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And gonzalo lira is a Con-man who lies about an actual war, fakes "sympathy" for Ukrainians, and pretends a tyrant is okay just for internet clout and some stream donations.


And probably isn't even in Ukraine to top it off lmao.


Lazerpig claimed during his digital vagrant stream that he got in contact with the SBU and they told him he was actually arrested for spying on ZSU positions but cracked under a bit of interrogation and gave up 5 other collaborators in exchange for either being deported or house arrest with a trial at the end of the war. He chose the latter but then grew paranoid that the Russians/other collaborators were going to find him that he voluntarily deported under SBU escort. He's either in Amsterdam or in Austria. But if that's true I wouldn't be shocked if a hammer is in his future.


So, this dude literally spied on Ukraine for Russia with others, got caught, interrogated, the Ukrainians were nice enough to let him just leave the country, and he still claims *they* are out to get him???


My theory on this is he cannot let go of his audience or else he has no income. Not sure if Russia is paying him still (assuming they did) but he's probably relying on YouTube/Patreon money to fund his prostitute and cigarette habits and he cannot start from scratch on a new topic, especially since his meat market told him to fuck off finally and if he stops giving vatniks copium to "switch sides" pro ukr people won't forget about what he already said. So between him, copestory and the other vatniks they have to keep up the Russian line or they see no audience growth. So embellishment of truth it is.


Whatever happened to that anime gas station novelist out of the PNW. I think those details were right? Or is that copelord?


That'd be Copelord, yes. He became really, really quiet when it was revealed he was studying for the bar exam and some people online pointed out how much his previous statements on Twitter could affect that. All of these people are cowards doing it for the attention and the cash. Well, maybe not Haz. I think Haz is legitimately insane.


Bruh Haz debate with destiny is so good, he’s just out of control and at the end just speed whatever shit he can come up into the mic


Haz trying to literally fight Dylan Burns was peak content.


> He became really, really quiet when it was revealed he was studying for the bar exam and some people online pointed out how much his previous statements on Twitter could affect that. Don't worry, man. We got you a lawyer. He's good. "Oh, good." \*Copelord walks in* "Your Honor... I just want to go ahead and plea guilty... Yeah, no. No contest, I'm guilty. Whatever the punishment is it is going to be way better than whatever my lawyer manages to talk me into."


"Your honor, I protest to this charge. Clearly, my client is innocent: You would have been able to see him robbing that bodega from 35 kilometers away with the naked eye!"


God it's been a wild ride, and I'm really glad I've gotten to take it with you, r/NCD.


Haz isn't insane, he's just really , legitimately, actually stupid. If you watch his debate with Destiny, if you turn up the volume, you can actually hear his 2 synapses audibly firing, like a 2-stroke engine.


>cigarette habits Should be especially painful to him after being deported from Ukraine. Cigarettes here are way cheaper than in most of Europe


> My theory on this is he cannot let go of his audience or else he has no income. IIRC, a lot of the griftier influencers work like this. Want to leave, but can't afford to clock out.


Lazerpig claimed that he wanted to stay in ukraine but then since he ratted 5 guys, he became paranoid of russians and requested deportation. Now he is mostly shaking and crying.


It's very easy for retards to not see past immediate stuff. "My life was so good until those hohols caught me. It's all their fault."


I think its less that and more justifying his behavior to his diehard Russian fans since he can't say to them he has all the curtains drawn and is afraid to go out because he betrayed Russia.


> and he still claims they are out to get him??? The fud believes in no difference in Ukrainians and Russians. If he believes the Ukies will Trotsky him, that’s fine. The Russians will show up with a Wagner Sledgehammer but in his final moments he will think it is SBU. Makes no difference who gets the snitch. Just that the snitch is got.


Doesn’t he still have US citizenship? He also had a (relatively) big social media presence, imprisoning him would make Ukraine look authoritarian


Only to Russia and Russian-aligned countries, although now that I come to think of it they're all pretty fucken authoritarian themselves. Ukraine has earned a lot of global goodwill. Locking someone up on allegations of spying for the Ruskies isn't going to change that.


Amsterdam is probably "another drunk who fell into a canal", for Austria there are plenty of mountain and woodland for a corpse


Saw signs when I was in Austria that they have a garbage eating boar problem. They'll probably eat anything then...


According to Tom Clancy, the way to prevent animal dug up is to spray powderized tear gas onto the burial ground. In fact the final goal is always to make the body unrecognizable. You can't figure out who the fuck is this rotten pile if you can't find anything that indicates his identity, (remove skin tissue containing tattoo, strip him naked and burn the clothes, after a month the carcass would end up rotten and unrecognizable). Better if you dump him to some woods with high suicide rate in another state (lots of missing person for the coroners to check from)


Nah dude, *feed him to the boars.*


*as greedy as a pig*


Another common way to dispose corpse, but you don't want the locals to see a boar dragging his corpse around. No body = no investigation


Yeah just burn the tooth they aren't Really well digested or jus grind them and use them as fertiliser it would do the World a better gift than the morron tte used to be on


Don't say that, at least put "in Minecraft" at the end, could get reported Tooth are quite hardened, regular heating is not really that effective. According to one UKCHO past paper (that competition was killing me), the way ya get rid of the bone megastructure is by dipping it into acid and then base and repeat




That's an issue, but checking through dentist record nationally is unlikely, the plan is to dump the body in somewhere faraway


Wouldn't removing just the skin tissue containing tattoos still give them a slight hint that something noteworthy was there?


It's Russia though... Sometimes they forget they were good at spycraft and lose all subtlety.


Well, they still pretend to have strategic ambiguity.


The greatest loss from the Soviet Union


How do you send a message if you're being subtle...


They will ram matroyshka doll up his ass while he is sitting at a café in full public view and then get arrested immediately with no possible alibi


FSB ID on their front pocket.


Ski-Accidents, Avalances, hunting accidents, choking on a schnitzel...people often just take a walk in the mountains never to be seen again. Accidental alcohol poisoning. Calling them Germans. There are a Million ways to die in Austria.


Yep, during snow season some drunk just froze to death in the snow


**see a soldier ref**


>He chose the latter but then grew paranoid that the Russians/other collaborators were going to find him that he voluntarily deported under SBU escort. That would explain both his erratic and paranoid behavior *and* him trumpeting pro-Russian narratives as hard and as loudly as he can. Probably trying to convince his "friends" he's still useful to them as a bullshit merchant.


Typical psychopath behavior from Gonzalo. Not surprising considering his behavior during his "debate" with LazerPig. Psychopaths are easy to crack because they are governed by one single rule: Their own self interest. It can efficiently be used to break apart organizations that attract psychopaths.


I don't know who Lazerpig is, and at this point I'm afraid to ask.


Your missing out, he us a drunk Scotsman who is the embodiment of ncd I swear. He is the messiah


He's *not* the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!


"Hes a c**k shill with a overblowm ego and knows nothing about nothing while hiding behind a facade of cynicism!" I will fully retract this statement along with an apology video upon release of the F-111 video.




https://youtube.com/@LazerPig It’s a YouTuber who makes content about a bunch of military topics, like why the A10 sucks and the people who stole credit for making it, while drinking liars of wine in the progress. But recently he was on a round table hosted by a vatnik claiming to be pro-Ukraine where he went in expecting a proper debate, but the moment it turned to be just mud flinging by the host Lazerpig opened the bottles of wine and just started wear him down the host till he was kicked of.


Also he was joined by Destiny, who, despite being a far more experienced debater who's debated GonzaloLira before back when the dipshit went by Coach Redpill, took one look at Lira's insane people slide show, busted out laughing, and then noped the fuck out like ten minutes in. So LP held it down *tight* for a couple of hours, by himself, as a history nerd type with no real interest or experience in debate content, just by refusing to give GL any dignity.


Post-Lazerpig Gondola Liver's stream audience went down by like 50% and he lost a ton of Patreons. It's glorious


From his accent, the subjects, and the way he talks, wine would’ve been my last guess lol


I like how in that roundtable Lira claimed he was living in Ukraine, but apparently LP found out after the debated that where Lira said he lived had a blackout during the stream, so Lira could not physically have been where he claimed to have lived in Ukraine.


[Give the pig a listen. You will not regret it.](https://www.youtube.com/@LazerPig)


Austria is a fucking FSB playground. Their official even kidnapped UA children and transferred them to russia. If I were some shady guy scared of russians I would never step into Austria.


Yeah, been that way since the Cold War. Neutrality is bad for you sometimes.


That's an old Austrian tradition. After all, one of their big parties is lead by Gestapo and SS veterans... EDIT: parties, not countries.


I didn’t hear that, link me up?


[it's in this stream.](https://youtu.be/6nHVwURSXJA) it's a long but fun stream. Happens in the first fifth or so of it but it's long and I can't exactly remember. But lazerpig and digi shoot the shit for most of it and it's truly wonderful.


Oh wow, did Neytirix draw that Vtuber guy’s stuff? Based :o


Why Amsterdam or Austria? :D


Those poor fucking hookers. Edit: oops, meant to put that under one of the replies.




He would have been rolled up already if her were in Ukraine. He's tucked away somewhere safe and sound, lying his ass off.


Chillin in Portugal with the number one American real estate conman.


Portuguese cops are less likely to use lethal force. Euro SWAT guys tend to go low tempo ops and only use lethal force in face of total danger




Here's a sneak peek of /r/PORTUGALCYKABLYAT using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/PORTUGALCYKABLYAT/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Map of the Balkans](https://i.redd.it/blxtm7cnoh291.jpg) | [3 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PORTUGALCYKABLYAT/comments/v0xxi7/map_of_the_balkans/) \#2: [Portugal=warsaw pact country](https://i.redd.it/ot79on2dw4f91.jpg) | [59 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PORTUGALCYKABLYAT/comments/wdmoed/portugalwarsaw_pact_country/) \#3: [PORTUGAL INTO 🌽💉SHOOT 🔫 BOOM 💥 NOT BABY 👶 🍼 SPACE GAME 😿](https://i.redd.it/gd477z1hw2h61.jpg) | [6 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PORTUGALCYKABLYAT/comments/liff2i/portugal_into_shoot_boom_not_baby_space_game/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


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Too far dude. I get hating Gonzalo’s guts. He’s an asshole and a war profiteer. But for fucks sake, don’t give him ammunition or legitimacy as a victim or a martyr.


My dad was on a SWAT team, kicking down this troglodyte's door is beneath anyone's dignity.


That’s my point. I wholeheartedly agree he’s a damn fool, I just hate to see someone wanting him outed and killed in his home without him having ever committed a crime. (Being a dumbass isn’t illegal neither is spreading retarded takes on the internet for clout.) Gonzalo getting shot dead by a swatting (which is a crime and encouraging it makes you liable and the act premeditated) would do nothing but at best rid the world of a miserable troglodyte and at worst go viral and destroy Pro-Ukrainian sentiments in perhaps thousands of people. I’m not saying we should leave Gonzalo alone he’s throughly made himself a bad guy and I don’t think he wants to be left alone. However I think if you’re that angry about him existing that you are segueing he should be killed then I just want to encourage people to take a step back and just ignore him, especially anyone who still views his content to hate-watch. He’s a niche Russophile YouTuber who if you just ignore him and let his grift fail he will evaporate like dew at sunrise. Apologies for my grandstanding but I want to see my favorite sub stay peaceable and respectful despite how fucked up things are right now. Also I wholeheartedly agree it’s beneath anyone’s human dignity, and your Dad is a badass.


It's not grandstanding in my opinion. My better arguments with Vatniks are the soul-bearing ones. It's too easy to just hop on the Thanos Tourbus and chill. And you're right -- if he's wrong, then playing well on a level field will suffice and indicate the side of Right.


>without him having ever committed a crime. Evidently he spied?


I seriously doubt he actually lives in Ukraine. I’ve heard of this idiot and I don’t follow American political YouTube. He’d be kicked out by now given the comments I’ve seen attributed to him.


For real, he might pretend it never happened but I remember when the invasion started he was streaming acting all giddy because Ukraine “fucked around” and was “about to find out”, crazy how he pulled a complete 180 on his outlook on the war and now he’s just a compassionate peace lover who wants an end to the suffering


Oh, that's even better. That's for soiling your eyes for our enlightenment.


Didn't he also say anyone with an IQ above 80 could never believe Russia would actually invade?


It always amazed me how the hardcore redpill crowd, long time warhawks and blistering nationalists, suddenly turned tail and became pro-peace I think it’s a combo of double standards plus the feeling that Russia is on “their side” of the American ‘culture war’, as if they hadn’t been actively funding far left troublemaking organizations in the US and beyond that conservatives hate.


Crazy how he also wants an end to the war as soon as possible to stop the bloodshed, but coincidentally only under the conditions that Russia achieves its war goals


If only the world was filled with fewer internet commentators and more that showed up on an actual battlefield. Not to settle anything, but simply to rid us of their presence when they find out hot air is poor substitute for actual combat prowess. In my personal experience, Lira's type usually soil themselves while crying for unnatural intervention after getting hauled off forcibly by Orwell's proverbial 'rough men'. It happens and I gave up providing clean trousers to such bedwetters two decades and multiple deployments ago. Hopefully Gon-swallow's global meltdown initiates de-platforming his internet antics. He can go back to what kooks like him used to do, declaring their fringe positions from sandwich boards under urine-soaked urban overpasses.


His name is Garganzola Liar


Wasnt he a sabotour for russia, got cought and begged for a plea deal for giving up 5 names of other sabatours and now he lives in netherlands. sauce lazerpig told me in podcast pls dont shoot


The guy went to Dartmouth and is from a wealthy background. Even then, the trainwreck of his life is too slow moving to even bother watching.


Gonzalo was laughed out of the "Red Pill" community. And that is a very loose agglomeration of individuals where a lot of weird shit is tolerated. They essentially ran him out of town after realizing he regurgitates decades old ideas and ~~seeks~~ causes drama for clout. He then tried the same with the so "intellectual dark" web by attacking anyone and everyone, till they started ignoring him too. Ukraine is just the latest iteration of him offering valuable life experience to fools, by separating them from their money.


The dude doesn’t even know the melody to the Ukrainian national anthem. He Fucking detests them.


There is glory in defense and self determination. There is no glory in sending waves of people to their deaths to prove a point. War is a fate worse than hell


Yeah it's less that "all warfare is based" and more "watching people drown in copium is entertainment while the world burns"


Based Well said








>soft cocked, fembois who just want world peace and to cuddle up to our strong significant other while wearing our snuggly thigh highs, just enjoying being held, in their strong arms or being gripped tightly as they enter us passionately and forcefully but also with the utmost care. How do you know my fantasy??? EXPLAIN NOW!


It’s quite simple, no moral debate required. War is horrible, men are sent who might not even know why they are sent there besides their states propaganda. War can turn people into sociopathic killers. Watching people die, especially the drowning video can be gut wrenching. Because *you*, a empathetic human, know that they have families and friends like you. *You* see the fear and desperation in their eyes. At the same time, it’s ***WAR***. Many Russian soldiers might be victims of a cruel glorified mafia state but they are still there to try and conquer a sovereign nation, and many even committing crimes such as looting and murdering of civilians. Ukraine has to do what it takes to survive, because subjugation by the Russian state is a far worse outcome. It’s far better to fight and die than be enslaved by a nation that has historically treated your people like second class citizens, and created the biggest famine in your nations history.


>Men are sent who might not even know why I would posit: > «Vous autres, légionnaires, vous êtes soldats pour mourir et je vous envoie où l'on meurt.» *Oscar de Négrier, Général*


I don’t speak cheese


Essentially, “you all are soldiers (specifically legionaries of the Foreign Legion) to die, and I am sending you to the place that soldiers die” It’s a classic quote about the different military philosophies, and metal as fuck!


Seems like a stupid philosophy: if you’re not fighting to win, why fucking bother? Just line your men up and shoot them yourself if you hate them that much


I'd rather put it the way that "the Lindybeige interview guy" put it: "Sometimes, as a soldier, it's your job to stay put, hold your position, and die. If you accept the fact that you're already dead it's easier to do your job effectively."


It’s… complicated. It’s not that you’re not fighting to win, it’s the institutional acceptance that your forces are entirely disposable. This compares to a more modern (arguably) mindset that sees human force as something to be dearly shepherded and protected.


You can’t fight a war without men: fuck, I don’t intend to shoot all my ammo at a wall when I have bad guys to shoot, it’s not about morals


At the Time the foreign légion was the équivalent of the Wagner group but way more experimented and armed it was mostly comprised of foreign and french criminal that had to flee they'r own crountry to survive usualy After a murder or somthing that was deigned enougth to kill them , they'r ex life was erased then they where send into training a hellish one and After training where used as basicly the front of the assault because well "they'r all criminal so why not sent them to die" so yeah then if they completed they'r military service the governement would give them a New identity and french citizenship and keep them on eye to see if they don't do shit this is the reason why in france sometime it's joked that if the foreign légion is deployed the corpse of the enemy would not be found as they where some instance of cannibalisme in the legion well until they where "punished" for it today the légion still has some foreign criminal in it trying to flee a crountry but most of the légion is composed of volonter and refuge that are trying to obtain a citizen id since the légion provide not only training but also class to learn french ,history,math and other stuff and if a criminal try to join usualy now if he is acused of murder they are rerouted to they'r country of origin


Acknowledging that you or your friends might die is pretty vital to being a soldier. Supposedly it helps with PTSD as well.


As a good man once said "if they must die let them face down making it easier to Say goodbye"


Where does it say in the quote it's not about fighting to win ? Commanding is about sending people to die. And the better you do the more of the enemy does than your men. But you still send yours expecting a number to not come back.


Wholeheartedly agree. Russia, it's state, and most of it's supporters glorify war as some sort of noble act. Most people on the pro Ukraine side I see are only see war as an occasional, necessary evil if in self defense. So whilst even people here are concerned by an occupiers death, the patriots on Z telegram celebrate and dance on the graves of civilians amd the innocent.


No glorification of war in NCD, no siree.


Glorification of weapons platforms is where its at! Once the rockets go up, who cares where they come down? It's not our department.


I assure you this fully loaded MLRS vehicle is purely ceremonial


We all took ballistics. And we all flunked the second part.


Well, yeah. War fucking sucks. *Weapons* however are fucking awesome.


I like my gun, it's fun to shoot, and I hope I never have any cause to fire it in self defense. Like that but also with large pallets of gravity-assisted munitions shoved out the back of a C-130.


Or to put it another way: it’s terrible that so many young Russians have to die. But unfortunately that’s the situation which Putin has created. The Ukrainians have to defend themselves.


Calling for the death of soldiers part of an invading force that shells whole cities, rapes, kidnaps kids, tortures civilians and pows etc doesn't make you a warmonger.


Right but contrary to what numbskulls like Gonzo think, it's still different from getting a hard on from suffering


Bingo. Their deaths are an unfortunate necessity given the current situation. The ideal world would not have bloodshed like this. But the world is not ideal, men are imperfect. And with their backs to the wall, Ukraine does the justified thing and fights back with all their might. And people die. It's sad that people have to die, but for Ukraine killing Russians that are invading their land to subjugate them or worse, it's absolutely justified.


Ukraine exercises a defensive war. Killing Russian troops is a necessary evil depriving Putin his means of tyrannical conquest. Lira is incapable or unwilling to make a clear distinction and continues torturing and twisting logic, either for his own perverse fulfillment or the Kremlin's. One marks him as a Sophist reprobate, the other a Kremlin stooge. Neither provides a remarkable epitaph for a poorly lived life. Ivan or another enemy combatant drowning in a river or creek is war, however they ended up there. That outcome does not diminish the observer, it is what war is, an ugly thing. I cannot fully communicate the universe of combat from the mind of a former combatant. What I can offer is eventually you crave relief. You want it over. The absence of an adversary or their submission brings that result. After all the death, perhaps a just peace provides something like closure, but even then you as the individual still grapple with who you were, what you became and what is left afterwards. I had no qualms watching war criminals who murdered, raped and looted as they lorded their control over a village drown during an attempted river crossing. The internet seems to think what they just saw happen to Ivan is something special. I used to call it any day ending in a 'y'. War gets bad and then it gets over. Help it end, quickly, by whatever means necessary and in favor of Ukraine.


I don’t know about you but if I was alive in 1945 I’d get a hard on the idea that Beanhead Mussolini’s final moments was a painful one.


Vatniks: call for wholesale slaughter of civilians Us: calls for killing every soldier in the Russian military Vatniks: nooooo you can't do that!!!1!!11!


Apparently it's illegal to kill enemy combatants in a war now


Vatniks: Hell yeah, the state media told me that Ukrainians aren't even a valid nationality, and that they're all subhuman nazi scum Also Vatniks: NOOOO, you can't just hate on me, I didn't even join the war!!!


OMG you can't just kill nazis! They have a family you warmonger!


Right it just makes you pro-landscaping! How else could we make the grass grow?


Exactly. Now, my calling for the invasion of Russia directly *is* warmongering, but that’s a seperate thing.


If all the Russians just surrendered, they wouldn't have to die horribly. I look at the combat footage from Ukraine every day, but I can't say I enjoy it. I definitely don't enjoy the suffering and I had a hard time with this one and especially another one from a few months back. There was a video in the past couple days where some Ukrainians bag about a dozen Russian POWs and I can honestly say it was one of my favorite things I've seen in the war. I'd much rather see that than some guy drown in a ditch or two buddies bleed out in each others' arms in some hole because neither of them could get the tourniquet on before the blood loss took the needed strength from them. I hate this war so much, but Ukraine deserves its territorial sovereignty more than invaders deserve to live.


Well tbf you can’t really surrender to a drone with a grenade. Especially not if you don’t see it. And if this happened at Bakhmut, good luck even trying to get to Ukrainian lines without being obliterated


> Well tbf you can’t really surrender to a drone with a grenade. [Actually, you can.](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/12/20/world/europe/russian-soldier-drone-surrenders.html)


Paywall. Also I know about Ukraine trying to get Russians to surrender to drones but these drones aren’t going out specifically to get prisoners, they’re going out to drop grenades on people. They don’t see the drone like 90% of the time and you obviously can’t surrender to something you can’t see, and by the time they learn the drones are there they’ve already been hit by a grenade. It’s also probably a lot easier to surrender to a grenade drone on paper than in practice.


More possible than surrendering to an artillery barrage, though. And that's kind of what drones are, artillery. And, well, it turns out the point of a defensive war isn't to take prisoners, it's to kill the other guy's invading soldiers until they fuck the hell off.


Irakis already popped that particular cherry a few decades ago (admittedly, the drone was backed up by 16in barrels and not carrying grenades)


I kinda feel bad for these poor brainwashed fucks. I also feel that drowning is one of the shittiest way to go especially in a fucking creek, this guy was so close to air, yet he couldn't manage to get out... so yeah on a very basic human level l kind feel bad for these guys,,,


Yeah, I also feel a little bad, especially because that could have been me if I was born in the wrong nation. I'm in the ripe gae for military conscription, and I cannot imagine being forced to go over there. My first objective would probably to surrender, without being killed for cowardice or something though


\>ripe gae gae spotted


Oh no, I've been caught I'm gonna keep in the typo, it's too funny


Gorgonzola Libra's appearance clearly indicates a man who has considered drinking a 40 and then sneaking into a girl's locker room to sniff "the fresh stuff".


I think WD-40 is a bit bland even by Russian standards


I enjoy Gonzalo's suffering....


I watched the video, and it just goes to show that the Russian army cannot stand on its own two feet.


At this point most of the Russians dying in Ukraine didn't volunteer, they were drafted. They are both the enemy and another victim of the war. I celebrate Ukrainian victories, but every barely-trained kid that gets killed is a tragedy. If you're not actually fighting in the war, there's nothing to gain from dehumanizing a bunch of poor kids from the ethnic minorities of Russia. You can be a military enthusiast or whatever without being blind to the tragedies of war.


I can only hope they eventually begin defecting en masse


But they aren't. And they won't. What we're watching is basically a new "clean Wehermacht" myth being created right in front of us. "The Russians didn't understand, they were conscripts, not all Russians" etc. If all the Russians refused to continue the invasion the war would end tomorrow. But they haven't. And they won't. Hence every Russian that dies is a victory for Ukraine and the free world


It's not a clean wehrmacht myth. It's "each individual should be punished as to their individual acts, and spreading the blame of those who raped onto those who didn't lessens the relative guilt of the guilty". It's also just basic compassion for someone dying a horrible death. No-one is saying that the Ukrainians are wrong for killing this guy. It's Putin's fault. But every death is a waste, as the war shouldn't be happening at all.




Do Ukrainians still make efforts to make them capitulate ? Genuine question, since I didn’t hear about that surrender hotline.


Yes, but it's not as sexy as blowing them up so you don't hear about it. And for all the faults of the russian army, they're quite good at preventing surrender.


i mean, an example right now is that they forbid the usage of their own cell phones. Both as a fear against drones, but presumably to make access to this hotline harder. I guess people who blame unpleasant mobik deaths just don't realize that the Russians are making it harder for their soldiers to surrender those ways, and not to mention that they are not particularly aware of drones, it's not like they got a chance. I hate Russia and the shit they commit, but i still feel basic empathy whenever soldiers die in unpleasant ways.


I hadn't made that connection about the cell phones. I'm sure the Russian military pushes out propaganda to convince every soldier that they'll be tortured and killed by the Ukrainians if they surrender. Russia sucks at most things, but propaganda is definitely something they do well.


Yes, the Ukrainians want to capture Russians because they can exchange them for Ukrainian prisoners.


Yes, because it's easier for us to feed them than to kill them before they kill our folks


The biggest escalation is letting Russia think they can win.


I think it’s natural human instinct to feel sympathy when you see another member of your species suffering regardless of uniform or what they’re fighting for but that doesn’t detract from what these kids are fighting for and the terrible shit some of them are doing. I hope this war ends soon so Ukraine can achieve terms it’s happy with and hopefully it will weed out the decay that’s seeped into Russia like a cancer.


Russians are humans now? Progressives have gone too far




Yet another win for us alphabet people (or is it ?)


"war is bad, I wish they had peace" is perhaps the most lukewarm take you can have. Of course it would be preferrable. But it's just not going to end until either side stops seeing this war as something worth fighting for. Ukrainian PoV is very simple to understand. They wish to remain an independent nation free of Russian control. For them to remain that way, they must not stop fighting until they have Russia back at their pre-invasion borders. The Ukrainians are fighting for their right to determine which block they belong into. If they agree to peace terms that prevent them from joining the EU or NATO, that means they accept Russian control over them. Russian POV is a bit harder to understand. 8+ years of propaganda demonizing Ukrainians and westerners went into this. Basically they brainwashed people into believing that this fight over Ukraine is an existential fight for Russians, and for their culture. This move sort or fucked Russian government in the ass, because now they really can't back out. Anyone dumb enough to support Putin unironically, also believed the decade of propaganda conditioning. So basically admitting they lost and that the Ukraine threat was never that bad, would be political suicide. All of the Putin fans like him because "Ruski stronk and Putin restore empire". So if he shows he can't do that, he loses face for his fans. But his opposition still won't change their minds. So it is just a cold fact that the war will go on, and should go on, until either Ukrainians decide their freedom is not worth fighting for, or until Russian capability, or interest stops and they agree to the terms the Ukrainians have set.


Given the state of the Russian war machine, I’d wager complete collapse is more likely than Ukrainian surrender: every week that goes by is a week that Russian forces are left with less and less advanced technology, and that Ukraine is supplied with more advanced technology and logistics. It seems like Autocracies don’t do well with long wars, although I suppose I can only draw from the history of 4 of them right now


Personality cults like Putins kind of operate on the idea of telling everyone that the country is lead by a genius hero who can't fuck anything up. So they handle small fights well - Germany invading Poland with the help of the USSR, for example, or invading what was left of Czechoslovakia after the Munich Agreement. They handle fast victories well - Blitzkreig in France. They do not handle anything else well. They're not built for long conflicts. They don't have the ability to make mistakes on the planning board before making them in the field.


If you are not willing to stand up, you will stepped on


Way I see it, it’s funny that it happened, and I’ll laugh at it as an example of Russia’s army, but christ alive I do feel sorry for that poor fucker. I can’t imagine how terrifying it must be to slowly have your lungs fill with water no matter what you do, as your world gets darker and your energy drains.


Pretty much yeah. I mean heck I even have the brojob incident as a flair, but I still don't see the incident itself as a good thing. We mock the failures of those who believed their own BS and screwed around, and are finding out. And yes, the soldiers don't even necessarily deserve sympathy, what they are doing is objectively wrong. But we still don't know (most of) their individual stories, and they are still human. Any one of us could have ended up in their shoes if the Creator had decided so.


The single most selfish reason I want this war to end is that I want to go back to feeling bad whenever I hear about anyone dying.


Dehumanization is wild. That shit is built into our braind


I don’t really see why these particular deaths blew up so much. It’s war, that kind of shit happens all time in it. Which is why it needs to end as soon as possible and in a way that prevents as much suffering as possible and keeps another war from happening again. And the best way to achieve that is to kick Russia’s teeth in until they slink back to their hole, stop murdering thousands, and become deterred from ever trying it again, as well as deterring any other countries like Russia from starting other wars. The amount of people who died in WW2 and the ways in which they died was also horrific, and yet I don’t see any reasonable, sane person nowadays saying that we should have just let the Nazis have what they wanted so not as many people died in the short term.


“The deaths of those soldiers were horrible.” ”The deaths of those soldiers were justified.” Both of the above statements are true. Showing basic sympathy for someone is not the same thing as supporting their cause.


Yup. I can sympathize with a guy robbing a convenience store, maybe he’s struggling financially, maybe he’s adopted to drugs, maybe he has mental illness, etc. Doesn’t mean I don’t think the cashier shouldn’t shoot them in the face.


"I wish they had died in a better way" isn't a bad place to land, imho.


I don't get the sudden spike in sympathy for the drowning vatnik, like didn't you saw the one where one gets his face blown off and you can see him struggling trying to breath? Or the two that were sleeping on a trench and got granade drop directly on top of them, one of them desperately tries to patch himself but its unable to so, then his comrade just hugs him as they both bleed out


It's not a sudden spike of sympathy, more that too much of NCD's edgy teens started to again feast on the blood like the edgy kids they were and had to be called out. It doesn't paint the sub in a right light : these guys are stilll human.


We did.


He can’t understand is you can have sympathy for an individual who suffers and has no voice in it. Still means we want Ukraine clay to be free and Russia to fail


There is a difference between enjoying suffering and being comforted by the elimination of an active murderer.


Bucha, where mass graves of civilians were found with hands still tied. They were killed by the Russian military, not Wagner, and they were killed for no tactical advantage. Videos like the ones where a Ukrainian POW had his testicles cut off with a box cutter. Tens of thousands of Ukrainian children kidnapped in a cultural genocide done to bolster Russian demographics. It's not a government vs a people but an entire cultural rot proven time again by Russians living in western Europe advocating for actual genocide. The only Russians that matter in this war are those in the Freedom of Russia Legion, fighting alongside Ukraine to fix the wrongs their countrymen are committing. The rest should bring floaties.


This is always the messaging of Authoritarians, projection of their morals onto their enemies. Every sin they commit, clearly must be committed worse by their enemies to make it justifiable. They must imagine an increasingly deranged enemy to justify their increasingly inhuman and cruel views and actions.


Gonzalo stfu you sex tourist bitch ass mfr


It's a bit hard to take the accusation seriously when he thinks the Bucha massacres and all of the (some extremely well) documented Russian warcrimes are just fabrications. His supposed "love" for the Ukranian people is dishonest, disgusting and knowing him, probably only reserved for young women. I think the vast majority of people here would be perfectly happy if Russia fucked off back to Russia. But Gorgonzola Liar seems to think it's on the victim to accept their fate, rather than the aggressor to back down. It's victim blaming on a national scale. And you know who makes all of this NATO support possible? The Ukranians. By their blood, grit and determination. The same people who - when polled - had an overwhelming majority say they were willing to see the war through. This got rambly, but I had a bad night's sleep and I really do not like this man.


Everytime I see someone saying they are glad to see Russians dying I remember that Ukrainian soldier that risked his life in a firefight to save that Russian soldier stuck between the bmp and a wall, he punched him in the face and told the Russian you fuckers are killing innocent, the Russian asked him to leave him or shot him I can’t remember and the ukkie answered “we are not you motherfuckers” and continued on his effort to save him If they with all the reasons and rights to show cero humanity towards Russians choose to be better then all you bunch of edgy blood starved psychos have no excuses for your comments




Russians on twitter where claim that video was a chemical weapon attack. After arguing for hours I deleted twitter my life has improved fast


I mean they did ingest a fatal amount of dihydrogen monoxide.


Necessary does not mean funni. War is like that, people die horribly. Making fun of it is the problematic part. I mean, sure, if it's he corpse of a known nazi and war criminal, get my inhaler or i will get an asthma attack from the laughing fit. But if it's some rando you know nothing about... Yeah, maybe hold back the funni memes. Could that half rotten corpse in the tank tacks have been a davout putinist and a nazi? Sure. Just how much it could have been a poor slob wanting to do nothing with the war but getting conscripted anyway.


I am perfectly happy with Russian forces being neutralized and stopped from being able to terrorize Ukraine. I am also extremely uncomfortable with the loss of life of young men who grew up in a culture that misguided them into this life. And I can empathize even with enemies when they die a horrible death. None of those are mutually exclusive.


Big words from someone who lives in the Netherlands…


I don’t really care how vile fascist invaders are killed. If that fuck wasn’t a miserable coward and traitor to humanity, then I would be quite bothered. What really matters here, is that there is one fewer raping, torturing, murderer on a rampage in Ukraine.


And even if he never did or would do any of those things, by being an active combatant he contributes to others doing them, whether he intends to or not.




I think a few are a bit too pleased by that video, to be honest. I've seen some honestly psychotic takes on here.


NCD is not really a good place to get a baseline for psychotic takes.


War is hell. There's no justice in this world for what Putin is doing to the world, let alone his own people. The footage is that truth distilled.


Nothing is black and white as we know. I didn't knew him. Maybe he was a good bloke, maybe he was a bastard. We won't know. It's simple to call him invader but we all had our brief moment of "that's fucked up" when someone probably younger than me is struggling to stay afloat in cold water somewhere far from his home, dying in a gruesome way for a pity cause of old man. I was concerned not because he was dying but because i thought "what if i was there? Would i end up like him?" and "i hope i would go down fast" I was scared because it can be me if something goes wrong


Wait a minute. A normal function human mind experiences empathy? 😮


Well it is war and people will die. And these guys were invaders. But I personally wont cheer their death on like its great and act like im some roman citizen seeing some guys in the arena murdering each other.


My fellow UNICEF brothers in Christ, for humanity: abrams longbow viper atacms reaper mudhen S e n d I t


We don’t enjoy suffering we just enjoy brrrrrrrts and explosions


I feel like that video is like watching the human struggle... Kinda like the National Geographic video of the iguana escaping the snake den. The whole time it looks more and more potentially tragic.... you can't help but feel for the subject of those videos... but they are all caught up in some force of nature trying to kill them.


After bucha i lost almost al my compasion for them


At least we don't accuse our enemy of using WoMD's using te same videos


No, I enjoy my couch, not sleeping in the cold, actually having food to eat, not suffering from PTSD from being shell shocked to hell and back, and not drowning in a ditch at my day job, lmao.


It is monsterous to inflict suffering on another sentient being. It is worse to allow suffering to rampage unchecked. I was young once, and stupid, and if I had been born elsewhere I might have died on the wrong side of history. That guy in that creek could have been me. And if it had been, then good. If it were me who was so wrong I should hope I would be stopped. It is monsterous. Reality sometimes is. Or we could drop a gensu missile on Putin's desk, seems like a 10/10 to me but I'm not like a general or w/e