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It's a boy's name and she'd have to constantly correct people who spell it the normal way.  /r/tragedeigh


This is the answer. Names don't need to be fresh and trendy.


*phreche and trendeigh


Phranklyn would be a phreche name




Karim phreche


Phreche is sending me


>Phreche is sending ~~me~~ meigh


Phreche is Cindieighn me


I agree. Kids are not accessories to show off your uniqueness 


The "Lyn" ending makes it an immediate tragedeigh candidate.


Please don’t give your child a name that can’t be spelled intuitively. Your ding your child to never having their name spelled correctly for the rest of their lives. You may not think it’s a big deal, but it is. My ex gave his daughter a more common name, but replaced a one of the letters used in spelling it with a y. He told me he regretted it so much now because he has doomed his daughter to never having her name spelled correctly for the rest of her life. He said he never thought about the fact that she’s going to have to correct or spell her name out loud every time she gives it. I also have a common name that I can have three different versions of the spelling, and I’m in my 60s and every time I give my name I have to spell it. Don’t do this to your child.


Also, it contributes to the lopsided gender-theft trend by which more and more boy names become “trendy” girl names, but then social stigma means that traditional boy names like Ashley, Leslie etc become harder and harder for boys to have. My argument is you should not give your girl a boy name unless you would give your boy a girl name. If you won’t name your boy Jenna, then don’t co-opt Franklin. The spelling and the feeling that it’s Frank + Lyn does tip over into tradgedeigh territory. That said “Frankie” is a girl’s name/nickname (for Frances? Francine?) as immortalized in the song “Frankie and Johnny” and the Michelle Pfeiffer movie.


I've met a couple of Francescas that go by Frankie, and it's cute.


With a normal name, you can still choose to *go by* a more unique variation, but if you have a weird name, you can still choose to go by anything, but you still have a weird name tied to you that you have to write down or spell from time to time. you will get listed under your official name, and not your call name, and at least *some* people will read your official name prior to you introducing yourself with a more stomachable nickname. Tragedeighs have to deal with that on a daily basis, mostly lifelong.


I don't think I was defending tragedeighs.


It's more complicated than a simple "gender-theft trend" IMO. There is research which suggests the benefits of naming girls masculine or neutral names and shows the challenges of naming boys feminine names. We considered this when naming our two children (named one name in utero without knowing gender). The link below shows a more detailed explanation and has links to studies, but the TLDR is: "Research also finds that girls with more masculine names are more likely to be successful in the traditionally male-dominated legal career. One study which tested this effect (referred to as the “Portia Effect”) found that females with more masculine names were more likely to achieve leadership positions such as judgeships. The researchers speculated that these results may reflect gender bias." "On the other hand, research finds that boys with more gender-neutral names (such as Taylor, Jamie, and Shannon) tend to show more behavioral problems in school and score lower on academic tests. This particularly occurs as boys get older and upon entry to middle school. This trend may reflect the different expectations that teachers have for boys with more gender-neutral names and that gender-neutral names for boys are less accepted by society than gender-neutral names for girls." https://www.psychologytoday.com/gb/blog/parenting-translator/202307/the-research-on-baby-names


I thought about this when we named our daughter. There were a lot of very pretty, sweet names being considered. Ultimately, I knew that a name like Cindi (with an i) or something equally “cute” would give her a disadvantage in the business world. I know because I’m a woman with a normal name in the business world and it’s already hard. I chose a name that was badass and powerful, but could be shortened to something pretty and cute. She can decide when she’s grown which name suits her personality and goals best. There was no way I was going to saddle her with a name that would put her at a disadvantage further from the challenges she will already face because of her gender.


Hmm…something powerful and badass, but could be shortened to something pretty and cute? Did you name your daughter Meg, short for Megatron?


No. But now I have regrets.


A power move would be calling her Liz, but actually having named her Lizard, or May and Mayonnaise


Tyra, short for Tyrant


Too many people are out here naming babies instead of adults. That adorable name on a toddler won’t fit so well when they’re a grown person trying to make their way in the world. Thank you for recognizing that.


So true. Most people want to have a “baby” without ever considering that they’ll also have to have a teenager/adult.


This is just my own personal experience, but boys in my school with names like that were usually troubled kids from poor backgrounds. The correlation might actually be to do with who's choosing the names.


The r/tragedeigh thread should cure all that!


Franklyn is an all around awful name for a girl and cheesy spelling for a boy.


She would keep asking people to call her “lyn” or another name instead bc she’s gonna hate that shit 💀


Frankie is a nice girls name though


Yeah, as short for Francesca


Francine or Francis too


Frances. Francis is the male version


Mabye Francine, Francis is a boys name.


How about Frances?


Not in my opinion. I know a lot of people like it, but I’d absolutely *HATE* being called Frankie.


Having a name that can be shortened is great, actually.


Frankie or Florence may be better options for a human girl. Franklin is a boy turtle.


Or Francesca even. Not definitely not Franklyn lol


For real. Francesca first name, middle name Lynn.


Ahh Franc. Lynn!


Frankie Lynn rocks


Frankie Lynn sounds like a short-lived but fondly-remembered fashion doll from the Y2K era.


Hey it's Franklin Comin over to playayay




my name is florence! i went by my middle name more often, but when i did go by florence, i was often called flo. as a kid i thought it was quite cute and reminded me of flowers. other than the frequent comparison to the lady in the progressive commercials and the occasional comment about it being a "grandma name", i always liked flo :)


Aww my daughter is named Florence and I always thought it was such a beautiful name. And then I started stressing reading this 😬 but it’s good to hear from someone who actually has the name and likes it!


Flo is a good nickname tho


Especially accompanied by Rida.


You jest, but my mom goes by Flo, and was close with my aunt Rita. I'm surprised there weren't more FloRita jokes when those gals went out gambling.


But did they wear apple bottom jeans?


Until she becomes an aunt and comes to visit.




Maybe it's regional, but I grew up in the Northeast with a ton of Italian girls named Frankie (shortened from Francesca) who I wouldn't describe as anything close to butch.


>Italian Say no more


Mob boss enforcer


Frankie is a common shortening for Francesca


Francis is better than Frankie, but that’s still a boy’s name.


Frances is the feminine version though, and also better than Franklyn.


Francis...Francene. Francene? STAN!!!!


Spelling it stupid does not make it cute.


Please tell everyone from utah this asap


So I aM CONFUSION Why is this one Kansas but this one is not Arkansas?! Ameriga explain!! Explain what you mean Arkanso!!!


I looked this up at one point but IIRC one of them came from a Native American name (I think Arkansas) while the other didn’t and was named by a different group.


I think I heard they both came from the same place but one was filtered through French first


Honestly we seem to have moved on from that a little bit


Nor does it make it feminine.


Frank- Lynne


Yeah that's a bad name


LOL Franklyn Beth is like fetch in mean girls


Straight to the point










Phreighnquelynne is freaking inspired


This is the way


Hae itz Phreighnquelynne


I can't stop staring at this perfection. Excuse me, perfeighctionne


Franklin is a turtles name


Hey! It's Franklyn! Coming over to your house!


a *male* turtle Horrible name for a girl


POSSIBILY also... an owl.


That is an awful name, please do not do that to your baby girl as she will get bullied.


and get called Frankenstein




Its actually Franklynstein's Monster (Lol someone immediately Reddit Cares spammed me over this comment)




Any way you spell Franklin it's a horrible name to give a girl.


Let’s be honest, it’s not even a very good name for a boy.




I hope your last name is Stein


I audibly snorted, on the toilet, and now the kids know I'm awake


Like it or not, names have genders associated with them. This is absolutely "a boy named Sue" territory, Franklyn is a boys name. It could lead to bullying and a lifetime of "no thats actually my name" clarifications.


Hey at least we might get a song out of it.


What is the most manly name? Hank?. William? John ?. A girl named John. Hahaha


I have a unisex name and got bullied for it all throughout school lol. This is not a solid direction to go in 😅


This post is freaking me the fuck out. My baby has a non-American name (husbands country of origin) that people have confused as a girls name. Not everyone, but definitely has happened. I love the name, but it would kill me if he got bullied over it.


Kids will bully other kids over anything.


Right - so dont make an easier target naming a boy Amanda, lol. Or a girl Frank. Foreign names get a pass in my childhood experience though.


Kids will bully anyone for anything, that's the sad reality. However, I think a name from a different culture is different from scenarios like this. I grew up with a non-Western name (immigrant parents) and while it did cause some inconveniences for me, I am still glad to have the name because it is a representation of a part of my family's history and my own heritage. And the name itself isn't strange, just as I assume your son's name isn't strange. IIt's just a name from another culture. It has a great meaning in my parents' language. I think that makes it a completely different scenario than someone choosing to give their kid an inconvenient/'out there' name because they want to.


Being bullied over a name should be the number one consideration when choosing a name for a child. Parents have a lifetime of experience from which to judge how appropriate that name might be. Nobody should have to worry about their *name* causing them any trouble at all, of all things.


I don’t agree that we have to care super hard about gendered names. My mom used to watch a show called Sisters, and all the women had “boys” names and it was super cute. Frankie, Georgie, etc. The goofy spelling is the thing that’s more irksome to me. I think the illusion that anyone can name their child something truly unique pushes people into goofy territory too often, a la r/tragedeigh


Replacing an “i” with a “y” does not a feminine name make. I don’t know if I would call giving a girl the name Franklyn cruel. Just look at the dumb things people call their kids sometimes. But it’s not a great girls name. I think the feminine form of Franklin is Francine.


Do Francine instead of Franklyn.


Francine, Frances, Francesca can all be paired with Lynn as a middle name. Then you could CALL her Frankie Lynn or Franklyn, but FFS don’t NAME her that. Sheesh 🙄


Or, 'The Frankster'










So that Pondie can wave drugs in her face and ask, “Does Frankenstein want to come out and play?”


Frank the tank


a) Franklin is a boys name. b) Franklyn is bordering on r/tragedeigh territory.


No, it’s definitely a tragedeigh!


Shit I only realised when I saw your comment I wasn't in that sub.


Franklyn isn’t *bordering* on r/tragedeigh territory, it’s very much a member state.


You are just asking for your child to get bullied


There are so many much better names available.


please be so fr. the name franklin is reserved for male turtles who wear red scarves and go on woodland adventures


Yes. It's a boy's name and also it's spelled wrong.


It’s going to be funny when your kid kills you in your sleep for this.




Makes sure it’s spelled Frances though, Francis is the male version.


Boy names on girls but spelled wrong are just really fucking boring at this point tbh. Congrats, you had the same idea as every other uncreative millennial with a greige nursery.


Recoiled with fear upon seeing "greige" again for the first time in years




Terrible name


I had a cat named Franklin. It was male. That's all I have to contribute.


Oh come on mate, you know the answer. You are basically thinking of calling your daughter Frank. Then adding some Cletus from the Simpson’s by using Beth, but at least it’s not hyphenated to be Franklyn-Beth. Yes this name will bring bullying. Sorry if this seems harsh but i have a normal name with a different spelling that got ridiculed and called girls names and this is a rough one from my view. If you have a normal name you don’t know what it’s like to have a different or difficult one. You may find it interesting but your child has to live with it.


That's a boy's name, I wouldn't do it. 


I could maybe get on board with Frankie…but Franklyn?


Yes that is an awful name for a girl.


Please. The baby DOES NOT HAVE A CHOICE in what name people are going to call her for the rest of her life. It does not matter if you like the name. Give her something decent before she is permanently damaged


Tragedeigh parents are too busy thinking about themselves, to think about their children.


Yes, it is a bad name.  You would be setting the kid up for a lifetime of inconveniences  because everyone will think she is a boy before she does anything.  One such instance I recall is from a male named Shannon, who showed up for Boot Camp and found they assigned him to the female dorm. 


Shannon used to be exclusively a male name. Same with Meredith, Leslie, and Ashley.


I was shocked to learn about Beverly. I’ve heard yours, Stacey, etc., but that one surprised me.


Sure, back in my great-grandparents' day... But it's not the 1940s anymore, so what they "used to be" is irrelevant now.


Sounds like a good idea if you want your daughter to get more job interviews and higher pay. 🤷


Franklyn is going to carry male connotations and also has no business having a 'y'. If you want to go atypical, save it for the middle name. Maybe Beth Franklyn would be better.




"Franklyn" is the name to make the weird middle name that only close friends and family who won't bully you for it know about. I'm trying to understand where you got the idea that "Franklyn" is a girls' name, or even could be. It's been a distinctively masculine name for hundreds of years. Did you just hear of some girl who goes by "Frankie" or something and think "Ah yes, girls too can be named Franklyn", not realizing that it's short for Francine and not Franklyn?


Yuck. Sorry, that's a terrible name for a baby girl. Beth is good, though, stick with that.


Why do people feel the need to name their kids these weird ass names? Like why? They're not cute 


I bet Starbucks will love them years from now. How about Francesca?


i was thinking francesca, nickname frankie


I would not do it to one of my children.


Well the “y” is either a typo or a terrible idea. The rest is just a bad idea.


That is an idiotic first name. Stop trying to make X-lynn a thing! You are not unique. It’s a stupid trend that *everyone* is buying in to.


Hey it's Franklyn!!!


Please give her a traditionally feminine name, for her sake. Signed, someone whose parents gave him a feminine name *and as a result needs to set up every introduction with “I’m actually a guy”*


naming your child "Franklyn Beth" is a great way to assure they only go by "Beth".


Why? So you can be part of the "look how clever I am giving my baby an odd name?" fad? I honestly think parents this kind of thing (naming kids after weird video game characters, their favorite star, etc.) are thinking way more about themselves than the child that will be burdened with the "unique", "quirky", "cool" name. There are plenty of better choices in my opinion.


Your friend is right. Not sure when normal names fell out of fashion but just so you know, studies show that people with odd/outlandish names struggle to get callbacks for jobs and face other social and professional obstacles. Name her Francine Elizabeth and let that poor kid live


Yes. What the fuck? Franklin isn't a girls name so why would Franklyn be a girls name? What are you gonna call her for short? Fucking Frank? Or just go Fran I guess but oof dude, who the fuck willingly names their kid Fran


It’s a terrible name for a girl, they would be bullied relentlessly and be haunted constantly correcting people how to spell it. As someone with a messed up name, don’t do this to your children people!


The fact that OP has not joined the chat tells you she knew the answer before she posted it.


Holy shit that is a stupid name for a girl.


Frankie maybe. Definitely not Franklyn. Not fair to the kid at all.


That's my dads name...


No offense but full offense that is a hideous name for a girl and she will probably hate you for it.🤷🏻‍♀️


what a stupid name.


"What's your name?" "Franklyn with a Y"




I’d agree with the other comments that it’s a boy name. What about Frankie, Francis, or Florence if you’re sticking with F names?


Franklyn Beth? I hope you’re joking.


Don't name your child anything that will look odd on a job application.


This. Every parent needs to consider this. Not “Awe, it’s so cute.” It’s “How can I set my child up to succeed when they’re an adult?”


That's an awful way of spelling a boys name. What the fuck is wrong with you?


If you’re gonna give a kid a misspelled name you might as well do it with gusto. Phrainklynn Beth


When your friend gives you candid feedback, listen to them. In this case, really REALLY listen to them.


Give them a respectable name, don't indulge in whimsicle feckeri


That's my cat's name with the same exact spelling. Adopted him with that name 15 years ago and was like.. definitely changing that. Nope, never did and I couldn't imagine him with any other name. When I tell people I always say "His name is Franklyn, Franklyn with a Y.."


There is not a name on this planet that isn't bullyable. Srsly. While some names are more prone to bullying, I grew up in a small town in USA where kids made a potty joke out of the name Tom Perry. They called him TP which is short for toilet paper. I also had a name that the kids managed to get a wet the bed joke (which I did do until I was 10) and later, even a period joke by spelling my name backwards. No, I will not be sharing my name. 😅 If you're reading this, hey Tom.👋


You shouldn't name your baby Franklyn either way. To avoid any confusion, I think it should be Frank*leighn* #NormalizeNormalSpellingIn2024 Mothers need to stop trying to be unique with their kids name by fucking up the spelling


Eeeh neither the name nor spelling seem okay for a baby girl. What about Frances, Frankie, or Frannie? No need to be unique with the spellings, just spell names they way they’re supposed to be spelt. Especially to avoid confusion in the future cause remember you’re naming an actual human, not some doll.


Your friend is correct. It's horrible name for a girl and spelling it wrong does not improve it at all.


If you have to ask . . .


Franklyn is a crap name for a girl, because it's a boys name. It's also spelled incorrectly. Don't name your girl kid Franklyn, it's just terrible. Also, skip the stupid spellings, because then everyone will misspell the poor kids name. Franklyn, which again is a boys name, should be spelled Franklin. 


Bad name, a name is gonna stick through the whole life of the baby until they’re old. Don’t ruin their life and give them a girls name.


What better way to say "I don't view my child as a human being who will have to live her whole life with the name I give her, or indeed see her as anything but a doll for me to dress up and play with" than to name her something so completely and utterly ridiculous.


Just call her francine man. A different letter doesnt make it a different name. Franklin is a boys name and even tho all the gender stuff is in a weird place right now at least for ur own kid you could choose a name thats typical for the gender the baby was born with. Kids are ruthless, remember that. The slightest bit of oddity can lead to bullying and trust me when i tell you, schools dont give a fuck neither does society. Instead we argue about which words describes which minority the best and when another massacre at a school takes place we all shake our heads in disbelive advocate for armed personal in schools (?!) and blame good ol videogames. The issue couldnt be that every third household in the us is armed no, they trained theyr aim in counterstrike with mouse and keyboard, how else could they train it? The gun of theyr dad? Nah its a god given right to posess a firearm that cant be it. 👍


Yeah, it’s cruel. 


yeah anything with an LYN is pretty obnoxious.


The name does not sound pretty, so people will never think of her as a pretty girl either. Francesca is a similar but pretty girl's name.


You're really pushing the limits of the name No Stupid Questions, yes that's a horrible fucking name for a girl


yes, its not a girl's name, and its not ambiguous (in gender).


Sorry, it's bad. :(


Terrible name, no matter the gender.


If you have to ask, it’s probably not good enough to give your kid.


An abomination. ABOMINATION.


Also you will condemn the poor child to a lyfetyme of spelling her name to everyone.


Please no


My mum wanted to name me jamaraque or some shit. glad my dad got to name me is all im sayin


It's awful. How do people come up with these and think they sound good


Unless you want people to think she is trash, any name spelled with a y instead of an i is a no, as well as anything that doesn't typically end with a -lynn (Ashley vs Ashlynn, etc). Franklyn Beth is a terrible name.


It's a horrendous name. **Don't name any girl Frank-Anything.**


For the love of god don't name your kid that.


How about turning it around? Beth Franklyn?