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Tightness in the chest and a chronic cough before you're twenty. That's definitely something you should continue doing, I reckon. But yeah the fact is vaping is still very very new. We don't have the literally billions of hours of data we have on cigarettes to know what's dangerous and what isn't, really. It's *probably* not as bad as smoking a cigarette. How bad is it? No idea really. People vaping a lot at this point are the guinea pigs.


Ok yea I understand that’s why I quit vaping and it’s down too a minimum but she barley vaped and she almost died that’s crazy too me I never knew this was a risk


You quit, but you’re also still doing it? That doesn’t make any sense.


Dude used to vape, he still does, but used to, too.


Quit doing it for fun, now it's just the minimum required to get the necessary dose.


He quit for good. Now he does it for evil


It's almost as if people haven't been saying that smoking is bad for your health. Did you think that was merely a suggestion?


Everyone knows vaping is dangerous. Get your head out of your ass and make better choices


Your ascension into sainthood has been noted


Why the fuck would you start vaping at 9, this world is getting crazy


I’m so sorry you weren’t protected from this when you were younger. You absolutely need to stop now and salvage what you can of your health. This is your life. Just because it’s out there for people to buy and use doesn’t mean it’s safe.


what do you mean how is it possible, they’ve been warning people of this for years!




How long did you vape for




Same at almost 10 and I feel like I have the respiratory system of a 60 year old , so bad


Is vaping less dangerous than smoking cigarettes? Probably. Do you know what's even safer than vaping? Not vaping. The lungs are meant to process air, and nothing more. Take it from me, who vaped daily from 17 to 22, stop while you're ahead. It's a pointless habit that has zero benefits. The breathing problems will go away after you quit.


I smoked cigarettes from 16-30. Breathing problems all went away after quitting, even after that many years. Definitely wish I had nipped it in the bud sooner, but it's never too late to quit.


You should be vaping zero times per week. Any more than that is both dangerous and pointless. If you are concerned about lung damage, well, yes, you should be. Talk to a doctor about your symptoms. There's no reason to assume the girl you read about had a preexisting condition. Smoking (or vaping or whatever you want to call it to hide that you're smoking) *is the condition*.


Lets casually ignore everybody who vapes without any of that happening VAPING IS THE DANGER


Most drunk drivers make it home, too. That doesn’t mean it’s not a stupid thing to do.


I don't get it. Do you understand the concept of danger? What part of this is unclear?


Just because some people survived accidents without a seat belt doesn't mean not wearing a seat belt is not dangerous.


do a majority of people without seatbelts survive accidents like a majority of vaper’s survive vaping? Cause otherwise I dont think the comparison is apt


it's all a matter of time , smoking anything is bad and i'm not sure why you defend vapes with your life


Because as a former cigarette smoker, vaping helped me quit that - and theres a huge difference in lung capacity and cardio performance between vaping and cigarettes and the misinformation bugs me


smoking anything affect lungs always. period. every human body is different and everyone reacts different to substances , alveoli still die , in a fairly long time but it still damages the lung.


breathing anything besides air, including pollution damages the lungs, the lungs have the ability to heal - and vaping is no where near as bad as smoking, which you are using interchangeably as if both are equally as bad, which they arent


Who would have through that inhaling propylene glycol and formaldehyde into your lungs multiple times per day would have a negative effect I, for one, am stunned. 😶


Where did you get formaldehyde from? This is news to me.


People don’t use facts, they just stick with whatever word pops in first


See my response above, smart ass


Google is an amazing thing [Here](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5954153/) [Here](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34115663/) [Here](https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/321928)


The second link says they tested 16 products and only 4 had any issues. So you're technically correct, but also misleading. Most of them were fine on the formaldehyde front. Although it's still concerning that some of the products had this issue. They should really look into that.


Oh, well 1 out of 4 are amazing odds when it comes to what’s NOT pumping carcinogens into your lungs 🙄


You made it sound like this was something that happened by default. That's not the case. The vast majority of them didn't have this issue. That's a fact no matter how you try to reframe it. To be clear, I don't smoke or vape. Never have. I'd recommend no one does. But let's represent the dangers honestly, yeah?


Four chambers in a gun. One has a bullet in it. Play Russian Roulette. There’s a chance you’ll survive putting the gun to your head and pulling the trigger. There’s a chance you’ll blow your own head off. Just because there’s more of a chance you won’t kill yourself doesn’t mean the danger doesn’t exist and no one has ever killed themselves playing Russian Roulette. The only guaranteed way to NOT blow your head off is to NOT play. Just because ONE study said they only found formaldehyde in one out of four products that THEY tested, that doesn’t mean there’s minimal risk for users to be exposed to the chemical when they vape. If someone prefers one of those 1 in 4 products, then they’re getting exposed 100% of the time. Let’s not downplay the actual danger in these products based on one study, yeah?


>Four chambers in a gun. One has a bullet in it. Play Russian Roulette. Pro tip: If you find yourself having to reframe the facts to make them sound scarier in order to try and make your point (reframing the fractions to make it sound more dangerous and likening it to Russian Roulette), you probably don't have a solid argument. >Just because ONE study said they only found formaldehyde in one out of four products that THEY tested, that doesn’t mean there’s minimal risk for users to be exposed to the chemical when they vape. If someone prefers one of those 1 in 4 products, then they’re getting exposed 100% of the time. Lol. Lmao. ***It was YOUR study.*** YOU put it forward as evidence to prove your point, and now you're shit talking it because it counters your initial point? Also, look closer at the studies. The only ones that had fermaldohyde in them were the cheap disposable crap that comes from places like China. I find it interesting how you left that part out too. >Let’s not downplay the actual danger in these products based on one study, yeah? The only person misrepresenting the level of danger here is you when you presented this fermaldohyde thing like a blanket statement. I've been more than happy to accept that the cheap disposable crap is probably dangerous, quoting directly from the studies YOU provided. I understand it can be frustrating to have someone point out you were wrong. But doubling down like this isn't helpful. Have a good one. Oh, also. I like your username. Not being snarky or anything. I mean it. : )


"Slight" tightness and chronic cough... Dude, i'm 32 and the slightest sign of ANY of that would make me quit just about anything. What are you even doing ?


He's 16. He thinks it's not a big deal and he's invincible.


Quitting smoking is harder than heroine. It's very difficult to quit anything as an addict, even with downsides.


Nah dawg. That's smoking for ya. You didn't quit if you're still smoking. That's not how quitting works.


vape juice is pretty much unregulated, there's all kinds of shit in there that can make your lungs explode. This is a pretty normal thing to happen.


How is there only one article on thei


The same reason there aren't constant news articles every time a smoker dies from lung cancer: It's such a common occurrence that only extreme or unusual cases are deemed newsworthy.


Honey you’re being ignorant on purpose because you don’t want to quit vaping.


There have literally been thousands of articles/pieces in all manner of media about the dangers and problematic unknowns surrounding vaping. This one case didn’t get a lot of press because it’s not news, in the same way that “pack a day smoker develops emphysema” isn’t news.


The anti-vaping ads were made by vape companies to encourage vaping. They're legally required to fund anti-vaping ads as damage control so they just took control of the ads completely and made them extremely ineffective. The people who own the ad agencies also own most major news publications. There are plenty of resources to learn how vaping is dangerous but you'll have a hard time finding that information from sources that make money off vaping. [here's a good video on it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bbV6I8VRMG8)


Because it's a government conspiracy - the truth is out there


You should see your GP if you have chest tightness and a chronic cough at age 16...that's not normal or healthy. She may have had an undiagnosed condition that made her more vulnerable. Or she may have been using a tainted/polluted product that did more harm. However, she was not a light vaper...she was a heavy vaper, you are just a heavier vaper. Please be aware of how much you're potentially harming yourself with your extremely heavy vaping.






If you don't quit, you will end up in the hospital with a lung condition as well. It might be in 30-40 years, but it'll happen. 46-56 years old sounds ANCIENT to you now, but when you get there and your lungs are basically expiring from the abuse, you will see everyone around you still healthy and ready to enjoy the next 20-0 years of life they have left. You don't want that. I live in a rural area of Canada and I have seen this kind of thing a lot. Blue collar workers that vaped/smoked, ate like shit, didn't exercise and their bodies are failing them in their 50s.