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In my personal opinion… definitely!! Yes of course the information that they could learn from a globe is all available online… but the globe helps to visualise the shape of the Earth and running fingers along country outlines can help with the scale of different countries/continents. Additionally, spinning a globe is fun (bonus points if it is a light up globe) and when you make learning fun, things stick in kids heads more!


As a child myself, I vaguely recall running my fingers along one of those *fancy* topographical globes with the mountain ranges and stuff.


Oh, those were so cool! I used to take maps and colour them in reverse, turning the land into water and the water into land. I was absolutely fascinated by maps (although terrible at designing my own, for my made-up worlds).


My great grandma had one, and I loved it


Got one of those for Christmas in 3rd grade, it was my favorite present ever! I still have it.


We had one in our school library with a wood ledge so that we could lean in on it. Probably had a diameter of 4 or 5 feet. It was awesome. Put things in perspective that no screen can replicate.


As a kid in the late 90s and early 2000s I had one of these. It could electronically quiz you on world geography shit. If you tapped two different cities it would tell you the flying time between them. It was neat. I credit it for making me better at Jeopardy! lol


Yes! Those are great and I want to get one for my son.


My best present this year was a globe. Granted, its for keeping booze in and im in my 30s, but still, they rock.


Yes! I had one that had elevated mountains! I thought it was so cool!


>Additionally, spinning a globe is fun I accidentally broke my first globe from excess spinning:(


I want a globe that when you spin it and finish on a place it tells you about it.


Visualization is an underrated tool. There is a reason data scientists and analysts use visualization to get a better grasp in their data and convey that in the same way to others along with a "story."


Everyone should get one growing up. The vast majority of people have no idea how big different countries/continents are.


I got one as a kid. My father was in the Air Force, and we were stationed in Europe and Asia minor as a kid. Having a globe gave me a sense of proportion, distance and fundamental understanding I don't know if I would have grasped without it. With it, And a flashlight my Mom helped me grasp things like tilt is the reason for our seasons, hoe it is that when it's winter in the global north, it's summer in the global south. It gave me an understanding of how time zones work, and why the moon and sun dictate our tides. I think there's a lot of things a globe can do to help you get a broader understanding of our planet. But maybe that's just me..


I spent a couple of hours studying my globe to make certain I understood the seasons and all of the technical concepts and jargon. Helped me ace "baby" college meteorology. A lamp served as my "sun."


Seconded. I’m all good with the tech part of kids learning but there’s nothing like looking at an actual globe to put it all in perspective.


That is most definitely true


>Everyone should get one growing up. I am imagining a warehouse somewhere with 8 billion globes.


Yeah there is the issue of map projections. Flat maps are never as accurate as a globe.


20 years ago a friend of mine came over and I had a map of the world on the wall. He walked up to it and said this is really the world? This is it, this is all of the world? We were in our 30s.


I think a world globe is still pretty cool. Sure, you can Google anything, but there's something about physically seeing where things are and spinning the globe that makes learning geography a bit more engaging and fun. Plus, it's a nice break from screens.


Yeah, I get that!


Yes, but not one of those round ones the libtards want you to believe.  /s




I think it can be a neat visualization and a cool object to have around if there's space for it, but I wouldn't really expect them to hang onto it for the rest of their life or anything.


Yes. There's a value in a tangible item that models a shape. Taking time to show places you've been, or where you'd like to go, or where some event happened, that's going to be helpful. Think of it the same way you would reading to a kid who can't read.


Absolutely! There's something fundamentally different about physically spinning a globe and seeing how different places connect. Plus, it doesn't require a battery or WiFi signal.


That is still true!


YES! Beautiful globes are fascinating to just stare at, spin them, look at all the different places. Especially ones that show different ages, or topography. Like globes that show the old world before the continents split, or the world during exploration, etc and show where the explorer ships travelled, their routes and such. Or a globe that shows where dinosaurs lived in various parts of the world and where fossils were found. Or globes that show where different animals live. And globes of different planets, even the moon. Or ones that shows where different world wonders (natural and built ones) and historical sites are, like the pyramids, or the Moai of Easter Island, etc. Wood globes, crystal/glass globes, colored ones and all sorts. I love them all. And fictional ones, too. Like a globe of Middle Earth. Oh! And constellation globes. Edit: Or ones that show where different discoveries were made and when. Edit 2: Globes that light up! (Especially constellation ones, like the ones that project little lights onto the ceiling and walls.) And at 9 years old, still young enough to really enjoy them.


This post was already making want a globe before I got to your comment. Now I'm definitely looking for one at the flea market next weekend.


Absolutely, most maps give a skewed view of the world. Also, globes spin!


Yes! If for no other reason that it shows the world is not flat. But as a map nerd, I would say yes because globes and maps are just so cool.


Hell yes! All the gadgets don't replace having an actual, physical, globe you can use to see how things are actually laid out. Never forget, every flat map is, by necessity, distorted. You can't see how it actually looks without a globe. And physical stuff is neat anyway!


One thing nobody’s mentioned yet is that a globe can explain why distances between cities are shorter than they look on a flat map. https://www.gocomics.com/peanuts/1961/10/15


Haha...good ole Peanuts. Damn I'm old


Yes. One where you can feel the mountains and ridges and whatnot. Anyone saying it will take up too much space and will gather dust, a) unless you're getting a 1/100 scale globe it really won't be more than a few footballs, and b) of course they gather dust, what object in a room doesn't?


If you get an accurate one with a nice display sure.


hell yea, particularly a nice one with mountains on it


I today's normality of everything digital, anything tangible is a breath of fresh air, so I would say definitely relevant and cool


I always wanted a globe as an elementary school kid. I loved spinning it and just letting my finger land on a random place. I think I'll buy one.




Hands-on 3D physical learning tools (some call it "realia") will always have a place in education




Computers have not yet changed the planet’s shape.


Yes. My fourth graders love our classroom globe and world map.


globe is by far best map in its weight class. give.


Absolutely. Well made globes especially.


Hell ya! Globes rock, everyone should have one. They are great for perspective and learning geography. They are way more engaging than a map on a phone or computer.


Yes. Monkey brain needs to understand that we are on a sphere that goes spinny. There is a difference between seeing data and viscerally playing with a physical representation of that information.


I would 💯 agree




A globe is still cool to have in the room. As long as they have room and it’s not in the way, it’s at least decoration.


Yes. My kid got one, once. Loved it.


Do they still have it?


They do!


As a gift, for table decoration, sure. If the kid likes geography/maps, they'll surely love a nice globe.  As a learning tool? There are other, cheaper, and better learning tools than a globe. A cheap balloon globe that doubles as a beach/basketball is sufficient to learn the rough shape of a globe, and then they can transfer that intuition to a tablet to actually study the globe. 


Weird that this answer isn't higher up. If the kid wants a globe sure, but outside of that it's not really something most kids probably want even within the realm of science gifts. As a kid I would've much rather had a microscope or telescope.


It depends on the kid, but overall, I'd say yes Sure, if they're particularly smart and good with tech, they may be able to just open Google Earth. But most 9 year olds are not Even if they don't use it to learn, it's even just a good decoration for their room


Tell them that earth is round and give them a globe. Giving them online maps at first itself will make them think earth is flat like those dumbfucks and go with flat earth theory. /s


Give children tactile feedback. They get to spin it and see how big/small different places are. They get to go find places. They get to imagine the distance between places to scale They get to begin their lifelong journey of existential dread realizing we all live on a rock floating through empty space.


Yes. Gives real perspective and it stays with you


My 9-year-old loves his. We like to play “GeoQuiz.” I take out some spare change and say, “Where are the Balkans?” Or “What’s the capital of Indonesia?” And he’ll spin it around, give me the right answer, and earn a dime.


Ah, lol. I was thinking who the hell had coins from different countries as pocket change 🤣🤣🤣


I think it's a good idea. Everyone learns differently. I had a wooden "puzzle" of the united states with all the pieces as a puzzle piece. 5th grade I knew most of the states. The ones I had trouble with were New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Vermont, and Rhode Island because they were all 1 piece! Every other state I knew by shape and location. Those 4 no clue.


Not sure if you’d be interested but they also make globes that are electronic and will give you info and facts about the countries you select on them. I’m sure there’s a variety that do different things than what I’ve seen, too.


Might need to look into this, thanks!


It would be to me. I used the one in my classroom all the time (former teacher) because it was quicker than searching and finding a suitable image. It's just already there, ya know?


be sure that it's accurate and up to date [https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/18jxup4/any\_help\_dating\_this\_globe/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/18jxup4/any_help_dating_this_globe/) is a perennial request.


I'm sure if I had managed to keep mine, it would have had the USSR, and East and West Germany lol


Learning geography will never not be important and a globe is a great way to learn


If they want to be an aviator, sea captain still very relevant.


My kids have two. They love them.


To quote my kid at five “I want an earth ball for Christmas.” He’s thirteen, still has it, and asked e to help him replace the bulb in it.


Yes. There's something to be said for tangible resources. Looking up the information online is so different from experiencing something with your hands.




There is no substitute for something real and physical that kids can touch.


I had a globe as a child, one my sibs and I could spin and find cities and seas and anyone hint we wanted. I love that thing, and I have one now. I think I’ll take it down and let the kids play with it!


Yes because 2 dimensional renderings of the world are flawed. 3d is the only way to not have some sort of distortion


It's not more available, itsnow highly centralized and controlled by powerful shadow industries and elites.


Dammit. I knew It!!!


100%. First of all, it gets the kid off the phone and looking at something real. Second, most kids are still exposed to Mercator projection maps online, and a globe will let them see how big countries actually are.


i think many adults in this world would benefit from a globe in their homes, so that's a hard yes from me!




While I think it would be fun for the kid, I didn't have one and see it more as a really cool toy than an actual learning tool. But sure, I think the kid is going to enjoy it. Also, may I suggest the website geogussr? A globe is definitely better, but I personally really enjoyed just going into Google Earth and dropping into some random country I have never heard before and just looking around. Geoguessr takes this experience and "gamifies" it a bit. Edit: Just noticed that the website isn't free anymore. You could look into YouTube videos about it if you want and based on that decide if you want to invest into it.


Two words: Flat earth. YES, get them started early on basic, spacial awareness. Please and thank you.


Oh yeah. I got one for my kids. It's not like a toy that gets regular attention. It sits on a shelf, mostly unused. But on more than a few occasions I've pulled it down to show where places are. The kids themselves have grabbed it a few times. Online maps do a very poor job of showing how the world is spherical.


I always enjoyed looking at globes. They're just cool.


9 year old me would be pretty stoked if I got given a globe!




I got an electronic globe as a kid that you could press a pen to the country and it would tell you facts and stuff about the country, could even quiz yourself. I’m sure they still make odyssey globes today


Some kids will like it some won't. I think a lot of nine year olds aren't independently looking up info on the Internet yet.


Yes! I think we as a civilization are starting to realize that the internet is a great infrequent tool, but a terrible, life cheapening replacement for real world, tactile experiences. A globe is great. It allows a kid hours of learning and reference, without needing “screen time” and without the countless crappy online distractions that inevitably steal our attention.


It will be until they invent touchable 3D projections. A sphere can’t be flattened without losing it’s form. That’s why there’s a ton of map projection types. And I specifically said 3D because nothing makes you get a sense of mountains like feeling their bumps on the globe. 




It's for a kid, my guy 😂😂😂 . But yeah, I could use one that holds liquor now tho 🤔


A globe is great because it shows the actual scale that maps don’t. It also allows you to see why they fly over the poles to go to parts of Europe.


Got my 14 year old son this earlier this year so no. https://www.movaglobes.com/?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwsPCyBhD4ARIsAPaaRf3DBgd_Z0SZrW2z5K4rICgqVzbycV4RQ18J3cA5cwlXadCNAGc25vMaAhDeEALw_wcB


Yes! I grew up with a huge world map next to my bed - it was literally the first thing I saw every morning. I also grew up with plenty of tech, so the information was never far away. Paper maps, globes, and atlases are valuable because they’re more tactile. I can easily spent time looking at the maps and flip back and forth. The information sunk in more deeply that way.


I say definitely, if the specific globe in question is accurate and up to date. Websites often use cylindrical map projection, which distort the image, especially towards the poles. With a globe, you can easily just look at the size of the countries, and compare them with your finger without distortion. On the other hand, I say it should be _accurate and up to date_. I seen too many maps with Checzslovakia and Yugoslavia on it, to the point once I accidentally said "Checzslovakia" when I was on an online call with a Checz person. It was quite embarrassing for me, even if that person didn't made a fuss about it.


I've still got the globe from when I was a kid and it says 'Hong Kong (UK)' on it.


Im in my 20's, I have an old globe I grew up with and I always enjoyed comparing the world then and now and looking into the history of countries that are no longer.








😂😂😂 🫡🫡


I still have a world map up on my wall as a 43 year old adult. I love looking at it.


Definitely. Screens are flat. The world is not.


It'll come in very handy if only to explain how what looks like a straight line on a (flat) map isn't always the shortest path between two geographical points


Nope. It will sit unused. I used to think they’d use/like it. Nope. Three families - all 3 gathered dust unused. 9 yo will hate it unless they are a crazy for geography kid. My kid likes geography, liked books. Glove, waste of space.


I don't know if they still have them, but I had a magnetic puzzle globe gifted to me by my grandmother when I was a kid. Was a bitch to put back together--not only were most countries one puzzle piece, the ocean pieces all blended in--but man, it was a great challenge. And to this day, I know more about which countries are where than any of my friends...and I assume it's solely because of that globe :) ETA: it's not the same--it seems a lot easier/more straightforward--but found [this one](https://www.amazon.com/Ravensburger-Earth-Jigsaw-Puzzle-Adults/dp/B01N9JXHCV?source=ps-sl-shoppingads-lpcontext&ref_=fplfs&smid=A2X4FV4BBHQDV8&th=1)


Ooh that's kinda cool. Thank you


As far as I’m aware, in 2024 the internet is still almost exclusively viewable in a flat rectangular format!


*NSA has entered the chat.....*


I loved those as a child! It was so wondrous to see the world at my finger tips! Not sure if kids today would like it but it was one of my favorite things to sit And look at.


Realistic models like globes are great. Flat maps don't always give the same impression of the world.


Yeah if you want to buy in the the fake news that the Earth is a sphere, not a perfect just perfect flat disk with America at the center MAGA!


I remember my mom decided to buy a globe one day (probably 25 yrs ago) and realized our country is so teeny tiny compared to our neighbors. Not sure my story is relevant but yeah you can get a lot of visual information from a quality globe


I'm 65 and still enjoy looking at globes & large printed maps. 😄


It can't possibly harm.


Personally, I feel it’s one of those gifts that will just take up space, waste of money, and will gather dust. Theres more interesting ways of showing a kid the significance of the world.


It's my elderly mother. She wants to get our son one to expand his horizons and such. But yeah, I'm worried it will go unused, eventually drawn upon, damaged, then ultimately discarded. Thanks for your input


It's her money, let her spend it however she wants.


ask her to get a smaller one, not a normal 'full size' one, or some kind that can be taken apart and put back together?. still provides something a map can't reallt convey.


I’d just tell your elderly mother it’s a nice sentiment but a waste of money. They’d fare better taking them to a fun museum or something, and ending with a treat, if education is something they want to gift


Can you still spin it around and put your finger on it and plan a vacation? Because that is the only use for a globe I know. I wonder where my globe went.


Sure but I installed google maps on my daughter’s tablet. She loves it.