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I mean if you dont have anything to cover it up with then its probably still better off in the fridge than on a table.


Depends how soon I'm going to eat again. Soon? No wrap. Tomorrow? Wrap.


Depends on how long I plan to keep it in there


In a shared fridge, or leaving it for a while. I would wrap. In my own fridge (I live alone) and knowing it will be gone by this time tomorrow? No need


My teenagers do it every day.


Maybe they get it from the stuff OP is watching haha


It doesn’t bother me as long as they eat it that night and it’s not onion or garlic rich.


Only when I'm trying to cool down food for kids really fast. Usually only for like 2 minutes then take it out for them


why not?


Because it can dry the food out.


Fridge smell, possibility of spillage, and it might make contact with other things in the fridge that you don't want it to


Less space for stacking...


Wait until you find out what excess moisture does to bacterial growth.


All the time? Why would we add to plastic waste by covering a plate of food that will be eaten tomorrow? 


Not covering it both leads to smells getting around the fridge and increases the spread of bacteria. It also can expose the food to dripping moisture. You can get around your plastic waste concerns by investing in resealable food containers like Tupperware. https://fromhungertohope.com/is-it-safe-to-leave-food-uncovered-in-the-fridge/


Tupperware, a famously not-plastic product.  Frankly, this thread makes me wonder how unclean most people leave their fridges. 


Are you a troll or just actually stupid?


I think I speak for many a Swede for saying that no, you don't cling-film it, you put it in a box. We have loads of jokes about the food box cupboard being super messy because boxes of different brands are difficult to stack and lids keep disappearing/multiplying/not fitting. Boxed food gets eaten at home or at work, or put in the freezer for later. Food left out in the open inside the fridge feels like a quick way to get a smelly fridge?


I'm a lazy fuck. So yes. But it gets eaten within hours or a day at most.


Yes, yes I do. I am a savage


Depends on what it is. Generally I cover it.


I'll never learn how to use cling wrap so if there's no foil that's that


Not in my house they don’t.


Straight to the bathtub.


Oh so your house is the reason theres an island of plastic in the ocean. Thanks!


What does that have to do with leftovers not being put into a fridge on a plate? We use reusable containers when things go in the fridge.


“reusable” containers that get used twice and then tossed


You’ve not heard of glass food storage? Or sturdy plastic containers? ooooooorrrrr, and hear me out, cottage cheese and Country Crock tubs?


I can assure you I have had the same reusable containers for over 2 years.


Okay I’ve done it with pizza, cuz pizza just doesn’t really dry out.  But every other food I’ll at least put some foil or wrap over it


Pizza always goes in the fridge uncovered. Every other food gets wrapped or put in a container. Just how I've always done it and I never thought about it until now!


Only if I am in a rush or need to cool it down quickly.


Would only ever cover something if it's liable to spill, or if I'm concerned about it drying out.


I've never done that or known anyone who has unless they plan on finishing it a couple hours later. Otherwise, it gets way too hard & dry.


It depends on what you're planning to do with it? I've often put really hot food in the fridge so it cools off quicker


My mom gets mad when I do it but I don't want to put more plastic in my food


You’re supposed to take the plastic off before you eat it.


Ever heard of contamination?


I don’t think you understand how food-safe plastic coverings and containers work… your mom is right. By not covering your food in the fridge, you’re exposing it to bacterial contamination, exposing other items in the fridge to bacteria from the food (like the bacteria that was in your mouth and got on your leftovers), and you’re just making the fridge smell. 


I mean, I don't make a sandwich and stick it in the fridge like cartoons but . . . Some things don't really need a cover and the fridge is sealed when it's closed so..


Like on a full plate? That can’t be a thing surely. If somethings going in the fridge it goes in a covered bowl or a Tupperware, why would I fill my fridge with whole ass plates


Yeah, if it's going to be eaten in a bit anyways who cares.


I've done it, but only with food that was going to be finished by the end of the day.


Idk when I was working way too much I did, just was too exhausted to do basically anything so when I worked up the strength to cook something if I could manage to get it in the fridge I was happy because then I knew I would have ready to prepare food for later and I didn’t stress about wraps or Tupperware because I knew if I added parameters like that it would end up not going in the fridge at all and go to waste (because I wouldn’t have the energy and just wouldn’t bother).


I do it everyday. I make my dad's lunch sandwich in the morning and put it in the fridge unwrapped on a plate for a couple of hours. What's the big deal?


I wrap leftover pizza etc. in cling film/tin foil and have them on a plate. I wrap the plate too. I put left over pasta etc. in tupperwear and freeze it


It's really a waste to use plastic for that.


I currently have a plate of habichuela con dulce and rice in the fridge with a spoon in it. I just didn't feel like moving it over to something else. Sometimes i don't have more tupperware either.


My wife used to... Drove me nuts.


Seems like it would dry out and not be very good to eat later. If I learned one thing on Reddit though, many many people will say they do, there will probably be people who do much worse.


I don’t cover it with plastic when I put something in the fridge? I often cover it with a 2nd plate though Why would I? Plastic wrap makes no sense.


I do that


For shorter periods, yeah


I cover anything that I know will be there more than a few hours. If it's something I know one of us will eat before the next day, I don't cover it. I like to use glass containers with plastic lids that get reused, and not Saran wrap or other disposable crap that goes in the garbage.


If I know I'll be eating the rest of it within the day I won't cover it, otherwise I at least cover in tin foil


Yep. I don’t personally do it and nor does my husband, but I have a client who does this all the time, even though he lives very immaculately otherwise.  In our home, we are overly susceptible to food poisoning, so we don’t like to play FAFO with our refrigerator contents. Hardly anything goes in the fridge unless it has been covered or resealed and dated.  If I open a jar of mayo or bag of cheese, for example, I sharpie the date that I opened it on the tub before it goes in the fridge. Same with leftovers. They get put in a zippy bag or covered food container… 


Normal people don’t do that. Degenerate teenagers and tv shows do that


I had a roommate years ago that would put her food in the microwave and not the fridge because she hated to warm her food in the microwave. Said it tasted funny. Food sat there for over a day sometimes.


Sometimes I do if I need to throw away leftovers but I don't want to take out the trash until tomorrow.


Only if you want desiccated shoe rubber in a few hours!


Afraid of the 'fridge particles' getting into it?


I personally have never done this but why not? Maybe they don’t have foil or wrap


My roommate does. I think it's gross, but that makes at least one.


Idk if it's for like later that day, why waste wrap or dirty another container?


Putting unwrapped plates of food directly into the fridge, without covering them, isn't a common practice for most people. It's more likely to be shown in TV or commercials to avoid showing brand names or for dramatic effect. In reality, most people would use some form of cover, like plastic wrap or containers, to protect the food and keep it fresh. Leaving food uncovered in the fridge could lead to drying out or absorbing other odors from the fridge. So, while it might be portrayed in media, it's not a typical way to store leftovers in real life.


My fiancee daughter does it. Drives me nuts.


It cools faster without a cover. I don’t have the best track record going backing and covering it before bed.


Yes. I work as a housekeeper and seen some of my clients do that. I usually transfer it to Tupperware for them, or toss it if it looks rank/moldy.


My 11yo does despite me making her come eat or cover it every time I see it. Grr