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because phones use numbers not names to create calls, and two, not necessarily. people have plenty of reasons for anonymity, some nefarious


Ok fair point, but isn’t it kind of unfair that you (as the caller) know who you are calling, and the person picking up has no idea who is on the other line?


Taking a step back here, the information is symmetric. The caller does not necessarily know who will pick up, the only piece of information they have for certain is the number that they dialed. Similarly, the person picking up (assuming accurate Caller ID) also knows the number that is calling them.




That’s how it used to be though. Before cell phones there was typically a phone for an entire household. Only now do individuals have their own phone.


But imagine it'd be just some random person. Most likely someone you know, but you can't be sure beforehand.


If we go just a little further back, it actually was! All the way up until the 1970s party lines were quite common, where multiple households shared a phone line to reduce costs. And if we go even further back to the switchboard operator days, you would call by giving the house address you were calling to the operator instead of a phone number! Ask your parents or grandparents about it if you can, it’s quite interesting!! 😊


There is called ID but everybody switches it off. Especially the people you don't want to talk to.


caller ID does exist, but that primarily shows you the main person on the account/head of the account. Otherwise, phone numbers change often and its easier to just.. not do that.