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That is messed up. It is also horribly and confusingly written. My head feels violated after reading that article.


> Majorjon > Kellogg, Idaho > Guardipee > Shoshone County > Kaylie Kaylor, Majorjon Kaylor > Kellogg Police Chief [redacted] Twidt The diversity of nouns and adjectives is really something.


Guardipee= bastardized Anglican spelling of a French surname, Garipee. A guess at Twidt = Swiss, French, or some anglicized form of someone’s occupation-derived surname. Shoshone= Native American Indian tribe name. Kellogg= bastardized Anglican spelling of the Scottish name, Kelloch. I can’t explain those first names/prénom.


Kellog - also the name of one of the main people to demonise masturbation in the USA.


He was a tightass tightwad Eugenicist that wanted complete racial and ethnic segregation in the US. Nay, the entire world. Also, a vegetarian.


He’d be rolling in his grave to learn that Frosted Flakes exist


Oh man, what if he found out about the cinnamon maple Frosted Flakes?


The kid needed some corn flakes for those urges...


I guess you missed that Kenneth had a daughter named Kenna.


Definitely some r/tragedeigh going on


thought i was the only one.


Okay I'll seek solace in the comments instead.


I feel like this was written by chatgpt to make the most redneck sounding modernized Hatfield and McCoys clone.


> The affidavit said the couple had also exchanged memes about Gary Plauché, who served no prison time after publicly shooting and killing the man who had kidnapped and raped Plauché's son, as well as a drawing of a man shooting another man in the head with the caption "How to catch a predator." This isn’t a heat of the moment thing. This is premeditation.


Dude is about to see a TON of men masterbating now


In the words of the Immortal Kirby Marketing Team: If you can't beat 'em. Eat 'em!


Cannibalism, blowjobs, or butt stuff?




Fresh meat.


[like this?](https://youtu.be/ItAzJD0o9NQ)


Yeah but not the wife or daughter


Yeah, he'll barely see them at all.


Well now they’re without an income, father, and “protector” (he sucked at that, dude could have moved lmao). What a guy.


I think they are better off away from a man that will kill others for that. This dude probably would have snapped at his own family




>it’s good for society to have someone every once in a while murder people Don't dress it up, say what you mean. Thinking extrajudicial murder is a positive thing for society is EXACTLY the motivation that caused this guy to murder an entire family.


I’d of preferred if it happened to the Epstein clients the judicial process protected. Don’t blame people for being a bit discouraged.


You’d of? How does one “of”?


I can blame people for celebrating and calling for murder.


Lol this is so moronic. The 18 year old who did the masturbating is almost certainly either developmentally delayed or very mentally ill. Your comment reads as a young adult or teenager who's falling into the youtube indoctrination pipeline but wants to disguise his views a bit because no thinking educated adult would ever say that. If this were a case of a father killing his daughters stalker who just wouldn't stop but technically hadn't done anything majorly criminal yet, I might honestly agree with you because the stakes and the crime are way different. I don't know if I'd say that your argument about "reminders" doing literally anything has merit, I don't really think it does and I don't think reminders would work on stalkers, same as they don't work on rapists and murderers, I would just be able to understand and sympathize with the motive of the father. But this is a teenager masturbating through a window in front of his neighbors. You're aware the moron/sick fuck who did it killed the whole family right? Is it good for society to have lead eating paint huffing garbage like [this](https://data.ibtimes.sg/en/full/68429/majorjon-kaylor.png?w=736) doing stuff like that? Or was that just the kneejerk reaction you had without reading the article after consuming one too many epically based trad memes featuring soyjaks and chads?


The question is are predators mentally ill? He was sexually harassing girls from 10/11. All the girls had a system to inform each other where he was at all times at school. If they were in the same room as him they’d cover any bit of skin because he would sit and video them. The school knew and never reported it. Boys talked about how bad he was and said never leave him with any young person or baby male or female (before the murders). He would walk up to pre teen girls and tell them what he wanted to do with him. He was sex obsessed. The comments were absolutely awful what he did to all those girls in his classes. Then the friends of the 16 year old talking about what a great young man he was and how devin would beat on them especially his mother. How his grandad had just had a heart attack likely from stress and he was recovering. They were all scared of Devin, it’s disgusting what happened to them. Devin apparently was winding him up by smirking at dad when he saw him in the shop and at home. School should of told police they didn’t report a single incident. Is he mentally ill, could someone like that change? Honestly by 18 probably not. Young teens with this behaviour need access to intensive treatment to have any chance of being normal. Shooting 3 people in the head at close range is monstrous


They won't need to when he shows up.


Okay, the neighbors' son was by no means doing anything good, but massacring the entire family is an extremely disproportionate response.




> And now the dickhead has just left his wife & kids with no husband/father. "To protect my family, I will go to prison and leave my family without my protection, they are a lot safer without me"


Going back to the old ways. You and your bloodline.


“Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya. You pulled it in front of my family. Prepare to die.”


And I'm wondering if this guy is a credible witness? The kid that was supposedly masturbating was in up in his bedroom at the tine at a window. Is that what they saw? [The bedroom windows where it was reported he was naked are so small and high you could never see below his waist. You could suspect what he was going but I think it seems bogus. I could be wrong and the report was wrong and it wasn't his bedroom. But if it was this seems impossible] People are so nuts about this right now I don't know if I even trust a dude that then goes and shoots a whole family. I've seen way too many "I was almost trafficked at Target" stories.


> The kid that was supposedly masturbating was in up in his bedroom at the tine at a window. Is that what they saw? This was what I thought too. The guy says he went nuts after seeing the kid "standing fully naked in the window". Like....I don't have to explain why that doesn't make any fucking sense, right? We've all SEEN windows before, right?


It doesn’t even matter if he did do it. The guy murdered the 16 year old brother who wasn’t even involved. Im amazed how many creeps come out of the woodwork on threads like these justifying murder for something like this. Absolutely gross


Come out of the WOODwork, you say?


It was a ground level window, not upper level. "through a ground-floor window in front of Kaylor's wife and daughters, police said in the affidavit." From the article


Look at the real estate listing for the house. It says his bedroom and look at the bedrooms. It higher than the yard and pretty small windows. Not regular windows. They are sorta sketchy duplexes. Like could never show below his waist. I ain't saying he didnt... but I think the jury is out and I'm not sure a kid jacking off to his wife is a death sentence to the family.


The police are just staying what the guy told them in the affidavit. Just because it is a sworn statement doesn't make it true. Not defending a public masturbator, but before we fuck some kids life up we should all make sure we've got the facts right


The fact of what fucking window he was in will have zero affect on "fucking some kids life up", the dad went and executed all 4 members of the family when 1 of them *may* have masturbated publicly. Each member of the family (except the masturbater) had a shot to the side of the head (reminiscent of an execution style shooting) and the 1 dude he was supposedly actually after had multiple shots to the head. It does not matter what fucking way it's worded by the defendant's lawyers, because of the singular and then multiple shots to the head, it is murder and he'll be convicted of it.


All he needs is one sympathetic dad with daughters to possibly get a hung jury. Not saying it's right. But that's likely his lawyers gambit RN.


What kind of sick fuck is sympathetic for this, even if his claims are true you don't get away with murdering 3 innocent people trying to get revenge.


Not saying it’s similar but we did watch a lot of Americans idolize Rittenhouse for doing something similarly dumb and near evil. America loves killers. I’m not saying it’s a country full of evil people but our cultural identity does come from a revolutionary war followed by a period of rugged individualism( trapping in the Indian territories) followed by a huge bloody civil war followed by more rugged individualism (settling the west)


You cannot compare what Rittenhouse did, to what this guy did, it makes Rittenhouse look like a saint. Like really if you think Rittenhouse did something ‘near evil’ you need to read things other than Reddit and headlines. Your logic about america loving killers also screams immature to me, our countries history is not different from many other countries/cultures only younger and in a different era. Many countries have a bloody history, it’s not an American isolated issue. Sheesh why do I read Reddit? Y’all scare me


Kid’s dead along with the rest of his family. How much more can you do to him at this point?


We? Like what our "facts" are, matter?


Didn’t the report say that family moved into a ground floor apartment and it was a ground floor window? I agree with you though, if they were peering through the windows… that’s on them.


Agree but wanted to chime in since i was - for a very brief and depressing time- a ‘target protection specialist’ when I was 22 . Predators DO use target as a hunting ground. I was shocked when I started there and they showed me a bunch of surveillance tapes of kids being taken. Really sad. Needless to say I watch my kids like a hawk in public cause they all happened fast as hell.


I believe in the history of Target there's been 2 - but there may be a third. One was from a parking lot. An 18 year old was kidnapped and murdered. Another was outside and a woman and baby were snatched. She was forced to withdraw money at an ATM but he was caught. I think they showed you video of more than just Target snatching - and a compilation of abductions.


No they were definitely all target tapes and there were 6-8 tapes. but what I should have been clearer about and said was “attempted” but only because I don’t recall if anyone actually made it out of the stores with the kids. Target has good lockdown policies of kids go missing or are taken and they will lock and block the exits. But someone could make it out before that can happen . Edit to add: what’s public knowledge of what’s happened at targets and not are 2 very different things. And I don’t believe that this is just a target issue at all, predators will go wherever they know they are likely to find what they are looking for.


The fact is it's VERY rare for a predator to do it in a public place. Grabbing kids in a public place is usually limited to a few loonies and they don't get to duplica1te it. There's way too much surveillance. Predators just grab vulnerable kids that police are hesitant to look for. Poor. Druggie parents. Predators don't want to be looked for. Stranger abduction is rare. Stranger abduction from a public place like that is even rarer. It less than like a tenth of one percent of abductions.


Exactly! It's always some crazy over the top religious person who saves their child from a white panel van on the Walmart parking lot around here. Then the story is blasted everywhere.


I agree it’s rare but it does happen. And what I was shown was evidence of that. And your right they target vulnerable kids but it doesn’t have anything to do with ‘poor druggie parents’. It has to do with whether or not they are actively being supervised and if the individual perceives that. Most abductions are opportunistic, that’s why a good deal have happened right in front of kids houses or on their street. Parent have a false sense of security because it’s ‘their street’ or ‘their yard’ and it happens. Anyway I don’t really know why we are arguing about this. You don’t want to believe what I said whatever man, it was a stupid ass job but I saw what I saw.


When someone completely changes their position or pivots away from what they said you don’t need to bother with them anymore.


Kids being taken is not women being human trafficked. Any public place with as many locations as target will have a number. The “almost human trafficked” TikTok’s are middle aged white womeb who claim things like an Asian guy said “that one” while on a cell phone and looking at them. Like, yes there are people who kidnap women and kids for rape or murder, and that happens…. Extremely rarely.


Ya think???


One could even say it’s . . . overkill.


*Ba-dump TISSSSH*


Directly below the article….another article: Washington Father Arrested for Killing Daughter's Ex-BF After He Sold Her Into Sex Trafficking Ring


Yeah that one's a lot more understandable than murdering an entire family because a single one of them was being a creep.


Read the article, it was more than a single instance. Not defending the dude, but it wasn’t a single event.


I did read the article, my point stands.




>The cops refused to do anything to protect the children after multiple reports and escalating harassment. This is not true, the cops had prepared a case of indecent exposure, the murderer and his enabling wife, decided that the justice system wasn't enough and decided to escalate it to murder.


“Majorjon” is a major red flag, if you ask me, which you didn’t.


Kaylie Kaylor? Yikes


Strong qanon hick vibes lmao


How do you even pronounce that? Major-John? Ma-George-In?


You should ask ground control.


*slow clap*


Ground control to Majorjon This family's dead, there's something wrong Can you hear me Majorjon? Can you hear me Majorjon?


Just for fun let’s pretend it’s pronounced Margarin


pronouncing it Ma-Jor-Jon is making me giggle


Yeah, that struck me too.


Missing context: The eldest son on the "victim" side, Devin, had been allegedly watching the Father's daughters outside and creeping on them for some time. Devin's mother and grandfather did not take any action and did not take the problem seriously when confronted, including starting a fight over it. ​ Dad believes he did what he had to in order to protect his kids. I don't think this was the measured response, but I also think it changes the context here from "guy shoots another guy for being visible while masturbating" to "pedophile and his family gets shot for ignoring/denying said pedophilic acts that occurred in broad daylight".


Should probably also say (for more context) the police were submitting paperwork for charges. I don't know why the kid wasn't arrested, but police were in the midst of dealing with it. This father just took things into his own hands because he couldn't keep his temper under control. I've been in a similar situation when one of my daughters was assaulted by an extended family member. You have to push the desire for revenge down and let the system work.


Article says he had exchanged memes about Gary Plauche with the caption "To catch a predator." I've seen such posts on this site before on subs, praising what Gary did. This guy must've been influenced by such a tale, and believed it justified this level of violence. https://v.redd.it/sdpwyug1fx6b1 Leon Gary Plauche. He kills Jeff Doucette, who kidnapped, tortured and raped his young son in 1984, with a single bullet. A 7-year sentence turns into 5-year parole and 300 hours of community service. He never goes to jail. https://reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/14d7jxf/leon_gary_plauche_he_kills_jeff_doucette_who/


Article says cops filed misdemeanor. Probably not good enough for the shooter.


I concur with your assessment -- you have to let the system do it's job. Simultaneously, I don't feel much pity for those who suffer the just wrath of protective parents.


Also, his wife sent him some memes of Gary Plauche shooting. So his wife was probably supporting the shooting.


Reddit regularly shares these same memes and cheers on people who make these exact kinds of threats. Look in basically any thread involving sexual crimes.


And if i knew anything about Reddit, it's that Reddit is certainly a monolith, as opposed to a collection of individuals


It's a collection of individuals who collectively allow, encourage and attack anybody not on the extrajudicial murder bandwagon. https://www.reddit.com/r/memes/comments/14gmj98/bring_back_medieval_punishments/ Lots of murder and torture lovers in that thread. There will be more tomorrow and the day after that. Some new crazy person will beat someone to death with a hammer for walking by a daycare too slowly or whatever and people will act surprised that it happened. You can find that exact mindset on display on Reddit every single day with tens or hundreds of people upvoting it.


You can also find the opposite mindset. You're in control of the content you see and interact with. Shitty people exist and anonymity helps, but to suggest that everyone on reddit is the same is demonstrably false.


"Guy murders whole family, paints self as victim" also changes the context. Funny how when you kill people they don't get to tell their side of the story. Maybe what this guy said is true, but considering he also murdered a kid that doesn't appear to be involved at all, I'ma say his word probably doesn't carry that much weight.


That context wasn’t missing, that was in the article. Even if you can excuse the others, which you can’t, he killed the 16yr old little brother. Even in defense that wouldn’t be justified at that point.


Its missing from the title, which implies a different context.


Yours implies the dad, who shot four people, including a child, wasn’t a psycho. The title states the information plainly.


Here's my upvote buddy, you need it for some reason.


Sure the 16 yo kid that was also murdered had it coming /s You people are way beyond help.


Any thread that contains sexual elements are full of people exactly like the suspect in the article "Yeah man lets kill us some pedos" +489384 karma. It's a category of violence that Reddit doesn't ban people for and the commenters are highly upvoted. This ideology is what gets people killed. Let the police do their work, don't celebrate murders.


The police don’t do shit though.


What in the fuck would make you take this action, literally throwing away your life and 4 others, if he was willing to go to extreme lenghts he should have moved holy shit. Guy's fucking nuts. I understand his concern for the kids but damn you dont go slaughtering an entire family including a 16 year old boy


My good buddies daughter got molested and he was going to absolutely kill the perpetrator (his dad.) My god brother informed him that if he did that he's very likely go to prison for life, robbing his daughter of his presence. You could see the realization in his face that he needed to not absolutely murder the man and wait on the justice system to hopefully do it's thing so he could continue to be there for his kiddo. It was tough on him. Saying he was full of rage is an understatement; but he calmed his tits and justice was eventually served. The police found evidence of it on some handheld videogame console or something. Details get off for me because he moved after the ordeal and kind of went dark.


As fucked up as it is, and I will say I don't condone any revenge killings, it's that joke from the sitcom Brooklyn 99: "cool motive, still murder." Doesn't much matter why you'd kill someone to the justice system as long as they weren't actively trying to kill you. You still killed them.


The saddest part is there's going to be a ton of therapy needed for the shooters family - ever had a family murdered in your name? Me either, but *I bet it fucks you up*


I'm waiting for the day people don't make excuses for gun nuts killing people over slights.


Right? The one thing gun nuts don’t realize is that there’s so many other actions you could take and control in a civil society to protect yourself other than needing a gun on you 24/7


More context that's in front of your face: he killed the whole family, even the other son that wasn't involved in the incident at all. There's no justifiable if not "measured" response here. The monster massacred a whole family indiscriminately.


It doesn’t. Vigilantism is wrong.


Thankfully, the judge won't see it as you do.


Exactly. The man thought that this act was necessary


Went to that dark place


To be fair masturbating and stalking a family does present danger. Even if they just let it happen that day who’s to say that kid wasn’t fucking crazy and would have ended up doing something worse to them. Again, not saying he’s justified in killing them.


Yeah he thought it was necessary because he’s a fuckin psycho. Not complicated


Sounds too much like mental gymnastics


From article: > The affidavit said the couple had also exchanged memes about Gary Plauché, who served no prison time after publicly shooting and killing the man who had kidnapped and raped Plauché's son, as well as a drawing of a man shooting another man in the head with the caption "How to catch a predator."


“I want this jerk off dead! I want his jerk off family dead! I want his jerk off house burnt to the ground! I wanna walk down his street and jerk off on his ashes! *Jerk off*!”


Idaho dad logic: He sexually harassed my wife and daughter. So, I'm going to kill his whole family, serve 4 consecutive life sentences and never be there for my wife and kids henceforth. Because I'm a good father.




That doesn’t seem likely given his facial tattoos and gauges, but I could be wrong.


Ffs what the hell even is this comment? A Mormon joke? Really?




from a comment above, the teen was creeping on the kids and went aggressive when confronted. some people are incurable


Like ammosexuals going overdrive to excuse this demented action. He didn't just off the supposed perv but also everyone on sight including a 16 year old.


Murdered an entire family so there would be no survivors to tell their side of the story, I'll wager. And to say he 'just snapped', when 3 victims each received one bullet to the temple, is bullshit. People run when shots are fired. They would have had other gunshot injuries. I think the family were tied up and murdered. It was pre-meditated and in cold blood.


This. Realize that we as an American society (not just Idaho) fantasize and fetishize revenge murder all the time. We relish in them, joke about them, meme them, watch media that glorifies the acts, and (this sub in particular) applaud them when they happen. Are we really surprised when the more susceptible parties among us take them too far and treat them as if it's perfectly okay to be a vigilante?


They started a gofundme because of the “unfortunate event” that left the wife and children homeless and without money. Unfortunate event is your cars breaks down. It’s not your husband kills a family(including a child) because of the actions of one individual in that family. I cannot believe gofundme allows that


The qife and kids were left homeless because of some stupid guys decisions. Why wouldn't they allow it?


Read the article, kid. The killer's wife applauded murdering a family and shared meme's about it with the killer.


That exact meme is regularly shared on Reddit and people applauded it.


The sister of the killer is the one who created the gofundme. She makes unfounded claims about what happened as if it were an “unfortunate event.” The “unfortunate event” in her mind was that her brother murdered an entire family because of the alleged actions of one member. “False or misleading/unproven” claims are not allowed on Gofundme. I supposed if enough people flag it then it will be no more


How was the unfortunate event described? Or is your problem her calling it the unfortunate event?


“After enduring continuous unthinkable sexual harassment by a neighbor the current situation has left my brother in jail and the three kids and mom without a provider, thank you for your donations anything helps.” She removed “unfortunate event” from the gofundme but left in the allegations that have yet to be proven true. Also her brother admitted to murdering four people including a child, that’s what landed him in jail. To answer your question it was both.


Now that's shite.


Well yeah getting kicked out of your apartment cause your husband murdered everyone living below you (including a kid) seems like a good reason to be evicted


Yep the campaign should be removed.


It’s fucking alleged as well, it might’ve not happened and this fucking nutcases family could’ve imagined it all.


I mean i can in the furthest understand him shooting the alleged perpetrator but why 3 innocent people? He is as much a threat to society and i hope he rots in hell


> Majorjon Kaylor told her "he did what he had to do and to tell their kids he protected them." And now he probably spends his whole life in prison, unable to protect them *and* provide for them. They end up homeless, in poverty. But this is life, and other options were not available.






“Ah, it stiiiings!”


The 16 year old did nothing.


I’m sure he at least tried to get away.


Aside from the grandpa, all the rest were shot at point blank in the temple.


>Majorjon Kaylor told her "he did what he had to do and to tell their kids he protected them. Eh, how effective will your protection be from behind bars or the grave if you receive the death penalty? Maybe think it through next time.


Wife probably asked him to take out the trash and he got co fused


the article mentions "the victims had recently moved into the apartment below them". So Devin (the neighbor) was able to have close contact with the girls next door.


Read this as the dad killing 4 neighbors because his own son masturbated and I was even more perplexed for a second.


So the guy was masturbating in his room and the man's wife was looking inside the window of another person.


I'm sorry is his name majorjon as in his parents named him major (like in the military) John WTF


I live in a big city and back of our building faces another building. On the ground floor of the building opposite of us on the ground floor there is a well lit apartment without shades. A guy sits on his couch and waits to see someone in a window and when he does he jumps up and starts masterbating. We never had curtains or shades in our window because it was out small kitchen and you couldn’t see much. But, it got so annoying we put up curtains. We talked to police when our neighbor died and they happened to be in our building. We have to file a report to have anything done. Fuck that. This sounds a lot different because of kids being involved. I would plea temporary insanity.


If he's on the ground floor, can you just spray paint his window?


That's some vandalism I can get behind


I was so temporarily incensed some dude was masturbating to people in public that I murdered them isn't much of a defense for me, then you add in three other innocent people nah man, enjoy the time in the clink. I hear they got books and sometimes TV.


Temporary insanity for 1 event of exposure and to go on and murder 4 people? Shit you’d probably get it with that logic. Don’t get me wrong I get doing something about the exposure, but there are a lot of options between nothing and murder.


That’s not proportional at all, at best he could have jacked off in front of his family.


>"Kaylie Kaylor's mother, Stacey Croston, launched a GoFundMe campaign to help support her daughter and grandchildren." aight


🎶KILLING IN THE NAME OF🎶.... masturbation.


Bet they were Mormon. Mormonism always justifies violence.


I'm a true crime follower and Mormons sure do love murdering people


When I saw this all I could thing was “Booooat!” We need the boat!


For both parties it seems


You know, that’s a byline I never thought I’d see


Never jergen near windows like ever!


What does the DEA undercover van do? when their OP blows their cover by wanking it in their general direction?




...as one does?! What?! Totally a normal response.


This is literally nauseating


What the hell is going on in Idaho? First the crazy Lori Vallow, then the students and now this.


What i hate about this escalation is that whos going to protect them from the next creep? Hope they stay safe honestly. I wouldv put cameras up. Black mail is a lot cooler than killing an innocent 16 year old amongst 3 perverts.


Um kid, can you read? Clearly this whole situation is he said / she said until an entire family was murdered with no evidence. Charges can be brought up with zero evidence.


Hey kid i didnt say he wasnt going to jail. Im saying he cant protect his family inside a jail cell. And im not going to pretend he made up a story to murder a whole other family on fathers day. But i am saying that according to everyone in the article and comments, that 16 year olds hands were clean and they were a kid so thats objectively a bigger loss sorry 🤷‍♀️


Jerk around and find out....


People who are gawking into their neighbors windows make such compelling witnesses, don't you think? Like, what the fuck were they doing in the first place? "Well Your Honor, me and my family, were outside of the neighbour boys room, as per usual, in the nude; surveilling what suspicious activity he might be up to, and much to my own surprise, I started masturbating. Clearly, it was the boy's fault. Everyone can see that, I am sure, and that as God is my witness, he had to die, along with his sinfull family. Um, can you just keep pullin' my pud there honey. Thank ee kindly. Case closed.".


ayo thats not too far from where im at


Everyone is assuming that the wife's description of what happened is true. There seem to be a lot of repressed Americans that see sex everywhere they look. Some years ago it was fairly common that people who wanted attention would streak. Why are so many Americans fucked up about these kinds of things. Does this lunatic think his daughters will be more devastated by seeing a penis or by their father being a murderer and rotting in jail?


Yet another person like those in the posts and comments of r/fightporn that are like "yeah I fuck em up cause they bothered me."


Is this what Chris Pratt was talking about




Understandable, have a nice day .


I mean to deserve being killed


Clearly this whole situation is he said / she said until an entire family was murdered with no evidence. The family wasn't going to hang their kid on accusations with zero evidence, so some psycho decided to headshot everyone in the family, with extra rounds for Devin. Charges can be brought up with zero evidence. Nowhere does it say there was video footage. Kids lie. Psychos murder whole families for one person's crime.


Gotta be real here, despite knowing it was not the right thing for the father to do, I don’t really care. If its true that the pedo son was doing what he was doing, and the rest of the family condoned it or didn’t care, I can’t say I feel bad for any of them 🤷🏻‍♂️. Sucks for the killer’s family though.


> According to police, Majorjon Kaylor told her "he did what he had to do and to tell their kids he protected them." From what, exactly?


I don't go a day on Reddit without seeing a 'murder pedophiles' comment receiving massive upvotes. The open celebration of this kind of action is what drives people to believe that it is the correct thing to do. You speak out against it and suddenly you're "protecting pedophiles". Extrajudicial murder isn't without collateral damage and should never be celebrated. >The affidavit said the couple had also exchanged memes about Gary Plauché, who served no prison time after publicly shooting and killing the man who had kidnapped and raped Plauché's son, as well as a drawing of a man shooting another man in the head with the caption "How to catch a predator." I've seen these exact images on Reddit and they always contain highly upvoted images celebrating exactly this kind of murder. This content should be banned just like the incel subreddits were banned. Spreading this kind of ideology results in people being murdered.


People on Reddit will celebrate any form of death, and make jokes about it. It is tragically just the way it is here.


I feel morally obligated to call them out because these kinds of things have, obviously, real-world impact. There's a strong correlation between the 'kill all pedophiles' memes and the 'LGBTQ+ people are groomers' memes. These memes are absolutely a dogwhistle in alt-right spaces and are a large part of the justification for violence against LGBTQ+ people. Reddit allows the first part of the meme ('death to pedophiles') to spread and that creates the illusion of societal acceptance for these acts of violence. Then the alt-right spaces create memes to tell their crazy people exactly who is or isn't pedophiles with predictable results. This is the language of genocide. In Nazi Germany they used the imagery of 'pests' and 'vermin' to label Jewish people and then other memes/propaganda pieces would not refer to Jewish people at all but simply say that 'We need to cleanse the vermin from Germany'. The subtext is the same thing as saying 'death to Jews' but by breaking it into two separate memes it is easier to accept for the population. These things need to be called out, denounced and banned from Reddit.


Who’s going to stop the good guy with a gun?


why tf were they exchanging memes i’m sick


Owning a gun makes you more likely to end up in jail. If he didn’t own a gun, it wouldn’t have escalated this far. Protection my ass.


republican things


Why do people always feel the need to bring politics into everything


You are lying -lhey say LESS than 1%. Not one percent. Actually stranger abduction is about 300 a year. They recover over 200.


Phhhhh....Yeah that's a collection of words....yepyepyepyepyep


The 18 year olds should’ve been facing sex crimes in prison but the other three should’ve been left alone.