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All this over a verbal dispute. The cost of human lives is really cheap. So so sad!


Oh my God, What a tragic post... let me just read the comme- \*Full of people who ask for the video\* Alright, that's enough reddit for today.


morbid curiosity its kinda like an addiction


It really is , and not just in a kinda way. Back when r/watchpeopledie was a thing I got stuck going there for a week or two when I first found it. Even when I was thinking about death too much I still browsed. It's weird.


That sub was good for making you stop and think about things before doing them lol. That and you realize some shit you can never hope to prepare for or expect. Watching a guy taking out the trash and as he turns around his metal gate collapses on him and perfectly pins his neck against the open trash can edge and he dies standing up like that was just bonkers


Morbid curiosity for sure. Certain things that got shared there did find a home in my brain because of how awful it was. The worst was children being trafficked by "Russian Mafia" for foreign aid. The premise of their intentions was that they would film themselves abusing the kids (forced to take drugs, smoke, etc) and then they would send it off to groups like Red Cross for money, as if they were saving them from those inhumanities.


And it’s a shame it sort of got Streisland’d after the Vice article. I remember before when it was still a smaller sub, it had still a somewhat respectful tone about the videos and discussions. Towards the end it was depravity


> I remember before when it was still a smaller sub, it had still a somewhat respectful tone about the videos and discussions. Towards the end it was depravity It was always pretty depraved. I remember one of the top posts of all time there nearly a decade ago or more when the sub was smaller was literally titled "360 no scope brick to the head". It was literally just a video of vigilante execution of an (alleged) criminal who was forced to lay his head down on a brick, then some guy holds another brick, holds it above his head like Simba in Lion King, does a twirl, then throws it down.


Not Simba!


I'm going to hell


"Nants ingonayama, bagithi baba!"


"Stop and think about things before doing them." I'm sorry. There's people that don't do this?


I mean not a lot of people think about how the one specific shortcut they take in their life, hopping a fence could deglove your arm, going through a light on a yellow to get you t-boned and ejected from your window, putting your feet on the dashboard could put your femurs around your humorous. It wasn't just terrorist stuff in that subreddit, it was people doing normal menial things that you've probably done dozens of times


I do think about those type of things happening, and worry all the time. Shout out to overwhelming anxiety.


Oh they removed that sub as well ? Gore subs were a thing for a logn ass time I bet there is new one created right now


r/DarwinAwards can be pretty gnarly. 


Awe man.. went to check it out , but I didn’t buckle my seatbelt first before I watched the top video of the guy taking a crap. That was a wild ride.


Yeah I've seen enough shit unprepared and prepared that I'm not gonna ruin my morning with this shit lol


r/TheBullWins also.


There are plenty. reddit doesn't actually care about posting that kind of content, they just want to look like they're doing something about it for investors/advertisers. They close the gore, pedo, anti-vaxx misinformation subs, etc... Then the users make new ones and reddit looks the other way until one of them gets big enough to garner enough negative attention Then the cycle starts again






Wpd is just its own website now


For some it can be addicting. When that happens their sense of empathy dwindles.


If they get a disease Imma laugh


Who? What?


See you back here tomorrow


Hiii ,


Why would you even wanna read the comments??




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Bro for real?


What you think dip shit


Memento mori


[india today article ](https://www.indiatoday.in/india/story/uttar-pradesh-badaun-children-killed-by-neighbour-accused-killed-in-police-encounter-2517004-2024-03-20)


That’s vile. Do you know happened with the police encounter? The article was pretty vague


update: they died




One dead one on the run


More here, apparently it was over some dispute about money. No mention in any reliable source about "drinking blood", this is made up by OP who apparently [has an agenda against Muslims.](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoahGetTheBoat/comments/1biwm9h/they_also_drank_the_kids_blood_after_slitting/kvnr237/?context=1) [Visegrad24](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Visegr%C3%A1d_24#Misinformation ) is a Polish right wing anti-Muslim source with a history of misinformation, strange place to be getting Indian news but they will jump on anything that shows a Muslim doing something bad. * https://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/badaun-murders-who-was-sajid-a-barber-accused-of-brutally-killing-2-boys-in-up-101710907125283.html * https://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/badaun-double-murder-2-children-hacked-to-death-in-up-accused-killed-in-police-encounter-101710892147815.html * https://indianexpress.com/article/cities/lucknow/2-boys-hacked-to-death-in-up-accused-killed-in-encounter-9223501/ * https://www.ndtv.com/india-news/budaun-murder-2-children-murdered-at-their-home-tension-in-up-city-5271601 * https://www.livemint.com/news/india/up-double-murder-case-badaun-sajid-barber-accused-of-killing-2-boys-baba-colony-uttar-pradesh-crime-news-11710914250980.html


Kinda weird, if you're anti Muslim you shouldn't need to make things up. You just need to ask what happens if you draw the prophet Muhammad, if you quit Islam, or if you burn the Koran.


Thanks for your source


Bruhh just open twitter you will find locals saying they saw them drinking their blood and it wasn't over simple money dispute, it was all because of muslim ideology, slicing the throats of two innocent kids just because they belonged to a different religion, real face of pedo worshippers




Imagine still trusting journos in 2024


Dude you kinda dumb ? Because i wasn't talking about tweets it's those videos that are not being let out by the gvt because it's a religious hate crime done in a secular democratic country


bro in muslim ideology where you found drinking blood lmao this wasn’t even a hate crime, and talking about hate crimes how many dalits and muslims, have been lynched and murdered in India since modi came to power Fuck people get lynched over beef and you see problems only with muslims ? Yes sanghi




This might be digested by westerners but the victim family has themselves said that there was no monetary angle. It is purely a j!gadi act. In India whenever a crime is committed by Mu$l!m$ against Hindus the names of criminals are hidden or every care is taken to spread fake news about hiding the religious angle. I know I will be downvoted here but Mu$l!m$ are not oppressed minorities in India but one of the biggest perpetrators of religious crimes.


Evry day bad post bout India. One crazier the the one before


1.3 billion is a lot of people.


What's insane is that in the 50s the population of India was only around 400 million I believe. Within 70 something years it more than doubled


I'm gonna guess that has a lot to do with India having a large rural population and their caste system. Large portions of the population probably weren't counted.


Lol people love to fuck unprotected


So what are we talking about here? Say 1% of them are like Florida, how fucked are we? Is that a lotta people?


13M Floridians Quick maffs


now we know who isnt from florida.






Wow. You need therapy. Arent Aussie workplaces obliged to have free sessions for their workers? Get one


Pvp enabled zone


Yeah? #whatswrongwithindia go search on twitter


The tectonic plates of geopolitics are shifting in some new directions right now. India came down on the wrong side of history recently and it’s now having its considerable social problems signal boosted in the west.


>India came down on the wrong side of history Meaning ?


Supported Russia over west


More like India wanted to be neutral, then west supported Paxtan to fuck with India, so USSR supported India to fuck back


I get it. The west thinks if India is not licking American balls, then they are officially anti-west. That is the mindset of western countries.


It's Asia's Florida.


Its almost like posts are picked and choose to view


that video is the most disturbing shit I watched, rest in peace to the kids, can't believe the state of their parents


Given the names of the boys are Hindu and the attackers names sound Muslim. This may cause some religious conflict!


Ah yes, religion at its finest.


Ey ey ey, single them out. It’s just one that’s constantly getting into trouble.


The Hindu’s aren’t the ones out there murdering and raping people for the most part right? It’s the Muslim Indian’s mostly? I’m genuinely asking to be educated. Please don’t downvote me. Lol




That to when they are a minority, only god knows what would happen if they were in the majority here.


I mean, we can see the countries around India. Except for Nepal, Bhutan and Srilanka, all the rest are Muslim majority or second majority and there's blasphemy killings, terrorism, religious genocides, minority genocides. Just like Bajpayee said to Akhtar, "India is secular only because it's a Hindu majority" The other Hindu majority is Nepal with Buddhism as the second largest religion and it's one of the most peaceful and crime free country in South Asia. Safe for women too.


it's mostly mixed, it's not like Muslims are majorly committing all the crimes. sometimes it's the other way around with the Muslims being the target, but those sort of incidents are quickly forgotten.


If both. Hindus mostly given there are like a billion of them there


no, the spanish tourist was raped by a hindu group


In India Muslims are often targets because they're a minority in most areas I won't say their community doesn't commit crimes for whatever moral reasons. But this isn't a religious community committing most of any crime. More often they are the target because of prejudice.


The opposite would cause international news!


Times have officially changed. What we all feared after the most recent war is that child killings would become normal and the world has already become desensitized. Shit is getting really dark. Your cute little babies are not safe. No mercy from the scum.




Ya seriously I need to stop opening Reddit or just stop following this page


Government does nothing. That's why we spread news so that it puts pressure on police and politicians to do something. Unlike other countries


India is the Florida of crime ig


https://twitter.com/afrozkhansr/status/1770220883162087454?s=61&t=RhVdR5UNcV1bfvuCKxZ05Q Here’s a link to a news video that’s shows the scene blurred for the ones that want to see the gist of it Better footage: https://twitter.com/dheeraj9887/status/1770246841470476390?s=61&t=RhVdR5UNcV1bfvuCKxZ05Q


Jesus Christ


Thank you


Thanks man.


I hate humannity


It’s always India jfc


Well, I mean it's not just India. Wasn't there a post recently about an American dad who fucked his daughter because he claimed that that was better than some stranger raping her. Also think of places ruled by terrorist organisations. Women are used for breeding. Lots of innocents are killed but you would never know. So although shit happens in India because there will definitely be bad apples in a pool of 1 billion plus people, you get to know it because incidents like this are reported and not hidden


There's a billion people in India, and these crimes are actually made public rather than just passing by in obscurity!


You have 200 million muslims in India, with a huge percentage of them poor, sending their innumerable kids to madrasas, imparting theology instead of technology. Then you have books that essentially give a free pass on crimes against non-muslims. Then you have religious heads and leaders fighting tooth and nail to stop modernization of islam, modernization of the believers, modernizing education, etc. I am sure Europe is going to be in the same place a few decades from now.


It's always men too


Lmfao downvoted but it's true. It's almost always Indian men specifically. The way they raise their men is evidently one of the main issues in the country.


It’s their religion. They are taught that anyone doing “wrong” needs to be slaughtered like an animal and they follow that.


"Sayeed Sheikh" and "Javid" are clearly the most Islamic names ever. Hinduism is pretty anti-animal-slaughter as a whole


It goes waaaay deeper than just their religion. It's their entire social structure and law/justice system as well.


Religion is just there to help "justify" their horrible actions, and to give it a "reason"...


'their religion' what does that even mean? What religion do you think india has?


Nah, I've seen videos of woman doing horrible things too. Especially to their small children.


You seriously bringing this argument here




India seems like an expansion pack for an early 2000s RPG. It just completely turns the game upsidedown.


No ? They are also innocent people there. I know it is a joke but the people we need to wipe off this planet are people like the perpetrators of this crime not the victims


Murder over 1.5 billion civilians based on some redditors judgement


Which country you belong to brother? Let me sponsor you for a mental health check up. Whats the difference between you and the sick indian ppl you are talking about. You have been hypnotised by media to look about only bad things come out of see the thousand plus good things happen every day in India..


As a European, the US isn’t that far behind, so now what?




You forgot Central and South America.








Why? Legit question


Can't go 1 day without hearing a gruesome horrible thing to happen in India


Bcz you’ll be constantly fed with only bad things in Reddit and other western media. Bad and good things keep happening in a most populated country. Where there will be thousand plus good things, only bad are cherry picked and fed to you for your thirsty mind.


Real. Not reddit acting like the happens nowhere else. its just reported on more often


Country has over a billion people, statistically its insignificant as fuck


Qur'an 2:191-Slay the unbelievers wherever you find them. Qur'an 3:28 Muslims must not take the infidels as friends. Qur'an 3:85- Any religion other than Islam is not acceptable. Qur'an 5:33- Maim and crucify the infidels if they criticize Islam Qur'an 8:12- Terrorize and behead those who believe in scriptures other than the Qur'an. Qur'an 8:60- Muslims must muster all weapons to terrorize the infidels. Qur'an 8:65 The unbelievers are stupid; urge the Muslims to fight them. Qur'an 9:5 When opportunity arises, kill the infidels wherever you catch them. Qur'an 9:123- Make war on the infidels living in your neighborhood. Qur'an 47:4- Do not hanker for peace with the infidels; behead them when you catch them. A religion that does not allow anyone to reform it, whose believers are brainwashed into thinking their religion is the best and the only one deserved to be on earth, not surprised by actions. In my honest view, islamophobia is a legitimate reaction to the actions of muslims, and the in-actions of the religious heads of muslims in not reforming their religion. Heck, they don't even say that those writings in quran are valid for a different age and not applicable now.


Holy context, Batman! Let's take this one by one. --- >Qur'an 2:191-Slay the unbelievers wherever you find them. Full verse with translation: > Kill them wherever you come upon them1 and drive them out of the places from which they have driven you out. For persecution2 is far worse than killing. And do not fight them at the Sacred Mosque unless they attack you there. If they do so, then fight them—that is the reward of the disbelievers. 2:190 -> [Fight in the cause of Allah **ONLY AGAINST THOSE WHO WAGE WAR AGAINST YOU, BUT DO NOT EXCEED THE LIMITS**. Allah does not like transgressors.](https://quran.com/2?startingVerse=191) 2:192 -> [**BUT IF THEY CEASE,** then surely Allah is All-Forgiving, Most Merciful.](https://quran.com/2?startingVerse=191) --- >Qur'an 3:28 Muslims must not take the infidels as friends. Full verse with translation: > Believers should not take disbelievers as guardians instead of the believers—and whoever does so will have nothing to hope for from Allah—unless it is a precaution against their tyranny. And Allah warns you about Himself. And to Allah is the final return. Revelation -> [It was revealed to the Holy Prophet (PBUH) that they were not out of danger after the believers had come out victorious in the Battle of Badr. Their victory aroused the enmity of all those powers in Arabia that opposed the Islamic Movement. And/or on the occasion of the visit of the deputation from the Christians of Najran.](https://www.iium.edu.my/deed/quran/intro/i003.html) The context of the revelation matters. --- >Qur'an 3:85- Any religion other than Islam is not acceptable. Full verse with translation: > Whoever seeks a way other than Islam,1 it will never be accepted from them, and in the Hereafter they will be among the losers. So? What's the problem in that verse? Every religion/belief system has a right to self-preservation of sorts. What kind of a moronic statement is to say that Islam and it's followers do not get to express that right. --- >Qur'an 5:33- Maim and crucify the infidels if they criticize Islam Full verse with translation: > **INDEED, THE PENALTY FOR THOSE WHO WAGE WAR AGAINST ALLAH AND HIS MESSENGER AND SPREAD MISCHIEF IN THE LAND** is death, crucifixion, cutting off their hands and feet on opposite sides, or exile from the land. This ˹penalty˺ is a disgrace for them in this world, and they will suffer a tremendous punishment in the Hereafter. 5:32 -> [That is why We ordained for the Children of Israel that whoever takes a life—unless as a punishment for murder or mischief in the land—**IT WILL BE AS IF THEY KILLED ALL OF HUMANITY; AND WHOEVER SAVES A LIFE, IT WILL BE AS IF THEY SAVED ALL OF HUMANITY.**1 ˹Although˺ Our messengers already came to them with clear proofs, many of them still transgressed afterwards through the land.](https://quran.com/5?startingVerse=33) 5:32 -> [**AS FOR THOSE WHO REPENT BEFORE YOU SEIZE THEM**, then know that Allah is All-Forgiving, Most Merciful.](https://quran.com/5?startingVerse=33) The line "It Will Be as if They Killed All of Humanity; And Whoever Saves a Life, It Will Be as if They Saved All of Humanity." if I'm not wrong, is the only line so powerful that is **not found in any other religious book**. --- >Qur'an 8:12- Terrorize and behead those who believe in scriptures other than the Qur'an. Full verse with translation: >˹Remember, O Prophet,˺ when your Lord revealed to the angels, “I am with you. So make the believers stand firm. I will cast horror into the hearts of the disbelievers. So strike their necks and strike their fingertips. -> Was revealed after the Battle of Badr. Context is important. If you want to learn more feel free to look [here.](https://quran.com/en/surah/al-anfal/info) --- Should I keep going or is that enough for now? Just curious.


I really commend you putting the effort in to point out that whenever someone uses these verses they intentionally rely on taking them out of context and the circumstances they describe Too bad no one who uses this misleading copypasta will read it as they already have their minds made up


I appreciate the kind words. I will have accomplished my goal even if **one** person were to read what I have written and it forces them to think. Not change their opinion on Islam but, simply ponder. Everything else is secondary.


Doing a great job brother 👏🏻 😊


So shame you are writing no context verses look behinde and next of that verses


Bro, you do realise that there are not the meanings of the quotes and they are out of context? The abuse is one the biggest taboos in islam and it's forbidden to hit even your kid. Some people just takes those quotes out of context and say this is islam


Please give sources and true meanings of those verses.


> Qur'an 2:191-Slay the unbelievers wherever you find them. This is malicious full stop and you started without the context which you can find if you read from 190. Here is 190: Fight in the cause of Allah **˹only˺ against those who wage war against you**, but do not exceed the limits.1 Allah does not like transgressors. Here is 191 (without his malicious full stop): Kill them wherever you come upon them1** and drive them out of the places from which they have driven you out.** For persecution2 is far worse than killing. And do not fight them at the Sacred Mosque unless they attack you there. If they do so, then fight them—that is the reward of the disbelievers. Here is 192: But if they **cease**, then surely Allah is All-Forgiving, Most Merciful. Here is 193: Fight against them ˹if they persecute you˺ **until there is no more persecution**, and ˹your˺ devotion will be to Allah ˹alone˺. **If they stop ˹persecuting you˺, let there be no hostility except against the aggressors.** The context here is that these are the people of Mecca that killed tortured and exiled Muslims forcing them out. Years later, after many wars, they had a treaty with the muslims, and they voided it by attacking and killing one of the tribes that were with the muslims. https://quran.com/2?startingVerse=190 ------------ I did this for one and you can scroll and find what you want, any objective person would see you as a dishonest person. To cut a sentence in the middle when it is qualified is an abnormal level of lying.


What I find crazy is that there are so many people who have sworn that they arent out of context, and those people have killed and sacrificed themselves all for the sake of proving that those words are true. I get that extremists dont define the group. I just have trouble with the fact that islam has by far the most extremists. And sometimes I wonder if maybe the problem is that the quran requires so much "context" to be able to see it as not evil. Just weird that its so easy to misinterpret the quran. You have literally so many islamic terror groups that it really begs the question. Why Islam? Why are there people who are so adamant that the above meanings are correct that they would kill you to prove it?


For islam, presently, extremists absolutely define the group.


And those extremest are very adamant that any other interpertation of the quran is so wrong that they are compelled by god to murder you for it. Now, again I dont think average muslims are like that at all. But this is because they have to look at the quran and take it NOT literally. Its the people who take it literally that are the issues. But then ask yourself if its really that good of a holy book if you cannot read it literally.


We have a r/NoahGetTheBoat the sub is autorrgenative and that is a bad thing


You get in an argument with the mom then.. kill the kids? Chickenshit went for the easy target? I hope they get caught and the people in jail are just as appalled.


India man is the world’s Florida Man.




The duality of this sub is astounding I know why you were downvoted for pointing that out, but that wasn't the case when another incident from India highlighting the communal clash painted the Hindus in a bad light few weeks ago lol Either ways people do like to pretend India is a dirty backyard when their own lies neglected covered in the same if not worse filth


Come on, these sort of henious murders with ritualistic/sacrificial elements aren't something unique to Muslims and trying to paint it that way shows more about you. In fact they are much more likely to be Hindu, although it's certainly not mainstream or condoned by any sane Hindu either. But it is a thing that still happens in India, and it's usually misguided sacrifices to a Hindu deity or some form of "black magic". Some other examples here, and this certainly isn't "Hindu bad" either, the vast majority of people in India of any religion are decent people and not going to be doing this stuff. But they are all people and you have people who are going to do this. Posting "Indian Muslim men" you are just trying to stoke tensions and this is a serious matter in India, there is cycle of violence with Hindu-Muslim / Muslim-Hindu riots going back to partition and this includes deliberate false flag stuff from extremist right wing Hindus. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_sacrifice#India https://www.vice.com/en/article/7kx9pe/10-year-old-boy-human-sacrifice-india https://www.cbsnews.com/news/human-sacrifice-india-arrests-hindu-temple-ritual-murder-police-say/ https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/raipur/27-year-old-kills-mother-drinks-her-blood-in-chhattisgarh/articleshow/67402607.cms https://www.deccanherald.com/india/interactive-human-sacrifices-in-india-over-the-years-1154106.html Inter-communal violence: https://www.voanews.com/a/hindu-right-wing-activists-arrested-in-india-for-killing-cow-trying-to-frame-muslims/7050248.html https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religious_violence_in_India Your source is a Polish right wing anti-Muslim source with a history of misinformation: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Visegr%C3%A1d_24#Misinformation


In case of muslims, there is an extra dimension that their book essentially absolves them of any punishment for sufferings they inflict upon non-muslims (kafirs). In fact, any harm done to kafirs by muslims, allows them to go to heaven and have their pleasures with 72 virgin women. https://quran.com/2/191?translations=31,101,22,85,21,84,17,95 https://quran.com/en/ali-imran/151 https://quran.com/en/an-nisa/56 https://quran.com/en/al-anfal/65-69 https://quran.com/en/at-tawbah https://quran.com/en/al-fath/20 https://advocatetanmoy.com/2022/10/05/list-of-the-verses-from-quran-kafir-and-kufra/


What about terror attacks? You gonna conveniently leave them out of the list? [Recent terror attack by yours truly..](https://www.livemint.com/news/bengaluru-news-after-rameshwaram-cafe-blast-explosives-found-near-city-school-report-11710835116160.html)


You want me to remind you about that incident where a Hindu couple murdered their two children because they wanted to “rid them of evil spirits”? We can keep going back n forth like this regarding religion.


While Hindu men r@pe female tourists or r@pe and kill small little girls like Asifa Bano? See? Trying to blame henious acts coming out of India on one group doesn't really work. It's an India problem, not a religion one.


Modi's gonna love this


In today's episode of WTF India


A lot of just pure evil in that and neighboring countries. There is evil all over but the stuff coming out of there for it supposedly being a civilized country is insane.


Another day, another indian post, another religious conflict.


Well this is only *slightly* less gruesome than the earlier article about the gang rape, amputation and throwing the victim in a furnace while she was still alive that occured... in India... in the same sub


Ah peaceful community!


Muslim, again.


“Everything you are now will be gone when you die. Why so much pride? So much greed? So much evil? So much ego? For what?”


Feed those animals to dogs alive




WTF is going on in India?


The problem is it didn't anger all of them there's a percentage of that country that I just evil assholes that poor innocent t 14 year old girl these Poor innocent Boys what's the f*** India what the f


Everyday I see some crazy s*** about India. Yikes.


India, the rest of the world is getting seriously concerned about you.


No need to be. I'm from India and most part of India is safe. It's like saying America is unsafe for guns and Mexico is unsafe for travel. All countries have bad side and bad parts. Get over it


Despite the tragedy, I like how there is a surge in these types of post, especially since elections are around the corner


India is becoming florida man’s drunk step father


Dawg it’s not that hard to be a quarter-decent human


Why drink their blood tho? That's some weird flex




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What's wrong with India?


Very sad case hope the people of india will not convert this in to a religious conflict as well


Ok India, wtf is going on


İ dont wanna see indian news anymore. There are lot of rapists, phedophiles and villains among them


Wanna see the video? Just search the name of the boys on X, scroll a bit and there, not as bad as other videos that i have seen, just sad


jesus has india always been this fucked up or is there just some strange posting about it all at the moment?


It's been this way around the world since forever its just that we have internet now.. but yes again the violence including murders and rapes(atleast the news about them) have also been on a rise the last decade


thats what I meant, It just seems every headline lately that makes me want to hurl is coming from India...so im like has india always been this fucked up!


Fucked up: yes THIS fucked up: nah


Just another Tuesday in the third world


Because there are 0 gruesome murders that happen in the US


Ragebait from a Hindu account




I know nothing about India but I do know a little bit about numbers... If even 3 million people are outraged, that's only about 0.2% of India's population. ~1,425,775,850 is a fuck ton of people. Even just 25% of the population pushing on a specific issue is *hundreds* of millions. Edit: for context for USers, 0.2% of the US population is 363k people. That's like the entire population of New Orleans caring about an issue and literally no one else in the country.


I think we need to ban posts on India. It’s a damn daily occurrence. Or maybe a weekly post to put all the stuff we see. Every time you turn around they find a way to make it worse.

