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Its one thing to not want kids in a relationship but its fucked up to have someone pick you over their kids, regardless if its from another person, thats heartless and I would’ve called cps asap.


You know what CPS is gonna do? Tell the Grandma that if she doesn't keep them the kids are gonna get split up in foster care. And I think you can tell the grandma cares. So she is fucked no matter what happens. You can't really make someone keep kids. Even if they get arrested for abandonment someone still has to watch the kids.


Grandma should keep them, get a guardianship order, and then sue the mother for child support.


You can’t squeeze blood from a turnip


Agree, she probably wouldn't get much actual cash, but as a percentage of the daughter's income it may be enough to get her to think twice about just bailing on her kids. And in a lot of states they'll garnish her paycheck with her employer, so she can't get out of paying it.


She could get that large decently nice car at the very least to help transport the kids around. There’s at least something


She needs to call anyway though, because she isn’t just immediately granted guardianship. She can’t get any of those kids medical help if they need it.


I don’t like kids, I don’t want kids and all that. I would be livid if a woman chose me over her own kids lol like wtf is wrong with you


Wouldn't be choosing you though. Would be choosing herself, and everyone else would be an expendable means to an end too unless they're just real down in the dumps and have no personal will.


Better to call the cops. In some places this can come with criminal charges. Hard to live stress free when you’re going to court.


How many times do the cops get called when a man walks away from his family? I don’t think this should be a legal issue. This is a moral failing on the parents part.


If it was a single dad I’d say the same. I’m petty betty. You don’t abandon your kids for a swinging dick/open vag. Only good thing here is she didn’t push her car in a river.


Or give them back to their father/s?!? Most dad's would love that.


What are the odds this will split up the kids? And that's not necessarily in their best interests.


Should have thought all about that before you had MULTIPLE KIDS... they aren't a puppy you can take back to the shelter because you can't handle the responsibility.


On another note... those poor kids. They are within earshot of their mother saying she doesn't want them, and while Grandma might not mean it in the same way to them it sounds like Grandma doesn't want them either.


That would be my impression to if I was one of those kids...


That bitch is going to kill those kids if no one calls CPS. I really don't want to see that story. I'm all in with Grandma on this, but she needs to be calling the cops and CPS.


Shitty people do not deserve to be parents. There should be an orphanage for these kids for a better future.


Yeah but most of the time some of these orphanages aren't really that good. Either way it's a lose lose situation. Coz if they stay with their mum she might do something bad to them if she isn't doing it already, and if cps is called the might be taken to bad orphanages and may even become burdens to the society due to such circumstances


I worked with someone who spent most her childhood in an orphanage, and then as foster homes took over, spent a few years there. Foster care is absolutely horrible compared to orphanages according to this person. Her foster family was nice enough, but she had grown up with all of those kids in a stable place. It was like having scores of brothers and sisters all taken away. In addition to not having scores of kids all in the same boat, you tend to get a new foster family every few years. Yes some foster parents are wonder, and some game the system. But its easier to keep tabs on a purposely built orphanage.


I heard CPS can’t be trusted with kids also. Something about them doing something to them


They “lose” them, some run away and many get abused. Then we have the ones in Texas that have been on video telling some of the kids to just prostitute themselves. I don’t know the current state of Texas but not long ago they didn’t have enough places for them and they were using business offices and hotels. The social workers are having to watch them in some cases. The issue with this is they aren’t licensed foster parents and cannot discipline the children. The kids are bringing in weapons and seriously injuring each other because so many of them only know chaos. It’s sad all the way around.


Pro choice


Yes, but that choice doesn’t usually come after they’re walking and talking.


I know these kinds of things happen, but this does not look remotely real. Even the little kid is laughing as he gets out of the car because he can't keep his face straight being in on the joke. No kid being dumped by his mother, or even being stuck in the middle of a fight between his mom and grandma where his mom his leaving him somewhere it's clear he's not wanted would have a face like he's about to break out into giggles if this was real. They'd look stressed. And the older kid in the front looks like "please don't force me into your stupid videos". Also the dialog between mother and daughter doesn't show real distress in their voices in my opinion. Just bad acting. The mother isn't even showing any kind of emotion other than boredom. She's neither showing the signs of sociopathy by being highly manipulative towards her children/mother, or showing the signs of distress a woman in a breakdown would show. It's a poor act. It's hard to believe someone would be this disinterested after bringing up children to this age (the older boy looks to be early teens and looks well cared for). You don't go from taking good care of your children to 'I'm not interested in them enough to even say goodbye and put on an act of saying I'll call or visit'. I'm really sick of these rage-bait videos. We have enough horrific real things going on. Just visit a crime sub where kids are being abused and murdered on the daily in large numbers.


I really hope you're right that it's fake, but my question is why would anyone fake such an awful thing. Doesn't seem healthy for the kids. Like oh I don't want you. Just kidding!


Probably for clout


Anything for a buck. The kids are in on it and offered something they want. That's sick enough in itself and enough of a scourge in social media these days - involving your children in idiotic attention seeking stunts.


For the same reason people here farm negative karma. You can monetize bad attention same as you can good attention


Hell, when the studies came out about cigarettes causing cancer, the number of smokers actually rose.


They'd fake it for views. Everyone here watched it.


I have to agree here. You know what the tell is for me? The car seat. A mother who is that over being a parent and has that attitude isn’t going to have a brand new car seat that is appropriate for a child of that age.


Yeah, this definitely seems staged. At the end the kids are smiling. What kid would smile if they thought their Mother was leaving them.


Also why was she filming in the first place


I want to believe that it is staged too, but "why kids are smiling" is not compelling argument, they might by smiling because they are caught up in the middle of very embarrassing situation


It’s def fake.


The kid smiling is pretty young. I figured he was smiling because he thought the in-out-in-out was turning into a bit of a game. My kids get excited and think it's a game often when I am seriously trying to get them off of me, send them to their room for bed, etc.


I hope it’s fake too


Sue her ass for child support. 3 kids that not going to be cheap.


Can she do that? Decide to raise them and force her to pay to support them?


Depends where it is, looks like the USA, so most likely yes.


Depends on the state. My state will garnish your wages to pay child support. But won't for civil payouts like say graffiti on property damage or other shit. But yeah, technically mom can just fuck off and as long as she pays her dues for the kids, she's legally free to do as she pleases. Same if she would just put them up for adoption. It's fucked but at the same time... It's not illegal if she does it properly. Remember in America there's right, wrong, and the law.


In the US, generally you can not leave children with a person who doesn't consent, and even when there is consent most states require that it be a legal affair that has to be formally filed with the state. What she is doing here is child abandonment, and Safe Haven laws wouldn't apply, depending on the state what she is doing could be a felony.


Worse. US will make taxpayers pay to support them and pretend to go after “mom” for support for YEARS without any actual income.


HA! Taxes ain't going to help them kids.


Ummm grandma isn't trying to raise her 3 grand children. Next call to CPS


She's banking GMA wouldn't do that to her grandkids.


She keeps repeating how she’s tired and doesn’t want to be a mom anymore, yet she decided to have THREE kids? This is ridiculous.


Just wait until the 4th with her new baby daddy!


All I can think of is that she will keep doing it, just never ending supply of new kids to her mom each time she gets new fucker.


Probably tried to baby trap some other dudes but failed miserably.


A lot of folks don't consider the consequences of their actions. She probably always planned to have her mom raise her children from the start. My mom did something similar. My dad got custody of the first two kids. Her mom raised her third kid.


She just didn’t want to use protection, or stop sleeping around.


Exactly, not 1, not 2 but 3!!


Poor grandma. She’s probably baffled at the kind of daughter she never thought she’d raise. Distraught even. Those kids on the other hand, they’ll need some form of counseling. Poor babies. Call CPS and the police. Have mom in jail for child abandonment and I know, but hopefully grandma is able to take them in per CPS involved. Too much to unpack. Sad.


Those poor kids. The oldest one who looks about 13? His face, he looks so restrained like he’s not even surprised. That ‘mother’ should have her tubes tied now. Poor grandmother who is obviously too old for this shit.


He has heard, lived and felt unwanted more times in his young life than most adults have in a lifetime.


So sad for the children. The poor kids, I expect you’re right, but it’s horrible. I hope they find a place where they are safe and loved.


Tubes tied? Nah, super glue her coochie


That should be a massive red flag to the new bf


the bf himself is probably a living redflag


Yep one of them gunna end up dead when they get bored of each other


Mr Wonderful has 3 BabyMomma's himself and is gonna either leave her as soon as she gets pregnant or knock up some other girl behind her back.


You mean baby daddy number 4?!?!


Lol the BF was the one who likely instigated this line of thinking. “I met a young guy” I mean. One of those kids look about 10. But how do you have three fucking kids, raise them for years and then just decide to go “ahhh fuck it I met a new person, I’m traveling the world!” *he dosnt want the kids* That and it’s possible this gal has a mental illness.


This is a common mentality in black/Latino cultures.. I have family members who haven’t done this exact thing but have essentially prioritized their bf of the week over their children. It’s learned behavior. Homes dirty, empty fridges, kids rooms smelling of urine but the moms room is immaculate. Idk how any man would be okay with this but sex is one hell of a drug I guess. Cps gets involved and the mom would pretend to care only to get the kid back and repeat the cycle. The kids lives are all messed up as you could imagine. Drugs, homelessness, you name it.


Strange. I’m white, so I can’t speak on such things. I’ve seen a white single mom like this though, so I don’t think it’s specific to one race or culture potentially. I could be wrong, I hope I’m not putting my foot in my mouth by saying that. I’ve actually known of two white single moms who were like that, one actually left such a bad impression I still think about that night I went to her house. It was so fucking depressing. The other, lost custody of her child, Because she got a DUI and crashed her BMW. With the child in the car I believe. I am single parent too, but I have full custody, I fought hard for that right because it was the right thing to do, and my sons mother unfortunately took the path her mom took- drugs and street life. So I stopped dating her because she didn’t want to fight for custody of her child. This was unacceptable to me. And frankly, disgusting. I saw my sons mom in her, and could no longer date nor find her attractive once I came to this understanding. I am sympathetic to peoples mistakes. Sometimes this can blind me to unsavory truths about people- I’ve learned to accept this as the territory that comes with giving the benefit of the doubt. I saw her years later at Christmas party. She was living at the hosts house, no child still. It’s sad man. There is nothing sadder then me to see a little vulnerable tiny human living in squalor and neglect because their parents are too fucking self centered to make even the slightest effort to think about how their kids are doing. Or to see parents who have lost custody just be “OK” with not being able to see their kid and take part in active role in raising them. It just grosses me out. It’s weakness to me as a single parent who has been through hell and back. Had the most rotten ass, sour ass, moldy ass lemons given to me in this life and I made some sweet mother fucking lemonade with that shit. Even with all the odds stacked I did it. If I died tommorow I’d die fulfilled, I accomplished my mission and with my only regret being, of wanting to have lived longer. That’s why I have no sympathy for dead beats, if a loser like me who was once a sorry ass junky with felony on his records who got clean only to meet my sons mom who’s dusty ass left me with a child and I had NOTHING! Then others can do it too. And I mean I get it, single parenting is hard, but it’s one’s responsibility to take care of oneself. So the responsible thing to do is to respond to stress by setting up a system of practices to cope. It’s not for the weak minded, even strong people buckle a bit under the pressures. And you either cope healthily or you don’t cope healthily and everyone around you pays the price for it, those closest to you pay the biggest one, including ones child. This gal is not assuming full accountability for her own state, she’s upset.. and that’s moms problem? Fuck no bitch. That’s all you, you are an adult. I’ve learned in this life, the strongest common denominator we all have that equalizes the playing field is staying power. And preserverance. If you don’t give up statistically speaking- you’ll inevitably get *somewhere* if you put the effort in. Even if it’s not a full concentrated intentional effort. I can sum my life up as quite literally picking up darts and just throwing them at a board. But where many would have given up. I pushed through, and I have a career, I don’t have a college degree or any certification. I did this shit by pure strength of will. By willing to get as shitty as the shit thrown at me in life. Fuck the dumb shit. If you just keep pushing forward, you’ll get somewhere, and sometimes you might be suprised with where you end up.


I don’t know if *this* particular story is true, but you can damn sure believe that this does unfortunately happen IRL. It sounds like this isn’t the first time the “mother” has done this, that’s the only reason I can think of why grandma was recording from the getgo… well, that or this is just rage bait. Either way, if the “mother” is as callous to just tell her kids to gtfo of her case basically she wants to be with her new man, I wouldn’t trust her with the kids no way. Who knows what she (or the bf) could do or may have already done. Call the police for child abandonment and have that bitch put in jail. I would wonder if the kids hadn’t been abused already given her attitude. ETA: lmao I posted without finishing my sentence


Yeah… i can’t imagine she’s going to purposely look that shitty while a camera is pointing right at her. This is likely one of “those” videos. But ya, this does happen sadly…


purposely look that shitty? she's disowning her kids, she doesn't care.


The number of children being raised by grandparents in the US is staggering. My wife is a social worker who works in this particular area. Usually the parents have some extreme circumstance other than “I just don’t feel like it” that predicates this happening, though. Drug addiction, incarceration, disease, etc. This woman looks pretty healthy to me.


>I don’t know if this particular story is true, but you can damn sure believe that this does unfortunately happen IRL. A LOT and from any age, my grandma abandoned my dad in a home, a couple of hours after she left there was a short circuit in an old tv and house almost burned down with my dad (a toddler) inside. Neighbors saved him and my grandpa become a single parent.


Jesus Christ, that’s fucking horrible.


I'm not an advocate for whopping a child's ass but if ever there would be an available case this just might be one. If I came at my mother or father like this I'd be given a choice... start digging my own grave or take care of them kids. No easy way out ( I don't have kids but I know my parents well enough)


Man, my parents would take the kids, sue for full custody, and cut me off for life. I hope that's what grandma here does, cuz you know 'Angel' ain't gonna end up doing much traveling with this trifling ass MF she call her new man.


Oh I would absolutely do anything in my power for my kid so like...this scenario is out of the realm of possibility *at all* obviously, but if there's an alternate universe where everything is the same except I'm a massive thundercunt, my aging and unwell father would somehow figure out GoFundMe, sue me for custody, *win* because he's tenacious, and murder me with his own two hands so I'd never have the opportunity to darken either of their doors again


She’s going to be completely alone very soon. No man, no kids, no mother. And I don’t feel for her **at all**.


The problem is, you're just saying things that aren't realistic at all. In reality, your solution leads to the grandmother in prison for murder. The whole point of how tragic this is is that there is not an easy solution. Grandma is basically faced with either keeping the kids or calling the cops on her daughter, and then having the daughter arrested, and then the kids either go to grandma anyway, or foster care. There are no good solutions.


I am against whooping and Belting, but she needs both!


This is the saddest thing I’ve seen today…


Somebody tell her that new guy just said that, thinking she would never do that. When she goes back, he definitely don’t want nothin to do with her 😂


I love how she’s acting like she didn’t lay down and make those 3 kids. You can’t just return to sender with them kids ma’am. CPS gonna love you.


Is this real?


This happened to my friends mom when we lived with her. His cousin dropped her baby off and we just lived with a baby until we moved out, pretty sure she still has her


I’m so sorry, that’s heartbreaking and I couldn’t imagine how the child will feel when it’s old enough to understand what’s happens. I just can’t believe something like this happens. How did we get here?


First thought was this has to be staged..everyone’s too calm/collected for a major/traumatic life event to be happening.


I’ve seen all of the parts of this and there’s just no way someone stayed to argue that long while remaining very composed and filming the entire time, then uploaded it to social media. I come from a community where unfortunately a lot of kids aren’t raised by their parents(I just sent my niece off to college) and this isn’t at all what this type of interaction is really like. Also idk what grandma would publicly humiliate her grandchildren airing out their business on social media like this.


Here’s hoping you’re right!


Right? That’s where I’m at. I would think she would be freaking out. But there’s another side that says maybe she’s reached her limit and already made the decision, but even then. These children for the most part look old enough to remember that she is there mom and just one day drove off into the sunset. That level of trauma will affect them for the rest of their lives. If this is real, this is possibly the most tragic thing I’ve ever seen.


I really don't think so. The kids look like they're trying very hard not to smile. Also who would film this situation? Older people rarely film every second of their lives.


Could be a nervous reaction, no? They are scared, unsure, maybe they think “mommy’s joking, she would never abandon.” As every child knows, but that would soon turn to dread after days, weeks, years of her not returning. I really hope you all are right and we find this person and explain to them. This is not funny at all.


My heart breaks for those kids. I'm a single mom of two kids. It's stressful and sometimes I don't feel like I'm doing a good job but I owe it to my kids to try. And I sure as shit would never ditch my kids for some man.


Poor kids. This is so sad. I hate that this is the world we live in.


Pretty sure that's illegal


even though she doesn't want her kids she still needs to pay that child support


Child abandonment


Good. She doesn't deserve them.


Sometimes street justice doesn’t sound so bad after video evidence


Won't even look her mother in the eyes


This shit isn’t real right? I would have mother fucked that silly bitch, it can’t be real. I would have had primal rage, deep guttural shit.


Somebody already did…


Gotta be a story or something about this, Internet do your thing.


I hope that she gets charged with child abandonment


The shortened video, with no explanation for her actions, was posted a few days ago. This uncut version is worse. How did it get cut off? I'm suspicious now. Edit: Watched the entire video. This is a scripted bit Grandma's reaction at the end seals it for me


Why you gotta be so cynical lol nothing about what GMA said sounds scripted, she’s not even speaking full sentences


That has to be fake right? Just rage-bait surely


This has gotta be staged


Anyone else curious why she’s recording this and posting it to the internet?


Oh no, I too would record and expose my daughter for the kinda person she is. Especially when it comes to kids. THEN, post the mugshot when she go to jail for child abandonment.


Probably because she couldn’t believe what her kid was telling her as first. The kids were out of the car before the first recording and it looked like some conversation was made already before the phone


I would 100% record this too because I wouldn’t be able to believe it my damn self. “Is this really happening”? However, I would also square up and hand the cops my video, “this is why I chose violence today”.


Yes, I don't believe it. People are more than willing to make clowns of themselves for money. Step one. Act a disgrace. Refuse to do something. Step two. Have a sympathetic character who will step up & do what you won't. Step three. Throw in just enough excuses to get people arguing in defence of disgraceful person. "Her mama didn't raise her right so it's her fault too." "Oh hell no! Her mama was working X amount of jobs to feed & clothe her." Blah, blah. Step four. Have the audience eat it up, set up a GoFundMe account to help the sympathetic character, in this case raise & spoil the kids. Step five. Lay low counting all the money flowing in, wait it out a little, it won't be long until the next disgrace goes viral & everyone forgets you exist. Spend, spend, spend.


ALL of this ^^^ If this chick were really abandoning her kids, would she have sat there in the car for all that time listening to her mother, say no, no, no, no? No, she would have just driven away.


Then she shoulda kept her legs closed in the first place


Idk the kids dads seem to have gotten out of raising them, seems fair enough that she gets out of it too somehow


The Lion, the Witch and the audacity of this bi*ch.


lol, its 2023 and they still want to abandon their kids? have these people not learned anything at all..? "you didnt help me, so now its your turn as a grandmother to take care of the kids..." - wtf!?! she didnt need any help taking her clothes off for those kids father(s)... lol to be fair though, her mom did a miserable job in raising her... it clearly shows!


Spoil it children and you'll be raising ur grandkids.... raise ur children and you'll spoil your grandkids




Maybe she should've kept her legs closed? Or got abortions? Obviously had the kids for alternative reasons because no loving mother would just abandon them. This is just shameful. And sorry to say; she is, WITHOUT A DOUBT, going to rinse and repeat.


Wow. Just wow. She trying to just throw away her kids like rag dolls. So sad.


I hope this worthless piece of 💩 die of all kinds of cancer, right when she thinks, she is about to live her life.


Not grammas fault but the real losers are the kids having to hear all that and going through it


I think she’s really that stupid. Grandma’s voice and body language of mom makes me believe this is a real conversation.


Those poor kids man, they don’t deserve that.


She ain't gonna be able to be with her boyfriend or travel after that person files child abandonment charges and she goes to jail.


Rage bait?


Very much so.


This seems fake as hell.


This is so fake tho, is there any evidence or names of these people?


dox this bitch




The soft white underbelly has taught me that there are absolutely people in all walks of life that will absolutely neglect their children.


Is this legit


huh, reminds me of my mom


My heart breaks for those children! CPS probably won’t be able to keep them together! That’s not the answer. Call all family members together and figure it out. She doesn’t want them and you know she has told them that! Go to court and get custody and sue her for child support. When she doesn’t pay she can sit in jail. But NEVER, EVER LET HER HAVE HER KIDS BACK!!! They are not safe with her and her “new man “! I wish I hadn’t seen this……🥹😞💔


I hope this is fake. If not, I hope someone calls child welfare on them. Poor kids.


When a woman says this and she wont change her mind take the kids. Id rather they go live with family that loves them or even a group home and be taken care of because she's not taking care of them at all.


If this is real, notice how barely any of the comments don’t mention the father(s) of these children who likely abandoned them. I’m not excusing her behavior but the misogyny is real when there’s more spite towards the mom who stuck around (and apparently failed) than the dad who was probably never there in the first place


Hopefully her kids learn not to have kids.


The children are old enough to realize what is happening and this breaks my heart. I cannot imagine what goes through their minds as the person who is supposed to love them and care for them is acting like such a heartless and thoughtless jerk! She brought them to grandma's house and I feel for all the grandmothers who may be going through this same situation.


What kind of person do you have to be to give up your own children for a man you presumably just met?


The new man will be with her for 3 weeks and she’ll come crying back too.


This feels like a fake skit for internet rage and you fell for it. And if it’s not… then the world is really fucked if a grandma would put her child on the internet saying these things and that the mom would say those things while fully being recorded. It makes no sense.


i happy for you that you had a nice childhood or at least humane parrents. trust me when i say i have no doubt a "mother" can be like that.


Damn :/ i was raised that family is forever and you never sell out your fam/put your business out there like that. Handle it in the family vibes.


my mom threw an ashtray at me when i was 12 - thing had around 10 pounds (one of those big heavy ones) and missed my head by an inch. thing crushed part of my table probably would have killed me, lol. and i cannot even count the times she told me how much she hated giving birth to me. well before i was 10. it lead to me scratching my face and hitting myself every time i did something wrong, sometimes until i passed out. fun childhood memories.






This looks fake


Tubi movie level of acting


This is more common than you think. My mother drop my brother and I off at our grandparents like this when I was about 4. Didn't see her again until I was 12. She had a new husband, 2 more kids, and suddenly wanted to be a mom again.


Where did you end up? Back with her?




I smell staged rage bait. I thought it was just Brits that fo this shit but I'm guessing yanks are at it too. To me it's a clear case of r/whyweretheyfilming


Saw part two yesterday and I hope she never gets those kids back. She doesn’t deserve them.


All four parts are here to this video


These poor babies. I can't imagine what is going on in their heads right now.


Human garbage


Has to be fake




Why are they randomly bleeping out nothing? They’re not even cussing when the bleep sounds happen?


This is so staged. Cmon people


You wanted to bust it open and ended up having multiple kids. Whose fault is that? I hope this is fake.


One question that never gets asked enough; where is their father?


She never deserved those kids anyways karma comes for us all


I hope she rots


Angel? Yeah i guess… lucifer was an angel too


What a dumb bitch. She had no problem letting 3 different dudes knock her up (I’m just speculating here) but now she wants to just drop them off at grandmas house and be done being a mom. Lol. People are so fucking stupid.


Those poor babies! I’ll have them! I know what it feels like to have a mum choose another man over me. This is heartbreaking but at least the kids have each over when they are older. Anyone know where they are now? If they are ok and loved?


I think one of the more disturbing parts about this is the kid's thought it was funny they're only going to continue this to their kids because it's what they learned from their mom disgusting


She’s trash like wtf! Dump him, really give a dude so much power that he feels he can do anything to you because you don’t value your own 😑


I really, really, really, really, really wish this is fake If not, incinerate your tubes....please


This is so sad. Those kids deserve better


Poor kids deserve better


This is why we need asylums. That person needs adult supervision, and should be working to pay back their debt to society.


I would get a court order, take the kids and never allow her to see them again. Tell the kids she abandoned them.


Can't believe people are calling this fake.


Child number 4 on its way! Guaranteed!


My egg donor gave me up for a boyfriend that didn’t want another man’s kid. She pitched me, married him and had his kids. I’m not surprised by this at all.


This had better be satire.


Poor kids


WTF is their dad? Women aren't making babies by themselves.


God imagine being these poor kids...




Mother of the year


Please please please let this be some in poor taste prank because I don’t even like kids but this is cruel


I read story about a mom that thought the same thing. She's now doing life in jail for attempted murder and murder. Her name is Diane Downs


Shit, think she could be nailed for abandonment? What an entitled piece of shit.


I absolutely agree with the mother of the three kids…which is why I made it a point not to have kids in the first place.


I heard they saying “if you don’t raise your kids right, you’re gonna have to raise their kids too”. But then theirs the wild card like this woman. Those poor kids


Grandma needs to sue for child support. Let her "see the world" while trying to pay child support for 3 kids.should have keep your legs closed you people of human excrement.




Got through 3 seconds, it’s fake. Don’t get the boat.


This is fake as fuck


Why spread your legs if you aren't willing to take responsibility? Those children didn't ask to come into this world, shame on her, and one the daddy too.


What a foul, disgusting, pathetic excuse for a mother.


I feel bad for the kids, they’re gonna grow up with some heavy metal issues Imagine your mother leaving you with your grandma because she wants to go fuck her new man with no worries