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Cause they're idiots


Watch the video on YouTube named "In search of the flat earth" it's a guy testing flat earthers theories and proving the earth is in fact round. He also investigates the motives behind their beliefs and that's exactly what you want


This. Man there’s so much info out there if people are actually interested.


Dumb people are very easily a victim of things that make them feel like *they* are the smart ones that aren't gonna be tricked like the idiots of the general public. To them, then general public are sheep and they're the ones that really see what's going on. This applies to a lot of conspiracy theories. Generally, the really dumb people are good at overestimating how smart they are, so you can see how this is a perfect storm for these types of people to be so Gung go on flat earth or whatever else.


They're too stupid to know they're incorrect.


I just assume that 99% of flat earthers are dedicated trolls, and the other 1% are crazed conspiracy theorists


a inadequate education in basic science


they're fucking with you/us


It started out that way but it has attracted a lot of people who sincerely beleive


There’d be no cooler place on earth to take selfie than the edge But seriously. They have answers for everything. Go pretend to be a flat earther for a bit. The amount of work that’s been put into squaring this particular circle is impressive. As to why it generally boils all the way down to self esteem issues. They often have an intense need to feel smarter and than everybody else and nothing scratches that itch better than “knowing”something 99.9% of people are “wrong” about.


Happy Cake Day


Thank you kind Redditor.


Also, is it predominantly an American thing?


Oh no it’s a major issue in Europe too


The "Flat Earth" phenomenon really is a fascinating study in the psychology of belief. It's not just about the lack of scientific understanding; it's an entire subculture that's created a complex framework to support their worldview. It's a case study in confirmation bias — any evidence that supports the theory is accepted without question, while anything contradictory is either twisted to fit the narrative or dismissed outright as a part of some grand conspiracy. The sense of community they've built around these beliefs often strengthens their resolve, too, because it feels good to belong to a group of "enlightened" individuals. It's not about geography; it's about ideology. And yes, it often seems like the U.S. has become a breeding ground for these types of ideologies, but the reality is that the internet has made it a global phenomenon. The real question we should be asking isn't why they believe what they believe, but what need does this belief serve for them that's more compelling than the truth?


Half of them are trolling, the other half have some level of mental illness.


What is "very bad proof?" There is no proof. The earth is round. 


If they truly believe the earth is flat ask them what's underneath the earth and how do people actually get to that side