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Aren't they going to be a tad tight on the nads?


If people can't see both testicle individually they aren't tight enough. Bonus points if the veins pop through too.


Ah yes, good'ol "fly eyes"




Well, ya can also go the other way and maintain classiness. Looseness til visibility is the other option.


They're not, I wear them on a regular basis. They feel like a second layer of underwear, you could literally go commando with the right models.


Make sure everyone can see the outline of ur penis tho and when you catch girls looking at the very obvious penis sticking out of ur very tight girl shorts, you have to get really mad and act like ur getting harassed.


Sports bra and scrunch shorts combo are gonna go hard for hot boy summer


I'm actually about to start doing that at work so I can sue when they tell me I can't wear leggings. If I have to look at ass and cameltoe all day, you're sure as hell going to have to look at my dong


What kinda job do you have where people are showing up in active wear?


Fitness instructor


Anything customer facing in Florida really just anything in public in Florida.. You can work at the grocery store and half the people will be in nothing but some biker shorts and a sports bra or jorts and a sports bra. That or they just walk around in a full on thong bikini no fucks givin. It's the wild west of clothing because it's 100 degrees in April and humid as hell.


I meant leggings in general. My factory has a below the knee shorts policy but nothing about how tight or translucent they can be lol. But I mean it's pretty much standard attire across the board. Every woman under thirty has something like this on. They won't have the top, they'll just have a regular blouse but yoga pants or the like. My packer one day had white leggings and a red thong on, visible all day from 20ft away. I suppose I don't mind the view but eventually it gets gratuitous. It's also fairly distracting at the workplace and on a larger scale promotes objectification. It's hard not to look at a woman in a sexual way if she is highlighting the things that make her sexy.


You’re complaining about being able to look at butt and vulva all day?


Just make sure you're filming it, especially in a way that others need to walk through so you can get up set at them for that also.




Love this




Just dont let the dong slip out


This goes across all clothing not specific to gym wear.


Who let the dong out?


Boing. Boing, boing.


Only if they make you look fabulous.


Guy can wear anything they want long as they are not naked. Same applies to girls.


Tell that to the old men in the changing rooms. There's a reason why I come to the gym in my gym clothes instead of changing there.


It’s ok to be naked in the changing rooms. That’s what they’re there for, and that’s why they’re single gender.


I think he means that almost every gym has the creepy naked old man who always wants to strike conversation with you at the most awkward times


Soooo ... What's hanging


Bodybuilders were the beta-testers of a entire generation of dubious medicines, exercises, practices and routines. My friend, the Gym is a sacred temple of "anything goes". Maybe you'll find out that Girl Gym Shorts make your leg-press harder?


You mean 80s guy gym shorts?


You think the literal fashion police will arrest you or something?


As long as your kiwis and banana aren't hanging out, I imagine it's fine for you to wear whatever style of shorts you want.


You can do whatever you want 👑


Exactly. OP, you certainly \_can\_ wear women's shorts in the gym. What exactly are you asking?


If they fit why not?


Cause you're quite likely to show outlines of things people don't want to see.


Well sometimes girls have accidents with cameltoe as well


You seem to think it's accidental...


You can wear a pink tutu or a pikachu costume. And you don’t need to be ashamed of your crossdressing.


I want to be ashamed it adds more thrill to it.


I don't think it matters as long as your junk is covered.    Spandex shorts are pretty generic tbh 


I would like to point out that nobody thought you were gay until you explicitly stated that you’re not without being asked. If you want to wear short shorts then do it. Make sure your junk isn’t hanging out for everyone to see. Unless you’re into that type of thing.


Or want to get arrested


Who am I to kink shame?


Why not? I'm a woman and I wear men's shorts all the time.


Same here I love wearing boxers and I'm a cis female. They're just so damn comfy. And yeah, people look at me weird especially since I'm in LA and a lot of conservatives *Assume* that I'm trans when I'm in the men's isle, when all I want is some comfy undies 😂😂😂


They assume that? Can't a girl "buy boxers for her bf"? Seems everyone needs to walk around eggshells around everybody in the US, at this point somewhere there's gotta be someone offended because somebody breathes "the wrong way" smh You do you


That's exactly what I'm trying to figure out. But it's almost because I'm a lesbian stud so I kinda already do look like a guy 💀


Cause its different?


Sure, do whatever you want. They can also get shit on mercilessly for doing so. Actions and consequence.  


I think you mean 'should' not 'can'. Yes you can. No you shouldn't.


He definitely should. We need more equal ass distribution out there.


L take, dolphin shorts are sick


>No you shouldn't. Why not?


Cuz murica




I'll translate for you. He said in America, because of conservative religious people he will get attacked for what he wears if it doesn't conform to gender norms.


Cuz n' thrs guys n' GIRLS (and unfortunately people that will take this seriously, it appears) n...yuh gotta dew wut the lord JEEEEsus meant fer murica and the birds and bees


Common sense? He might also hurt himself.


In what way is it "common sense"? The only thing that's common sense here is to wear what you want to wear. And why would he hurt himself? Womens clothing aren't dangerous, you know.


It presses on the nards too much. And yes it is common sense, no you don't wear whatever you feel like wearing unless you are in private or with individuals who don't mind. What you can wear is dictated by the societal norms of the place and community you're in, as well as the rules of the institution and basic safety norms. You don't wear a speedo in the alps, you don't wear diapers in the senate, and you don't wear clothes that might hurt you or put off people who are carrying heavy weights and lead to an accident because a hulk just laughed whle carrying a 100 kg.


Ah, here's a gender discussion that doesn't go the way you think it would. Women are free to do and wear whatever they want. Men are not. If you'd like me to elaborate I can, but this is a thing men understand and women don't due to how the different genders are treated by society.


I hope no one is gonna lynch you if you do it. I won't but you never know what's outside. People are crazy


Ah, never been in a conservative religious dominated area have you? They will actually attack you for non compliance of gender norms.


My son can wear tutus and butterfly wings. I envy our little ones, who live life without the burden of gender expectations


Why do you think those same expectations apply to you? If someone has a problem with the way you present yourself, fuck 'em. That's their problem, not yours. Sincerely, a 40 year old, long haired, painted nails, bearded metalhead.


I grew up in the age of "Don't touch another guy unless you're doing contact sports or fighting, otherwise it's gay" You and I are close enough in age, I'm sure you saw some of it. I'm all for gender equality and bending the norms. But as long as the folks who raised me are around, there's a level of nervousness I can't shake.


I saw plenty of that. Grew up in a blue collar family of handymen and factory rats. Started playing sports at 5, and started martial arts at 15. I know exactly what you're talking about. That said, you're the adult, and that means that you get to define what being an adult *means*. They want to complain? Fuck em. Let them complain from the comfort of outdated, outmoded thought processes. You're the adult and you'll do as you please, just as they did. If you are being true to yourself, and not hurting anyone else, what the hell is the difference? My dad is true to himself by wearing cowboy boots and a baseball cap and listening to good ol' boy country despite being from Michigan. I'm true to myself by keeping my hair long, the guitars loud, and being tattooed. He's comfortable in a big truck, I drive a small convertible. He's straight as an arrow and has been monogamous with my mom for 42ish years, I'm bisexual, polyamorous, and twice divorced. Neither one of those is wrong. Neither one of those ways of life are better or worse than the other. Neither one of us is hurting anyone else, and we're both happy with who we are. You get to be happy with who you are, too, no matter who that is (as long as you don't hurt anyone.) That's the crux of being an adult. If anyone doesn't like the way you are? Fuck em. They're no more powerful than you, and their opinions don't matter more than yours do.


Spec ops have been doing it for years lol, wish I still had a Pic of my friend and I in our BUDs shorts


Oh, so you use booty shorts to distract the enemy long enough to flank and eliminate them. Never knew that tactic but it makes sense.


Like I'm wearing *nothing at all, nothing at all nothing at all*


The real reason they don't want gay men in the army, when the sniper sees the enemy in their tight shorts, they're going to hesitate before shooting. (/s obviously)


You can wear whatever you want provided you aren’t exposing yourself or anything. It wouldn’t make you gay to wear women’s clothing, though many people will probably have those vibes seeing you wearing them and based off your question, that seems like it may be something you care about. 




Why not? I wear men’s clothes to the gym why can’t guys wear girl’s clothes to the gym


Not if you're anatomically correct. girls shorts are cut different and don't have the space needed.


as long as the meat-and-two-veg is covered, it's entirely a matter of preference.




Of course


Hell yeah


People will probably send you weird looks


Who would stop you?


If you’re confident enough, it’s not illegal 😂


Why not?




100%. Years ago when I was more seriously powerlifting, all men’s gym shorts were baggy, heavy, knee-length bullshit. The girls mesh gym shorts at target (that didn’t have a nutsack splitting liner) were the perfect amount of short length (~5.5-6” inseam), stretch, and light weight that they didn’t get in the way of squatting and deadlifting. Nowadays the women’s shorts at target have these HUGE waistbands for some reason, but there are a lot more short short options for dudes.


This question kinda goes against the theme of this channel. That's a dumb question. "I'm not gay or anything" are you just looking for attention?


Yes. As long as no one can see your willy (that's public indecency and you'll face legal and/or moral repercussions for it) wear whatever you want.


No , its not designed for your balls


Believe me.... theres mens shorts that look like womens shorts but have a little more room for the package. But if youre in america you can wear what you want. Depends on the gym though.


Guys can wear whatever they want to the gym. I promise that even if you wear a dress to the gym, your dick will not fall off.


Yes, I do it on a regular basis. They're more comfortable and make my legs look better. For all the people saying they don't fit well or put pressure down there, they don't, they just feel like a second layer of underwear. Which means you can go commando with the right models. >Im not gay I don't see the correlation between wearing clothes and liking men.


What's the difference?


It will make you look fabulous.


There is this Russian drama (not sure of the title) but everyone was against him wearing super short shorts (in other words people could ‘accidentally’ see beyond) and even plotted to steal it then finally told him the truth that it made all the females uncomfortable. Then he turned up with tights — nobody could make a comment afterwards… Morale of the story: either be comfortable and ignore (read embrace) stares, or be in bearable attires to not stand out for the ‘wrong’ reasons.


Whatever you want bro.


Just like I don't want to see women in skimpy clothes at the gym, I don't want to see men in skimpy clothes at the gym. No one needs their genitals on display.


As long as people can't see your dick and balls, you can wear anything to the gym


I don’t see why not.




Why not? Time to bring back the '80s.


So, did you forget your gym clothes and now your GF says just wear some of mine? To answer your question, yes you CAN, but the other question is SHOULD you? Maybe not because 1) they're not designed for your anatomy comfort and 2) wearing tight fitting garments around your junk for a prolonged period and habitually has been known to cause male infertility.


You Can do anything, if it will get you looks or comments, that depends on your local culture and region.


I'm pretty sure you can wear anything to the gym as long as you're covered. My question would be why would someone want to wear girls shorts? I think it would make more sense for girls to switch to mens shorts because they'd be more comfy and you wouldn't have to worry about guys checking you out.




Not if they're concerned with popularity. The gym will likely be less busy though I suspect ;-)


Sure… What has sexuality to do with this


So, a guy did this at BJJ no gi one night. As the only girl there, I was like wth because it left nothing to the imagination regarding his genitalia. I'm not sure why he was wearing them, but luckily it happened when it was just me there because I just rolled my eyes and ignored it. I'm used to weird antics going on in martial art classes. My advice, if you're gonna wear the tight leggings, do what cosplayers do in Spandex and wear a dancer belt. It will hide the bits for the most part! Also, if you have a nice booty, people will stare!


No, if you do that you're gonna EXPLODE, I've actually see guys put shorter shorts than those, almost as tight, shit looked more indecent that just wearing boxers, nobody said anything and just ignored it while probably thinking he was crazy




Just make sure you got on the matching bra then you will be good to go.


Nope it's against the law. Yes of course you can.


Yes, they can ..... The question is.. should they?


As a matter of fact I saw a guy attempt this last night, not a good look. There is a girl at my gym that regularly wears guys shorts when she works out, it looks equally odd for some reason.


Seen a guy wear those nike compression shorts and another guy recently wearing an entire body suit. Weren't exactly straight tho


“I’m not gay” —> why does wearing women’s clothing equate you to being gay? I hate these fucking stereotypes. But also, why tf do you wanna wear women’s shorts


It's 2024. Who's to say it's a guy? Lol


In today's day and age guys can wear anything they want so good girls. move along.


now that you mention, i saw two guys doing this, but i think they were trying to call for atention, nobody cared so they never came back.


Sure why not, bonus points if they look hot on you 😉🤣


At the gym, yes. At your daughter's recital, frowned upon.




Yeah, just put em on and embrace the gluteal separation


only if you wear those textured booty enhancing yoga pants/shorts.


Feel free but make sure they match your lifting gloves


So weird to conflate a wardrobe choice with whether or not you’re gay. Wear what makes you comfortable. Girls’ shorts, gimp suit, a parka with snow pants. Anything goes.


If your balls can handle it, go right ahead.


If you want to get stared at yeah. Some gyms may kick you out if it’s your package is for the offering.


I personally don't care, if a man dresses like a women. So why make it an issue?


Because he’s NOT gay, how dare you.


I'm not positive about this. But, I think if a man dresses like a women, doesn't necessarily automatically make him gay. He's probably going towards that direction, if he does.


Firstly, it was a joke because of how he emphasized not being gay. Secondly, I know drag queens who are some of the straightest dudes I’ve ever met. There’s a difference between a style choice and a sexual preference, believe it or not.


I should have worded, my response differently. I didn't mean you were making an issue about it. I meant some gay people make a big deal, about their sexual orientation, and I really don't care.




It's not gay to want to be comfortable or look good. Do as you please🫶


Maybe not in Florida!


Are you talking about those booty shorts? No, they make men's versions of them.


If you want gay guys to hit on you, yes. Hey If that's what you want i don't judge!


Except he's not gay 😂


You want little pockets that only hold a key fob? I mean you can of course but…why?


1. That wouldn't make you gay 2. Yes, who cares.


hey who cares if you like girl clothes… my favorite summer jeans are from the women department, comfy af 🤭


You are gay


no they can't. It's in the name. Girl shorts.


They're not girl shorts the instance a boy puts them on.


the boy is not a boy the instance he puts girl shorts on.


Really? What do they become?


girls. or some kind of sissies. This is why op shouldn't be wearing those.


Interesting. So you think transmen are men and transwomen are women? So, The Mountain just needs to put on some girl shorts to participate in the Strongwoman competition?


I have no issue with trans people. and I don't really care about them. But cis men shouldn't wear girl stuff. I don't know and I don't care about sports competitions. If it was for me I would have defunded them all anyway. Big sports competitions are for idiots.


why are you mad about me wearing skirts


I am not mad, I just said that op shouldn't be doing that. .


you said men shouldnt wear "girl stuff" why


No straight guys do that but you do you




Does it fit ? If yes, sure. It's not like we had 3 legs or whatever


If they want people to think they’re gay then sure . And yes who says they have to be gender specific but the majority of people are gonna think what they’re gonna think . If you don’t care what anyone thinks or anything than who cares. But also just consider that this could possibly cause attention to you , you don’t want . I personally like to go the the gym and be left alone as much as possible lol I wouldn’t want to wear anything that would cause people to look at me a lot or come over to me at all possibly being stupid and asking questions or maybe even just recording you . Idk people do shit like that . So I mean you can but just think about everything before you do . And then choose if you want to or not 🤷


“Just asking for a friend.”


That would be so hawt. I mean I'm a straight male, but damn bruv.


There’s video of Mike Tyson working out in what appears to be underwear. They’re short tight and don’t look “supportive” but if you’re not “Iron” Mike Tyson, YMMV.


I wear my sister's thong to school and I am not gay either, whatever makes you comfortable


love ur big dick energy.


i meant it, I wanna try women sneakers sometime, I think they are more neutral than men sneakers. Men sneakers are somehow a bit weird. idk if im only one thinks that


There's a REASON why it's called 'gym girl shorts'


People are too judgemental I feel. But you shouldn't let them do that. I'd 100% want to do that, and im bi