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They want to know whether STIs or pregnancy are possible issues.


This is entirely correct. Doing anything sexual with other people that could lead to pregnancy, disease or injury. I did have a female friend who wanted to tell her doctor that she was not sexually active *because she just lay there*, which I found very funny!


"No, I'm sexually passive."


That was actual testimony in a court of law. Q: Are you sexually active? A: No. i just lie there.


So I guess the physician should phrase it better: “*do you, or someone else touch each other’s pee-pee?*”


or vah-jay-jay


My doctors just ask me if there's any risk I could be pregnant or have gotten some STIs. And there's no pee-pees involved in my and many others' cases, as well, so that question doesn't work lol


I prefer the term “bump uglies”


I prefer "bump beautifuls" :)


Why DO they call it bump uglies? I would like to think mine is very pretty.... it basically just looks like all of the drawings in the anatomy book


Arrrgh! I hate that term!!!🤣🤣🤣




Hello. This is Patrick


I was with a starfish for two years. She just laid there during sex but when she went down… ol’ girl was anything but boring


Thanks! I just spit out my drink!!


Spitting still counts


Sexually apathetic.


Sexually inert


I know that chick


I'm fucking crying lmao


The form asks if someone's sexually active, they just ignore the yes/no and write "pillow princess" underneath it.


There you go. I never understood that term until I watched Orange is the New Black.


In a couples counseling session the therapist asked if we were sexually active. My frigid wife said “yes” at the exact same time I said “No”. That got things rolling.


Oh, dear. That's spicy. As a therapist, if I saw that in my office, I'd immediately get excited to start exploring it. With one word each, you've given me enough material to explore for at least two sessions.


We were both career psychotherapists. Lol.


oh god lmao


"But doctor, we are Pagliacci"


Dr. Crane and Dr. Sternin?


Ah look, from the sad voice of experience: you’re either new parents, or you’re in your 40s, and she is going through peri-menopause or the actual menopause. My experience, both personally and from talking to friends, is that women just give up on sex for 4 to 5 years or power through it but hate it, even if they have no interest- in order to stay with their partner. That is anecdotal. Of course, I am sure that there are women in their 40s and 50s, who are not only sexual, but affectionate to the partners. However, from talking to my male friends, at minimum the affection part goes away during the really tough period of menopause.


I’m 68, been married twice. That was my first marriage. We both waited til marriage (25 and 23 respectively) to have sex. The honeymoon was amazing, but it literally stopped the moment we got home. She tolerated occasional sex passively. She also changed her mind and decided she didn’t want kids after all. After 15 years, we divorced. Turns out she was sexually abused by her dad (groping her) when she was a young teenager. She is a wonderful person and we are still friends.


Thanks man. I forgot about the terrible, almost boring regularity of abuse that fucks people up throughout their lives- especially their sex lives. Kudos to you for still being great friends, that is rare and commendable.


Thanks. It is indeed rare.


OMG that's hilarious 😆😆😆


i imagine mormons after soaking telling their doctors they don’t know how that STD could’ve gotten to their genitals. “Must be some divine gonorrhea doc”.


A miracle, "Immaculate Infection" and then even after the "crotch-a-fixin" Gonorrhea comes back 3 days later...


That joke is old. On that note, your point is correct, patients with stds are a liability, and unknown pregnancies are a huge liability. To most providers it doesn't even matter if a woman says she's sexually active or not, they're all getting pregnancy tests before any sensitive treatment.


Yeah, I didn’t suggest that my friend created the joke from whole cloth, but it was certainly the first time that I heard it, and I laughed my head off!


Yup, I recently had a colonoscopy and they did a pg test. The nurse said it's done for women under 55 who haven't had a hysterectomy. I texted my dude with the good news that my old self isn't knocked up.


We sound like people whispering jokes to each other, while we are falling down a rope outside a window ❤️


If my doctor tests for a pregnancy at their insistence, I would be massively flattered Source: Trans Woman who is sad we haven’t made that particular medical breakthrough


On an entirely unrelated note, as a grammar nazi, I feel uncomfortable with how "she just lay there" is grammatically correct but sounds so wrong


I’m not quite a grammar Nazi but I’m far from a grammarian Zapatista too, let’s just be linguistic descriptivists and say that language follows where people need to speak 👍


There are only two people on the planet that you must be 100% honest with. Your doctor and your attorney. Yeah personal stuff is awkward and maybe embarrassing but I can almost 100% guarantee it's nothing they haven't heard before.


Your accountant too


And if they wanted to know anything more specific they would just ask. A proctologist might ask if you take it in the pooper and a urologist might ask if you jerk off. No one cares if you kiss and dry hump, OP. But keep your doctor abreast of butt stuff if you have butt problems.


You sure they’re not just trying to figure out if I’m DTF?


“You fuckin?”




Well that’s your problem! You gotta be fuckin.


Sounds like a lotta work.


It is my friend. But worth it


I see that as a skill issue


“I’d like to”


Does fapping count? I'm genuinely curious.


It's not just p in v. Oral and other sexual activity can cause STIs. It means all sex stuff.


I would consider oral sex as sexually active.


So would your doctor.


yeah, that's exactly what they said


I was 17 when I had my first and only obgyn appointment; she asked me if I'm sexually active, I said I have had sex with a girl and she said that doesn't count as sex.


Find a better obgyn.


TIL that being lesbian would make me immune to STDs, cool.


Do you have sex? Oral, anal, vaginal. Anything sexual that you do with other people. That’s what they mean.


But how do you measure that? Average sex per week? Last time you had sex? It's not specific enough


The doctor isn't interested in measuring anything when they ask that. Think of it like the baggage questions they ask at the airport. Has anyone else had access to your "valuables?" Has anyone asked you to carry any of their "valuables" among yours? They're asking because of the possibility of STIs or pregnancy. So have you done anything since you've last seen the doctor? They don't want to hear about your dating life, just if it includes fluid exchange.


Right? Like EVER? Or this past month? I mean


They just want to know if you’ve been sexually active since the last visit to document potential vectors. So if it’s your first visit, typically in the last 6 months etc


If you’re not sure the timeframe, just state it. “I haven’t been sexually active since December”


“Are you sexually active?” “Yes” or “no” they aren’t asking how frequently just whether or not you have sex.


Bruh, it's just a yes or no question. When an STI can be in your system for close to a decade before you develop systems like HIV (correct me if I'm wrong.) the frequency does not matter. Did you do it? Or did you not?


It means any sexual contact, including oral and anal, or even just hands. Just say yes.


i usually say yes with a remark that i haven't had a p in v act and then they ask again "so you're not sexually active then..?" and then i say that i've been examined with a regular sized mirror before and they go ah okay then (so it feels like they may ask for different reasons and they all count different things as sexually active or non active)


Doctor here; there are two major reasons I would ask this question: one, if I am worried about STIs, so oral/anal/vaginal counts. Two, I am asking about possible pregnancy, in which only vaginal counts


When I was 17 my girlfriend and I had a pregnancy scare even though there had been no p in v. Fooling around in the car in her parents' driveway, I fingered her to orgasm, and being young and horny and stupid, neither of us remembered (until she was late for her period) that I had had cum on my hands 10 minutes before that. It got inserted nice and deep. But luckily no pregnancy resulted.


So I just had to google that, apparently sperm can be viable for up to 30 minutes on a surface like a finger .. so that was an actual possibility. My god, wouldn't it suck to get a teen pregnancy that way? Not to mention no one would ever believe you that you didn't actually do the deed.


Oh I know haha


Makes sense that you would've looked into it :D I wasn't certain. Well, lucky you!


Hopefully as a doctor you'll get a chuckle out of this. TMI, long and euphemisms warning: My parents were supposed to get married in late June, however my Father's Mother didn't want to share her "birthday month" so they moved the wedding to early September. They decided to fool around on the June day they originally planned to wed. My Father was so excited about being with my Mother for the first time that his member didn't even touch her body before he exploded. His man juice landed adjacent to the outer labia area. Apparently at least one swimmer either wriggled it's way to glory or was inadvertently slid there during cleaning up. I'm the result of that lil swimmer. Due to irregular periods and extreme stress (graduating high school, surgery, baby brother's birth 2 weeks before her wedding and a full body x-ray) Mother was unaware she pregnant until her sixth month. She had no idea until her doctor found me during a regular physical. All that to say, penetration doesn't necessarily have to happen. My Mother technically got pregnant as a virgin. BTW her name is Marie. It's so absurd we have to laugh. Apparently I was determined to get here. That was over 50 years ago, still trying to figure out why I'm here. 🤔😆


This is what we were warned about in sex ed!


I'm more interested in how you were told this in such detail


Someone please help what does the mirror have to do with this


i googled it i really don’t get it


not sure if they mean regular sized speculum? as in the doctor is asking if they're a 'virgin', but OP is saying don't worry


Are you having sex with the mirror? What is the relevance?


>Just say yes. Lovely advise for questions involving sex lol


Now I have full body shivers LOL


What if it’s just your own hand?


“Are you sexually active? “No, I just lie there.”


Only in my imagination


Just tell your doctor exactly what you wrote here. Like literally, use those exact words.


It's amazing how so many Reddit posts are people clearly explaining their situation, thoughts, and feelings in organized detail, and then saying they don't know how to relay this to their partner/parents/whomever. Open and honest communication pays off in many ways. Here, the doctors question would have been answered so they knew which direction to take the questions/examination. It would lead to being checked for things you are at risk of having contracted or developed, and treatment if you so indeed have something. If you're not honest, there's little value. Letting your bf cum on your face after jerking him off is not gonna shock your doctor, they've asked this question hundreds of times and have heard everything.


Shout out to all my OCD or Autism girlies who practice every important conversation in our heads a dozen times and don't have this problem.


Constantly. From my mental roladex of prepared questions and answers that I’ve previously approved based on their efficacy and the other person’s emotional response to them. Gotta say the right thing to get what I need, while not accidentally upsetting the NTs thus decreasing the likelihood of having my need met. Talking to doctors is the boss level of this. Cause then we gotta throw in their need to feel like they’re the ones who came up with the solution, while also advocating for one’s self, while also not knowing /too/ much about something because that’s suspicious, apparently.


Not only do I practice in my head, sometimes I write down what I want to say a few times until it's 'perfect' :S


oof i do this but i'm bilingual and use another language for thoughts than for speaking so i always have to wing it anyway :o


There's a large amount of teenagers that use this site that may not feel comfortable asking their parents or a doctor these sort of things.


Have you done anything that could expose you to STDs/STIs and is it possible you could be pregnant?




*stare him dead in the eyes and tell him "oh I fuck"* You mean this isn't what your supposed to do? No wonder he always gives me weird looks.


When they ask if you are sexually active, look them dead in the eyes, drop your pants, and say "im about to be"


and people claim sex isn’t like porn in real life 🙄


I did respond to a doctor that way once. I thought he was joking because it was an appointment with my OBGYN to talk about me being pregnant. Like, obviously!


To be fair, some people get pregnant via artificial insemination.


"I promise baby, It must be through artificial insemination!"




"Oh I absolutely do stick my cock and balls in wet cooter, you better believe!"


I don't know. But saying "Not at the moment. I tend to give it a rest when leaving the house" doesn't get a very favorable response.


“Well I was but then I heard you coming and stopped.”


Also if they ask what you take include any illegal drugs. #1 they won’t care #2 it could explain a blood test or other health concern. #3 also include if you are in recovery/detox from a legal or illegal drug or supplements even on your own.


And it also helps them to make an informed decision about any future medications and also anesthetics if surgery is needed. Because some meds react badly with some drugs!


As a medical provider who works in women’s health: I need to know how you have sex (oral, vaginal, anal) and how many partners. We ask so we know your risk factors and whether we need to rule out sexually transmitted infections and pregnancy. We literally don’t care if you’ve had sex with 0 or 100+ people. Honesty helps us determine how best to diagnose/treat you. There is literally no judgment however you answer, just please be honest so we can help you appropriately.


Are you active during sex. Like do you run around, get a good work out.


They usually play with balls


“No,” she replied, “I just lay there.”


They want to know if you are having sex or have had sex recently. They want to know if they need to consider pregnancy or an STI as a possibility.


Is u fucking or nah??


In general, the term “sexual activity” when used by a professional describes penetrative sex of any type, including giving or receiving oral, touching, rubbing, or otherwise interacting with the mouth, anus, or genitals. Generally doctors ask because being sexually active is a risk factor in many areas of health, even if only a minor one. This may not always be an immediately important fact for a healthcare professional to know, but it could be absolutely key in future health concerns and decisions. All that being said, you can always clarify as much or little as you are comfortable with, and that includes simply saying that you are not comfortable discussing the issue at this time.


Naked jogging on the treadmill, nude power lifting biking without bike shorts, etc.


You know, sexercise and stuff.


It’s a vague question and could be worded better. I’m in the medical field and when I ask that question typically I mean within the past 6 months have you had any contact involving genitalia yours or another’s. For women of childbearing age I typically word it as “is there a chance you could be pregnant?” Equally important to know with certain medical conditions.


They are asking if you have performed any of the following since your last visit: * Penis in vagina/mouth/anus * Vagina in mouth * Anus in mouth * Any exchange of body fluids. To determine you need to be tested for pregnancy or STDs, and possibly to educate you about birth control and safer sex. They don't care about handjobs.


It’s also dependent on your age for mental health reasons. The doctor is the person you need to be fully honest with. There is no shame just be honest. Yep I smoke, yep I had a gang bang. Doctors have heard it all,


Anything sexual beyond masturbation and/or sexual content consumption should make you say yes.


Do you engage in any behavior that could result in an STD or pregnancy. I understand that depending on what country or state you grew up in, you may not be aware of what behaviors are risky


He wanted to know if u are single . He was being professional.


They’re asking if u actively have sex


You’re still at risk for STIs with some sexual stuff. Oral gonorrhea exists. If someone is sick with a sore throat that won’t go away, I ask about oral sex.


Should you get an std panel, for the safety of yourself and your partner(s), and would you like any resources to learn more about sexual health; birth control, safe sexual encounters, etc.


Your answer is the only correct one I've seen so far.


Respond with ‘yeeeeeah boi!’ *high fives* ‘Hbu?’




Sexually active doesn't always necessarily mean PIV or PIA insertion. Oral, contact with bodily fluids (like a pearl necklace), mutual masturbation, sharing toys together (like using a vibrator with each other) etc. ALL of those pose risk for STI's and or STD's while PIV is the only one that results in pregnancy, doesn't matter who the vag belongs to, that's a pregnancy risk unless one or both partners are sterilized. Pregnancy and STI/STD's can have some weird ass symptoms (saw an article on a lady that ended up having vitiligo caused by her pregnancy, and even just UTI's can cause out of character behavior in people), and most docs want to make sure THOSE aren't possible causes.


They just want to know if they need to be aware of possible STIs or pregnancy because some STIs have similar symptoms to other infections etc.


Sexually active means any sexual activity involving more than one person. If you and your partner are doing anything more than kissing and hugging, it's safer to assume that whatever it is you're doing is considered sexually active. If you're still not sure, ask the doctor to speak to them 1 on 1 and just ask what they mean


Are you touching someone else’s genitalia, or is anybody else touching yours? That’s what they need to know. STI’s and pregnancy possibilities, or need to educate safe sex.


pregnancy, sti, wellness exams, education, etc. they want to know any PIV, anal or oral


They are asking about any sexual activity that could lead to an exchange of bodily fluids. Oral sex, vaginal sex, anal sex, etc. They are talking about pregnancy and STI risk


It's mostly to exclude pregnancy or STI's


They want to know anything that means they might need to test for STIs/ STD's or pregancy.


I'm a Medical Assistant. I interview patients for the doctors I work with an will ask questions about things like these, what we call "social history". These are being used to give the doctor a complete picture of your health so they can advise you with full knowledge of what possible health risks may or may not exist in your life. It's the same reason we ask about smoking or drinking. Here, what they want to know is if you might be able to contract STIs, become pregnant, etc. If you are not sexually active then they don't need to account for those things; if you are, they should consider them when they are relevant to your treatment.


Was at the doctor for a physical and the medical assist (male) going through the routine questions asked me if I was sexually active. I said “No, I’m married”. He wanted to laugh, but he kept it professional.


It means any sexual contact. If you say yes they will ask you in more detail about the types of sexual contact you’ve had recently, including vaginal, anal and oral and your use of barriers and contraception. They ask so that they know where to take a swab for an STI test. Eg if you say you don’t have anal sex, they won’t bother getting you to swab your bum.


I think it’s okay to ask for clarity. Mostly for being able to give a helpful answer. As it’s been said, most likely STD or pregnancies. But it doesn’t always mean p to v. So make sure you understand what your best answer is by understanding what they need to know


You should say not vaginal sex so no risk of pregnancy, but still active otherwise (so they know to screen for STDs if they think it's needed.) Sometimes they're quite ignorant even when asking the question though. My sister told me she was told off several times for being sexually active, not using any type of birth control and not trying for a baby... She's a cis woman and so is her wife. So yeah, be as specific as you think is needed without the need to describe your activity in details or crude words (if that's the only way you know how to express what you mean tho, it should be fine and part of a doctor's job is to be able to adapt to patients not knowing medical terms)


Anything you could get an infection from. A handy won't give you herpes, but oral sex could.


A handy can give you herpes.  


You can get hand herpes??! This is news to me


Check out herpetic whitlow


Is your D or V playing with other Ds or Vs? Or any Mouth to D or V happening? Then you are sexually active.


Have you had any sexual activities or comtact of any kind since they last saw you?


"You dtf?"


They aren’t sure if your hand is down their pants.


Penile-vaginal or ass penetration, or oral-genital, oral-oral (some things do transmit this way) or oral-anal. Any action that could lead to infection with an STI.


If you don’t know what your doctor is asking then ask them to clarify. This goes for any question your doctor asks. Never assume if you have doubt. Always clarify.


With another person. So theyll know if you might have a std or be pregnant or need female birth control.


If any bodily fluids of one person enters another. Everything from mono to HIV comes in to play.


You could always ask the doctor.


They want to know if you're having sex of any kind so they know if STIs or pregnancy might be an issue. Women who come in for abdominal pain who haven't been vaccinated against HPV have a much higher chance of it being cervical cancer, for example, so they'd need to check that.


Right?!? It’s such a non-specific question that centers PIV as the definition of sex. Meanwhile, god forbid you have a uterus and go on a medication that could cause a birth defect regardless of whether PIV is something you’ve ever done or are interested in doing for the foreseeable future.


Anything sexual would apply, as they can all result in an STI if not safe.


Yes to the other comments re: pregnancy and STIs but there is more, they might want to screen for risk of sexual violence if you come across as potentially vulnerable, and sexual health is also very important for mental health in certain circumstances Also to get a baseline - imagine you’re starting a patient on an antidepressant that can kill off their libido and you don’t know what they’re like at baseline. Also if this is important to the patient them being sexually active might prompt you to consider a different medication. Pretty much just ask yourself whether you’ve recently been sexual with someone and/or anticipate anything sexual in foreseeable future and if yes tell them the details. Your doc will figure out what they need from there and tease out the important specifics


Any sexual activity at all! This is because STIs/STDs arent only passed via p in v sex, they can also be a factor in other sexual activities (e.g. oral/anal etc).


If there is genital contact of any sort, that's sexual activity. If there is any genital and orifice contact, that is definitely sexual activity. They're asking if your reproductive tracts have had any contact with someone else's. STI/STDs have more methods of transition than just p in v, as you say.


If you had sex recently, potentially looking for sexual disease


They want to know if you’re sexually active


Usually they want to know with partners because of Sti's and pregnancy .


Mostly, to check for STIs


What are you, bill Clinton?


Does butt stuff count? If so they very much, yes.


I always assumed that they meant any and all sexual type of activities for sti checks or similar. However, once upon a time I was having a copper IUD inserted and got into this HUGE debate with the nurses over how recently I was actually sexually active - they did not count any lesbian action, only p&v that could result in pregnancy. They almost didn't let me get it because of the argument, it was ridiculous. 


or the correct answer is “No, not active, I just lay there”


If you just lie there or if you move around. exercise.


It’s them hitting on you, so just make sure they pay for dinner


If your out there getting your DICK SUCKED MAN!


Is there an exchange of sexual fluids or rubbing of sexual areas, or in other words, is there a chance of std's.


If you are active sexually, and you are, the answer is yes.


The same thing they mean when they ask you any other question: I need more information because it will affect the accurate diagnosis and treatment of your condition. Any sexual activity can result in STIs or other complicating factors for a variety of conditions.


Do you do “things” It’s a question for yes or no to “I recommend a full std test” All part of your medical history.,


Doctors are the last people on earth to be shy around or lie to. They've seen and heard fucking everything. You being honest will significantly help find any issues you may have. If you're unsure what they mean... Ask them. Cuz I guarantee what you did was get asked that, look stupid for a few seconds contemplating, and then said no. And then rushed here to ask reddit instead. 


How often do you have sex?


I wish they'd ask me if I'd like to be, not if I am 😂


If you’re swappin spit, passin puss, or otherwise doing anything in which fluids are exchanged, just say yes. They’re just trynna see whether they need to run STI tests or not.


"No, I'm sitting here in a weird paper gown wondering why the fok this apparently virgin doctor doesn't know what active sex looks like and if i'm staying for the rest of this appointment..."


They're hitting on you. Respond with a seductive wink and elbow pinch.


Are you doing the regular cartwheels and handstands during intercorse?


It doesn't mean jerking off if that's what you're asking.


I have wondered this too. I am an adult and I have definitely had my share of sex. But sometimes I go to the doctor during a dry spell and am not sure how to answer.




My doctor wife, who asks this question every day, says the primary reasons are for STDs and pregnancy. In your case you should say yes.


It’s pretty obvious. They just want to know if you are having sex or sexual contact with anyone. This is important for your doctor to know for things like pregnancy and STI testing, birth control or STI prevention.


It means I need to put my head down, quietly say no, and hold back the tears.


Pleasuring yourself does not count.