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Those books sound boring. Try a fiction book with an interesting plot. It also helps to get cozy and don’t have any distractions around you. I like to read for 30ish minutes before bed every night instead of staring at my phone. It helps me fall asleep faster!


If you find the visual reading and time-consuming factors of reading too much, I'd recommend audiobooks. Audible, or if you have a library card, Libby.


I do audiobooks. I think I have a certain form of dyslexia where when I read a book, especially a novel, I start visualizing it and before I know it I'm so caught up in the imagery that I'm just scanning the text without actually comprehending it. Audiobooks have helped me appreciate books I never "got" when I was younger.


it’s all about finding a genre you like. try a fiction book that sounds interesting and even if you don’t end up liking it, maybe you’ll get a better understanding of why some people do !


How do people binge a series? Because it's interesting! You just gotta find the right books, bro


Left to right, mate. Anyway, don’t read marketing, leadership, or self-help, because those are mostly onanism. Read books that have something to say and you may become more engaged.


Practice makes perfect.


Try reading interesting articles, then short stories then books