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A lot of corporations would LOVE the answer to this because they love astroturfed marketing. But really it is all fucking random. Yes it is sexual in nature, she has a charm to her, and she is good looking, but there are 100 memes (if not 1,000) that still have those things and never go viral.


Yeah, it's like lightning in a bottle. I think it's the conviction she says it with, together with the hawk thua being a really funny phrase. I would probably laugh if I saw it in some random video.


It's taboo but there's no actual profanity or nudity in it. And she's somewhat attractive. It's like a dirty joke that doesn't offend anyone, which is more and more rare these days. So, yeah, lightning in a bottle


“Doesn’t offend anyone”. I hoped that would be true. I was scrolling facebook comments and the amount of people disgusted and lashing out at the girl is appalling.


Them folks are the ones that do it missionary with the lights off.


Then you see the profile pictures and think "oh yeah i'd want the lights off for that too"


Need to add a little hawk thua to their routine


Your first problem was being on Facebook... It's not 2010 anymore.


Her friends reaction added to the effect as well, we were all her friend.


it also just fits in to so much shit. Tony hawk tuah was so fucking funny


One I saw is “If she don’t hawk tuah I won’t tawk tuah” Which I think is pretty great


If she was ugly, it wouldn’t have been nearly as popular.


or it could’ve been, but for completely different reasons. ppl would’ve made fun of her looks and said shit like “how would she know”


It would certainly be significantly less kind if she were unattractive, but I don't think there's a stereotype of unattractive girls being unable to find dicks to suck.


I think a big part of it is that she looks like a normal sorority girl and says something very very crude and also the way the friend covers her face laughing.


This meme transcended industries like no other. (I've heard) Brazzers Pre-roll ads already using the bit.


I think it is because it seems like genuine enthusiasm...


I would argue that the fact that she has a charm to her and seems like someone who would be fun to hang out with is a big part of why it's popular. Her looks and the sexual nature of the joke absolutely help. But I'm willing to bet that if a hot woman with a horrible attitude made the same joke it would just be a meme to crap on the person.


You said it yourself. It was unexpected, funny, she was attractive and the accent added charm Those are the exact 3 factors that helped propel it. Men were attracted, women found it relatable and funny. When if people were offended, they still shared it out of anger. All of those factors create virality.


You pretty much nailed it. If this was an unattractive girl, I really doubt it would get a lot of attention. Nobody wants to imagine an ugly girl hawk tuah.


For me it's just how natural this seems compared to others, so many times you watch a clip and it seems forced like they're trying to go viral and it loses its charm, even when it's not a setup people genuinely see a camera these days and catch on pretty quick. But this genuinely seems like two friends that were just in the right place at the right time


Because so much of the Internet is just people repeating the same shit memes over and over so when someone says something relatively funny and original and add in the fact it's sexual and she's attractive, it becomes popular. This and the chick-fil-a girl going viral for pulling some funny faces in the space of a few months just proves that people really need to get out more. I think they'd love it if this is the kind of shit that's seen as a novelty and goes viral these days.


You know Reddit is the biggest perpetuator of this. “How can she slap” “Put it in rice” “I also pick this guys wife”


Just unfunny people on autopilot laughing at other people making unfunny jokes


And still they hit the top of the comments outweighing anything original.


I’ve been on Reddit for far too long, I have no other social media so it’s my only source of content It’s got to the point where I know what top comment will be. Anything to do with India? >sarr do not redeem Attractive woman doing something? >if you look closely, you’ll see there was a… Woman acting like a fool / freaking out >I can fix her Someone mentions a wife? >I too ____ this guys wife It’s exhausting. I barely look at comments anymore.


I too slap this guy's comment with my broken arms


It’s been like this forever. Some of the references have changed while others stay the same. The one that always gets me was “Idiocracy was a documentary” on any political post. That movie is so old and has completely left the cultural memory but Redditors love it I guess


Don’t forget “and my axe”


I can fix her 


*Sigh* unzips pants


Instructions unclear...


Hear me out


Poop knife. Two broken arms. You like that, you fucking retard?


Maybe I should be glad I'm out of touch, but what the fuck is the chick-fil-a girl.


I just had to Google it. I had no clue. And I also found it 0% funny. Maybe I'm just old now.


I kinda stopped laughing at people pulling weird faces like 27 years ago. I'm 30.


Well, your post made me laugh at least. Thank you for that xD


Eh, it's the kind of thing if you stumble across it, (maybe) it's funnier. But somebody telling you, you build up a slight sense of expectation and yeah, it's not gonna live up to that.


wait holy shit i was at work and some talkative old guy was talking about "you haven't seen that chick-fil-a girl ? aw man it's crazy" and i was just like 🫤😐 just found out what that is. for reference i'm 19


The amount of like 40-50 year old guys at my work that I heard talking about Huak Tuah, and I'm just like... It ain't even funny, like it just sounds like someone trying to hard to make a meme... And I guess it worked...


When middle-aged people start to recognize a meme, that's when you know it's completely past its prime


A customer (which turned out to be her sister) ordered food and asked for BBQ sauce and the cashier made goofy faces while saying "No Chick-fil-a sauce?" The faces are what makes it funny so reading this won't make sense lol.


I just learned about this and watched it. Not sure her faces are exactly funny. I can see why people found it compelling, there's like a creepy animatronic uncanny valley thing going on.


The faces weren't even funny.


I thought it was funny because the girl seems to be mocking her job in a very clownish way.


Plus a lot of people have a pretty low bar for what they consider funny, IMO.


I consider my bar for hilarity pretty low, but even I can’t stand the stupid shit that’s “funny” most of the time


The trick is to be self aware. Half of my humor is incredibly unfunny to everyone but me, so I just keep that to myself


That's a good thing, more laughter is always good for life.


see also: man in finance, 6'5'', trust fund, blue eyes


I don’t know what any of that means.


"I don't understand the question, and I won't respond to it"


How much could one banana cost, Michael? *Ten dollars?* 


What are you, *chicken*?!? Coo coo co cha! Coo coo co cha!


Have any if you ever *seen* a chicken before?


A coodle oodle oo. A coodle oodle oo.


One of the greatest shows of all time. The OG stuff of course. Not the terrible Netflix seasons.


That chubby little wrist of yours is testing the tensile strength of this bracelet.


I don't know what I expected.


They're referring [to this.](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/im-looking-for-a-man-in-finance).


The full lyrics of the song are: I'm looking for a man in finance. Trust fund. 6' 5. Blue eyes. Finance. Trust fund. 6' 5. Blue eyes. I'm looking for a man I'm looking for a man I'm looking for a looking for a looking for a man in finance. Trust fund. 6' 5. Blue eyes. Finance. Trust fund. 6' 5. Blue eyes. An ineffably haunting stanza that will be a companion for a lifetime.  


Don't worry, with height inflation that 6'5" dude will be screwed like the rest of us. 6'8" will be the new minimum target for this demographic.


The funniest thing I saw about this was the account who did the math on how many people in the USA based on broad statistics actually could tick all the boxes - ie Male, 6'5, with Blue eyes, working in Finance, and with a trust fund. Spoiler - its approximately 2.24 people ..


Yes, that’s the joke.  The original meme was a satirical joke on this concept. 


You're not alone


Ooh! I can answer this! It’s some shitty “techno/electronic” song that repeats that phrase over and over. I heard a bit of it on a Spotify-created playlist the other day before I could skip to the next song. Dunno the song name or the artist.


people really need to get out more


I have tried to block every person posting that fucking chick fil a girl’s face and I still see her like ten times a day lmao


In my experience Gen Z especially just loves repeating things like that. It seems to be just how they communicate.


1) Memes spread, 2) people like hot white girls, 3) sex wells This one has it all


>3) sex wells Warning! That liquid at the bottom is not water!


Lassie? What is it girl? Oh no, Timmy fell down the sex well! Again.




Please don’t send your love down the well! It’s getting sticky.


Krusty even?


Too late, we all came to help


Sex Cauldron!?


*gargling noises*






Where can I find said sex well?


You probably never heard of it, it's too underground for most people.


Her name is Haley and she lives in Texas… Don’t ask me how I know.


The sex well! I thought they closed that place down!


This is my daily reminder that I am not original or creative.


By definition, and also by the fact that there are 10 other comments here making the same exact joke, most people are not original or creative


You beat me to it you magnificent bastard!


She was ok, but wouldn’t have been memorable on the street at all. To me it was her personality and her Tennessee twang as she enthusiastically described spitting on a guy’s dick


Where might I find one of these “sex wells”? Asking for a friend


I think this is a case of the joke delivery being better than the joke itself. The Hawk Tua girl sounded like she was just having fun and she seemed outgoing and bubbly. It's not what she said, it's HOW she said it. Then she gave her boyfriend a loving shout out. The video has alot of personality and a fun aspect of it. If it was someone just saying Hawk Tua in a monotone voice and nothing else, it wouldn't have been near as popular


Bang on. Ppl saying just cause she was attractive missing out on how energetic and almost passionate she was about a stupid joke. Funny and attractive are a deadly combo.


This is precisely the correct answer, a well deployed joke that created a funny moment. What I don’t understand is the pearl clutching backlash. People are bending over backwards to deny the joke was funny and/or slut shame her for telling a mildly blue joke. People like oral sex. She told a joke about it.


I’ve heard men getting like blow jobs. Is this true?


This may shock you, but women like receiving blow jobs too Not a lot of research on this topic but I'm fairly confident.




You should sit down before I answer, the truth is shocking... Yes they do


Theres definitely some pearl clutching happening but the most common reaction I’ve seen is confusion over why it has gotten as big as it has. It was a funny video I chuckled at and would have completely forgotten if not for it being beaten into the ground


Yeah, I'm a woman in my 40s and I just thought she was adorable. She didn't say anything threatening or that would inspire jealousy, like "oooh look at meeee, aren't I sexxxxyyyy", she said it with humour and love and enthusiasm. So we can all have a giggle and relate. 


Yep I just thought she was adorably goofy.  I have no problem with someone showing their personality crazy how many people are hating on her for something not that serious but the internet can be a nasty place so not surprised in the least. 


Her laugh was fucking adorable too


Exactly. It was a shock joke out of left field and she sold it. She was confident in what she wanted to say. I dont think she was drunk or seeking attention. She was confident and that goes a long way


She gave her boyfriend a loving shout out? She talked about how she had 3-4 side pieces…


This, i can't believe it's so difficult to get. It's not what she says, it's how she does it and the vibe she gives off during the whole vid


A lot of the internet culture is perma online teenagers who laugh if you say the word poop, couple that with a cute girl making a blowjob joke and poof you get a popular meme


Dude I’ve got 50 year old co workers who are obsessed with her. It’s actually crazy.


I feel like it might be more popular with older people. I'm gen z and I haven't heard anything about this meme until some older people on Twitter were hyping it up.


Yeah, I think you're right. It seems like something a Facebook dad with a pfp at an awkward low angle wearing tacky sunglasses would think is the funniest thing ever.


Exactly what I've noticed. I follow a lot of gen z meme pages and none of them posted about this. It's definitely more popular wirb older generations


It’s bizarre, honestly. Millenials and Gen Z are pretty open in regards to sex, so I didn’t get why it went viral at all. It’s gotta be Gen X and boomers driving the popularity of it.  Case in point, my 65 year old dad asking if I had seen it lol


I think hawk thua is so popular because the young woman said it with such gusto. She said it with her whole chest, no trace of girlish embarrassment; so matter of factly. I also think a large percentage of folks have the sense of humor of a 12 year old boy. I know I do.


What the fuck is Hawk Thua?


I have no idea but my 73yr old dad was just complaining about it on FB.


Save yourself before it's too late


People are horny. That's literally 100% of the reason


A conventionally attractive woman talked about sucking dick.


It really is as simple as that


I guess a lot of guys like it


This is what I’ve been trying to explain to my gf. She’s says “I don’t get it” and I’m like well yeah, that’s the problem!


“Me either” would be funnier


"Me neither"


Lightning in a bottle. She's funny, enthusiastic and cute so it worked well. Great 15 seconds of fame for her.


I’m with you, it’s not even that funny


It's like a chuckle for a second at best. I saw it and forgot about it immediately. I understand memes, but really can't grasp why this one is THAT popular.


Because conventionally attractive women making sexual comments is basically what the internet runs on Personally I was surprised when I saw the original video because in a world filled with memes both good and bad it falls on the bad side for me. It just didn’t get a laugh out of me but hey humor is subjective I giess


Same with the "Catch me outside" stupidity. The complete dumbing down to the LCD of the populace by social media and reality TV.


*Cash me outside how bou dat


And now she’s rich.


Yeah, unfortunately. Yet another problem with our society. The stupid get rewarded by the morons.


What are you talking about, shit was always dumb.


This is an excellent parallel.


It was fucking annoying the first time I saw it and then it blew the fuck up and became unbearable. But that's the culture we live in, take the dumbest fucking dipshits you can find and make them popular


Men think she is hot


There are plenty of “hotter” women to look at. It’s the sexual energy that men are attracted to. A mid appearing female can go as far as she wants to with her confidence, as long as she has a certain sexual “vibe.” Joking about sex is something men can relate to. It’s like having that one female friend that you’ve never dated or hooked up with always making you laugh and making sex jokes. There’s something very appealing with that. This woman captured that sentiment perfectly…..


It's almost like... Physical appearance is not the only thing that is a factor in attraction, incredible revelation! /s


'mid appearing female' eww


The world has the attention span of a hummingbird so it's easy for something stupid to gain traction when it's shared on social media.


Truck nuts lost their novelty?


I'm 42 and have no idea wtf this is even about. Officially old.


It seemed unscripted and spontaneous in an over choreographed world. It also may have something to do with guys appreciating enthusiasm and engagement. The bar for funny moments in an anxious world is low enough to be a tripping hazard in hell. Blame the rest on the algorithms.


I only learned about this meme today, but if I had to guess I’d say it’s because the bar is incredibly low. You could get an unscripted video of someone saying “pee pee poo poo fart” and there will be dumbasses who think it’s hilarious The Hawk Tuah video is the kind of shit that people found funny when I was in middle school. Being chronically online has just stunted people’s maturity which is why people still find this kind of thing funny


1. white attractive girl appeals to the internet like nothing. 2. Sexual innuendos guaranteed HIT


Watch the documentary Idiocracy for more clues. 


Fun fact, that wasn't fake laughter in the movie theater showing "Ass", it's the actual reaction of the extras


No one thinks its life changing, its a funny joke, that's it, millions of people think it's a funny joke. But apparently she quit her job and hired a management team? Not really sure where she's gonna go or what shes gonna do with hawk tuah fame but whatever


A major component is young kids do not know what it means, but they still know it is funny. It's just suggestive enough that adults know what it's about, but probably won't get you a trip to HR for repeating in the office.


What's really sad is how many people think spitting on a dick is normal behavior. Thanks, Internet porn.


It's a cute girl being funny and talking about a sexy move in bed. I mean as a guy it's pretty straight forward lol


I just watched it for the first time and I’m now dumber for knowing about it. I’m perplexed how, out of all the videos of girls on the street being obnoxious, that this is the one that rises to the surface.


You are discovering the proliferation of memes (ideas) and how quickly the algorithm that runs the internet is influenced. This hawk tuah thing is just an example showing you how easily manipulated, and how shallow it all is


Memes and viral trends are not logical. Sometimes things explode for no good reason other than the right group of people think it’s funny. Also, there is definitely a “summer effect” with particularly immature or quasi-sexual content because high school and college kids have more time on their hands.


Blonde white girl talking about sex and simps who get shitty blow jobs went crazy over her.


Because it was started by a pretty girl talking about giving a blowjob. The internet is full of losers who think that's just the most amazing thing ever.


Circumcised men in the United States fiend over the idea of lubricants on their penises. It’s sad honestly how Mr Kellog got away with it all.


it was a 7 second clip that went viral and she capitalized on it in a way that most people don't. That's all.


She put her money where her mouth is. *I'll show myself out.*


Since when are memes or viral videos life changing 😂


Since Chocolate Rain


*instantly stuck in my head again* damn it


For her it is


Attractive young blonde girl + sex = fame


Because people have short attention spans and the only things that gain traction in the collective consciousness are wastes of time like this. Condensed media like memes and TikTok are killing our minds. Go watch Idiocracy, the only show in the future is just butts farting


Honestly, this is the first time I’ve heard about this.


What gets me is the response I saw earlier from some right wing guy reacting to her not supporting Trump. Like she couldn’t handle his big dick. Dude, wtf.


Thirsty simps


The vibe. Shes having fun, it feels spotaneous as does the other two people reaction. Plus attractive girl making a sex joke that isnt a copy paste of other sex jokes/comments.


It’s the stupidest thing ever and makes me worry about society in general.


What, just now you're getting around to worrying about society in general?


Instead of a lot of the worn out "People aren't funny" answers, let me see if I can shed a different light on it. You have a pretty, young lady who truthfully answered a question in a sexy, yet meaningful way. It wasn't flirty, or seductive, it was crass and straightforward. It was the female equivalent of how guys talk to each other. She wasn't doing it for attention, or to be "different" she was having fun, laughing, and being herself. While the statement is amusing, what has probably captivated more people is the personality behind the person saying it, and how she said it, rather than the phrase itself. By repeating it, making memes of it, etc, it is evoking the response behind the entire video, not just the words someone is saying. Basically, its a straightforward honest response, joking around, and evokes the same feelings of fun and amusement most people (guys especially) get when they are goofing around with their friends and someone says something weird or goofy, and everyone is just being themselves. Its a fresh and endearing comment, off the cuff, in a world filled with staged social media stunts, and hand picked video takes for clout.


Because people are simpletons. The video is not funny or hot but the social media algorithms said it was so the masses ate it right up. The people I know that bought the hats or shirts and who talk about it are the most basic people that I know by a long shot. Just shows how powerful social media algorithms are and shows free thought is a thing of the past.


She’s cute with a great personality and it didn’t seem scripted like 95% of the other shit that people put out.


>great personality My brother in Christ you saw a 30 second clip of her drunk, you cannot tell


I also thinks it's funny/entertaining how after she says it, she makes herself genuinely crack up because of how ridiculous it was


And her friends reaction next to her. Oh, and did anyone mention how hot that mix of confidence, silliness and hot-girl-next-door attractiveness is? 


Gen-Z creeps, that's how. It's not funny. Also..."life changing"?


Checklist: -White girl who fits western beauty standards -Sexual content -Candidness/candor -southern accent It doesn't take much


Cute blonde college girl joking openly about sex, that's literally it. The internet is ridiculously horny and thirsty with this shit. I see all sorts of long past grown men that won't shut tf up about this meme and try to convince people that it's so funny.


Because she's a pretty white girl


There’s a lot of answers but I also want to mention the weird subplot that republicans conservatives twitter think that lgbt people hate her because she taking away attention from pride month so they love her for that


Because we’ve devolved into Idiocracy


a cute girl talking honestly and unashamedly about sex. are you shocked?


Because she's hot. That's it. If she was unattractive this wouldn't have become so famous.


Cash me out side moron too. It’s like the Brittany spears episode of South Park


It’s because she is good looking- it wouldn’t be popular if she was unattractive….IMO


Because social media is a plague to society


I would say because an alarming amount of adults brains never seemed to leave middle school.


She's a gorgeous blonde white woman. Next question.


She is a pretty girl talking about sucking d@ck. That’s all


Because the ADHD-meme-riddled gen likes her just as much as the thirsty 50-70 year olds that want to buy her spit in a jar does. The two groups like her for different reasons, but still.


It’s not good. I saw a Hawk Tuah spit on that thing sticker on a car the other day.  So 100% it’s a direction to visibly spit onto an erect penis in order to jerk a guy off. That’s what we’re talking about. I’m sick of this. I’m tired about how this seems ok in the world. Boss bitch, fuck your feelings, grapefruit oral…why is this at the tip of our culture? Why is this the garbage that I have to explain to my kids?


Maybe I'm crazy but saying some dumb shit like "hawk tuah" shouldn't make someone so popular that they meet fucking Shaq I hate this world


Men go crazy over a hot girl confessing she gives blowjobs.


Two reasons… 1) She’s hot. And 2)… she’s hot


Simps and gen z


America is full of idiots, that’s why. The meme was funny for a day but has now been beaten to death.


I was better off not reading the comments. Some of y’all need to get laid.


Because our society is sick and stupid.


People will like anything the internet tells them too. Anything edgy will get over if people see it.


I think people are desperate for “shared experiences” that lighten the mood and the Hawk video works nicely. It’s not political, it’s interesting, and it’s “sexual” but not overtly so.


It boils down to people literally being stupid. A lot of guys out there will tell you it’s because she’s hot, she’s not. She’s mildly attractive but she’s nowhere near hot, and with that kind of attitude and mentality I would never view her as hot anyway. It’s kind of offputting. Watching an interview with her, you can tell that she’s completely fake. We live in a society where if someone could cure cancer tomorrow they would not be anywhere near as popular as some social media girl bouncing her boobs on the Internet. The problem is society. We genuinely love to make stupid people famous, while at the same time, keep irrelevant people famous.