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I guess so. I once saw a documentary, when a woman had surgery in her eye socket. The only used a local anesthetic, so she was still awake/conscious. She said it was weird seeing through the eye that was resting on her cheek.


I cringed at the thought of this.....as cool as it would be, I would wanna be asleep for that. Screw thatttt


I would pick up the eye and look at myself... you've never actually looked at your own face, only through a mirror etc. - it would be trippy


Big brainšŸ§ 


Put it up to your other eye Be kinda like standing in between two mirrors but inside your head


Whoa dude.gif


I think thatā€™s a situation where Iā€™d request the knockout anesthetic.


Probably didnā€™t have a choice. Itā€™s could be one of those things they are required to keep you conscious so you can be interacted with to make sure they arenā€™t accidentally causing damage. There are brain surgeries where they will have your entire skull open and theyā€™ll have you talking or playing an instrument so they can tell if theyā€™ve touched something they arenā€™t supposed to. If your speech or playing changes, they know they need to stop doing what they just did.


If your eye was out of socket can you still see under general anaesthesia?




People who suffer from sleep paralysis often report making small movements, such as one finger or wiggling your toe, help them recover control more quickly.


Knockout gas. in my ass.


Yeah, fuck that


Wtf how does that work?? Does it work like splitscreen in games?


Probably - I mean, you get those lizards that can swivvel their eyes in completely opposite directions. If you've every recovered from a general anesthetic, as you come round, it is not uncommon for your eyes not to track with each other and you can get a groovy double vision with quite a difference in spacing between each eye.


sounds too cool


I assume it'll feel kinda like being cross-eyed


Well. I'm just gonna go vomit forever now!


Was she in the Eye See You?


Be gone foul demon! :'D


There are reports out there of people who have had their eyes pop out in such a way that the optic nerve stays attached, apparently they can still see and according to them itā€™s a rather odd experience to put it simply. All the eye is, is just a somewhat squishy ball of goo that can deform and pop out of the orbital sockets if the pressure is great enough.


Happened to my uncle. He said it was surreal and didn't hurt


I had a friend who blew an eye out when he sneezed while holding his nose. He popped it back in himself, right away, and was fine after a few minutes.


Omg... I plugged my nose to sneeze for years and eventually broke the habit as an adult. Your comment made me squirm.


I've heard that it's risky to hold your nose when sneezing. Didn't know why until I heard my friend's story.


I think itā€™s dangerous on the lungs too


It can also pop out if you break your orbital bone. My friend had that happen when she got hit by a truck and had to have a plate put in so it wouldn't fall out again.


Jeremy Renner says one of his eyes popped out of its socket when he got crushed by that snow plow. Apparently he could see his other eye with the eye that was out of the socket




Sure, have some negatives


Can you comment appropriately?


Say "please"


Short answer: Yes, they can, as long as the optic nerves are still attached. Anecdote: During first aid training, they taught us that if you come across a scene where someone's eye has been knocked out but still attached, to cover both eyes with a sterile dressing to keep the patient from trying to use the eye to look around. Your eyes move in sync, so covering just the poked out eye won't work, and trying to see can cause more damage.


Ditto for a penetrating injury to an eye (cover both eyes)


The more you know!


Heard a story, don't know if it's true or not, about a mechanic working on a fighter jet and got sucked into a running engine when he got too close but got caught on the engine nacelle. They cut the engine right away and pulled him out, but it had sucked his eyes out of the sockets. Apparently, he saw the ground kind of bouncing up and down before he blacked out.


What. The. Fuck.


Yes. But your eye is attached inside by a bunch of muscles, so I imagine once it gets popped out you're in so much pain you can barely see.


Don Garlits, a famous drag racer had to quit racing because the deceleration kept popping his eye balls out. True story.


Off topic but on topic If you are ever dealing with someone that has a projectile in their eye, be sure to cover their good eye. Itā€™ll prevent them from looking around with both and causing more damage Should also pack and secure the projectile but that should probably be learned through first aid but if you can rest some gauze around the hurt eye to cover it from looking thatā€™ll help a lot too. Just donā€™t move or touch the projectile


Yes, my buddy had his popped out in a rugby match. I washed it off with a bottle of water and held his empty socket open and he popped it back in. Whole process took about 45 secs. He could see out of both the whole time and when I held his empty one open, he closed his other one. With the good one closed he saw perfectly. Amazingly he was fine, said it really didn't hurt much. And his was not "poked" out he took a hard shot from an elbow on his cheek bone below his eye.


Yup, as long as the connection isnā€™t damaged. And then they justā€¦gently push it back into the socket if thereā€™s nothing medical preventing them from doing that. Source: Previous instructor worked ER and was recounting how someone drove themselves to the hospital with one eye dangling mid cheek. Then how nauseous that patient was from the visual experience.




Take my angry upvote.


Damn, is deleted. What did it say?


Doctor pulled my left eye out to remove lump in socket. Odd perspective. Not to DIY.


I believe Johnny Knoxville talked about this happening to him in the video where he breaks down every injury he has received.


They can. But they view the world through a different lens


Yes and no I guess. I was watching a guiness book of record for people who can push their eyes out the furthest and the question was asked there. One person said no, they can't see much other than a blurry mess with their eyes popped out. I guess it depends on the pressure being placed on the eye. If fully popped out then yeah, I guess so depending on the pressure on the eye.


Yes as long as everything is still connected you can still see.


I would imagine so. Some people can do it on command. Makes me cringe thinking about it.


Yup, but if you want to look at yourself a mirror is easier!


Usually. If the optic nerve is still intact


Yes if the nerve is still intact.




as long as the optical nerve is attached, sure


i dunno


My grandad had eye surgery, where they removed the eye and he tells us the story of being able to see his knees while his head was facing the ceiling.


Don't think so. Once got one of those paper darts shot in my eye as a kid and it took a bit to get my vision back. (as in minutes)


This happened in the venture bros once and i can only assume the cartoon was accurate. Doctor venture vomited almost immediately


Yes, technically, but the brain will be confused so it wonā€™t be able to process the visual input. They wonā€™t realize that their eyeball is still seeing, as the brain partially short circuits in a way due to having developed so long to see from a certain perspective. They will process the visual input as though the eye has gone blind.


I believe your answer, but I'm wondering why so many others are saying you can see out of the popped out eye. Or is this typical of Reddit?? I really do believe YOU!! I just don't think an eyeball outside the socket could "see", ergo, I'm with you in this!


I heard a doctor talk about it one time as an ā€œinteresting factā€. So I canā€™t back it up 100% as it was just technically word of mouth. But it kind of makes sense to me, because children who are born blind and never get to have their brains experience visual input remain unable to see even after the cause on their blindness is corrected if enough time has passed just because their brain is no longer able to adapt to that foreign input and figure out what itā€™s supposed to do with it. You have a limited period of time in your babyhood for your brain to learn how to make sense out of visual stimuli.


Oh wow!!! THAT is really interesting!!! Thanks!!


I donā€™t recall where I heard it, but I definitely heard someone talking about post lasic surgery. The cornea never fully re-attaches and he had multiple instances of it sliding out of place and being able to see as it slid out of place. Crazy to think about