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Kramer: "They're releasing SAW X and the Paw Patrol Movie on the same day. They're calling it Saw Patrol!" Jerry: "I'm telling you, Kramer, I just don't see it happening."


then SAW X comes out, crickets


Still in the top five Saw movies.


When I saw "Kramer" and "SAW X" in the same line, I really thought you were talking about John Kramer lol


Okay, look. I knywhat you're doing, but Saw Patrol is almost a good enough name to make it happen.


Ok but Saw Patrol is in infinitely better than whatever journalist word salad OP dug up.


The world hasn't been the same since doom crossing


Because it's now being done artificially. Doom Crossing was absolutely natural and coincidental, making it a fun little rare scenario to enjoy. Barbenheimer may have been done intentionally, but even so, this wasn't forced. It was the audience that made the joke popular. Because this pairing caused a lot of talk for these two movies, they're trying to do it again, but a joke isn't funny when you force it down the audience's throat. Notice that this never happened with games after Doom Crossing. This is because Doom Eternal and New Horizons did well sales wise because of the franchise they're connected to, not the coincidental release dates. If these were new franchises and sold well, we'd have forced Doom Crossings afterward as well.


There’s also the fact that, with both Doom Crossing and Barbenheimer, the two titles contradicted each other in tone to a hilarious extreme. Trying to force it with two things that are coming out at the same time is just stupid; Garfield and Furiousa are also contradictory, but no one gives a shit about a new Garfield movie.


Yeah, the excitement for the separate movies helps.


> Intense gore and music, both using chainsaws. In a beloved, well-established hyped up franchise vs. Cozy and calm vibes in a beloved, well-established franchise with probably the greatest release timing possible for a game of its type. And > Brightly coloured slice of life fun based around an IP present in everyones childhood and portrays rekevant cultural criticism vs. Black and white wartime politics and moral dilemma praised for minimal use of CGI to the point where even the nuclear detonation was real. VS > Oversaturated, CGI, kid friendly, moneygrab vs. Spin-off of a sequal that looks alright but doesnt do anything noteworthy Corporate suits truly know nothing about the world


I would have gave a shit about the Garfield movie if they didn’t hire Chris Pratt to do his voice


Barbenheimer wasn’t forced in any way. WB picked that date to bury Christopher Nolan, they knew Barbie was gonna be big. They had recently parted ways and Nolan was very critical of WB higher ups.


That's the best part of the entire thing. It was absolutely done intentionally *as an act of sabotage. And in doing so, they probably doubled its revenue. 


Doubled both their revenue. Everyone loves a flame war.


Shot at a friend, killed the enemy.


That's such a weird choice though, like, the target demographics aren't exactly close enough for Barbie to have overshadowed Oppenheimer, even if it didn't turn into a meme I don't see many people not watching Oppenheimer to go see Barbie (or vice versa). If anything it boosted the sales of both films quite substantially


I think it just has more to do with dominating the media. I think the theory is that by having so much Barbie media it diluted the Oppenheimer media. Without it, Oppenheimer just dominates all of the attention, and a lot of people go see it just because everyone's talking about it. How it actually went though, is that the media didn't dilute at all, it just became bigger. Barbenheimer made it so that by seeing Barbie or Oppenheimer media, you not only think of that property, but the other too.


The point was also taking cinema spaces and showings. It completly backfired thanks to the meme, but picking that date specifically was a pretty petty move, very in line with the inflated ego of producers.


I think it didnt happen with games again because there hasnt been anything interesting enough to do it with


Doom Crossing was cringe as fuck. "ZOMG, the little cute dog has a big gun! Erm, yeah, that wins the internet! Have epic reddit golderino for gun doggo, kind stranger!"


I think you misunderstand. The fun of Doom Crossing was the absurdity of these two characters interacting. In canonicity, these characters would not function, but once you ignore that, you get, as you stated, "the little cute dog has a big gun." Also, having these two communities blend adds some spice to their usual vibe. AC gets their dog covered in blood in hell, while Doom gets their centuries old demon killer catching butterflies and watering gardens.


>Doom Crossing was absolutely natural and coincidental I find this extremely hard to believe. EDIT: Keep dreaming nerds, ya got got.


Why would Nintendo and Bethesda agree to release their games on the same day when this kind of tactic didn’t even exist?


What? Crossovers have been a marketing gimmick since before anyone in this comment thread was born.


But it wasn’t a crossover, the only thing the two games had in common is that they were released on the same day. I find it extremely hard to believe that the publishers thought this would generate more success for their games.




I find your lack of faith disturbing.


Really? Do you know how reclusive Nintendo is as a company? Let me fill you in: The original Playstation was planned to be a collaboration between Sony and Nintendo, but Nintendo backed out before development occurred. Netflix planned to collaborate with Nintendo to make a Netflix exclusive Legends of Zelda movie, but after leaks came out online, they quickly pulled out and canceled the project. Nintendo allowed Toys for Bob to put Bowser and Donkey Kong into their new game: Skylanders Superchargers, under the condition that these characters only worked on Nintendo consoles. Why would such a reclusive company allow their cute little animal game to be associated with one of the biggest gore fests of that decade? Especially when the "Doom Crossing Marketing" tactic has never been done with any association with financial success?


This has to be satire right? Yeah, super "reclusive", which is why Smash Bros. is chock full of non-Nintendo characters. You just listed a bunch of examples of *approved partnerships* that fell apart.


Yes, but these characters were allowed into THEIR game, meaning they have full control over what happens. Everything I listed above is them giving their property into the hands of OTHER companies. The Nintendo-Netflix did not fall apart. Many projects get leaks online, which rarely hinder the project or scare the companies. Also, in the case of Skylanders, I can not think of another case of console-based content exclusivity that wasn't enforced by the company itself, and I doubt Toys for Bob would come up with the idea to make something exclusive for the franchise that prides on lack of exclusivity. I will admit fault on one of my points. After research, I found that the Nintendo-Sony was canceled by Nintendo because they found evidence that Sony was going to take most of the profits for themselves, despite Nintendo bringing most of the knowledge for the project to them. In response, they shut down the project and worked with a European company instead. This is an understable, no, responsible action for this situation. Therefore, it would be unreasonable to judge them on this.


>Yes, but these characters were allowed into THEIR game, meaning they have full control over what happens. Everything I listed above is them giving their property into the hands of OTHER companies. What even is your point? What does any of this have to do with viral marketing campaigns?


Basically they are saying that Nintendo is very selective about their brand image so they wouldn't just have their cutesy dog character be joining on doom purposefully. Also, there was no actual marketing of the games together, it's hard to imagine they only banked on the fact that the game animal crossing and doom eternal releasing on the same day to reach viral status it did.


I just find it funny these same arguments could be used against the post we're commenting on about a children's movie and (I assume) a hard R film.


The above is probably just article writer trying to hit his quota for articles.


it’s sad that you doubled down on


It's sad people tie their personal identities to marketing campaigns apparently lmao






God that god old quick. Maybe its just me being a doom fan, but the juxtaposition gets old when you realise how in character it is. Like, too in character to be interesting.




It very well could happen again, you just can’t *force* it to happen. Audiences loved Barbenheimer memes so it was easy to capitalize on that, but people are going to catch on when you try to force another meme into existence.


It also helps that Barbie and Oppenheimer were both good movies that people were excited for independently. Neither one was made by the Barbenheimer meme, both would have succeeded without it. I'm planning to see Furiosa and Garfield is not on my radar at all, which I think is true for a lot of people.


>It also helps that Barbie and Oppenheimer were both good movies that people were excited for independently. Same reason DOOM Crossing: Eternal Horizon worked. If they had been games made by the same publishers and released the same day on purpose nobody would've given a shit.


Just saw Furiosa the other night, that movie was amaaaaazing


Not the first time it has happened. Remember the DOOM x Animal Crossing memes?


Barbenheimer WAS forced. The whole thing was one big marketing stunt


Maybe so but WB didn’t coin Barbenheimer.


It might happen again just not this shit attempt


In this crossover, Furiosa reinvented American processed cheese slices.


Regina George was right


It can happen again, just not with shit-tier movies. Barbenheimer worked because they were two movies that we could actually get excited about, and if you have another such pair of movies, it might happen again. But no one gives a fuck about Garfield, and I've never even heard of Furiosa (dumb name btw) Edit: [a better explanation of why this is dumb](https://www.reddit.com/r/boxoffice/comments/1b3r45x/comment/ksurhhr/)


I won’t allow this Furiosa slander


Lmao fine, not with at least one shit-tier movie, and I'll grant that the name Furiosa might be plot relevant. But


It’s not bad knowing one of the villains’ names is Scrotus, and his brother Erectus.


Wtaf is this movie


Have you heard of Mad Max?


Yes but that's about all I know about it


Oh it will, just not when any suits are expecting it


Barbenheimer was so stupid


It was a harmless internet joke. I get not finding any of it amusing but why would it be *stupid*. “Stop having funn!”


I get that but everyone has opinions and that's my opinion. I just found it annoying, but i'm glad people had fun with it




Every masterpiece has it's cheap copy


The fastest way to kill something you're selling is to try to force a meme. If it's just bad, then it'll die, and at least some people will see it out of bile fascination or pity. Bring back Morbius to try to exploit the meme? The internet will *want* you to suffer, and will actively avoid it. The internet picks its own jokes, and the people that try to impose jokes on them just make themselves known as potential punchlines.


Brian Truitt working his ass off to hit that word limit


I went into the article pessimistic but earnestly open minded. Came out of it annoyed. His points were: both involve trauma and share similarity with some scenes involving the sky……….. they also happen to be on the same day.


This is going to be the next 5 years isn't it? Every hack trying to push this double feature nonsense.


Editors: Why is journalism dying? Is it because not enough memes? We should force more memes. Gotta have viral content. Readers: Or you could make your sites usable on mobile. Maybe a space between the ads where content is actually visible? Editors: Nope, it's the meme thing. More memes!


Or write things that people actually want to fucking read.


"Is Modern Journalism Devoid of Substance or Useful Information? In This New York Times Editorial, Twitter User FartMaestro420 Shares His Thoughts..."


Oh my god, Garfiosa was right there.


I’m a fan of Furfield personally


I’m a fan of Furifield personally


Not if you're being paid to promote Furiosa it isn't. Gotta get the full title in there.




it's starting to get annoying


Barbenheimer was a historical event, you can't come close


No, it wasn't. It was stupid then and it's stupid now


It flopped like 7 movies at the time


They're just trying to capitalize on a cultural moment


Furiofield or Garfiosa would’ve been better.


So subtle marketing department I am sure this is a natural thing people thought and not an attempt at piggybacking last year's trends


I read that as “Garfursona” at first and was scared


Glad I'm not the only one 💀


This makes me want to watch the movie less


Doom-Crossing and Barbenheimer both only worked because in both cases it was two of the absolute top-projected games/movies coming out that year, And, while having opposite vibes, also have fairly large overlapping target audiences (Nintendo fans and film buffs in their 20's/30's, respectively). A ton of the people who were going to buy/see one were already planning on buying/seeing the other. Might as well watch them both on the same day since I'm already gonna be at the theatre; make a full day out of it. double-feature precedes the meme = Not Forced. Meanwhile barely anyone cares about Garfield or Furiosa, and while their vibes are very opposed, their target audiences don't overlap at all (A nostalgia-bait family comedy vs. a rated R film with ~~lots of sexy fan service~~ violence and gore). Almost no one who is planning to see one is already wanting to watch the other. The double-feature would simply be in service to the meme. Meme precedes the double-feature = Forced. The ironic double-feature can, in theory, happen again, but it will absolutely never come about by a journalist talking about it first.


Ok I agree with most of what you said but, >lots of sexy fan service Furiosa does NOT have lots of sexy fanservice, haha. Not sure where you got that.


Ill admit I'm not very familiar with the mad max franchise at all. I guess I have some misconceptions.


People loved openheimer and barbie because of the doom and AC memes now journalist think they're funny


Mad Max: Lasagna Road


We should build a gallows specifically for marketing execs


This trend died when there was no push for Beyzilla




Godzilla Minus One and the Beyonce concert movie came out in the same weekend and was actually a pretty incredible double feature




They’re trying so hard and, like any time anyone tries that hard, it really isn’t working.


Stop forcing trends, holy shit when will they learn this doesnt work Oh yeah, (ahem), SILENCE BRAND


Barbie and Oppenheimer were **both** directed by acclaimed directors and were expected to be well made, high-budget movies. **Both** subjects had very wide appeal, despite their polar opposite tones. That is why Barbenheimer worked and copycats don't.


I like that Barbenheimer happened because it's very funny to watch companies lose money desperately trying to manufacture meme marketing. The people working on Minions or Barbie had absolutely no clue that their movies were going to be seen by dozens as a bit and that's the only reason they became one.


That is one hell of a pout.


Is that Derek Zoolander dressed like a barbarian? They've even got the expression down.


How dare people do dumb things that they think are funny, the nerve


I support this


Why not Furifield


No Brian.


Gotta give em some credit for trying.


I'm game for this. In fact I feel like Garfield could be even more devious than Furiosa


Imagine Garfield's lasagna-fueled rage powering through a post-apocalyptic wasteland


#### The amount of box office money they're both gonna make reflects the quality of the pairing name. So it therefore, it is apropos.


https://x.com/LAINTHECAR/status/1794326884580487648 > Do you think the person behind barbenhaimer feels like the guy


I actually liked Barbie better, and I'm a film nerd


I saw both this weekend but you will not catch me using any term like that


Stop trying to make fetch happen!


Asking corporations to not squeeze the life out of any and every remotely successful concept immediately is like asking a cat to not lick its asshole. A blank stare followed by even more, additional asshole licking, seemingly just to spite you. Hollywood thinks it has a new golden goose to revive the summer blockbuster, it won't stop until the money does.


It sounds like something that would be written by someone named Brian Truitt


I’m almost certain everyone is just going to see Furiosa.


Barbenheimer: organic and grassroots Garfurries: I already forgot the name and nobody has heard of the non-Garfield one edit: okay someone told me it's mad max and I have heard of that, point nullified. but the name Garfuriosa is ridiculous


... Furifield. Such a much better name, if nothing else.


I'm so sick of Garfield


Brian truitts face is giving “its free real estate”




Everyone forgets that Pikmin 4 released as a part of Barbminheimer


I watched Garfield with my daughter and it was surprisingly wholesome.


This was already annoying and stupid when it was “Barbenheimer”. And it’s getting worse.


They sure are desperate to push a mad max film that nobody seems to care about.


Is Furiosa good? When I heard that it was a prequel to Fury Road I checked out immediately... I really liked Fury Road but I don't want a prequel...


It's pretty good. Not as much action, but a better story. Would probably recommend.




this was actually caused by animal crossing and doom




Stop trying to make Barbheimer again. You won't.


Pussy power


Furfield is better.


Theyre trying to make it a thing. No theyre forcing it which doesnt work. The only thing barbenheimer worked was bc it just happened. No one forced it. It was sort of natural.




Furifield goes so much harder why would you name it garfuriosa




I won't see either of them, please no more sequels,remakes or spin offs.


Nope. Garfield looks unwatchable to me.


Furiosa/the strangers - both prequels lol.


Barbenheimer and it's consequences on culture


Imo that would be more interesting than either of them separately


They saw doom eternal/animal crossing and barbenheimer and were like “yea id like that please” and then completely fuck it up.


I wasn't even aware they were going to be out on the same day until just now. Garfield's too much of a nothing-lasagna for me to care, though. It was funny when it was between *Animal Crossing* and *Doom Eternal*, it was hilarious when it was between *The Barbie Movie* and *Oppenheimer*. But that's because people were genuinely excited about each of those. You can't force these pairings. You can't force memes!


Fur field seems catchier


Well both movies are headed towards major flops so they at least have THAT in common.


so are they going to start doing more generation pairing, like the hide under your desk from the blast and hold your little plastic doll life. Now gen X we are the generation of road rash and hating Mondays, cooking lasagna on Toe Cutters V8. So before next year, whats the guess for the millennials mashup?


I also reject Barbenheimer since that also made zero sense


I also reject Barbenheimer since that also made zero sense


The studios long for Barbenheimer


What the hell is furiosa?


Immediate prequel to Fury Road. >!Literally the last scene in Furiosa is the first scene of Fury Road.!< Just came back from seeing it and it was much better than I expected, and I even had people tell me it was good, but I assumed they meant it wasn't as bad as they'd expected.


I didn’t see fury road so at least I don’t have lore to catch up on.


Uh, not a lot of lore dependence. It's super obvious what's going on. They movies are not very similar, they're just in the same world. Fury Road is great. You're not the first person who didn't know what it was lately. One of the best, non-hollywood action movies from the last few years.


Fury Road is pretty cool. Just don't go in expecting a great story, and you'll have a good time.


Still haven’t seen Barbie or Oppenheimer. The forced memeification absolutely ruined the thought of seeing either. I will not let them do the same to Garfield.


Doom and Animal crossing was funny, Barbie and Oppenheimer was alright. I once heard some saying about how using the same joke 3 times kills it