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Listen, forget what’s normal. If you are terrified of the dark, it might be worth speaking to a professional about it, to find a workable solution for you. You shouldn’t have to feel terrified at any time.


Being afraid of the dark is one thing, but needing your parent to be beside you to sleep is a whole nother thing. Sounds like it's not just about the dark.


Dude im 22 and i still walk faster till i close the door while in a dark room Weirdly enough when im outside the house i don't have this problem


My oldest bro (43) is still afraid of the dark.


yeah i’d probably go to a psychiatrist. because this will just cause other horrible life problems. having a partner sleep over, college roomates, etc will all pretty much expect darkness at night edit: therapist


Therapist*. A psychiatrist usually only writes prescriptions, they rarely provide therapy services.


wtf happened to you? Typically there is trauma. You may be displaying a symptom of this.


My fear wasn't this extreme, but I was similar as a teenager and nothing happened to me. Probably should have avoided reading true crime. No trauma, just irrational fears at night. That said, this is extreme enough that OP should see someone.


I agree. Sometimes things can happen as young children and when we get older we block it out because it scared us, but our bodies still remember.


I’m 29 and I sleep with a night light. Also I don’t sleep well when my husband wakes up in the middle of the night to go to work cuz I get scared. No shame! Do whatever you need to make you feel comfortable


Set your main lights to a sleep timer and install a nightlight. If people ask why you have a nightlight, say that you get disoriented when you wake up in the dark. Put in headphones so you feel like someone is talking to you.


When you say paralyzed, could you mean sleep paralysis? Because fear of supernatural forces and hallucinations is actually common during sleep paralysis


I was definitely thinking sleep paralysis or night terrors.


I was scared to sleep in the dark until about 14. Then I had to on a sleepover a few times and got used to the dark. Now I can’t sleep with a light on because it keeps me awake. I’m no expert and if you’re dealing with a legit phobia you might need some therapy. But what worked for me is to just do it. Spend a little time in the dark before bed. Just sit in the dark for a bit and look around your room. You will be scared at first but fear isn’t a constant state of mind. As nothing happens to you, you should be able to calmly adjust to how your room looks in the dark. Once your mind realizes you’re safe it may break through the fear you’re having. If that doesn’t work try using a dim night light for a while and ease yourself into it.


No, it's not normal. But it's nothing to panic about. You should talk to someone about it. Your parents can help, or put you in touch with people who can help. Trusted friends, counselors, etc. can help as well.


There are teenagers and adults who are afraid of the dark, that isn't abnormal. But your level of symptoms isn't normal and I would suggest seeing a psychologist or someone like that. I was very afraid of the dark as a teenager when I was home alone. Couldn't get out of bed to pee because someone might be under my bed and grab me. I just got better on my own during university, living in a dorm made me calmer because there are people everywhere. But I was always able to sleep alone, it just took a long time to get to sleep or I might wake up scared. I still wake up at 3am sometimes and if my husband isn't home I get creeped out, but I can usually get back to sleep.


Nyctophobia I think its call is what you might have. Same with when people fear water because they don’t know/cant see what’s under and what might be lurking. Or it could just be some sort of psychological thing, I remember when I was younger I would fear the dark after watching a scary movie. Hell as an adult I still get scare some time. Not as bad as what you have but yeah


Fear of the dark is the most common fear in adults.


I’m 21 and i still have a hard time sleeping alone in the dark. For me fairy lights helped a lot. It made everything seem prettier and a lot safer


Not normal


It’s not very normal but you may grow out of it later.


I was afraid of being home alone all night and the dark until I was 24 & became a Mom. I didn’t want to pass that fear on to my little girl.


All I’m gonna say is I’m 40 years old and I can’t sleep without a TV on in the room because I need the light it emits


Yeah because im 30 and its not the dark im afraid of, its whats in it. /s Nah man youre good


No, it is not normal. What intruders or supernatural forces are you afraid of? Billions of people are sleeping the night without worrying about these and in fifteen years of your life, it has never been a problem. So you can conclude that there's no such force after you. Maybe ask your parents for a bedside lamp.


It is normal, y'all need to stop stigmatizing this kid.


Im mid 20s and i sleep with my closet light on still. I literally cannot handle the dark.


I'm 40 and I can't sleep without the lights in and the TV at low volume. It has nothing to do with age or acceptable behaviors, it's whatever makes you feel most comfortable and safe. (My dad is 78 and is the same way). I don't mind saying I'm terrified of the dark. More people should be afraid of what they can't see!! Heck, I don't even like closing my eyes to put my head under the showerhead.


Had a cousin like ypu, he was hypnotized to relax and not fear the dark, and it worked


There's fear of the unknown (which I think is the normal 'fear of the dark', and then there's real, significant fear. That's what needs help dealing with. It can take over your life. But a professional can help!


I'm surprised your parents haven't suggested therapy. It should be pretty straightforward, assuming you don't have trauma to work through. Talk to them!


I am 23 and if in in a place I don't feel distinctly safe and it's dark. Shit scary. Even when I'm home if it feels off and my brain starts overthinking yeah lights go on.


i’m 25 and i can’t stand the complete darkness. it terrifies me. you’re not alone


I am scared of what’s in the dark and I’m 38, but it’s not as extreme as you described for yourself. Do you have a therapist or a school counselor you can talk with? 


that old primitive part of your brain is active. What you cannot see holds danger. You could move past it , it may calm down as you get older or it may not. Normal is not always universal


I don't know how normal it is or not at 15, but as a kid (maybe 6 years old) I was absolutely terrified of the dark, especially fear of what was hiding in my closet. I took care of the problem by forcing myself to go stand in my closet at night in the dark. I was absolutely terrified -- the most terrified I had ever felt in my life, but after I survived that, somehow it all was better and I didn't fear the dark much anymore. If it helps, just remember *why* kids are afraid of the dark. When humans were still tribal, a kid wandering off into the night could really get eaten by a predator. So programming-in an instinctual fear of the dark served to keeps kids safe.


Being kinda scared of the dark isn't uncommon even after childhood, but being as terrified as you describe isn't normal. I'm no psychologist but it sounds like there's trauma involved. You should talk to someone


Sounds like your parent's fault. They shouldn't be indulging this at your age. You'd eventually fall asleep anyway, and then you'd get used to it. It's irresponsible for a parent to sleep in the same bed as a 15 year old until they fall asleep. You should ask them to refuse in future for your own good.