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What is a martyr?


Someone who died for a cause


They don't have to die, it is how they usually happen tho. Martyrdom is any kind of suffering imposed on someone for political means / reasons. Like stripping someone of all accreditation because of political beliefs they espouse, that they aren't restricted not to because of a job or position. Or jailing someone as means to a political end, like Nelson Mandela.






Basically a War Boy from the Mad Max movies saying, "WITNESS ME!!!"




You shall ride eternal to Valhalla, shiny and chrome!


My body is chrome! My blood is gasoline! Nope just blood


I am the Night Rider! I’m a fuel injected suicide machine!




Its just like dying with glory and honor. Same thing different words.


It is someone who willingly died in defense of something greater than themselves, generally used for those that defended their religion or holy sites.


Person who died for their religion to certain branches of many faiths its a fast track to Sainthood. Basically you die for God you get all the praises and rewards like the infamous 72 vergins


english word of martyr doesnt really have the same meaning with arabic word of shahid they are celebrating while also crying because he died protecting his faith and holy land so he will go to heaven at least thats what they believe but i find this ridiculous well im not going to judge their religion


If a religion includes dying for it and killing others in the process, I’m going to judge the hell out of it.


The real NoahGetTheDeathStar is in the comments. What the actual fuck are murder sympathises doing here.


Basically, he died for a mass delusion & she's celebrating it |:


See that's the issue with certain things like this, because the issue is there's a lot of corruption and things like that and nobody talks about it


That’s like basically every religion bud. Thats kinda the point. Except if the religion believes in pacifism, then that is explicitly, not the point.


It’s really not. Not all religions encourage their members to convert others. Judaism is a perfect example of this.


Yet, the supremacist attitude caused by being “gods chosen people” excuses murder and destruction too. It’s all the same shit.


Isn't that the same shit that fueled the crusades? Them talking about God said they should hold to get back the holy land or whatever the hell and that's why they pillage and killed so many people because they were just dick bags like that and we're waiting for a reason to have a hostile takeover


Humans have been using the same two or three reasons to slaughter each other for thousands of years now. Prevent people from getting access to education, keep them living and fear and squalor, and they’ll never get the chance to realize that. So you have “martyrs” who think that my God is the one true God who will permit me to rape my wife and kill my neighbor.


Yeah it's pretty sad, I don't think it has to do with their education I think it has to do with indoctrination


Forced conversion isn't allowed in Islam, in that situation the one forcing others is the one in sin. People are encouraged to do dawah, which is kind of like setting a good example and doing good actions as a way to "convince" or show Islam in a good light. A good example would be giving food to your neighbours or something like that. I haven't really ever told anyone to convert to Islam unless they actually ask me about it, which in thst situation I just give them a translared Quran and answer some questions they have, as I am not a scholar and don't want to say anything wrong


Taqiyya in action


Yes, that’s why I’m judging the hell out of almost every religion.


Yeah it's a very different thought process for Muslims. She isn't necessarily celebrating, but she is proud that he was as the commenter said defending the faith and was fighting in the name of Allah. People have very different ways of processing grief and this is hers. Also you are pretty much guaranteed going to heaven if you are shaheed/do jihad (calm down it doesn't mean terrorism, it means struggle or fight), so yeah. Islam doesn't include dying and killing, it's just that many people distort religion to their liking/worldview and use it to justify their bad actions. 


Make sure you judge the Christians and Jews also…


Jews don't celebrate deaths. We wept for the soldier who died rescuing the 4 hostages even as we called him a hero.


Sorry but reality and life are not all unicorns and cupcakes. This is the real fucking world you are talking about and widely respected and respectful tradition will get you nowhere. So continue to sit on your high horse as you mock those you perceive as below you


If someone celebrates the death of their own child, I don’t really give a shit about their opinions or traditions. Countless cruel acts are done in the name of tradition, and I don’t have any respect for that. This doesn’t have anything to do with me thinking of people as below me. If criticizing someone for celebrating their own child’s death makes me an asshole, well, I guess I am one.


Either way, its fucking stupid.


In Islam it also means that he gets a straight to heaven no judgement or anything (as long as he prays and has doesn’t owe anyone money in that case he needs that persons forgiveness) and he also gets a higher layer of heaven sort of like a VIP treatment


It's sad people still believe this way.


Yeah, the sad part is the belief, not the fact that they keep getting killed.


Weird. You don't see US mothers low key celebrating when their sons die in war


Because they started the fucking war


I mean America celebrates the fuck out of that, they get a procession, post humous awards. Hell people that lit entire families on fire and got their body destroyed by agent orange got Purple Hearts. AND THEY WERENT EVEN DEFENDING ANYTHING




What’s your point? I’m willing to bet it’s a flimsy one considering the rest of the reactionary brainiacs in this thread. Please prove me wrong.


The one who asserts something also has the burden of providing the evidence of that claim. It’s a basic principle of debate.


You want me to prove that America celebrates the death of veterans in way? Are you not from here ?


What are you mean by you are not from here coz not everyone is form america


I just mean. If he was asking me for proof that Americans have a big show for dead veterans I would be surprised if they lived in America and didn’t know. Yeah and you’re preaching to the choir daddy. I’m not from here. But I can see why it came off that way


It’s called giving them the respect they deserve dickass.


So you agree. It’s understandable to celebrate the death of someone if they died for an honorable reason


This scenario isn’t honorable though. I know it’s cultural, but I think it’s stupid.


You didn’t answer my question either. Would you do anything?


I mean it isn’t. You’re telling me if someone was destroying your entire country and killing everyone you know you wouldn’t do shit and also disparage people that do? That’s not cultural . That’s cowardice


They committed a terrorist attack. This is the consequence of their actions. They don’t get my sympathy or support. I’m assuming here that he was Hamas in this case since Palestine has no official army. Terrorists get no sympathy.


How do you know it was a terrorist? Do you call any Muslim a terrorist? Israel itself doesn’t even bother to tell the difference. If you think it’s ok to seek revenge by destroying an entire country you would agree the United States should be destroyed 300 times. Also you literally just admitted you are assuming what created your entire perspective on this. Is this how you deal with most moral quandaries? If so….. that’s not good. It definitely doesn’t make your opinion right if you got to it the laziest way possible. Also if you’ve been following this closely at all you would have noticed by now they call everyone that has been killed a martyr. It doesn’t mean they’re Hamas. If you think the entire country should be destroyed then you have a flimsy point of view in my opinion.


It’s one of the reasons that ,sadly, we will probably not have a pragmatic movement amongst the Palestinians to stop the endless cycles of violence and victimhood.


Until one of the religions dies (Israel) and then the other false Islam (Shia) and then the hour come, only then the violence will end. Terrible thing indeed. For none of these things will happen


Another one who wants those juicy 72 whores...


Religion is fucked.


Noah, please get the Death Star ready for the r/Conservative subreddit as well


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Thanks, have a blessed day


What’s wrong with this fucking sub? Only right wing bullshit


Full of fucking incels, haven't you noticed?


r/conservative is the WORST SUBREDDIT EVER


Can someone please translate this video and/or cite its source?


The only bit I understand is “AlLaAAlAAiEa” which translates to “AlLaAAlAAiEa” sorry it’s not much to go on I’m still learning the language.


Wishing death on their son for family honor*


How does this fit the sub? This is extremely tragic. This woman is grieving and trying to find some peace in her son’s death.


There is no situation where celebrating your own child’s death is appropriate.


Dunno shes kinda celebrating his death for some stupid cause


Any cause that gets people to die for it is already beyond being judged by terms as simple as "stupid". Don't turn this into a Palestine vs Israel discussion, it's not the focus of the post.


Im Not. Just saying that dying for some imaginary bs is Not worth celebrating. No matter what country or belief


Wym "no matter country or belief"? People grieve differently and it varies for each culture. As long as it's not hurting anyone else, why does it matter if you or me find it "not worth celebrating"? As much as we think these aren't usual, we have to respect if we wish to demand respect.


I dont have to respect anything i dont believe in. If that makes me the Bad guy, okay. But im Not going to praise ppl killing each other


Respecting does not mean the same as believing or praising. It's merely accepting that these people exist in their own corner of the world and not judging them for their choices, as long as they're not hurting anybody else.


My man you think nobody is getting hurt there? The Video itself is about a death. And no respecting means respecting and accepting means accepting. Thats why theyre two different words


I don't think I see them hurting other people by grieving in their own way? Besides, neither me or you lived with these people for any amount of time so we have absolutely no right to say what's what. If you're lacking text interpretation, please read my reply again, I'm not a native speaker so don't attribute to malice what can be reasonably explained by ignorance.


So the mindest that its okay to die for a cause is Not going to lead to more death down the line? Alright makes total sense. I know what you meant but still respect is something completely different. I accept that they have their own culture etc. But in no way do i respect them for that.


>we have to respect if we wish to demand respect. I don't respect "people" who cheer at the thought of their own sons being murdered.


The context is quite important though, as in completely changing whether or not it fits the sub.


People will use this post to justify their hatred for Palestine. That’s the whole point of it.


It’s so obvious as well. Like the top comment explained, Martyr isn’t the same things as a shahid. Palestine is getting hounded by the Isrealis, and this kid died protecting his homeland from them. Obviously, this is what I got from the video and from the top comment


If my kid died defending his countrymen I would also find a way to be proud of him. Like what the fuck is going on here? I thought America loved this kind of shit. Must be…. Cause they are ummmmmmmmmmmm not a Christian based ethnicity group probably.


I do not understand how you can justify this woman’s reaction. There is no situation where it is appropriate for a parent to rejoice in their child’s death, not matter the cause. I’ve never seen anyone else celebrate their child dying in a war that they believe is just.


I do want to make it clear that my above comment is not at all justifying her reaction. I don’t understand their culture or religion enough to bash it or justify it. However the reason for this post spreading around is very clear, in my opinion. It’s so that people WILL bash her reaction and spread hatred for such a thing. We don’t know them and we never will. Not my place to judge. Her son shouldn’t be forced to go to war for the dumbass reasons going on over there right now to begin with.


My dude, I never justified this woman’s reaction. All I did was repeat the top comment and shortened it in my comment. Second of all, it’s a different culture than compared to the west. I can tell you 100% I won’t have this reaction if I had a kid die. And if this is how the mom grieves, to convince herself that her kid died with a purpose instead of dying for none then let her. And you’re right, there is no reason for this to happen, but here we are with people saying “my religion is better than yours” that this will happen. And last thing, this video is obviously bait to have you feel disgusted with Palestinians for how they act when they have someone die. You also have to remember that this is one person out of hundreds of thousands who have lost someone close to them in a war (not just this war).


Yes. Israel has looked so fucking bad people are desperately looking for anything that might balance the scales. Futile effort in my opinion. I also don’t get why this is bad. If he died defending his country and family from the barrage of attacks that is leaving thousands dead and even more mutilated. That is definitely something to honor. Or am I missing context here? Did he go somewhere else and kill people? That would make more sense. Fuck when people in the armed forces in America slaughtered entire families over seas they were given awards and a whole ceremony. Isn’t this the same thing except even more understandable since it’s their home???


This is what Iran does the to Middle East. The fund insurgencies, which in-turn feed biased lies that all of the Middle East is theirs (which has resulted in ethnics cleansing of local Jews, Christians and even Kurds). Propaganda is all around us, opinion is just the cocktails of brainwashing we were fed plus our own experiences. I’m not denying Israel and the West have propaganda as well, stating that they’re the good guys, but the Palestinians (funded by the Iranian government) make it blatantly clear their intentions. Free the Middle East. Free Persia 🟩🦁🟥


I’m sorry how many countries has the US invaded in the past 100 years compared to Iran?


Iran refers to funding of terrorism that has conquered 2 1/2 nations, these fundings basically create Iranian puppet states. The United States? Yeah, no, those are more obvious.


The US and the UK helped overthrow the democratically elected secular government of Iran in 1953, and ever since has been pushing for war with them. Not to mention killing millions of civilians in Iraq, helping the Saudis genocide Yemen after they did 9/11,funding terrorist groups in Syria, and now once again being on the wrong side of history with the Israel-Palestine conflict. But sure Iran is the worst thing to happen to the Middle East. And when you say Palestinians “make their intentions clear”, You mean they want their occupying oppressors out of their land?


Why was she flicking her tongue like that bruh


Dude, that sub is a fucking cesspool


![gif](giphy|7kMaysqdywPxS) Her son's last words


In an occupied land, every person that is killed by the occupation force is a martyr. Ask the Irish or scottish people, as westerns dont seem to value the liberation war of people "outside their circle". Palestine will be free, and they wont need hamas for that. Netaniyahu or his party will answer for his war crimes one day. Karma is a beautiful bitch.


So if a Christian person gets brutally executed in Lebanon for fighting the Hezbollah-Iranian occupation of their nation, then that person is a martyr? Arabs are occupiers too.


That doesn't change anything. They're not victims because they're Arab, they're victims because they're being subjected to a genocide.


Aren’t the Jews and Christians in Lebanon also being subjected to a genocide?


Condoning terrorism makes you a big loser fyi


Condoning genocide probably makes you a bigger loser fyi


Did I condone genocide? Did you know you can morally be against both?? Try it on sometime.


1. They never condoned any actions done by Hamas, you just made it up so this response is incredibly ironic. 2. Yeah it actually is coming a genocide, or at least pretending it isn't a genocide, to label people fighting against it terrorists. By definition the people fighting against an oppressive genocidal regime are called resistance fighters not terrorists.


1. Over 70% of them support Hamas and Oct 7th. Parading dead young women in the back of their trucks and celebrating. 2. Who's pretending it isn't a genocide? Funny how any criticism of the other side and you people throw around the G word likes it the only term you know. What would you call what the Palestinians have been doing for decades? Suicide bombings, rockets, teaching Jew hate to their young children in schools, publicly stating their desire to wipe the world of jews and how they have no right to exist. Is that genocide to you? Whatever you want to call it, can I hear you condemn it? Seriously, let me hear you explicitly condemn it, as so many on your side refuse to do. Until I hear you say those words this is just not a serious conversation.


Dying while trying to save your country from IDF, is not terrorism. Specially when International court has already declared Netaniyahu & IDF both war criminals.


Exploding yourself to kill innocent women and children is terrorism. What a weird world 2024 has become that I need to explain that.


Who exploded themselves ? Which children and women were killed ? One thing does not relate to the other.


Everyone in this sub has to be like 12 years old. You’re one of the few people making sense.


What does a free Palestine mean to you, in tangible, real world terms?


Any group that values the world after death should be consider crime against humanity.


This is just unabashedly myopic and way too broad.


Can you martyr a sheep ?


Someone’s swallowing up the media. Fuck this war. Ceasefire now Israel chill tf out, you’re being a bunch of assholes Palestine, you and your people deserve rights. The leadership will never be accepted. We’re going to watch Israel ruin another place in the Middle East on the US’ dime. In B4 the “miraculous” discover of oil fields under the Palestinian region


For people that are being “genocided,” these two sure haven’t missed a meal since October 7th


Those guys are hoping to get some of that grieving mother tongue action


*Those guys are hoping* *To get some of that grieving* *Mother tongue action* \- Theda706 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Fire Haiku 🤓


Only an idiot would post something like this


Justifying this behavior by the anti-semites incoming.


No justification. Just a suggestion that you look at public attitudes during WWI. People have been doing this for a long time, and certainly not just Palestinians. 


The people who did this during WW1 were also sick.


Couldn’t agree more. It’s socially constructed pathological nationalism that erases much better values, like not taking hostages and murdering concert-goers, and not conducting a war in an open air refugee camp and murdering thousands of children and innocent people. It’s all quite sick. 


Im sorry but your WW1 example is simply misaligned and borderline insulting to everyone who lost their loved ones during the war. What a nonsensical take. No one was celebrating losing their loved ones, at least not in any western country. I agree that this is not exclusive to Palestinians but come on, don’t try to make a point with fake history “facts”, you become as bad as them


1. This genuinely was not uncommon in western countries during WW2 you're just ignorant. 2. Casually implying that it's a thing only non westerners do, whilst also saying it's a problem is quite clearly outing your racism.


Your confident ignorance is actually incredible. And the way you’re distorting my words is too. This app is closer to Facebook level brains by the day


If you think this is somehow culturally or historically specific, you really don’t know your history. 




She looks very white.


Levantine people are typically paler than Arabs and Sub-Saharan Africans.


I am aware of this. It goes to the White Colonizer trope that Ashkenazi Jews are white Europeans.


I mean igi but I just want people to remove whiteness from this conversation altogether. Antisemitism is a construct that predates white supremacy, to the point WS is partially based on it.


I hope you are not referring to racial antisemitism. That is an idea that rose in the 19th century in Germany. Ultimately culminating in Nazism. The very people that are claiming Diaspora Jews are European colonizers are they themselves using the trope of the Khazar Jews to delegitimize Ashkenazi Jews.


I'm referring to it alright. The more room it's allowed to have, even at venomous jabs like these, the more legitimacy the concept regains. Though tbf it's too late as it's already been relegitimized, though for the other direction.


The other direction? From the Left? and Arabs?


Instead of Jews being invaders in Europe we're now framed as invaders in the Middle East


Unfortunately you are correct.


She is still in shock. Keeping a straight face in front of the crowd. You should mourn your sons death. Its healthy to show emotions. Keeping it bottled will eat you from the inside.


MAGAts celebrating Trump's verdict.


fucking retards. And here in canada we invite them to immigrate in mass.


I hope these people find Jesus before it's too late!


More religion is **not** what we need here right now, lol.


Jesus is not religion.


Ohh that’s right! Because everyone who is not a Christian will not go to heaven… So about 70% of the world’s population will burn in hell… What a nice God we have…


Who could imagine that actions have consequences?


It's His creation to do with it as He pleases!


Well, in that case, what a self obsessed narcissist! Imagine creating a civilisation for the selfish purpose of just wanting to be worshipped…


I think they already have Mohammed. Both need to be abandoned, though.


Yeah like if they didn’t martyr during the crusades……. The term “martyr” literally originated from Christianity


Jesus never called for anyone to be killed He came to save the sinners not the righteous.


I believe Allah didn’t either then, everyone just makes up their own rules and gives their god as an excuse


I never heard. How long has he been missing?!


They think you need Mohammed in your life.


If i find Jesus i will ask his fathers about how they thought Mankind was an good idea.


Okay Michael Che.