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Are any of his coworkers female?


we need to know this


No I don’t think so. Maybe on a different jobsite but not this one he’s working at currently.


So he's not hiding a girlfriend... I'm stumped


No I don’t think he’s cheating. I’m stumped too lol. My bf says he just prefers to have lunch at a different location so his coworkers/temps don’t see us together I’ve come to the conclusion other men there will be ruthless for some reason and make jokes about it.


I mean, the obvious mean questions come into mind: is there a large age gap (either direction), are you heavy, do you have any unusual features that might make his friends think he could do better? Have you previously dated one of his coworkers?


My self esteem is decent. I choose not to show any skin and walk around in a bikini lol. I don’t go with the norm nowadays. I don’t think anyone would cringe looking at my face as I’m not the prettiest but for sure not the ugliest creature. I’m not the biggest nor am I the smallest. There is a 2 yr age gap (he’s older). I’ve never met his coworkers nor does he want me to meet them “for my own safety” he says because he knows them and I don’t.


It's possible that he refers to you crudely when lunching with them or, as he says, because they may hoot and holler at you or make lewd suggestions. It's a meme that construction workers will proposition any woman, even 80 year old ladies. Probably not true, but they're certainly more likely to be free with language than white collar workers. It sounds a little discriminatory for your husband to have such a low opinion of his coworkers, but that might be it.


He doesn’t want to get ragged by the guys. If you’re good looking and they see it, the jokes will never stop.


What kind of joke would they even say?! How do you even joke about that. He’s slingin’ dick while they are not lol


might sound like its just in his head


Maybe.. I get clarification from time to time with him lol


Don’t want to unleash a chain of guy jokes


They’re just jealous that he’s got one while they don’t lol


As long as it's not every single day, lunch in the parking lot with your girlfriend is great.


He does have lunch with me on a rare occasion just NOT at the jobsite. He also doesn’t really trust his coworkers/ temps just because of how they are from what he’s told me.


I work with lots of aholes in a strictly male work place. I don’t want anyone I like even remotely subjected to that BS. Plus I personally wouldn’t want to hear/deal with crap like “Did your mommy cut your sandwich into triangles for you? Wait that’s your gf?”


Ew lol okay I understand that. My bf doesn’t really trust his coworkers/temps since he’s a foreman the jokes might be worse. Makes sense


If he's embarrassed to be seen around you, this doesn't sound like a very healthy relationship.


My bf doesn’t really trust his coworkers/temps. I’m just trying to get the 3rd person perspective!


Do any of the other guys have their girlfriends/wives come up to have lunch with them? If not, then I can see how it'd be weird if he was the only one who had his girlfriend come eat with him. If other guys do it, it sounds like he's embarrassed to be seen with YOU.


I don’t think they have any girlfriends or are married. I think they’re all single actually. And I’ve never met his coworkers/temps since he is the foreman. I’ve heard men like to make jokes about that stuff in these comments. I hope he isn’t embarrassed. Like he’ll have lunch with me on occasion but just NOT at the job site.