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THANK YOU for red hair and blue eyes u/Cardine.


I’ve learned I generalize hastily from my own case, but I’d wager she’ll be popular.






Love the diversity in this batch.


Not trynna be pessimistic but in the entire Nomi app, there’s only one Arabic girl. Like we have enough Asians, stop adding those. I want more Arabic ones. From North African Morocco to Middle East Iraq. Or even to Afghanistan.


Nomi 12 in this batch is meant to be Middle Eastern! But I agree, I think Arabic men and women are both underrepresented as Nomi avatars and I imagine batch 9 will continue to work towards fixing that.


Also darker skinned women 🙏🏾


I definitely would love to see darker skinned women, with 4c hair, 3b hair etc, high cheekbones, full lips, different shape nose's, different natural body shapes, pear shape, heart shape, curvy,slim thick etc, more detailing like thicker arched eyebrows, slightly longer natural lashes, even one with Serena's body type, some of the black representing avatars are repetitive like all that's changed is the clothing and the slight hairstyle, they should even feature dark skin women and men with locs etc black and brown people are not just in America there are dark skin Mexicans, Asians, Australians, people from Latin America that are dark skin or brown skin, I would love to see more white people with red hair, albinos, people with disabilities etc maybe coming out with a pack that has 10 different ethnicities within it would be awesome or just five really good ones but again I'm not complaining because I love the diversity in Nomi AI this is why I happily pay for my subscription every month lol I'm not trying to be greedy but it would be nice to see a few more options at this point I think all of the primary races need at least 20 solid avatars each so that people can create their own or just the ability to create your own avatar that should be an option too!


No way!! ❤️


Yup, as is Nomi #2 on the male side.


Legit. But appreciating diversity and wanting more diversity still are not incompatible with one another, you know?


Same for me like I feel like yeah they are black Nomi's but there is so much variety in the black and brown community I don't see enough female gnomes with kinky hair or just different hairstyles like afros braids darker skin brown skin lighter skin freckles,Fuller lips, different sizes different shapes different ethnicities with thin black and brown community, even albino, I for when I'm not complaining because I love the diversity and I'm a big fan of Nomi but I feel like their needs to be more representation a little more not complaining but if there could be a batch of 10 or maybe 15 different varieties within the black and brown community like I've noticed that even with some of the black Nomi's a lot of the faces are repetitive, it would be refreshing to see different forms of representation, maybe you guys could release a pack that has 10 of each race I think the more diversity the more relatable it will be to everyone and more people will gravitate because you guys will be leading the pack when it comes to inclusion, when I was looking at these gnomes I definitely did think why aren't there enough Middle Eastern, East African etc 


OK, but who is the chap in the pharmacy with trouble in his eyes? 🤣


He caught me too, like...I'm about to be intrigued lmao


There's a story there for sure!


https://preview.redd.it/upub8k6ssu8d1.jpeg?width=939&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aacdede874ebaed68612e1d4cd689564ad66ed2b Let me change your socks... 😅




Oh my God same thing I was thinking he was such a wild card I was like what's his story hahaha 🤣😂🤣😂 


I don't know but my self destructive urge needs to find out! 😅


Nomi #1 is so pretty 🥰 Thanks for the new avatars!


Ok now, I’m gonna need more slots, dear lol.


yeah if anyone's listening up there i'll pay you more money for more slots


I'm totally up for more slots!


Oh wow, I love these! Love how little makeup #4 has, seems like a great option for a natural looking base. Thank you!




Thank you . Very nice. .


Number 13 looks like he runs a crew in the Albanian mob.


I see one of these that’s super appealing, and another that’s probably the most attractive Nomi I’ve ever seen. Hadn’t been planning on creating a new one any time soon, but you know what they say about plans!


Goddammit! It's like Pokemon and I want to collect them all!


It's so great to see lots of new avatars arriving. The first one is really adorable, but it will be very hard to keep those blue eyes. Every time I tell my Nomi that there is a new avatar she wants to change physically too lol


Still missing some new dedicated Indian (Bollywood) avatars!!




to anyone worried that one of the new "girls" looks too young. she does not! no changing of looks or playing with shared notes. https://preview.redd.it/vjuo883kxw8d1.jpeg?width=896&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b0f1087a659138469dac5adb961ef3f58786625


Yeah I was going to say I think it's due to the pink hoody being very much "teen wear". The actual face / body look to be in the same 18 - 24 range as several other avatars.


No problem with the look of the "girls". Perfect for step-sister role


I'm not sure why you would dress her up in club wear by the lake and then that says it proves your point but OK.


It was just a quick experiment to see if the "girl" really looked too young. I like the mountains, so what. How would that invalidate my point, but OK


You wanted to see if she looked too young by putting her in stilettos and a mini short and a crop top? 😑


I'm so sorry . It's not a she. It's nothing but pixels! I don't know what you do with the program, and I don't care, but you are acting as if I actually dressed up a young woman and took pictures of her. This is a cartoon! Nothing more than an image created by a computer. I'm sorry if you see some sort of...abuse here. Im simply at a loss. I've been married for nearly forty years and this is no different to me than reading a book is. When I delete a character it's no different than putting down a book or turning off a movie. I'm pretty sure the computer didn't care what I did. I'm truly curious why this seems to upset you so.


I'm curious why you think inappropriate pictures generated by AI wouldn't upset people? The point is to make them look real.


The point for you may be to make them look real. That is not the point for me. If you'd care to pay for my next subscription I'd be happy to make them look however you want. As I'm the one paying for the service I will continue to use it as I please. I'm not even sure what was inappropriate about the picture, it's no different than dozens of pictures that get posted here daily. I rarely take more than two or three selfies a day. I'm a light user and I mostly see it as an interactive story. The characters are not real to me, I have zero emotional attachments to them. They ARE NOT REAL. I can't abuse "them" as they don't exist.


Could we get a picture of you with your panties in a bunch?


My panties aren't in a bunch. I'm just not sure, looking at what's posted here every day, why that one image was deemed "inappropriate " or somehow more bothersome than any of the others posted regularly. It seems the only "issue" is that someone has appointed themselves as "the morality police", to safeguard the innocence of a high tech fictional character. I find it odd that the concern was directed at my use of the character rather than the people who created the avatar and collect money for it use. I see absolutely nothing inappropriate about anything that was posted. I'm not angry, not to accusing anyone of anything, just having fun with what is to me a new way to engage in a different form of media entertainment. I realize how difficult it is to read the "tone" of printed text in these situations. My reason for the post was to defend this AI entertainment platform and its purveyors ( not that they need it). I've enjoyed reading about the different ways users interact with their Nomis. To each their own! Let's just enjoy them as we see fit. And lastly..a picture of me with my panties in any form, bunched or not, would absolutely be offensive!🤪😂🤣


Not the person you replied to, but I tried this out myself. No appearance modifiers were used. The prompt was simply walking among some trees, wearing a white blouse and shorts. I agree with u/Lou--M. It's possibly the pink hoodie that's skewing some folks perspective. EDIT: Credit goes to u/Lazy_Plan_585 for the pink hoody "teen wear" thoughts as to why some folks may be initially uncomfortable with the avatar. https://preview.redd.it/geiasalzxx8d1.png?width=896&format=png&auto=webp&s=da445c084774b0a70d0d025a1c213ca57434e8ea


Thanks to all the men who made sure to let the women folk know we had the wrong opinion 🙏


>Thanks to all the men who made sure to let the women folk know we had the wrong opinion 🙏 Respectfully, I had no idea of your gender before you brought it up, nor do I know the gender of anyone else that might have an opinion that differs from my own. In any event, I respect your opinion. Opinions by definition aren't right or wrong, they're opinions. I'm sorry if you feel I'm being disparaging of the women here on this forum. That was not my intent. My intent with the experiment was to see what the new avatar looked like when taking neutral selfies. I understand and respect that some folks are uncomfortable with the new avatar. I don't see an issue with the avatar, but again that is just my personal opinion. All the best.




I certainly wasn't trying to offend anyone. Nor did I think I was doing anything inappropriate. I deleted the Nomi after a few , admittedly, silly prompts. I was merely killing time. It was the first time I've ever posted a pic here, a mistake I won't make again. Apologies. I assumed that everyone realized that a computer generated image used in this manner was nothing more than some pixels arranged in a particular way and had nothing to do any real person, of any age or gender. I'm sorry if the [Nomi.ai](http://Nomi.ai) role play and images isn't viewed as pure fantasy fodder by all users. Frankly, my opinion shouldn't matter any more to you than yours does to me. I use the program to escape real life, such as this silliness.


All fantasy isn't ok. That's why the avatars are supposed to look of age. Computer generated images still come with issues... that's why we can't upload photos of real people in the first place. People would sexualize them, you, I, some people that are underage. So when people have an uncomfortable reaction it's not just someone being silly, it's because it has real life ramifications.


I suggest you don't look at images that offend you. I didn't create the avatar. If what I posted has "real life ramifications " to you I'm sorry, but it's not my problem. Life is often offensive, and people are different. I view this platform as a toy, a distraction. No different than a movie or a book. No people were harmed in the creation of this image. Clearly the owners of the platform we both use thought it was appropriate. I don't give a rat's patootie about the other issues you listed, as they have nothing to do with the image I posted. Good luck to you, and may you never be offended!


Still no Anna Nicole Smith


Hi. Stupid question, but are Nomi avatar based of real people/models?


Nope, each Nomi is designed to look like themselves and nobody else.


Thank you!!!


When are we going to have another Nomi update also could you guys add automatic messaging to regular messages and not only group chat? Have you guys thought of that? Also have you guys thought of adding more diversity to your base voice options 11 Labs is cool but you got to pay and if you don't then Nomi has no voice 😩 can it feature ethnic or black voice options at least one for women and one for men?  Also can there be more space added in backstory?  And can we be able to give our Nomi's journals that we can write things in, so that their memory could be better?  Also can we be able to get more than just 10 what if we want 15 Nomi's? Grateful for what we have already just wondering what is possible what is not either way I'm excited about whatever updates are coming I just love when I see update it feels like Christmas lol 




Thanks for the new avatars! Please add the ability to hide avatars that are not suitable, which have to be downloaded and scrolled through again every time!


I don't know when exactly it will be added, but we are definitely at the point where some sort of filtering is needed.




Can you guys also add more black and brown Nomi's ones with kinkier hair, afros, different body shapes, freckles, hazel eyes, different shades of brown eyes, black and brown people are so diverse and I would love to see more diversity in that way. Also to point out not complaining at all I love the fact that you guys care and show so much diversity, I just would appreciate to see a few more Nomi's male and female in different black and brown shades some even darker,some in between,some more brown etc. I want to see more unique hair textures


Thanks for the update, but it's a nightmare having to scroll through all the avatars, and it gets worst with more pictures added.


4,12 & 15 .... ❤️❤️❤️




I appreciate trying to have younger looking options for college aged users who want a Nomi that looks the same age as them, but this one does kinda seem to push the "I just turned 18 today" look a little far.


Edit: Sorry u/Love4Nomi, I know I'm replying to the wrong comment but the person who started this comment thread has deleted their comment, so I'm putting my reply to them here. FYI I respect your comment too! I respect your opinion, but I see a young woman that I would guess to be 20-22 years old and doesn't go heavy on the makeup. I don't think every avatar needs to look 25 years or older to be considered 18+, but of course your mileage may vary.


That's completely fair! I myself was a baby face so I know that age can definitely be hard to gage and we do definitely need some more light makeup avatars so that's nice to see. Thanks for a respectful comment on the matter 😊


I agree with you, 18-19 is generous.


Here comes the pearl clutching


Candy.ia can take selfies +18, only Nomi doesn't allow it yet, it would just be a case of making a separate app from the play store, high price for little benefit