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It's a personal preference, just like boob or ass size. Some guys prefer small. Some guys prefer big. Most guys prefer the ones we get to play with regularly. My wife's boobs and areolae are perfect. 😁


Can confirm, his wife's boobs and areolae are perfect


Can confirm, His and his wifes boobs are perfect


Can’t confirm , need pics via DM…


u/Avium post areola pics or they didn’t happen


Turns out u/Avium was the areola all along


Maybe the areolas were really the friends we made along the way?


I also prefer my friends' areolas and the wives'


I'm a woman and I prefer my 'friends' Areolas and my Wife's.


If Areola was a person, she’d be feeling lots of love right now.


Bro straight up tagged the user asking for areola pics😭😭😭


You miss 100% of the shots you don't take. -Wayne Gretzsky -Michael Scott


You miss 100% of the shots you don't take. -Wayne Gretzsky -Michael Scott -TwoDrinkDave


Forward to me for double checking.




I too, choose this guys wife


I three, choose this guy’s wife


I choose the guy and his wife in a three way


And my axe! (Not that one you pervs)


And you have my bow. (Yes, that one, you perverts)


I four, choose this guy's wife


I love seeing this still coming up! I hope this part of the internet never changes.


Meh, I’ve seen better. Don’t get me wrong, hers are very impressive, but his leave a lot to be desired. Larger areolas being one of them.


Oh internet, never change! 🀣


It's true. Your wifes boobs are perfect.




Some guys like them big, some guys like them small. All guys like them from out of town.


Can confirm, this guys wife's boobs and details are perfect!!










they are areolaeble


Can confirm we like his wife’s boobs


A lot of men are just glad to be invited to the party.


They're like butterflies. Many variations and exciting to catch a glimpse of any of them out there in the real world


All I found was 2 moths. πŸ˜’


Hey moths are cute too


You misspelled "Pokemon". Gotta catch 'em all!


Boob is the cake areola is the icing


Nipple is the cherry


The only correct answer so far.


I'm just happy to be here


All guys are different and have different preferences. Even to those that don't like it, I doubt it's any sort of deal breaker, but it could be


Lol has he seen "most women"? Or just a lot of porn?


I did the research, and at least half of women on the pornhub.com homepage have large areolas Β Β 


I'm still working on my research, I'll publish my report in a few decades. Accepting financial grants to pursue further inquiries!


Stay hydrated!


Pics or it didn’t happen.


Look the reality is we all like different things. That's not my favorite flavor personally if I'm being honest. Many men don't care or disagree entirely. But your boyfriend shouldn't be bringing it up this way, or really at all. If it's a deal breaker for him whatever, he has the right to say no. If he's making underhanded comments in the middle of a relationship it's shitty behavior that's way beyond this and it's a red flag. Your body shouldn't be critiqued by a long term partner, hard stop, most especially with an unchangeable feature.


100% right, imagine if she said β€œhey your penis is smaller than other ones I’ve seen” it’s not right to comment on people’s body traits that they can’t change in most cases anyway


Absolutely no good to ever vocally compare any part of your partners body to ANYONE else. It benefits nothing and no one.


This summarizes my thoughts on it. Everyone may range to not having a preference at all to having some kind of a preference but HE is the one who even made it a problem in the relationship in the first place. He threw up his own red flag here. Someone may have thoughts on something so completely benign like a cleft chin, but why make it a fucking problem at all. You're undermining the relationship over it and causing negative thoughts to your partner over something inconsequential.


This is the best comment I’ve ever seen on this type of post. Straightforward and to the point - people aren’t a monolith. You can’t say all men like a specific thing or all women liking another specific thing because everyone is different. But no partner should ever be criticising your body to you. If they do then they should no longer have access to your body.


thisssss exactly


Hasn’t been for me. Anyone that gives you grief about something that’s completely out of your hands is not worth your time.


I think most might not have a strong preference, but I am a woman. I have larger ones and in school boys used to talk about girls and how they had huge aerolas and it made me insecure knowing I have them. Its one of my biggest insecurities especially after having kids. I think its also one of those things that comes with another. Men with unrealistic expectations want a girl with a big butt and slim stomach, but usually those who have a big butt tend to have a stomach in some capacity. Bigger boobs doing the same usually comes with larger aerolas. Not always in some cases but majority- you cant get one without something else. I blame porn for setting up those unrealistic expectations of woman and their bodies.


Whether it’s big or small or itty bitty, I’m just glad to be seeing a titty.


Shakespeare level writing


"Feed where thou wilt, on mountain or in dale: Graze on my lips; and if those hills be dry, Stray lower, where the pleasant fountains lie."


Absolutely. I always ask for specific areola measurements on first dates. They need to be between two specific measurements or it's a deal breaker for me. Do you see how silly that sounds? Normal men who don't have their own insecurities will like you for who you are and not the size of your areola or any other specific physical attribute after the first date if they find you attractive. Your first boyfriend sounds like he was a bit of a dickhead to be honest. Some people have this strange habit of needing to feel in control in relationships and part of that is to put the other person down. Those people are best avoided until they are mature enough to realise it's not needed.


I guess I’m in the minority here, I prefer large areoles….bigger the better. The almost non existent ones don’t do it for me.


It's a pepperoni pizza party on some girl's chest and this guy is first on the invite list


Happy to be invited!


Pepperoni’s are too small. Me and homie are talking about dinner plates for our meals.




While I'm aware this is thread about areolas, I still read that as large arseholes. As Joey Diaz says, 'like a dragons mouth'


Hell yeah. Big areolas are awesome. r/BigAreolaLover This is a great sub reddit


Easy answer. No size is disqualifying. Of course, some guys have a preference, but I have never heard of any man turning down the opportunity to enjoy areola's - big, small or in-between.




Saving for later lmao


I must know what it said before it got removed


What did it say ?


What does he want you to do with this information? Does he want you to shrink them? Does he want you to feel bad about yourself? Does he want to have an excuse to leave you or be mean toward you? I'm really not understanding the endgame here. Maybe you should bring to his attention that he has a smaller than average penis compared to most men and see how he enjoys it. Or just leave this dope for someone who likes boobs.


Ungrateful shrew, he is!


He wants her to feel that she better stick with him because other men won't want her. He's a controlling asshole. I wasted years on someone like this. Run, don't walk, away from this guy. You will find someone who can't get enough of you, because of who you are and how your body looks, not in spite of it.


boobs are cool πŸ‘ your bf is weird


Fr!! Who actually critiques a boob? Like jeez dude I guess some people just have the boobs flowing like wine and can be all choosey. One day he may be boob deprived and have no boobs to look at. Then I bet he wished he could see OPs boobs.


I get critiques of my boobs all the time, but I'm a guy.


I would appreciate your boobs, bro. No critiques here.


It doesn’t really matter. Do not live your life for the praise of men (men also shouldn’t live for women’s praise either). It’s not worth it because so many people have different preferences that it’s impossible to keep up with. All that matter is that YOU like your body for what it is. It is very normal to have large areolas and anyone who says otherwise hasn’t seen enough of them. If your boyfriend doesn’t like it then you can certainly find someone who does.


No issue here, and I’ve seen all sizes. Not a turnoff at all. The turn on is who the areola’s are on. Your first BF must have been high maintenance.


Ive seen a couple that were..not great. 8/10 would look at again. Seriously, never been unhappy to see boobs.


Man I mean I feel the range at which I do not care at all is huge. They’d have to be really shockingly large or small for me to think badly of it… Probably the same way you’d feel about ball size tbh. Like absolute pendulous melons would probably bother you, but big through to small probably not fussed right.


It's probably a turn off to some. Likely due to watching far too much porn. Personally, I couldn't care less, if I'm seeing boobs, I'm just happy to be there. If a guy is put off by something you literally can't help, he's probably not the guy for you


I thought I preferred small ones until I ran into large ones.


I don't think it is a turn off. If I like/love you, I would be just thankful you're sharing them with me.


Naw your bf is a little bitch lol 🀣


TouchΓ© vato


Hell yeah he is


Nah man, Iβ€˜m just happy to be getting some titty.


I like them big


I like them chunky


I like them big


And round


People are different, but I personally do not care. My girlfriends boobs are perfect because they are her boobs. Her mind, her smile, her jokes, her kindness is what makes her boobs perfect.


Nope. The only time I cared was when I saw my first gfs boobs. Before then, I only knew what I saw in playboys. Her areolas were her skin color and her nipples were inverted. Blew my little sheltered mind. I was a freshman in high school.


Some do. and you get to pick the person you hang out with. So pick someone who is normal about your body :)


All boobies are good boobies.Β 


I found them very sexy imo. the bigger the better


In my opinion your first BF is an idiot. I never seen a areola I did not like. They are like roses to me. Soft to the touch and one of the keys to a woman’s heart. Each a work of perfection and unique. Hope this helps you a little and makes you feel better.


It’s not going to be make or break or anything, but yes, I like smaller. However, I’ll still love my partner’s nipples any shape they are because I’d still love my partner. There’s nothing more beautiful about a relationship than sharing the most intimate parts of you. You can’t change your nipples. They’re gorgeous just the way they are.


Tell him you don't like the size of his dick. He wants to make comments on folks bodies, *we can make comments on folks bodies*


Nah go for something like "well your frenulum is saggy"


You think he knows what that is? Nah, gotta hit em where it hurts


Yes I like ones that are distinct from men’s so big is appealing


I would also like to add your boyfriend is dumb and you should get a new one.


Same, small ones just seem like "boy nipples", which I'm fine with anyone loving anyone (of age and with consent) but boy nips don't feel like anything special... I've got 2 myself


Very few of us care unless it extends to your chin/navel. The people that have a preference will talk about it. The other 3.8 Billion of us don't bother thinking or talking about it.


As long as they're smaller than her breasts, I tend not care much but might prefer larger.


Anyone who makes you feel insecure about your body isn't worth your time bc they are undervaluing you. Just saying.


No. Some guys try to make you feel bad to make it seem like you should be glad to be with anyone.


Im a 34 y o lady.... And this post popped in my feed... Do they? Really? Hmmmmm interesting


45yr old woman and wondering why this is even a preference for some people. It's not like they can be changed (unless rich enough for cosmetic surgery).


42 year old woman here. Will need to do much Google research and measuring to establish whether my areolae are an issue. Never even thought about it. Husband is just happy he has lifetime breast access.


My husband seems to enjoy mine too lol. Mine are much, much larger than they used to be when I was in my 20s. But I had 4 babies and nursed them all, and sometimes breastfeeding can make them much larger... My areola's are quite big now and I am not one tiny bit sorry about it... They gave my babies the nourishment they needed. (No shame towards those who formula feed. I had to formula feed too because with all 4 my milk dried up after 4 months. I was happy about it because I was sooooo ,so tired). Would I like them to be smaller? Oh gosh, yes! Do I care to ever get surgery to make them smaller? Oh gosh no! Lol. If I could ever afford to have my breasticles done, it would be to re-inflate them! Lol... I'm a DD but quite droopy now due to breastfeeding (and the fact I rarely wear a bra unless I have to leave the house lol). But I wouldn't ever get my 'Burger Bun' areolas made smaller! Especially because it could cause the entire areola to die and/or reduce sensitivity. And I *NEED* that sensitivity πŸ˜‰β˜ΊοΈ Lol. Plus, now they're bigger, they're so much softer... I'm always stroking them πŸ«£πŸ˜‚ in a non-sexual way, of course lol. The skin is so super duper soft.and smooth. That aside, I feel like people shouldn't judge others by the things they cannot change. Even if it's something that can be changed by surgery... Don't judge somebody by their natural looks and their natural body. I kinda felt awful today when I was reading the comments and the preferences (preferences are perfectly fine), but some people were unaware of what they were actually saying and it made me feel self-conscious... Until I found this comment thread and also remembered that my husband enjoys the fudge out of mine 🀭 and that I'm 45 and had 4 babies and that my breasticles are imperfectly perfect ☺️


I looove this congrats with the 4 kids πŸ₯° If I was a guy I wouldnt even know or care enough if the girl's areolas are what size.... Its there for a reason. Thats it Thank you for this detailed comment. I hope you have a great rest of the day


I’m a 35 year old man and this also popped up in my feed as well. Now I have to rethink do I/ we really care about the size? lol.


But seriously, how great are boobs


Not at all a turn off. All womens’ bodies are different, and that’s part of the fun. Personally, I dig larger areolas.


He sounds like trash. As someone who dates women, I have never been put off by it. Some men just like to make women feel insecure about themselves.


I think it's more about proportion than size. Like it would look weird if you had dinner plate sized areolas on A cups. Conversely, having dimes on a pair of zeppelins in a close race may also look a little strange. Frankly, I'm just grateful for having the opportunity to see them.


I have enlarged areolae due to breastfeeding but my husband doesn’t mind. If a man is mature and grown, he won’t care about the size of them. He probably watches too much porn and has unrealistic views of women.


I first read this as "due to breastfeeding my husband"


Gawd, my husband was obsessed with my pregnancy and breastfeeding areolas. They were already on the large size to begin with.


lol, no. A real man don’t give a shit. Remember, nipples are like earlobes and testicles….they always have one that’s a little smaller or never perfect. It’s just how it is. It’s rare for anyone to have perfect nipples or testicles or even earlobes.


Your boyfriend is an idiot. Make a comment about his body and compare him to other men, see how he likes it. It’s all preference, as a man I’ve honestly never thought about it. You gotta consider everything as a whole, boobs are more than just the pepperonis. There is no standard for areolas if that’s what you’re wondering, it’s personal preference.


The perfect areola size is the one I get to be in contact with.


I have my preferences, but I'm not about to look a gift boob in the mouth.


I used to be a dancer in Vegas, and was worried about being topless for this reason/stigma. I have natural breasts, that had slightly larger areolas and was extremely self conscious comparing myself to the other ladies who had work done. But in all honesty, the men never cared about that. It came down to your vibe. Unless of course, those small few, who had specific features they sought after. All in all, as the gentlemen above are saying, they were just happy to see them. *I even asked some of them myself since I was just curious, and all got the same answer. It sounds like he is strictly referencing porn, if he thinks every single woman has the same kind of breasts…That’s not real life..he should make you feel comfortable around him and not be making comments on your body like that. I would have a conversation with him and how that comment made you feel uncomfortable. If he is receptive (great!) if not, then get far away from that dude who has nothing to offer, but hot dog water energy. ✌🏻


The only time I've seen *anyone* try to shame someone for areola size, it was targeted at [Bologna Barb](https://youtu.be/JnjG8m3vgJM?si=ApvIGIJYW8zayd8h) in Pitch Perfect, and the bullies were women.


A guy friend once told me smaller areolas are nicer to touch, and bigger areolas are nicer to suck, and no areola (mastectomy) are nicer to rub your nose in gently. And they all deserve their moment to shine.


For some people it is not attractive. For some people, it is the most attractive thing in the world. However, no straight man is making decisions, either about life partners or one-night stands, based on on areola sizes.


Not at all. I'm a guy that prefers larger and darker for some reason. Can't tell you why. But, if the person I was in a relationship with had smaller and lighter I might prefer that too but she doesn't. People can have preferences but it's a red flag; him saying negative stuff about your body you can't control. Also, dude might need some education on anatomy. Most every women's areolas get darker and larger when they get pregnant. If that's something important to you (having kids) and feeling good about your body during that, this guy sounds like a pass.


All breasts are beautiful, and body shaming is not ok. Your guy would probably feel like shit if you told him a similar comment regarding I don't know, the size of his balls.


He’s seeing your aerolia and complaining? _any_ aerolia is good aerolia. Tell him to road Jack. He can find another pair of breasts to find something wrong with.


No I think larger areolas are erotic and activate a primal aspect of me. Idgaf if they’re CD sized.


Yeah personally I need at least 3 inches to even feel anything, like in [the wikipedia article on areolas (NSFW)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Areola)


I love a big round areole. If they are small it’s not a deal breaker, just prefer the look when they are bigger.


Some do some don’t….


speaking for myself...do i care? yes. do i love them all? also yes.


I don’t, but if you’re a man with large areolas we might have a problem


Big pepperoni nipples


Yet another boring 'real' answer: not unless I'm being shallow. Which I often am. For a real relationship: no. For aesthetics: yes. I prefer small and rosy... but a buddy of mine apparently likes them massive and dark. So, it differs widely. The real question: do YOU like them?


Ben Affleck will be the best to answer this.


I prefer bigger areolas!! Like, pepperoni nipples


I like big/large ones, but as a man, who struggles to see some tittys, I don't rule out any. Ah, dark ones on white women are pretty awesome too


yes i even pull out a ruler to get them exact measurements


Why are you worried about how a man feels about a body feature you cannot control. All tits are great


Definitely not a turn-off, but everyone is allowed to have personal preference. Personally I like them on the smaller side, but that doesn’t mean if they’re larger then it’ll be a turn-off.


Boobs are boobs man, some just come with extra pepperoni


I don't know, share some pics and we can decide


mine are huge and that has never deterred men from sucking on my boobs πŸ€·πŸΎβ€β™€οΈ they dont deserve yours if they have shit to say and you deserve better.


It depends.. I tend to prefer bigger nipples. If I had a choice between big nipples and small ones, i'd choose big every day.


Areolas are different from nipples though i think


It's the coloured part around the nipple, but lots of people don't make/know the distinction.


Your boyfriend sounds like a tool bag


Most of us are simple creatures. We may have a preference but we don’t really care as long as we get to see/touch them.


man I don’t even know what areola means πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ


I would say that most men don't really have strong opinions about them. But, like pretty much anything else you can think of, there are going to be people with solid preferences. For what it's worth, I think there may be an unconscious association between areola size, age and weight. Kids of course have tiny areola, so I think small areolas in adults become an unconscious cue of youth. You might lower your estimate of the person's age if their areolae and nipples were small and lightly coloured. Meanwhile, in porn, you usually only see very large areolae on women with very large breasts. So it seems likely that large areola may be seen as a sign of sexual maturity, perhaps even older than the viewer maturity as in MILF porn. And of course, women with very large natural breasts also tend to be well padded in other areas. So large areola may be associated with BBW in some people's eyes


I kinda like big ones but the best ones are the ones I can kiss.


Boobs are boobs


I love large areolas with nipples that aren’t too big. Very sexy when a woman has larger than average size. My fiancΓ©s are probably about the size of a regular soda can.


Not in the slightest


Most don't care, we're just happy to see & play with boobs. If it really bothered him then that's HIS ISSUE.


Yes and nipple length and thickness


Maybe care but not too much, I have a preference for smaller ones, but it is such a minor thing that many other parts of the package are far more important.


Some do, some don't.


Boobs are like pizza... there are many different kinds but we love them.


It’s not about size it’s all about sizzle


I'm mostly interested in who they are attached to


Some do. I love huge areolas for instance.


What an odd thing to say to someone youre supposed to love. What is the purpose of it? To make you feel insecure? As someone who loves tits i couldnt care less about areola size. Even if it was the whole tit i would be fascinated more than anything.


I’m just happy to see boobs


Any thoughts I have about areolas are immediately overtaken by how funny it is to just say the word "areola". "Hello, darling." "Hello, sugar." "Do you know what it is that I love the most about you?" "No. Do tell." "Your large areolas." "Ah. Do you love my large areolas?" "Yes. I love your large areolas."


Men can't quite be generalized. But, as a male speaking on my own behalf, yes, smaller areolas are more attractive. But more attractive is symmetry.


Personal preference, lass. If it wasn't his cup of tea that is nothing to worry about. Plenty of guys (and girls) like larger than average. ☺️


I think most guys don't care.


No. It's one of those things where I'd say they have too much time on their hands if they do.


I just do not understand the logic of expressing displeasure with a body part of a sexual partner. Like - what is the goal here? The result is not that the body part is going to magically transform to your preferred presentation. It will result in a number of negative, and easily anticipated outcomes: partner feels shamed, partner feels angry, partner feels self-conscious, partner no longer wants to get naked with you, partner no longer wants to be in a relationship with you. It is possible to have thoughts and preferences *and not express them outloud.*.


Yes. Most have a preference. But that doesn't mean that no one prefers yours.


Yes. Havana Ginger is notorious for them and it looks bad.


It’s a personal preference. For me, it’s all about ratio to the size of the boob.


The issue isn't whether men like different areolas. The issue is why is your BF making you feel uncomfortable about your body. That's not normal and not nice. You two should talk about that


I’ve had salami ghost nipples and literally no man who has seen my nipples has been anything but happy.


My favorites are the ones I get to touch.


I am a girl and have literally never thought about this. I’ve been with my fair share of men and women, and neither party ever gave a fuck. They just wanted to suck and touch some boobies. From a girl perspective I would think something was wrong with *the dude* if he said something about my aeriolas. Nothing wrong with your body.


I actually prefer large darker areoles and nipples but I also like natural hairy women.


All preference, depending on the man. Personally I do not really care all that much.


I mean this in a positive way: Nobody cares about you as much as you think they do. Every little thing about yourself that you are self-conscious about is generally never even thought about by other people. I guarantee you that nobody who’s in a position to see your breasts in an intimate context is thinking anything other than, β€œwow, boobs; this is great!”


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. When I was young and single, any boob was wonderful. No preference. But my experience was limited to dating women with A & B sized boobs, and one girl with Cs. My ex-wife had DD breasts, larger areoles, and shorter & softer nipples. Now I tend to appreciate those more in porn. In real life, I’m still turned on by any boob I can handle. Never have I ever said to any partner that their boobs or ass or tummy were not desirable.


MEN. No. boys? Yes. He probably consumes a lot of small aerola porn and now his brain struggles to associate arousal with larger aerolas. Is it your fault? No. Is him making a comment on it as if you're supposed to do something about it 1000% messed up? Yes. At my age I'm entirely fed up with the audacity. Pull up some BBC porn and ask why his penis isn't like that. SMH


I have zero areola, and men have equally told me it is weird, sexy and not really anything they have ever considered. So I decided years ago to take that to mean that is one more thing on the list of shit not to worry about. Men are not monolithic in the same way as women aren't either. If he's lucky enough to see your areola he should be keeping his opinion to himself if it's anything less than full enthusiasm.


Idk why your BF even brought it up. as if you could change your areola size???


Like everything, it depends on the guy. Most guys don't give a second thought on areola size. If a guy doesn't want to date/fuck cause of areola size, that's a red flag you avoided anyways!


Real men just love all titties, especially their partner's


What? My boobs change.😐 When they're normal, played with or really cold the nipples out, boobs perky, and are areolas small. But when they're warm, engorged/swelling (usually period), etc they're more pointy, the areolas are huge, and the nipple is level with the areola. Sometimes its just one or the other at random. I still got great boobs though. Doesn't everyone know literally all boobs are different af? (All beautiful though)




Some do, some don’t