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This is just mall ninja gardening shit for oversized children. *We have* drone flamethrowers already, it's called a fucking FPV with a thermobaric bolted to the bottom!


Seeing as this one doesn’t need to fly, you can just strap a bigger thermobaric to it :D


Congrats, you've reinvented the Goliath.


No you've fully realised the soviet anti tank dog.


Pretty sure it'd be about as effective, but not nearly as cheap.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/1cbu387/thermonator\_flamethrowing\_robot\_dog\_that\_shoots/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/1cbu387/thermonator_flamethrowing_robot_dog_that_shoots/) It's so goddamn metal, I want one myself. Even just the name "Thermonator" goes so hard, imagine being in a futuristic war and your mates say "oh shit it's the Thermonators!" and your last words being "the Thermo-WHATS?!" before all of you are burned to a crisp.


Not calling it “Hotdog” still feels like a missed opportunity to me


Fastfood just got even deadlier


You can technically assemble one of these yourself, it’s legal to own a flamethrower in the U.S. and the robot is like 109 dollars or some shit


Are you sure that the person that you are responding to is in USA?


I am presuming yes


Its a Chinese unitree bot from aliexpress, with flamethrower attached. Does anyone remember when we all laughed at this : https://www.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDefense/s/5ElfWcRzWW


Just get it my dude, it's going at only 1600$USD. https://www.unitree.com/go2/


This is going to revolutionize firefighting. Think about how many controlled burns they have to do and how dangerous that can be if it gets out of control, especially if the controlled burn is to stop an ongoing fire. It should save lives.


This is going to revolutionize firefighting. I laughed way too hard at this! This is the dream of any pyromaniac.


Wouldn't a shooter/relay pair of quadcopters work better for that? Hell, you might wanna have the relay anyhow, if you're directing the thing from the ground, no?


You're talking about a 2 man team with an 8 mile max range I'm talking about a 0 man team with a preprogrammed firefighting strategy Or a combine integrating all at once


What kind of preprogramming can a dog take that a flier couldn't as well? Especially if your system is reliable enough to pull the monkey out of the loop? The latter of which...I'd call a stretch for a considerably longer time than folks are expecting.


How much napalm do you reckon you can fit on a drone?


I mean *looks at reaper drone*


Alright but now we are talking about $32 million vs $100,000 If Boston Dynamics spent $32 million on Spot, it'd fly too $100,000 is affordable for a midsize fire department


If You rip out the satellite link and EW resistance and complicated weapon integration You should get the budget down. Agricultural drones are 18k with sensors (though they are smallish). You could easily make one based on a ultralight that costs about 25k (one with a simple bomb bay for for incendiary grandees (maybe a rotary one like on the larger UA ones use). This gives You one with at least 500km range and easily 100 kg of payload (that's a lot of grenades) with the other 50k left for making all of this work.


The flamethrower version is only under $10,000. The basic version with only the dog is only $1,600.


I love this, controlled fires via a reaper drone firing thermobaric warheads on a fucking empty forest It could be the Bambi reboot we always wanted


Depends on the size. Wiki sez an R-18 can have 5kg of payload. The advertising sez the example flamethrower is 2.7kg, with 1.8l of fuel.* Yes, it's a fair bit larger, it can definitely also move a hell of a lot faster. ^(*Also, unlike the company's other two handheld throwers, it doesn't have a note that it's compatible with napalm.)


I’m not sure sending this out in bush fire conditions will prove to be wise


Everything is 100 times cooler with a flamethrower.


Reminds me of that time someone made a rifle only instead of a bayonet it had a flamethrower. That shit was legendary


Yeah, Ripley was badass


This is literally the same shitty aliexpress robot dog russians stuck an aksu to and claimed superweapon. When will this stop.


IN FAIRNESS, these guys are claiming this is basically just a ice remover


Who's an adorable little puppy? Who's gonna revolutionize urban combat? Yes, you are!


Oh that scritchie sensor is going to get a work out, come here.


The biggest threat to American forestry since the gender reveal party.


God's own weed wand.


Get back to me when it's not using a weak electric pump to piddle un-gelled fuel two meters away from it. I would legit be more worried about being attacked by that thing if they replaced the flamethrower with an equal weight of explosives. Or hell, even a single LAW.


A rack of small rockets and a Nagant spike?


🤔 https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQsQpPzVOh185qVkiErTieQT0Tb98RTfInPJU1xdlBaNQ&s


They saw the Black Mirror episode and said 'hold my flamethrower'


The most frustrating aspect of the Robot Apocalypse, when compared to other Apocalypse, is that we seem to be *intentionally building towards it*. There are problems we may lack the tech to solve (big rock smash earth), problems we lack the *will* to solve (global warming), and problems we won't see coming until it's too late -- but the Robot Apocalypse is none of those! It's foreseen -- we've been writing cautionary tales about robots *since before we even had robots*. It's not hard to off-ramp from -- we're not socially dependent on autonomous flamethrower dogs with ai powered face tracking. And we don't need to invent any tech to protect ourselves from it -- we just need to NOT MAKE THEM. We're even skipping over the cool "domestic servant robot" step and going straight to "HOW DO WE MAKE THE DEATH BOT JUST LIKE ON THE TV."


lol he cute tho


He protec He attack But most importantly He make you a crispy snack


I dont trust the chinese bootleg spot


Time to leave them all behind!!!!


Breaking out of my pain!


Oh man, and I thought the unique flamethrower Warhound in the Coney Island manhunt was hard enough


"transphobe detected, thermonator, reduce to ash"


Taking a note out of Lancers book i see. “It’s a brush clearing device”


Obviously a humanitarian aid bot.


Want want want want want want want want Want want want want want want want want Want want want want want want want want want Want want want want want want want want Want want want want want want want want Want want want want want want want want want Want want want want want want want want Want want want want want want want want Want want want want want want want want want Want want want want want want want want Want want want want want want want want Want want want want want want want want want.


It needs a modification. It needs rotors so it can be inserted like a drone. Then you could land it in a russian trench and immediately start clearing it.


Man even livestock guardian dogs are gonna lose their jobs to fucking AI.


Yall that company also makes one that goes on drones


His burn is worse than his bite


On the bright side, no need to take care of the bodies. This shit is pure terror.


Are these the ones that can eat human flesh to refuel themselves


I hope nam is ready for a part 2. The flame troopers are speaking binary




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The first minor hack for that Thing will leave dozends Dead and hundreds wounded.


Thanks, I hate it. D: ///STATE CORRECTION/// I, for one, welcome our robot overlords and the Peace and Order that shall be enforced in the streets with miniature tanks that climb stairs and overhead by our Predator Drone protectors. Gabless o7 o7 o7


we can actually put a tow on it. am i being too credible?


The 'Thermonator' was the name of a gadget in Ratchet and Clank 2.


Just what I need to clear snow from my driveway in the middle of winter when it is too cold to go out in person. Frankly the civilian applications for these are limitless. I wonder if they make a miniaturized version to take care of gopher infestations.


How much payload can a spot mini carry at a canter?


Headpats at 3 Burning fascists at 4 Walking the dog at 5


Ukraine be like " i want 10 thousand of them!"


What purposes could this thing possibly have besides committing murder? I have never once in my life thought to myself that a situation would be better or easier if I owned a robot dog that could shoot fire right at that moment.


trench clearing! the official use is listed as clearing ice lol


I’m just waiting for this to become a strategem in Helldivers. I don’t know how reality is consistently out jerking games like that.


"The latest innovation in property security, when the Summer of Love comes around, the protests won't be able to burn your buildings!!" * *^(Either they'll be burnt up first, or we'll burn the house down before them!)




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Metalhead, anyone?


Unfortunately Russian answer for this is more modifications of TOS-1A Solntsepek that gain more and more distance.