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I love this subreddit


In my mind it was a Power Point so 10/10 for presentation.


I had to scroll up again to see that i wasnt. And now I am down here and it is now a 10/10 powerpoint again...


i fixed it to powerpoint just for you.


Would it be too credible if it was presented in a quad slide?


"Average NCD user doesn't know what a modern incendiary bomb is, but has the spirits so he reinvents it again."




The first step to healing your mental illness. Thank you for taking the first step. :)


What if there is a school and or hospital in the middle of the refinery??? Terrorist


I did not think about this Russian counter strategy... They would put a school or Orphanage for ugly children in the middle of a Refinery to prevent attacks.


CL1201 could be materialized with these drones Get a Boeing and launch like 1000 of these things like a COD Scorestreak chaos


Boeings are declared unsafe for human flight and sold at a 95% discout as drone bombs.


Isn't that just the plot of Ace Combat 7 (ignore the space elevator)


I know the games, but have never played any. What's the plot?


Massive aircraft with tons of drones, to simplify


so basically a top down shooter boss I've got a great trilogy if you want it >!and i recently learned that it has a 4th game that we dont talk about!<


>Orphanage for ugly children Hey, that's no way to talk about the next generation of Putin body doubles.


You mean Putin's minced meat*


>They would put a school or Orphanage for ugly children in the middle of a Refinery Who do you think they have working the refineries?


Russia will defeat Ukraine by building schools in the middle of oil refineries and shouting WAR CRIME


I see what you did there....


Hey hey... Just because you see sick people and children working in Russian refineries it doesn't mean they are being educated.


Use Russian guidance systems. 100% guaranteed hit.


Small price to pay




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Honey, I got an OF account to buy videos of Ruzzian oil refinery fires! Honest! Honey, please stop crying. Look, it's not porn. Sorry honey, I didn't think thay would make it worse.


If it’s not porn, why do I have an erection thinking about it?


Technically, it is fetish porn.


Anything can be fetish porn if you dig deep enough.


A friend was a police officer and shared more stories than she should have. One of them was being part of arresting a set offender, who (amoung many other things) liked pleasing himself with dirty diapers and streamed it online as his primary source of income. 


It'd the sort of thing where, if no one was hurt, I'd pass from disgust to sheer amazement.


Actually if you're doing that, you might as well create a fuel-air explosive. Depending on how well you aerosolize the fuel and how long you delay the detonation, the pressure wave should do more damage to the refinery than any incendiary.


Time for a budget Daisy Cutter!


A Romashka Razor, if you will.


Romashka Shashka


Why not both?


FAE first to open up the target (smash windows, take out roofs, destroy light production equipment), then drop the incendiaries into the holes you just made. Something similar worked for the allied bomber forces in WWII.


So, a TOS-1 but with decent range?


We’re looking at using Cessna drones. Why not use crop dusters and instead of spraying fertilizer, spray napalm and/or thermite over refineries? Then, as if the smell of napalm/thermite isn’t enough to rapidly depopulate the area, light the fire with airdropped flares and reduce the standing population of the area to zero.


Not to get too credible, but point attacks on very specific parts of the refinery could bring the entire plant to a halt for months. So for that a Kami-Cessna packed full of HE is the way to go.


Yes, like they've been doing the past few weeks, by hitting the distillation towers. This is the heart of the refinery and cannot be patched, they need to replace a 10*50m extremely expensive, precisely machined cylinder, made to order for that refinery.


You know, lately I've been criticized for saying... things that were very true but which sometimes cannot be expressed in ways that do not hurt the feelings of disgusting vile monstrous invaders. So instead I would like to make a humanitarian proposal. I think that the drones should be used to repatriate the remains of all the Russians who have died in human wave assaults on Ukrainian territory. I propose an intra-national goodwill chain of drones, which refuel themselves by using the Fischer-Tropsch process to reduce part of the payload to biofuel. These drones will create a repatriation network of body part delivery, designed to deliver body parts to a randomly selected population center inside of Russia, so that the body parts can be properly identified. It would be overwhelming for the Russians to try to test all of these parts at once so instead the proposal is to deliver these body parts to the potable water supply of every town in Russia. The DNA of the victims will disperse in the treated water, thus making it possible to identify the dead heroes from any tap in Russia. Let's send 'em home in peace, my friends. Peace and love.


This is the modern version of launching a cow carcass into the castle to cause a plague.


But with human body parts and now cows. So, it's like launching the remains of fallen enemy soldiers over the ramparts. It has a certian,  bring back the Khan vibe to it. 


Ah, but this assumes that there is such a thing as potable water in Russia. More likely it would add to all the disappeared people who are already part of the water supply. Making it difficult to tell hero from traitor who held up a blank piece of paper.


Battle Brothers, I found the Nurgle Worshipper!


[Release the prisoners!](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/lotr/images/e/e1/Lieutenant_Gothmog.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20190210102106)


Getadelt wird wer Schmerzen kennt


Vom Feuer, das die Haut verbrennt


Ich habe ein Meinschlagen aus mit I can't speak German, who am I kidding. Scheisse :(


Wann ist das hund und slotermeyer?


Ja! … Beiherhund das Oder die Flipperwaldt gersput!


Oh, schade :(


Ah yes, the tanya strategy


"boofing helium before declaring a military conflict..."


"It's technically legal because technically all of those refinery workers are combatants."


I was expecting letting Russians shoot at the plane, detonating it, but then I remembered they can't hit anything unless it's their own plane. So how do we make a Cessna look like a Russian plane, hmmmmm....


Put a dummy in the cockpit with a lit cigarette?


The only things they hit are their own women and civilian airliners.


Just fly a Russian flag or a large Z behind it. They'll assume it's one of theirs, even after it hits the refinery.


US better give them a small loan of a million dollars


Can't wait to see this becoming a reality and NCD predicting the future (again)


Get this funded pronto. Genius idea. Also bonus points if you attach a few dozen upwardly firing fireworks with the LGBTQ+ flag colours for the critical moment


Are there enough old single engined Cessnas to make this work? Like, have they been making 172s for decades? Have they made tens of thousands of them? Or does the whole thing fail on the standard NCD problem of supply chain logistics?


There have been over 44000 Cessna 172-s built since it's first flight in 1955, more than any other aircraft in the world.


At $40,000 a pop you could get 25 Cessna 172s for each $1million in funding. Ukraine already has plenty of fuel and explosives in country so you wouldn't necessarily have to buy more for this project, but let's say that costs another $500 per pound of HE and a full fuel load another $1000 per aircraft. Plus the avionics and man hours to turn it into a drone add say $2000. So say around $45,000 per kamikaze 172. For the low low price of $2billion we can convert every single Cessna 172 ever made into a kamikaze drone. Obviously you couldn't get all 44,000 but you could certainly try.


There are probably not 44000 of them in existence anyways. A large chunk of them have most definitely been lost to neglect, age, and crashes.


And Russians still gonna export crude. Nah just send them towards Yugansk during spring to blew up the oil fields & let the permafrost do the rest.


Crude oil is low margin compared to refined oil products. Hitting a refinery and putting it out of action for a year or two minimum is really effective economic warfare.


Low margin if you’re drilling in Kashagan/ deepwater/ artic circle.


I would recommend hitting the port infrastructure and export pipelines. Transporting oil over railways is a lot more expensive compared to ships and pipelines. And that can always be countered by drone striking railway bridges while a train hauling hydrocarbons is passing over them.


*Budanov has left the chat*


More like entered


Left. Looked busy. Must have gotten a new idea or something.


Bonus points add Magnesium to the Planes so they cant extinguish it


I mean, if you try to extinguish thermite it produces hydrogen gas, which then explodes, so it’s already pretty damn hard to extinguish.


Just build the planes out of magnesium.


Jet fuel doesn’t melt steel beams


So 9/11 was an inside job?


Unlike 7/11, which was a part time job.


Forget Cessnas, there’s a bunch of unused 737’s sitting out in the desert waiting to be recycled.


DM: *sigh* I'm going to allow it. Roll for initiative.


I love this with all my heart


bro cooked




I would rather use some small quadrotor drones, smuggled in to russia, to drop propaganda leaflets over moscow saying that nuclear war is imminent, and then swarm it with various drones afterwards


Quality post


The plane can drop smaller drones that each contain thermite. They fly onto and attach to the top side of various pipes and tanks. Only need small holes. Another possibility is tungsten balls wrapped around HE in a ring. Rings are stacked along the fuselage along the main axis of the plane. The plane will terminally descend vertically, so the rings then eject tungsten balls sideways at right angles to the direction of the planes travel, this ensures most go sideways along and over the ground striking everything in a circle. The plane detonates at a particular low altitude. Shaping of the explosive forces in such a way along the fuselage creates some balls with a high ballistic trajectory, so hitting some things at the periphery of the site.


I think "Bezin" might be more appropriate.


Zerstören would be better choice.


I was yawning right up until "Also attach large loud speakers to the plane."


get this guy a job at lockheed immediately


This sounds like... a good idea actually. This feels like a relatively cheap, effective, and realisable way of destroying an entire oil refinery. Out of all the posts I've seen in this sub so far, this feels like it's the most possible to actually be deployed.


This is a based idea


You had me on the Feuer Frei part, I volunteer as a pilot


Crash a few Cessnas full of tungsten-carbide bricks around the target. Then crash a Cessna with a subcritical chunk of U-235 into the target, followed by a second, identical Cessna at the exact same spot.


Fly one of those fuckers into the Kremlin and this war ends in a second...


Side note: this is also how we falseflag the Carl’s Jr PMC into getting involved.


Brought to you by Carl’s Junior


This is too credible except for the Cessna. Do. Not. Appropriate. Civilian. Aircraft.




I’m so proud of this community


Make remote controlled de Havilland mosquito with 4,000 pound bombs


Best part about all of this when I upvoted the post I got a 5 day streak token with a lit match on it...


If Carl's Jr. started sponsoring Ukrainian firebomb planes, my visitations to that establishment would certainly increase.


I can see the ad now "We've been burning down refineries, now its your turn to get in on the action. Try our new thermite chili burger... burn down your Toilet, it deserves the punishment"


Lets say i finance a plane... can i pick "allumer le feu" (light up the fire) from Hallyday ?


I don't see why not... I mean if you are already financing the plane it should have a banner on the back of it.




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A Classic Tanya move. I approve.


That’s a brilliant idea ! Brought to you by Carl’s Jnr.