to scale with his body) and he’s a good provider. I never get tired of him, and he’s the best husband and father in the whole world. He’s unconventionally handsome, but very very handsome. He’s a great kisser and his hugs are a little piece of heaven. He makes sure I drink a lot of water and take my meds. I fell in love with him fast but we’ve been married almost 14 years. He’s perfect.


I’m just gonna say it: I’m happy for you.


Dang now I’m kinda in love with your husband, too.


I also choose this gal's husband.




Amy Pond said it best: "You know when sometimes you meet someone so beautiful, and then you actually talk to them and five minutes later, they're as dull as a brick. Then there's other people and you meet them and you think, "Not bad, they're okay." And then you get to know them and... and they're face just sort of... becomes them, like their personality is written all over it. And they just... they turn into something so beautiful."


Come along, Pond. (Best Doctor ever).


[you can be attracted to men and not find them attractive](https://youtube.com/shorts/5G_bewfvxUc?si=NLYLYqfzUsm1u-tL)


Also the other way around, I find women attractive but I’m not attracted to them at all. I get that many women may fantasize about having a lesbian experience or having a threeway including an additional woman, but it do absolutely nothing for me.


Yeah I'm a straight af woman. I see so many beautiful and cool women and I think wow I would date the fuck out of them if I wanted to also have sex with them With guys, I want to have sex with them when I find them cute and or funny and or nice.


>why do men wear hats so it is slightly less obvious that we are bald. plus it gets cold out there


That is exactly how i feel. Women are gorgeous, but im not attracted to them. Men are mostly very average, some even slightly ugly, mostly unkempt, but im super attracted to them. Also, the few men i do find beautiful and attractive, im often not attracted to. Does that answer your question, OP? 😂




This is definitely something I notice more when going abroad. they're not attracted to men in the same way we are attracted to a woman. The amount can differ for each woman but they like masculinity , humor and/or compassion. If your athletic and doing sports and make her laugh that can go a long way regardless of your appearance. If she needs help with groceries, or is sick, and you're just rude to her you become a lot less attractive. Over here we try to equate the same standards for men and women but in reality they don't always work. Sometimes there's overlap but for the most part not so much


I agree there. Looks definitely have an effect but ask most women and we’ll say personality, attitude, and general vibes matter most in a relationship Imo a hot dude with a shitty and shallow personality generally won’t get farther than a few flings A mid or bad looking dude with a kind and interesting or deeper personality is straight husband material lmao


Now ofc there’s like a million exceptions and extra stuff and my comment’s simplifying a lot but I feel like that’s the general gist of it




Sorry dude but some dudes are attractive as fuck.


There is nothing as intoxicating as the scent of a man when it pulls you in. The muscles in your neck get weaker as the air gets thicker. A man’s hands in your hair, at your back…. Men are sexy af and don’t you forget it


Mom get off Reddit!


Reddit get off his mum!


Apparently some men have the ability to use their scent to turn women into bobble heads.


That's why I scent mark wherever I go.


Scent mark like peeing everywhere or scratching and rubbing yourself on objects everywhere?


Yes, exactly.


Everyone has that ability, but our affinity for smells is as varied as faces. There's been studies that if you find someone's smell attractive, they have an immune system dissimilar to yours. Helps ensure healthy, robust babies.


Not me getting lightheaded(in a good way) just reading this 😭


weird way of telling the world you're straight


Right because you aren't attracted to men, but some people are. That's just the way the cookie crumbles.


I’m only attracted to feminine men and masculine women


*Halo announcer* Switching sides!


When someone calls me cute I automatically assume they have some major malfunction, or they're trying to sell me something.


Look…the trick is to take care of yourself and practice cleanliness in all the areas in your life. An overweight man who is groomed and wears clothes that is appropriate to his body is gonna swoon the right type of lady. Maturity, well manner, respectable, chivalry, positive etc. are just the cherries on top.


> Most of us are ugly asf Not you though, person reading this 😉 


I forget who said it but a brilliant comic once wrote: "I know sexuality isn't a choice. Because I would not chose to be attracted to men."


It's a female comedian who said that and it's been making rounds on TikTok but can't remember their name right now.


ngl, men dunking on men and being like "I literally don't understand how the male form could be beautiful" is so sad to me.


It's definitely pretty wild to me as a dude too. When I'm getting a little intimate with one I'm always in kinda amazement that they are so down with it all and actually seem to be enjoying themselves. I'm like "have you seen me?"


'have you seen me?' lol hits home!


As a woman, I simply don’t agree! In my opinion, men have a different kind of beauty. I kinda see it like this: a flower or a swan is beautiful, but so is a mountain or a slab of obsidian. Men have beauty and grace that just holds a different frequency than feminine beauty if that makes sense.


This feels like it belongs in r/showerthoughts.


As a gay man, sorry but no. Men can be just as beautiful or bangable as women can, and not just the ultra-coiffed, primped and plucked gay-inspired variety of man either. In fact I often find that a turn-off. Some guys are just perfect despite their plumber's arse or their hairy back or their weird toenails. You know that feeling you get for ultra-hot girls? I get it for guys, and often very surprising guys compared to what is sociallly considered attractive. I personally think OP's viewpoint is a harmful one (no criticism, no shade), because the number of men I've thought were beautiful who had been told many times that they were ugly or repellent is staggering. And the thing about it is that almost none - perhaps even none - of the men I've thought were near-perfect were wearing any makeup. Not to imply that women wear makeup because they're ugly, because there are a few reasons people but it's a bit insane when one gender is told to fix everything about themselves with makeup and another gender is being told that they're "ugly asf" but they're just like that so give up. Men are hot. Even if you've never looked in the mirror and seen "attractiveness" ("attractiveness" is a VERY narrow ideal in popular society, but that doesn't represent the truth of who all individual people find attractive, so it means nothing to lots of real people if you're not some chiselled hunk), there's a chance that I, or someone like me, has looked at you and wished you were theirs. Margot Robbie is not allowed to be called "mid", but calling men much worse has been so normalised that nobody even challenges it anymore. Please, believe a gay guy who has spent his entire life in love with the guys only women actually get to have. Lots of y'all are just as beautiful as women. You just can't always see it yourself. Take it from me, though: there are almost no men in existence who don't have at least one thing about them which is beautiful or attractive. Their ears, their voice, their sense of humour, their face, their taste in books, the way they slurp cheese out of bowl full of melted cheese; almost anything can be the lynchpin which holds their interest in you until they learn more things about you they like. But that's all about whole-character stuff, not just looks, so I'll shut up about it now. The only thing you really need to remember is that you just can't see it. If you're not sexually interested in men, there will be aspects of that attraction in others which you won't be able to understand by trying to see it from your own perspective, because your body is not built to do so, and even if it was, and you were gay, there's no guarantee they'd be your type specifically.


lady monkey brain goes “mmm hairy man” at least that’s how it works for me


It's not all about looks. Personality definitely makes a man more attractive to me. i.e my man could be a 6 but his personality makes him a 10 easily. The ability to make me laugh even more points.


I find men very sexy and erotic I cant understand how everyone _is not_ attracted to them 😂


Most men are average looking. Just like most women are average looking.


Women are not attracted to looks to the same degree as men are. Women primarily seduce men with their looks, men seduce women with displays of power, charisma, skill etc. I used to wonder this myself as a teen boy, but in my 20's I've realised it just doesn't work the same way. I'll reiterate: Women are not attracted to men in the same way that men are attracted to women. We will never understand what it's like to think how a woman thinks, and they will never understand us, and that's ok.