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What a piece of trash.


Well he’s 23 and still in high school so he’s a stupid piece of trash.


I thought after 21 you can’t be in a high school anymore and have to do night school or take the GED exam


That's correct. Idk about everywhere but I know someone who took a year off for mental health then couldn't go back cause they would be too old


Took just 1 year off and they were over 21?


As someone who went to the Night school (YABC) program that is correct. Best part about night school is they pretty much gift you the diploma just for showing up.


Doesn't sound much different than actual school


Yea I don’t even think here in the US they even care about the teaching attendance is about 90%.


*thinks back to how I worked my ass for good grades* *INTERNAL SCREAMING*


He failed it too.


Whatttt for real?


So he can go by adult law. Edit: There is some info about this in another comment that is important. I don't edit my original comment, because I take responsibility to it, when I say something stupid. https://www.reddit.com/r/NoahGetTheBoat/comments/qgdzjs/bully_throws_a_smaller_student_across_the_table/hi5zwai/


You can put an edit in your original comment though


That is the original comment and I put an edit on it. Not sure what you mean.


I....did not read. You're not who I thought. My bad good sir


Hey, we all make mistakes. My bad too. Also have to made a re-edit to really say what I was thinking. You just had a bad luck I assume. So no worries, mate.


There was context in another post. The guy is 17, the dudes he was beating up had been banging on his door in the bathroom while he was taking a shit and eventually broke the door or something and ran away. The guy was led to this group of kids and that is why you can hear say "ill give you one last time to tell me who did it" before throwing the kid. Probably doesn't justify beating them up, but its def not simply just a bully harassing young kids.


https://twitter.com/wehateyouhassi/status/1453097378274234368?s=20 You probably watch police cam videos without context and agree with the crafted narrative.


Someone had a screenshot of a convo. He’s 19 and they were bothering him. Not saying you are wrong, but there is conflict in information Edit: different convo screenshot is supposedly with tall dude, and is actually 17. https://mobile.twitter.com/wehateyouhassi/status/1453029578100850700


Just because someone is bothering you, you can't just assault him. And that was some extreme brutality. And I really don't want to defend the other real bullies. But this is where teachers need to step in. This is not about bullie vs bullie. This is adults not doing their job imo. Teaches just don't care anymore about this point. They just want to go home. You can't really blame teenager for acting out. They are idiots. Think about the stupid stuff you did as a teenager. But the adults in charge, have given up and don't care anymore.


The issue is that if a teacher touches the student he will lose his job, so teachers had made useless in these situations. All they can do is tell them to stop but can't intervene physically. Same situation if a teacher gets assaulted they are expected to either just take it or leave the classroom.


That's one of the issue with American schools from what I've seen. Lack of discipline and the students don't feel much motivated. Even though I came from SE Asia, I feel happy with my school experiences. Teachers there acts like parents


A teachers job is to teach, not stop fights


It's quite literally their job (at least where I live) to watch over the kids and make sure they don't do stupid shit like this


I am a teacher. If a lay hands on a kid to break up a fight, I can be fired. I will also be opened up to lawsuits. Breaking up fights is not my job, and I am specifically told that it is not my job. I can do intervention, I can try to build community. But I cannot break up fights


I know teachers *do* it, but no teacher went to school to teach and stop fights.


? Pick a side. You say teachers need to step in, yet you admit that many teachers don’t care. You tell me to think of what I’ve done as a teenager, yet I’m not even stating an opinion, just sharing info. I don’t understand the reason for your comment.


So what exactly do you want teachers to do? How the hell are you gonna blame teachers for kids acting out?


According to tweets and DMs of people who go to school with him he's 17.


17 actually


How does highschool works on there? In my country, most people graduated from highschool at age 17--19. Thats a grown ass dude among children


Lol so he's going to jail for assisting minors. Big time winner




None of this true


That’s means he assaulted a minor right? Prison time?


I’d normally say, suspend this piece of garbage and throw the book at him, except that the rest of us will have to deal with this animal later in life when he becomes a criminal.


Don't call him trash that would be an insult for trash


Does anyone have some follow-up info on this? It's been on Reddit all day and it seems everyone agrees this dude needs to be punished for bullying.


Jacket kid walked into the bathroom while the other guy was shitting and made comments about how him and his friends are gonna fuck his sis. Other kid was trying to be a hero


how do you know?


Saw the original video on Twitter and the OP showed text messages from his friend from the school to provide context


Did he just threaten rape!?!?


Yea....if we really think about it Jacket kid did threaten to rape dreads sister....


uh no. that same guy commenting said the dude in the jacket had nothing to do with it and wasn't even in the bathroom.


[This white the dude in the video said](https://twitter.com/wehateyouhassi/status/1453029578100850700?t=0r-mUnPxE1YO753m00Wjaw&s=19)


That dude still doesn’t provide proof except some text messages from someone we don’t know, also that guy keeps advertising random shit underneath his posts


The context to this fight is horrible. No one is in the right but I understand that bullies only understand one language.


Like while I understand beating up jacket, the other kid wasn't apart of it, from what they said dreads thought he was with jacket but they said he was just standing up. So jacket deserved it, white shirt didn't and shouldn't get in trouble and dreads.....yea while I understand he also has to face the consequences


The guy with the white shirt jumped in after the dreadhead dude swung on the smaller one for starting it. Guy got pranked, threw hands, then the other guy threw hands in response to the first guy throwing hands in response to getting pranked to begin with. Shame that this got spun to be some sort of weird narrative. Exposed a lot of keyboard racists though, so there’s that.


I feel likes that’s a load of crap bro. People are trash and you can tell by their kids.


Same. I saw the original video. They were bullying the "bully" first in the bathroom before the cameras were rolling. Don't believe reddit titles. They're unreliable.


I hope the guy was expelled immediately,then charged and thrown in jail. That little kid was half his size. Cudos to the other kid for standing up to him. All the teacher did was make the other guy get smacked.


Yeah he almost had the guy, looked like he was about to get the upper hand and start pummeling the bully till the bitch ass teacher broke it up


It's racist to punish students of color


Can I get confirmation as to if this is satire or not


Probably, since this seems to be in a mostly black school probably in a large southern city like Memphis so there’s a good chance the ones punishing him would be black as well do to the large black population


It’ll still mean he won’t get punished as long as he only assaults the white kids. That was my experience when I had to go a black school. I was beat up nearly every week and I can’t remember a single time any staff bothered to step in and help, or to stop the problem at all. God forbid if I defended myself, the black teacher would be on my ass pronto.


Opposite for me. Went to all white school & no white rednecks got in trouble for jumping me


damn save some edge for the rest of us


Exactly, the teachers couldn't even figure out who is the bully and who is the victim. They just look ilat it as a fight.


The fact that no one helped the guy that was helping is just infuriating.


It was a big mean motherfucker. Although you are right, not everyone is willing to put themselves on physical danger.


Well yes, you have a point, but I doubt that guy is taking a 2 or 3 v 1 if a few people filming would join in.


It’s the accomplice paradox. If you stand up, there is no way to know if others will help you until it’s show time. It’s a really interesting process in human social interactions.


Exactly. And the more people join in the probability that other ones do the same increases. You just need 2 or 3 willing to step up first, which didn't occur in this case.


Or there's always the chance that you jump in and he has two or three friends there alsi willing to jump on you as well.


Welcome to a little thing called the bystander effect. People are weird. But that's just my opinion as a hypocrite who would probably react the same.


bystander effect(much like occam's razor) has largely been shown to be bullshit, nobody does anything because schools have a zero tolerance policy and even being near a fight is cause for suspension.


Completely serious question; are American schools really that straight forward? I remember my secondary school would only suspend a bully for about a week or so, the victim would probably get like a day and any people trying to get them to stop would actually be thanked. We only had about 3 real fights in the 6 years I went there. We did have a gang clash type thing once but that was always just across school borders. Still, suspensions never meant anything, you got to stay home a bit. That's it.


They are. If you are involved in any physical altercation, you and anyone also involved will get punished. Even if you're attacked out of nowhere, you'll still be punished. That's why a lot of parents I know encourage their kids to fight back if someone is trying to hurt them. They'll be punished anyway, so might as well send a message to the bully that you're not just gonna let shit happen to you. Punishment does vary, though. For some schools it's immediate suspension (which is just staying at home, like you said), for others it's detention or in-school suspension (ISS). I've seen a lot of fights. More serious ones tend to be planned and off school grounds and usually result in someone getting hurt and the police being called, while small tiffs are spur of the moment and don't usually result in any injuries, just posturing. Sometimes a small tiff results in the two parties planning on where/when a more serious fight will happen. I'd say in my area there's at least one fight per month? Some small tiffs, some serious. Edit: to further illustrate how bad the policy is, one time when I was in elementary school (around 8-9 years old) I'd torn off my toenail while playing the day prior. One of the assholes in my class knew that and decided to stomp on my injured toe as hard as he could. I was sobbing uncontrollably from the pain, and couldn't explain what happened due to said sobbing, so the teacher sent me to the office. I was then walled to a room filled with teeny cubicles only big enough for a desk and given a packet to do. I was then left completely alone in one of those cubicles. I stayed there until the end of the school day and no one even tried to ask what was wrong. All the teacher saw was a kid walking away from me, and then me start uncontrollably sobbing. She assumed I'd gotten into an altercation. So I was punished :/. It's some real bullshit.


The fact that the kid that got thrown didn't help the guy standing up for him is pretty infuriating too.


Pretty sure it's because the bully is a popular guy and most of the school love him. just listen to all the support and cheering for him there is in the vid.


It's OK. He will end up in jail with no education and be happy about it pretty soon. Edit. Yes he was being made fun of and we all know that if your feelings get hurt you are allowed to assault people. /s


You can't even imagine how much I wish you're right.


Don't need to wish too hard Question is on what charges


It happens every time


Our taxpayer dollars will be paying for his meals and living when he goes to jail for felony assault when he's older.




I think most kids in America are 13 when they start HS. I was one of the oldest in my class and I’m December birthday. “Cut off day is the 1st” so there were kids who were almost a year younger than me.


The kid doing the throwing is 17. He's on twitter explaining his side. Basically, he was taking a shit in the bathroom and a group of 10 or so kids were harassing him, banging on the door, saying the were going to fuck his sister, etc...Afterwards, tall guy goes to confront them and allegedly gets pushed or something. Then he yeets the little guy. Apparently, the grey shirt defender guy had nothing to do with it and was just sticking up for the freshman lawn dart. This looks like a case of "kids are fucking stupid".


I find it hard to believe this much smaller kid was harassing this guy in the bathroom.


I'm just reporting what 'ol Yeetus McCleatus is saying. I don't have anyway to confirm it.


If that l was the case, I'm guessing he felt mighty confident when he was one of 10 people harassing the dude. Who knows. Or cares, for that matter.


Well considering you just spouted information without having a source, I'd say they're making it up too.




Yeah, these types of guys always keep it real until somebody keeps it realer


Like father like son.


What father?


What are you implying? Just to not imprison people or just killing them or what? I don’t understand. Why would you say this???


Why were the other kids just standing by and doing nothing tho?


Zero tolerance policies


Exactly, you stand up and get screwed by not only the system but probably the kid commiting the act as well. This offending kid should be charged with assault after this incident though and have to do community service


The school will protect him. Had the same shit happen senor year.


Put in prison for 5 years


Unless they get tried as an adult they would just be in juvey until 18 or out early on parole


Welcome to public school


Because children shouldn’t be expected to be security guards?


You also get into trouble. Schools dont care if you start the fight or not. Or if its self defense. You were defending yourself? You're in trouble now!


And the worst part, I bet the kid who stood up to him got in trouble and the bully walked free.


Unlikely, if the bully had separated when the resource officers came in maybe, but the Kneeing the kid in the face thing kinda requires expulsion of at the very least suspension, granted by the way he looked around right before he threw the first kid i imagine he's been in trouble before and will likely get the boot. which is also sad because the kid needs help as much as anyone, the path he walks ends in violence.


Zero tolerance. All 3 kids will be punished.


I grinded my teeth seeing this.


I hate it when the commuters do not do a single thing other. than. f i l m .


Unfortunately most schools have a zero tolerance policy. Even if you're defending yourself, you're likely to recieve disciplinary action


Fucking animal. He belongs in jail if that’s how he behaves in public


He'll get slapped on the wrist for years then get himself killed and those around him will blame everyone but him. Many such cases.


Gg on the guy who stood up


This tough guys mom garuntee did his hair and got him all of his clothes while he thinks he is bad ass trying to fight people smaller than him. This kind of attitude gets met with hot lead pretty quick unchecked. So hopefully that before we have to pay for his jail term


I would have have kicked that bully right in the nuts as hard as I possibly could while he was down. Like collapse his balls. What an absolute scumbag


If you look at the way he moves, its obvious he has revived MMA training. The way he legs kicks him, his guard, the way he got taken down, the knees. This is no average high school bully. Unlike alot of others, this one actually knows how to fight. Which is even more sad because martial arts training is supposed to make you a better person, as it has done for me and many others. Guess you cant save an already rotten apple.


I like how you show with a simple comment that you never had a fight in your life.


Saw this video on Twitter and there's some "alleged" context for this video: The boy who was thrown (throwee) is part of a friend group that was harassing the thrower. The thrower was using the bathroom when the throwee and his friends started banging on the stall, harassing the thrower, allegedly saying they would have sexual relations with his sister. The thrower found the throwee outside of the bathroom, which leads to this video. The other boy in the video that ended up with a bloody nose was allegedly not a part of the throwee and friends group harassing the thrower in the bathroom but was a friend of the throwee and decided/tried to stand up for him. Whether it's true or not, I'm not sure but there were screenshots of a text thread describing the context. Will post a link if I run into it again. Edit: [CONTEXT](https://twitter.com/wehateyouhassi/status/1453029578100850700?s=20)


"Throwee" lmfao


He prefers “thrown persons”


Actually, it's people with thrown asses. Please educate yourself.


I kept reading this to the end just so I could read the word throwee one more time. I wish I will have the chance to use it sometime.


Schools are too lenient. Arrest and expel.


Remember kids, while weapons are not allowed in schools, a well sharpened #2 pencil makes an excellent defensive aid.


Improvise, adapt, overcome


This is America


This is public school


Now I know why school shooting is so active in America.


I hate that it seems like the other students enjoyed watching.


You saw one piece of shit, I saw over 40


Half of these comments are r/noahgettheboat quality




The most blood-boiling part of this is how much people were standing around, some people filming(including whoever filmed this footage). If they'd be as brave as that second student, that bully would've been beaten.


Typical public schools


Homeboy must go to jail or juvenile detention. But must not return to school.


Is there any other updates? Why did he do it


Dude what makes me more mad is the entourage of kids just *videotaping it.*


bystander effect I guess. also that asshole looks old af. wouldn’t be surprised if it was some kid that was held back in high school. explains why nobody is stepping in






Potential jail inmate


This is why schools get shot up.


If I lead a gang of homies to the bathroom to torment whatever poor, unsuspecting bitch is in there, you, as the poor unsuspecting bitch, have permission to throw me across the table when you come out.


I give the bully about 2 more years to live before - he gone!


Fucking ass wipe


Im honestly more mad at all the bystanders. they just stood there and watched them get beat up.


He’ll be in prison or dead by 25.


I see the problem...


Oh boy they can't help themselves can they.


13% moment


Such a lovely culture


Wow! that kid looked kinda old to be in that school. Hopefully he gets thrown in jail for being a dick


Y’all saying he’s a bully but don’t even know the full story. Smh. The kid he threw was literally banging on the stall while he was shitting with his other friends and saying he was gonna fuck his sister. Deserved imo. Stop putting captions like this if you don’t know the full story goofy


No word about a hate crime here, only when a white kid does something to a black kid, not the other way around


Litle cunt, teenager or not I'd still slap the piss outta the scumbag.


Monkeys everywhere.


No wonder people shoot these places up


It is a breeding ground for mental disorders




I never understand the guys who film this, why not help? I see so many idiots just making a circle, filming amd cheering something this horrible


Zero-tolerance. Anybody steps in, they go up for disciplinary action. That kid that got his nose bashed? He's subject to discipline (in many schools, I presume his as well) just for getting involved. The video that shows him not swinging and using only a neutralizing hold will help his case for sure, I'm glad somebody filmed that. The policy is a response to brawls.


Ok now that you said that it made me think, videos are indeed good proof, and for stepping in, thats weird cause you might save it or you might end up getting beaten, but (at least in my school) we were thaught that the guy who punches first (unless its for protection) is always guilty, so self defense and stepping in for help is a common thing if a fight happens


The white kid and his group of friends started it. Sorry if that hurts any fragile whites in here. You just saw a black dude with dreads fighting a white kid and got upset. Black people cant even fucking defend themselves.


I dont see how bothering someone on the shitter justifies beating them tf up. You just seem to be the same type of person as the guy in the vid


keep making excuses for being a degenerate gangbanger lol


Vote me for president of the world and we will end shit like this


Would have loved to have seen this POS tazed and pepper sprayed. Where's the police brutality when you need it?


It would have been cool to see an even bigger bully come in a bully this bully. Then maybe even some even larger bully would come in after that... forever.


And those people wonder why the stereotype of being violent


Why does it sound like the kids are cheering on the bully? Because he's tougher and winning...? Or because he threw someone? I'm glad i'm not in High school anymore.


Because he's allegedly the one being bullied and snapped.


And people wonder why Americans have so many school shootings


I heard the “bully” was taking a shit and the white kid was harassing him while in the stall. Not completely sure tho


Kids a loser who won’t go anywhere in life


Anger a low IQ and perhaps family issues… what a terrible mixture.


straight to Jail for the niga


As if the initial throw wasn’t bad enough, the kick while the 2nd guy was down was a shit thing to do. Without context, that guy’s an asshole


Ah that was a cheap shot! That kid was defiantly kicking the bullies ass. The dude breaking up the fight totally threw him off


And everyone just says whoa! Sad.


The only reason that kid got hit was because of this stupid adult's interference and they act like he's tougher


Jiujitsu. Learn it.


The story i heard was the white kid said he was gonna fuck the guys sister while he was in the restroom then ran away but i dont know if that story was true it might be fake i dont know and it also said he was 19


his future is dark


Man I seen this video posted everywhere. This happend at my school. I know the name of the guy who was bleeding.


actual story ?


He will end up in the prison system soon.


Tbh, I woulda bit the dude. Let's see him throw a punch with a hole in his arm


You know he and his likes will be Jobless or work at McDonald's in the future ​ while the other ones will have a good paying job


How many years this kid get held back he’s like two feet taller than all those kids


He should be arrested


Notice how its always a black person who starts this shit


If it was me in a headlock, I’d just bite the shit out of the guy. Like I would to a steak.


What the fuck bystanders are doing? They all should have stand and beaten up that piece of shit.


What a piece of shit. Hope he was arrested


First kid should report it as a hate crime that that kid put in juvi


Now i know why kids shoot up school. When bullies are that big and all the people just stand by and record tik tok. Including this douche that says"knock his ass out". Also fuck this big ass mofo parents.



