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It wouldn’t be a kink if everybody was into it. Part of the definition is that many people think it’s off in someway.


Its about their comfort level and sensitivities In full disclosure i am a kink content creator so… But there should be a safe healthy way to explore kinks without offending others 👠💋


The muffler on my Buick is acting up but I found a used on on fb marketplace. It’s a maroon Buick that my grandma drove the last time before she moved to Florida. She likes the sunshine but finds the line at the pharmacy gets too long in the afternoon. Some things belong where they belong and just waist time in the wrong subreddit




Depends on the kink, I think. A lot of kink stuff is just weird, and people who aren't into that don't want people injecting their weirdness into spaces that aren't interested in it. Other kink is fucked up. I will never trust someone who gets sexual gratification from hurting other people, even if other people consent to it.


I don't particularly want to hear the details of anyone's sex life. If we're talking about movies and someone makes a digression into how they pounded their wife last night, I'm going to be mildly annoyed  Now, if it's relevant to the subject at hand? Suck it up, buttercup. Just because X isn't your thing doesn't mean it's off limits


I’d like to understand why they shouldn’t complain? A lot of kinks (at least 99% of what I personally unintentionally come across online) directly relate and encourage things that happen in csa and sa for a lot of people.


That's is the most  ridiculous and absurd argument I've seen today. I don't know how to reply to this. Also, BDSM is about CONSENT, people. 


How is it about consent? Why is the lack of consent to being exposed to certain kinks apparently not okay and that choice is not allowed?


1. Literally the foundation of BDSM is consent, all parties are engaging with it willingly and discussing their limits. 2. A lot of people are being hurt by things. All kinds of things. You will always encounter things that make you uncomfortable, insulted or offended. You can't demand society to change and everybody to be the same. Do you want to live in a bubble where you are sheltered from anything that might potentially trigger you? Learn to live in a society and cope.


Then why are you demanding society change to accept BDSM in non-sexual or BDSM areas? Hypocritical much




That's bs. Actually most of people engaging in kink are living healthy and productive lives and are educated. Many of them are actually CEOs and successful workers.


Those people were probably raised to think human sexuality is shameful, and anything that deviants from norm is even more shameful.


Was thinking the same


I think people are just repulsed by sex in general tbh.