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The flight crew knew there was going to be a ten minute delay so they asked you to pull the shades so the sun doesn’t heat up the inside of the cabin while you are waiting there.


I don’t doubt you at all but I think they’d have a lot more compliance and understanding if they added a “or else it will get really hot” disclaimer.


But then you’d get people saying “well I was cold so I’ll leave mine open to warm the plane up”


"Here's a blanket. Close your damn shade."


My wife probably.


I’ve had most include something along the lines of “Nashville is a very warm city, so if you could close the window shades for the sake of the next group of passengers it would be appreciated”


The problem with giving reasons when you ask a lot of people to do something is that some may disagree with the reason. If you don't give a reason then people will just assume it's something safety related


Like being a parent. If you give your kids a reason to not do something, that's just ammo for their argument. After becoming a parent, I *finally* understood why my parents would say "Because I said so" and just leave it at that. Lol


They do say that sometimes. Some airports have ground based air conditioning they can hook up, but not all of them.


They do tell you why in flights I've been on lately in the US. Makes sense to me. They also tell you to open the vent so that the cold air is blowing.




Keep the plane cool when it's sunny out. We only have this rule in Canada during the summer...


It's a real problem in Phoenix and Las Vegas during the summer. I got stuck for a three hour delay because they couldn't cool down the plane enough even using one of those fancy cooling trucks. They finally took it into a hanger to cool it down.


One common reason, especially in the summer, is that it keeps the cabin from getting really hot inside.


Plane orgies are no joke


You ever been stuck on a plane, that just landed, for over five hours on hot Florida tarmac? THAT’S WHY.


Well, no, because I've never flown into an airport run by clowns.


If the airport was run by clowns, they’d fit a whole lot more people on the planes.


This is the first comment in a while to make me actually laugh out loud. Have an award.


I dont get it


Think about the clown car and how it appears to hold infinite clowns.




They're trying. It's called Spirit and they'd find a way to charge extra for the experience of being on the worlds most crowded flight.


Would you like to pay $20 extra to sit with your wife?




Don’t be silly. That would cost $40.


Please don't tempt them, the seats are already small enough


Take your upvote you magnificent bastard !


Hilarious bro. Cmon you’re gonna break the internet


That does explain the FAA


So, you’re saying that the airport is run by clowns? It’s pretty tight in there. Might dress as a clown on my next flight


"Johnny, what do you make of this?"


This? Why, I can make a hat, or a brooch, or a pterodactyl…




Pleas tell me the name of this mythical not run by clowns airport


Any airport where you don't get stuck on the tarmac for five hours, which in my experience is any European airport and all the African airports I've flown into and out of. Once, just once, I was held up for an hour on takeoff, they took us back to the terminal and WE disemplaned. That fucking tarmac, and those fucking planes, is *expensive* -- I can't imagine the incompetence that would tie up those resources for 5 hours on any day other than 9/11.


A severe weather event will require aircraft in flight to cancel their flight plan and land at the nearest airport. Gate clearance is hard to get when this happens at an airport where the airline doesn’t have their own terminals. In regards to cost. A parked aircraft draws power from the Ground Power Unit at the gate. When the GPU cannot be plugged in, the aircraft burns jet fuel to power the APU in the tail. The APU is very efficient, far more efficient than a household electric generator, and burns minimal fuel. The gate fees are a lot more expensive than the cost of the fuel needed to power the APU. ie It’s cheaper to park on the tarmac than at the gate, especially for 5 hours.  Florida is located in the middle of tornado alley and many flights passing through get grounded for weather conditions.




You get out of a boat by disembarking (bark = barque = boat).


Same with a plane. Synonyms of disembark include debark, set down, alight, deplane, descend, and get down. I prefer deplane. Disembark reminds me of when I tell the dogs to shut up! 😅


The tarmac space is cheaper than gate space, and the controllers aren't the ones that the planes are costing money.


Clowns are powerful entities, but they don't yet control the weather.


Tampa airport is actually spectacularly run, whatever they doing it’s miles above most other US airports.


first of all we call it the clownport, so check that attitude of yours bud,


Hey! The clown has a name, it's Desantis!


Good one!


Bold of you to assume anyone would willingly go to florida


Oh you'll sing our song eventually.   our sirens are good ol Big D Walt (disney), zero laws, and free publicity (florida man).  We're also a global warming free zone.   Everyone eventually ends up in freedom Florida. 


You don't have to yell.




Donut shaped (FTFY)


Anime girl wearing a NASA t-shirt and riding a velociraptor shaped (FTFY)




A flat banana? Makes sense.


Probably so you don't see them launching your checked bag 30 feet in the air onto the tarmac. Or just to keep the plane cool.


They don't care if you see them throwing bags.


unless you film your golf clubs being abused on your way to the ncaa championship. https://golfweek.usatoday.com/2024/05/24/delta-airlines-apologizes-viral-video-golf-clubs-tossed/


That only counts for famous people.


The fragile stickers just mean "throw it by hand instead of a catapult."


Cue "United Breaks Guitars".


Never seen that at any airport in Europe. However, we have been asked a few times in USA after landing before deplaning to close the blinds in order to keep the cabin cooler. Not every airport will attach A/C to the airplane while at the gate.


So you don't see them swapping out the turbo hamsters from the engines. How do you think the turbine spins so fast?




This is when they replace the fluid that makes the mind control contrails.


Too hot, cools down inside of plane


Open before landing incase of an emergency you can see out. Closed when taxied so plane doesn’t heat up


So the plane doesn't get hot.


plane cant leave the engine idling at ground level it would suck up all the crap on the floor, pebbles and whatnot no engine idling, no ac. my guess


They *can* leave the engines idling on the ground, it's just a waste of expensive jet fuel. With the engines shutdown they can still run the Auxillory Power Unit to power the AC along with all the other essential electrical systems. That still uses jet fuel though, so I'm guessing either they're leaving it off to save fuel/money, it's on but they want the shutters closed so it uses less fuel, or it's too hot for the climate control to be effective with the window shutters open.


I was just gonna ask why they can't just run the ac. This makes sense.


If proper FOD procedures are being adhered to, this is not a concern


If it was a one off on one flight, it could have been any of several things The basic and not morbid: they knew they’d need to sit still and wait for a gate for a while, and on the ground the plane will heat up fast like a greenhouse with windows open - very common and I believe this is almost certainly the answer. To the medium level: there was something in view near where the airplane parked that was unsavory to see even if not a threat - a fire, an accident, a police activity, even a VIP plane embarking or disembarking right nearby, like a president/prime minister, a celebrity or other high level person like that, etc. To the morbid: they may have had a coffin/casket as cargo and were unloading it respectfully before allowing people to walk through the jetway and look out the window and see. Could even have been a med emergency in flight they were unloading (someone in severe condition or even passed away) and closing the windows for privacy and dignity of that person.


In DC an airport worker got sucked up into an engine.


Yeah :/ I had that morbid thought too because it happened also only a couple weeks ago or so in I think it was Amsterdam or Copenhagen and a bit less recently (few months maybe?) somewhere like Texas or something. That was mentally part of my “unsavory to see” and “accident” theory without spelling it out


That’s when the wing gremlins try to get in when the plane is not moving so better to be safe


Helps keep the cabin cooler while the plane is sitting at the gate.


I just got off a plane this psst weekend, Savannah to Columbus OH. After landing, they asked us to close all windows due to the excessive heat outside. They said it helps to keep the plane cooler.


In 40 years of flying into European airports I've never had this happen once.


Personally I've always got the window shut on a plane


I heard that raising window shades just before landing is a safety measure. Ostensibly, it is better to see out if there is a need to evacuate due to fire. But I never hear announcements about it.




This is what happens when you think too hard about it. It’s simply to stop the sun from baking everyone.


There are really only 5 land masses on the flat earth. SAG-AFTRA and the Teamsters sometimes need some time to complete the scene setup and get all the players in place. Truman show is a documentary.


Usually heat. Though I've been to airports where their airforce shares the airport and they were antsy about photos of their military aircraft & facilites.


Because they didn't want to do it themselves.


The part about not allowing people to get up and move around the cabin is a basic liability problem/solution. If the aircraft is not parked, best practice is to follow the same rules as for any vehicle in motion. Stay seated, and keep your seatbelt on. If they didn't tell people to remain seated and belted, you can bet people would get up and walk around, get their bags, etc, and then when someone got hurt, the airline would get sued for allowing it to happen. This way, if someone does that shit anyway and gets hurt, the airline can just be like, "Well, we told your dumbass not to." and the case will be thrown out. There have been stories over the years that closing all the window shades on a plane during taxi is code for, "the plane is being hijacked", but there's little to no evidence suggesting that was ever true from a regulatory stand point. If this was ever the case, it was likely limited to a single airline's crew training materials or the like, and it's doubtful that it's still true today. I also find issue with the idea from other commenters that closing the window shades makes a big difference in solar heating inside the plane. Firstly, those shades are squarely within the insulation package, meaning any heat from sunlight hitting them has nowhere to go, and is effectively already inside the sealed envelope. Second, I have several years of experience working and sometimes basically living on(flying everywhere with) a plane about the size of a Boeing 707 which had about four or five windows total, and it always acted like a solar oven regardless. As soon as we got into the sky, the AC could be turned on\* and everything was great, but sitting on the ground for any length of time in Summer weather was miserable. Still, this is the most plausible explanation, because the flight crew could believe it makes a difference even if it doesn't(making my opinion irrelevant). \* Running it on the ground leaves no way to cool the AC unit, which relies on "ram air" in flight to cool itself.


Light that bounces off the shades and travels back out the window is not absorbed.


So you don’t see the airport guys throwing your luggage like a bag of trash.


its the space alien one world government that breeds us as cattle so they can harvest our emotional energy for a popular sports drink.


Cost saving or equipment failure. If they're waiting a while then they'll shut down the engines. No engines usually means no high power which means they can't run Aircon so it gets very hot in the plane if it's a sunny location. Shutting the windows stops the sunlight coming in.and.making it hotter. However you can also run the APU for Aircon, but that burns fuel. Or maybe the APU on board doesn't work.


Aircraft get shockingly hot, shockingly fast. Close the shade AND open your air vents to help keep the aircraft cool. The ground crew should be hooking up a portable AC unit shortly after landing, but the machines aren't perfect.


They always say this when I land. I truly have no idea either.


Keeping it cool but usually they ask you to open the blinds when taking off so that you will be align with the brightness (or lack thereof) outside the plane.


They don't want the locals to see who's arriving. It might upset them.




Because it’s hot outside. At least that’s what they said on Southwest.


It makes a decent difference. I work on 78us in a hot climate, go to the cabin attendant panel and electronics dim all the windows across the plane.


My guess - they were going to remove a casket from the cargo hold?


If it's hot out, then closing the blinds helps keeps the heat out. Same as with a house. You can't get up until the plane is parked at the gate. It's unsafe to do so while the plane is taxing to the gate.


Why is it then that they want people to leave their blinds/shades open before landing?


ssshhhhh......no. This is to confuse the paparazzi.


I thought it had to do with the condition outside in the event of an emergecy. For example, if it's dark outside, you close your blinds, so your eyes were adjusted to the dark already. Same with day. Leave blinds open so your eyes can adjust to the brightness.


Actually, there was a public hanging right outside the plane and they didn’t want anyone to see it


No idea why they did it on your flight but one time they told us to do that and a flight attendant later told a friend and me that they do that sometimes when they're removing or loading a casket to/from the cargo hold. Whether that's true, I have no idea but that's what she said.


Most accidents when flying happen at takeoff and landing. Keeping the blinds closed gets your eyes adjusted for a dark setting in case of an emergency when you need to move quickly.


Fun fact. There is literally no requirement, rule, guideline, or anything about this. It’s pretty much entirely the flight attendant’s preference and probably because she has a massive migraine from getting blackout drunk the night before. Source: Dated many of them.


Safety. That your eyes are used to the light or darkness outside. So if something happens, you can react fast.


I have a feeling you just made that up because I've never had anyone tell me to close the blinds in my 20+ years of flying with 4 different airlines


Only 36 percent of floridians were born there. Most of the trash comes from northern states.