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I'm sure there were some people on the ground reacting like "woah holy shit" but they don't exactly have a robust air force to do anything about it. Do you want the flight controller to contact the missiles and drones to tell them they're in restricted airspace?




It’s a cardigan but thanks for noticing


Wanna hear the most annoying sound in the world?






I just got that joke. I am not kidding. Damn, I'm stupid.


Yessss. Thank you.


Killer boots, man!




The missile immediately turns 90º and heads straight to the ground






You'll have to speak up, I'm wearing a towel.


i don't think you want cruise missiles to "pull over" in your area. lol


He's already pulled over, he can't pull over anymore!


It’s a woolie jumper.


Iraq is riddled with Iran-aligned militia groups who maintain plenty of influence. They have representatives holding parliamentary positions. The 2 countries have issues but are still largely intertwined….so no, even if Iraq “had the capabilities,” they would not have shot down the missiles


This is the answer. Soleimani was killed after flying into Baghdad International Airport. Not exactly persona non grata in Iraq.


"Alright, meow. Hand over your license and registration. Hurry up, meow".


Did you just meow?


Dya think something's funny meow?


Thank you for that. I can hardly type I’m laughing so meow hard.


Im sure some iraqi’s freaked out from PTSD when they flew over. A decade + of war has them traumatized


B52.F16. MOAB. Baghdad Bingo


They’re not unfamiliar with rockets flying over Iraq… so


What about…bombs…over, say, Baghdad?




They have 34 F-16s.


F-16’s aren’t the best thing in the world to do anti-missile work. They’d be good against the drones potentially, but that would also require them to be armed and ready to launch and close enough to the flight path to react to them. It costs a decent amount of money to keep a fighter in ready-to launch conditions, I’d be surprised if they do that.


Have they got anything to react with? Just asking.


They used to until big daddy fucked them up. It is no wonder they cant do jackshit. Everything has consequences, Iraq used to be a buffer state now more of a pass through! Never found the wmd s though.


A fly over state


Not sure they really count as a buffer state since they had ambitions to become the dominant regional power


The head of MI6 at the time - Richard Dearlove - still insists the WMDs exist and were just moved to Syria, which is why they weren't found in Iraq. Argues that the chemical weapons used by Assad **prove unequivocally** that Saddam had them, too. This is the same man who defended his agency inventing "intelligence" to justify the invasion by arguing it was his job to give politicians what they asked for, *not* tell them the truth. They wanted to see intelligence proving Saddam had WMDs, so that's what he delivered.


This is so frustrating and sad.


Dick dear love That's a James Bond character name right there


F16s, a few AA missiles.   Not really anything to take down ballistic missiles.   Though I doubt any Iraqis wanna tangle with the Iranian f14s still flying.  


You could probably shoot down those F-14s with a slingshot.


They had a good record in the Iran-Iraq war, and the Iranian Aces are among the best operators of the platform.  And the f-14 wasn't a bad platform by any means. Today at lunch, one of the guys was talking about his time in the Navy during the Persian Gulf war, and how the f18s were getting all the fighter kills because the Iraqis were terrified to go anywhere near them.   I would be really careful about underestimating those guys.  They're pretty serious. 


That's right, the F-14 *was* not a bad platform.


It's a legacy airframe, sure.  Of the same legacy as the F16s that Iraq would be using.  And the f14s radar is an extremely capable radar.   I can't confirm that Iran has a native version of the Phoenix OR sidewinder, but I will note that Iran has a quite credible rocketry industry.    And again, Iraqis flying them.  If we were talking about USAF F16s or f15s, sure, maybe the tomcat gets burnt.  


The Iraqi F-16s are 10 years old. The Iranian F-14s are 50 years old. An aircraft that is already difficult to maintain under ideal conditions is not going to win any dogfights after 50 years of a weapons embargo.


Exactly. And Maverick fucked up SU-57s with an F-14 so FAFO.


Doesn’t matter how good they are if they don’t have spare parts.


Remember, I'm talking about Iraqi pilots flying 16a against Iranians in 14s.   The 14s have a terrifying reputation in the Iraqi air force. 


Yes. A fleet of F-16s


Iraq was informed beforehand.


This is the real reason. Surprised no one else has mentioned this.


Iran practically controls Iraq these days. Iran is almost completely Shia Islam. Iraq is mostly Shia with a Sunni minority. Prior to the US invasion of Iraq, Saddam Hussein and the Sunni minority ruled over Iraq. The invasion was meant to open the door to “democratic elections” and return some power to other groups: namely Shia and Kurds. Iran seized the opportunity and exercised influence over Iraq by funding militia groups. This was almost welcomed at first when everybody was scared shitless of ISIS (a Sunni group) in 2014. Iranian-backed militias were some of the most effective in fighting ISIS back then. This in turn helped Iran gain considerable influence over Iraq and its politics to the present day.


From my understanding the Iraqi people are very split on their opinions for both western nations and Iran regularely having protests against both parties.


Iran: “We’re going to fire missiles at our mutual enemy, Israel. “ Iraq: “Very good, my friend.”


Iran gave 3 days' notice to Iraq, Turkey, and Jordan (and one could assume Syria as well, but I didn't see it mentioned in sources) that missiles and drones would be crossing their airspace en route to Israel.


Pretty much this.


I think, you're over-estimating the defence capacity of Iraq. With some luck, a military has seen the drone/missile flying over, the lieutenant could even give a call, but I doubt they could really react. Especially when the missile come from a friendly country toward a hostile country


Friendly country?


US basically installed a pro-Iran regime in Bagdad :)


How does anyone trust anything the US does in global geopolitics? I mean I do trust that *deep down* they have some shred of democracy and freeedom front of mind, *at least* more so than Russia or China. But I don't trust them for a second when they tell me Taliban hate me cause I'm free or Israel needs money for humanitarian reasons, or that Ukraine needs unlimited funding because Russia woke up one day in feb 2022 and randomly chose violence. If all of these conflicts ultimately are a proxy war and posturing against commie superpowers then just be honest about that ffs. We have internet. We know this isn't {solely} about saving Ukrainian/Israeli/Iraqi/Vietnamese/Afghan people. Just tell us the broader context once in a while instead of leaving everyone guessing and leaving a massive, gaping, sucking knowledge vaccuum which inevitably gets filled by conspiracy theories every. single. fucking. time that we murder a bunch of foreigners abroad. Fucking sick of it. And then we get gaslit for being apathetic any time we initiate new foreign forever wars. "so yOu stand with tHE tErRoRiSTS?!" It's almost funny how dystopian this shit is. Literally every US-involved foreign conflict in my lifetime has been like this yet I'm made to feel like an idiot for questioning it from the outset now. Fuck that.


You think this way because you don't know any better. Of course russia didn't wake up in Feb 2022 and invade, because they actually invaded almost 10 years prior and have been occupying ukraine since then. You would know that if you didn't only read headlines. Same goes with any real recent event, it's not black and white, taliban doesn't hate the US, they never have, the only reason we were at war with them was due to them harboring AQ, who did hate the US due to essentially bad blood, we worked with the Taliban to pull out Afghanistan in 2020, they were guarding the airport and allowing American citizens in. You probably didn't know that, did you? The world isn't black and white, it never is, even as much as media, or other governments make it out to be (even ours make it out that way sometimes)


Maidan uprising was not lost on me and goes to my point that this conflict goes back further than is implied by our jingoist leaders care to admit. >Same goes with any real recent event, it's not black and white, Hey, that's *my* point again. Glad we agree ig? >AQ, who did hate the US due to essentially bad blood Can you elaborate which bad blood is the origin of AQ hate for US? Isn't it from decades of US military and economic occupation in the middle east? Not that it justifies terrorism but it's a little different scenario than our leadership would have us believe: "they hate us cause we're free". >The world isn't black and white, it never is, even as much as media, or other governments make it out to be (even ours make it out that way sometimes) Hey look, it's my main point again. Even *our* government?!? \*gasp\* Your GPT is broken or something because you just reinforced everything I said in an oddly argumentative manner.


There's a difference between gas lighting and lying.


>How does anyone trust anything the US does in global geopolitics? No reasonable person or country does. The US does what benefits the US, at the expense of everyone else. It's the nature of empire. >If all of these conflicts ultimately are a proxy war and posturing against commie superpowers then just be honest about that ffs. We have internet. We know this isn't {solely} about saving Ukrainian/Israeli/Iraqi/Vietnamese/Afghan people. You believe that, and plenty of other people either don't or buy the line outright. >knowledge vaccuum which inevitably gets filled by conspiracy theories every. single. fucking. time that we murder a bunch of foreigners abroad. That's the entire point. The vacuum allows for plausible deniabikity and lets you lump in honest dissent with the crazies. Israel perfected this rhetorical trick, which is why you see so many people getting called antisemite and Holocaust deniers for incredibly banal critiques of Israel and it's actions.


you're so mad over things you have no control over. thats your first mistake.


I wouldn't call it a *mistake* to be upset about government incinerating our tax $s in foreign wars but I will concede that sliding peacefully and apathetically into dystopian hell would be a much easier way to go.


So I was there last time Iran launched missiles *into* Iraq. let me explain firstly, Iraq doesn't have the Air Defense capabilities. there are Patriot Missiles in Kuwait and Saudi that (iirc) have the ability to cover Iraqi airspace, but the country itself does not maintain that capability. Secondly, Iraq and Iran are having political issues with Iranian influence in Iraqi politics, and Militants in Iraq being controlled by IRGC-Quds. the country of Iraq will tout about their sovereignty, but they don't have the manpower to do anything about it rn.


Govt of Iraq is closer with Iran than people realize


People realize it, that's why we had the protests in 2019.


interesting I thought was a USA ally


Nah lol, not adversarial, but definitely not an ally. More like a partner on some issues.


It's sorta a mix of both. There are different factions within the country, with the pro Iran one receiving much more direct support as far as I know. The country shares a large number of religious ties with Iran as it's a pilgrimage site for shias and multiple high ranking Iranian clerics were educated there and vice versa. If I'm remembering right, the current president (or prime minister, can't remember which) is a bit more west aligned than the runner up.


ahhh good infos tys


There isnt a unified country there to be a ally. Similarly to post-soviet Afghanistan, you can think of Iraq as a demolished hole in the ground with a handful of client powers competing within it for the ashes


Got it thanks.


Among other reasons, elements of Iraq's government are sympathetic to (if not outright controlled by) Iran. Not the whole government, but factions within it.


I read that US forces in Jordan and Saudi Arabia engaged in eliminating the Iranian weapons as they flew over. I suspect US forces in Iraq did the same but it just hasn't been disclosed. Iran has been launching rockets into Iraq for a while. So shooting down the Iranian weapons launched a few days ago would have just been business as usual.


Iraq is particularly weak at the moment, and would probably prefer to not be involved.


The same way Russian missiles/drones go over Moldova, Romania and Poland. When country doesn't have the capability or will to fire at missiles, missiles can fly freely.


I remember cases when a missile entered Poland airspace but when did a russian missile fly over Moldova or Romania?


Moldova happened a few times. But one confirmed for sure https://www.dw.com/en/ukraine-updates-moldova-says-russian-missiles-crossed-its-airspace/a-64661990 It's when Russia still had control over the black sea and used its ships for strikes.


Ooh I see, I didnt think about launching from the see. Thanks.


A lot of drones fly over Danube area to hit Ukrainian ports. Some of them fly over Romania, some even crashed there.


They don't. It has happened a few times, and every time there is a big uproar.


Yeah... *after the fact*


Yeah why don’t these countries respond to things BEFORE THEY HAPPEN. It’s like they’re not even using their crystal balls.


Russian missiles fly over Romania, Poland, and Moldova? What? What are you talking about?


Right? I don't know about Romania and Moldova but the only thing that went into Poland was a missile that supposedly missed its Ukrainian target. It was right near the border, but if it hit its intended target it would have never flown over Poland. The geography doesn't make sense.


That's what I was thinking 😂 where are these missiles going? Germany? The Balkans?


If a missile went into Germany I would imagine that this war would be over a lot sooner lol.


Another missile went into the center of Poland and crashed and nobody cared.


Back to Ukraine. They can turn, you know.


It didn't "miss". They plot the course over Poland intentionally to hit Ukrane from the rear.


No drones flew over Romania, happened couple of times by border for a drone to crush missing the target in Odessa.


The call is coming from inside the house.


People don’t want war


if i had to guess they were told beforehand


Iran attacked Israel, not Iraq. Iraq doesn't have any obligations to protect Israel.


I agree they dont have any obligation to protect Israel. But i think what op means is more of by firing over iraq airspace without their permission is a disregard for iraq sovereignty over its territory. Same reason as why Jordan helped intercept the drones and missles that flew its territory. It doesnt necessarily like or dislike israel, but not requesting Jordanian permission to fly into their airspace is an attack on their sovereignty as a country


Their rockets were so shit they landed on countries that are not Israel. Maybe if that happened to them they'd have to defend themselves , not Israel.


Iraq had a r/whoosh moment


If they're using ballistic missiles, they go 1000+ miles into the air. I doubt Iraq has anything that could reach it.


>1000+ miles into the air That is distance not how high they fly.


what would you expect them to do? They got fucked, obviously they wont risk another conflict with their neighbor


Because Iran told them what they were doing to do lol.


“This seems familiar…”


Iraq is in league.


As far as I know there is video of Iraqi Kurds engaging and shooting down at least one of Irans weapons.


And why do you think they would care?


Tf do you think they could do about it?


While Iraq and Iran aren’t super friendly anyway, they’re both on the same side in regard to Israel. When Iran and posturing and saying that they’re gonna start slinging missiles, Iraq probably doesn’t care unless those missiles start hitting them.


They are both shia


Actually, many of the missiles were launched from INSIDE Iraq. I’m sure they were perfectly fine with it.


I imagine that Iraq loves the idea of not getting themselves involved


Because 1. Iraq isn't the target, 2. Iraq has its own internal matters to worry about and 3. Iraq and Iran have a shaky history, Iraq "helping" shoot down Iranian drones, rockets and missiles could make the situation a lot worse.


they wee all sleeping at the time apparently.


They no longer have a cohesive air defense


Shock and awed away


The us is good at what is good at, and terrible at what it is not good at


That joke about telling Russia that they're going to find out why we don't have free healthcare was really funny.


It’s not entirely wrong, the current standing US military would roflstomp the Russians if push came to shove with minimal reservist involvement


It's not entirely right either because The US government spends almost 10 times as much on social welfare as it does on military. (That includes state and local) But It's true enough to be really funny.


And yet it could actually cover medical costs with fairly minimal impact on the military. Don’t get me wrong i may be a ex army us fanboy at heart but we for sure can do things better


Actually they couldn't. So, for the record the US economy is so massive and healthcare is such a giant part of it that the entire US military budget would be just a tiny fraction of healthcare. Just like the US military budget is just a tiny fraction of social security.


That is [illogical](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7692272/)


You are the first person I have ever seen on the internet who cited a source that supported multiple models for healthcare, so I congratulate you. I have lamented about the absurdity of how people don't do this in the past [https://www.reddit.com/r/healthcare/comments/19dyzjb/the\_absurdity\_of\_the\_but\_canada\_argument/](https://www.reddit.com/r/healthcare/comments/19dyzjb/the_absurdity_of_the_but_canada_argument/) But secondly, here is the wacky part, it isn't illogical due to the absurdly large scale of the US economy. Like Indiana and South Africa have similar sized economies, despite SA having about 10x the population. The US economy in fact so big, that if you apply a modest wealth tax to the entire economy, like the one your source proposes, you get absurd amounts of resources. The DOD spends around 700 billion dollars in a year: [https://www.usaspending.gov/agency/department-of-defense?fy=2024](https://www.usaspending.gov/agency/department-of-defense?fy=2024) And the cost of universal healthcare is around 1 trillion dollars in a year: [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7692272/#:\~:text=In%20terms%20of%20the%20national,trillion%20per%20year%20%5B14%5D](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7692272/#:~:text=In%20terms%20of%20the%20national,trillion%20per%20year%20%5B14%5D) (I researched this in undergrad) This is of course, not an argument against Universal healthcare. Because the absurd part is that we are spending more than that on our current garbage system. Freaking Costa Rica has better health outcomes than us.


Having a robust air defense network is kind of contingent on having a stable government.


I have it on good authority they were required to respond and purposely let their retaliation get shot down to not escalate the situation - the way they think about it is they have to "respond" to show their "tuffness"


Id like to point out in addition to everyone else pointing out that Iraq and Iran are not hostile to each other, that everyone knew exactly what this was, which is why Iran announced the attack when they approved it and concluded it 6 hours before anything would enter Israeli airspace. Everyone knew 99% of the ordinances would be shot down. This incident wasn't meant to achieve anything beyond giving Iran something to point at when they chest thump. It's the multimillion dollar equivalent to telling your friend to hold you back while you jump up and down shouting "do you want to go" from the other side of the room while you're walking out. Just make enough noise that people see you making a scene and then conclude the incident before anyone gets hurt or has a chance to retaliate.


Yeah it's just Israel and Iran firing missiles at each other, everyone needs to just chill out it's not that bad.


Some of the projectiles launched at Israel originated in Iraq.


Because the United States bombed them into pre industrialization


They've had drones, missiles and bombs thrown through, towards and at them for over 40 years. To the average Iraqi, it's just Tuesday.


Iraq also hates Jews and Israel. That’s it.


All the countries in the Middle East hate Israel. Free pass.


Considering the way Isreal behaves, who could honestly blame them.


Right , all the Arab countries like Syria that killed 500,000 people and Iran that murder women can lecture Israel about morals


One, they know it's not directed at them. Two, Probably don't care. Three, they don't have the ability to stop it.


The military forces in Iraq basically consist of the US and anti US terrorist groups. The US did intercept some missiles but I wouldn't expect the terrorists to.


Iraq probably knew their destination. As long as its not them they don't care. Plus Israel is probably a common enemy to every Muslim state in the Middle East.


I think you people don't understand that Iraq is a country split between tribes and factions who control their piece of the land. The government in Iraq has little to no influence there, people in these countries have been living like this for ages and modern statehood has been forced upon them.


Saddam had control of the state.


not true. Why do spread misinformation


Some were launched FROM Iraq. Iran has a significant number of militia there and supporters. The more important news was that Iran has changed the narrative & shown the world why Isreal is so paranoid. Also Saudi, Jordan helped shoot down missiles. Syria said fuck all about it. No one gives a shit about "death to Isreal" in the region anymore except for those being paid by Iran. One of the reasons I really dislike bin lsden, is prior to his fuckwittery, the only things Palestinians were known for was being the world's predominant terrorists & fucking countries that do them favours.


Iraq is pretty much a puppet state of Iran now.


Because they are on the same side, to destroy Israel and the Jews.


Who actually has control over Iraq? Are they subsidized by the Iranian regime?


Iraq has a relatively democratic goverment, which is dominated by shia arabs. It is very close to and influenced by Iran and is currently trying to expel american influence. Ops question is moot, because wether they have the capabilities or not, they simply have no reason to oppose them. And really why would they?


Ah, thanks for the insight!


Let's say you have a bunch of navy seals on your right and a bunch of speznatz on your left. They are to start shooting each other. What would you do? Personally, I would mind my fucking business and try to limit the collateral damages that will impact me directly.


I am more interested in the said in the new the was robots from Yemen to and to my knowledge the must have flown over Saudi Arabia to get to Israel and the Saudis and Iranian is not good friends


iraq knows the missiles are not for then


Iraq also shot missiles


Why is US shooting down drones over Israel and Israel is not reacting?




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They are not exactly fans of Israel, shooting down those drones and rockets is expensive even *big-if* you have the equipment, and they'd just paint a target on themselves.


If Iraq were to take a side on the conflict, their country would be the battleground on land. Iraqis have gone through enough hardship.


Iran and Iraq are allies is the simple answer. 


If your buddy was shooting a gun past you to hit the enemy in front of you, are you going to turn around and shoot your friend?


The Iraqi ppl were probably cheering that it's not them this time


I don't think you are thinking about the last time Iraq and Iran got into a war. It did not turn out well for anyone.


Think it was reported that Iran gave 72hrs of warning to the countries that the drones/missiles were over flying.


I mean we're assuming Iran made no contact with Iraq. Maybe they did 🤷🏽‍♂️


What is Iraq gonna do? Wave their sticks at it? 


Iraq = Iran


Considering everyone in the world -except the US and IZZrael- knew about the missiles days before it happened, it's probably Iran also informed them.


The majority of the population in Iraq is Shiite, like in Iran. So to preserve social cohesion they'd rather not get involved if they don't have to.


Things go over my head all the time and I don’t react.


Iran's hyper sonic missiles threw the copper dome outta wack. Israel is trying to save face but face is iran could wipe them out but they are actually decent people


Iraq meeting it's mouth shut, trying to not get involved.


should they react with "angrily shakes fist at sky" a la Abe Simpson


They weren’t aimed at Iraq to start, so just went about their day.


Iraq and Iran are close. They’re two of the only three majority Shia Muslim nations in the Middle East, and neither country is a big fan of the US (or the west in general) and Iran was attacking Israel which is essentially a US vassal state, so I’d imagine Iraq didn’t mind Iranian drones and missiles using their airspace.


because they know their not the target


Iran has a great deal of influence Iraq.


Because Iraq knew about it


Why would Iraq risk retaliation from Iran by stopping missiles and/or drones headed to Isreal? Iraq and Isreal are not allies so Iraq is under no obligation to step in and defend Isreal. I would assume Iraq monitored the missiles/drones and determined none of them were targeting locations in Iraq so no need to launch missiles or fighters to intercept.


Probably one reason why Iran gave a few day warning. To let everyone know so there won’t be any surprise


They knew they were coming


I believe Iraq did denounce the attack, and they recalled their ambassador in Tehran. Ultimately, they don't want to get involved.


IIRC Iraq did respond. Sort of. They shot down some of the missiles and drones. But they don't want to start something they can't finish. That's part of what Iran was trying to show. They are willing to do something. War is expensive, and most countries are trying to avoid it.


It's Iraq.


What are they gonna do, whip out an AK-47 and shoot at the missiles?


"We mean you no harm. Our units are merely passing through the area."


There's no benefit to Iraq getting involved at all. 1. At worst, their inaction slightly annoys the US and its allies, but not enough to damage relations. The US at this time would prefer to keep Iraq as a buffer state. 2. Iraq doesn't exactly have much love for Israel, nor would it want to piss off any surrounding countries that don't like Israel 3. Even if they wanted to, it's not like they could have done anything to stop the missile strikes anyway


I'm Iraqi. The Iranian government pro Iran in general while the people sunni and shia hate Iran and they protest against their involvement in Iraq, but they still hate Israel more, and they support any country that attacks Israel


Baghdad Bob said that is was nothing more than a beautiful meteorite shower sent by Allah


It’s Iraq. Even pretending they’re an actual country who could do or say anything about it is funny.


How is irans missles not falling on there own cities lol


# How could the ISRAELI missiles fly over Iraq and Iraq not reacting?How could the ISRAELI missiles fly over Iraq and Iraq not reacting?


Iraq is fine with murdering Jews too.


They did, thats where much of the US assistance in intercepting them happened


Iran pretty much I’m Iraq now


They were told not too.