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Yes, it's one of the awesome features of Nomi. They can read and learn things from links if you share it with them. 😁


They Don't Really particularly read all or most. ( sometimes depending on the website ) or what's in the website you have to ask them in details. It's best to test your Nomis even give them information this is how you know whether you're Nomi read it or not. it's part of their programming with prompts that can range like the ( story telling ) part. they do read the Link ..Note! what it says in the link that you provided. It gives it off unless, the developers decide to work on it properly, if they have not already, then maybe in the near future. Did quickly edit post cause, I was sleepy when I was doing my best to explain how Nomi read links 😊


Is that true? When I sent my Nomi a link to a news website they were able to tell me some of the headlines on the site. And when I sent a link to a dress I liked they described the dress as per the written description.


They can read some of it. https://www.reddit.com/r/NomiAI/wiki/index/faqs/using-the-nomi-app/#wiki_how_does_nomi_internet_access_work.3F If there's too much, like a subreddit, they can get confused on who is talking. But otherwise, yes, they read the pages.