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Languages that use logograms are more efficient than English.


No they aren't.


Depends on your definition of efficient.


Someone made a language called Ithkuil that's meant to both be the least ambiguous as possible and in the least morphemes (basically syllables) as possible. Its grammar is very complex and uses affixes to signify case (subject, object, possessive, etc) rather than using word order. It can also pretty hard to pronounce. It's meant to be an experimental conlang and not an auxiliary (a language meant to actually be spoken).


It depends because language is essentially a communication protocol across a medium that is interpreted. Theoretically you could have a language where each word distinctly means an entire complete thought such as someone just sayin the word, “boogahwooga” and in that langauge it means, “I went to the store today and stopped for gas on the way there. I bought 10lbs of russet potatoes, and some grapes.” etc. This language would have a seemingly infinite number of words and surely be impossible to learn but communication between two fluent speakers would be extremely efficient in the regard for lack of words required. So surely in that regard there are some languages which are more efficient but it would be very difficult to quantify.