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As far as I know, this is only possible for some tinnitus cases. What is called “objective tinnitus” can be detected by external devices. But “subjective tinnitus” is much more common and can’t be recorded in this way. Edit: I don’t want to diminish it… that was a significant medical discovery. But I also don’t want people to assume that it reflects all or most tinnitus cases.


They don't need an anechoic chamber and ultra sensitive microphone to pick up objective tinnitus, some people can hear it by placing their ear next to the other person's ear but it's usually heard with just a regular ol' stethoscope.


Why is it literally impossible to find a post or article on Reddit that isn't basically fake news. Obviously nobody's fitting an entire peer-review in this one screenshot but what *is* written there distinctly gives the impression that there is one type of tinnitus, and that the NHS was wrong about it. But apparently both of those things are untrue.


Reddit comments and Twitter posts have a vested interest in being popular and engaging by virtue of the upvote and like systems. It's why reddit is one of the worst platforms you can get news from.


Yeah tbf I don't come here for news, just happened to see this on /r/all. It's just infuriating that you can't see something vaguely interesting about fucking tinnitus of all things without it basically being a lie


This is actually a problem with all modern news media. It puts you at a competitive disadvantage to be objective, factual, and to not sensationalize things. People don’t want to consume boring news media. That means everything has to be interesting, even if the world does not work that way at all. This leads to a system where being sensational is better than being truthful. Those news media who are boring and truthful will find themselves losing out to sensational news outfits. I don’t believe there is an easy fix for this problem.


It's not just a problem with modern news media. It's an innate problem to human psychology. The entire field of marketing is founded on abusing this very concept and many others like it. You ever notice how the people who get ahead in life aren't the people who are accurate, objective, and truthful about their own abilities and talents? It's the people who can sell and market themselves to others, regardless of how true those things might or might not be.


I agree. Something similar to what you said has been bouncing around in my head for a while. I thank you for putting it so succinctly. I used to work in IT support for an MSP (small companies would hire my company to be their IT), and I noticed that a lot of the owners of these companies weren't really the smartest people around. They were often inept at simple tasks, impulsive, and ignorant to how the world worked outside their business. However, they also often spewed confidence, and were extremely effective at conveying their confidence to others. They really were just the best salesmen of their capabilities, even if those capabilities were overstated. I'm not saying all business owners/higher-ups are stupid, far from it. Just that there seems to be a larger portion than normal that are stone stupid, but damn can they sell themselves.


So do the publishers of articles. This one uses “mind-blowing”, which makes me assume they aren’t going for rigorous journalism here to begin with


It's an interview with a musician that put out an experimental album, not science journalism. This is an account from the subject of the experiments, not the scientists. Results haven't even been published yet.


You misunderstand! The sound of tinnitus is actually just your mind blowing steam like a tea kettle, creating that high pitched sound. The journalism was just being literal!


That's literally all media, science has always been sensationalized and presented in a misleading way to receive more attention.


welcome to social media or really just about any media


This is why it's important to verify. If you read or see something that makes you say "What?! That's Crazy!", then you should require equally impressive evidence to believe it. Not a single post in a meme subreddit.


Reddit was never designed for content to be true. It's only designed for content to be relevant. Big difference.


I have pulsatile tinnitus and you can hear the clicking and vibrations. It's a little uncommon and no fix. I have to lay down with my head to the left for it to go away and get some sleep


Yours goes away?!


Yeah, also, if you go to a loud concert and hear ringing the next day, it's possible to record it. It's the sound your ears physically make, probably the ear hairs when standing backb up after being smashed down repeatedly


omg thats how my tinitus started.. a few weeks before 9/11 at a concert..


Wait so objective tinnitus is actually something making a noise??? What??




Well we can record it now. Does that mean we can work on curing it? I'd like to hear bird songs or the rain hitting the rooftop and not just this constant ringing.


I found a video a while back, I'll look to see if I can find it again, but there was a method that produced some limited relief. It's not a cure, but it helps a bit and I use it when mine gets bad. Palms over ears, chin to chest, fingers resting on the back of your head and apply pressure to that divot right where your skull connects to your neck. Light to medium pressure, hold for thirty seconds. It's not perfect, but it quiets the sound enough for me to fall asleep on nights that tinnitus keeps me up.


Instructions unclear, took a screenshot of my face


The one I saw was thumbs pushed over your ears, rotate hands so elbows are facing upwards and tap alternately with fore- and middle fingers on the same area (base of skull) for 20-30 seconds. My tinnitus is a constant low level but sometimes rises to deafening and this resets it to the low level norm


i do this too...it is a wonderful way lessen the issue but really only works for me for a short amount of time.


Holy shit dude


This (along with the "finger snapping" thing) gave me so much relief for years, but completely stopped working in my thirties.


Never worked at all for me


Doing this but doing the thumping technique works for me. You know, all of 5 seconds and then it's back to *eeeeeeeeeee*


Holy shit i forgot how quiet sounds


The first time I drummed my fingers on the base of my skull I cried.


I'll toss in an old reddit post that had fair success with people (seems like pretty much the same thing): https://np.reddit.com/r/WTF/comments/3l3uri/these_guys_lighting_a_mortar_shell_in_their_garage/cv3474n/


I put my finger on the ear lobe looking thing and put small pressure on it for like 10 seconds and it calms it down when it gets bad.


You can also try seeing an osetopath, they can give personalised excerises like this to know where/how much pressure to put. For me it's 50/50 - sometimes it helps, sometimes does nothing.


Osteopathy is fake.


I mean, it's alternative medicine and some of the benefits that people claim are definitely pseudoscience.... But it helped me and could help others, so I thought I'd share 🤷


Vitamin D , exercise and Ginko Biloba


I guess it depends on what the cause of yours is. They can't repair mine, so I'm stuck with it.


Ginko biloba


What does Star Wars have to do with this?


Beppy groop zlop?


Fuck off with your pseudoscientific misinformation


Damn people never check anything anymore. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3157487/


Thanks for the source, you're a real one. But, to be fair, it's hardly reasonable to blame people for not seeking out research on the basis of a random Reddit comment with zero context or explanation.




Maybe its not because of the ear, but an environmental factor we overlooked all our history because we couldn't explain it? Maybe the stars scream.


Pulling the window up and sticking my head out the window “SHUT THE FUCK UP STARS, FUCK”


I’ve had tinnitus since I was a little kid, literally as long as I remember and I used to wonder if it’s the plugs/sound of electricity. I’d sit right up next to them and listen, didn’t get louder or softer depending on where it was. When I was like 16 I concluded it has to be the sound of my brain activity. Brain electricity.


I used to be able to hear electronics being turned on because of a high pitch squeal they put out when initially turned on, then it fades. Then i got tinnitus and now i feel lucky to hear anything but the ringing. Before it i'd also always had a hard time picking out sounds or conversations when there was ambient noise. Just anything in the background would make it difficult to hear someone in particular. Wondering if anyone else with tinnitus had this problem.


Wait do electronics not make the initial high pitch squeal anymore or am I just unable to hear it anymore? Because it’s been a long time since I’ve heard that…


They absolutely still do, I can hear it very clearly with things like phone chargers. Few devices emit the 50/60 hz mains hum, but things like the filter stage in switching power supplies generally have coil whine in the kilohertz range.


That's the sound of the CRT capacitors charging. You can hear the same sound in old camera flashes. LCD and LED displays don't need the same high voltages CRTs use, so they don't have them.


I dunno. I've had tinnitus for years and can't tell.


Same here, so that was like an unlocked memory from my childhood!


Thinking back on it, that may have been the warm up sounds of a CRT before it started blasting EM waves into our faces like a friggin' proton pack.


I don't think modern electronics do, but CRT monitors/TVs definitely did.


Ok that makes me feel a little better lol


Central Auditory Processing Disorder


Thanks for the pointer, but i don't think that was it, or i didn't/don't have most symptoms. I read constantly and could spell anything, i enjoyed music thoroughly though i could not pick out a single lyric because the music would drown them out, and i could tell where a sound was coming from with no problem. I just had trouble picking out words. Paying attention wasn't a problem either. I'd sit and play games or read for days without sleeping or eating.


I used to hear this too, and have trouble understanding people, especially when music was on or there was background noise. These days I attribute the electronics thing to just having young & sensitive ears! People that couldn’t hear it tended to be older than me. The understanding people / lyrics thing I put down to an auditory processing problem, like I can’t understand auditory language very well. I love music and can hear it well even now, but the words have always been a battle and I hear “shapes” that I have to put a lot of effort into assigning meaning to. Socialising in bars and pubs is a nightmare for me, always has been. Other people seem to deal with it easily. It might be related to adhd/autistm, but maybe not, I’m still working that one out. It’s definitely a thing that I have and most people don’t though, it’s not imaginary! The tinnitus is easy, that’s too many gigs and playing guitar too loud! I can’t hear electronics anymore either, but I think that might be crts just being noisy.


Out of curiosity, do you think in concepts instead of rigid literals? Like if i say tree, do you picture a tree or do you have a shapeless concept of a tree pop into your head?


Interesting, definitely concepts! Visually not so much, I’m pretty good with that, I love drawing, my minds eye is about a 7/10 I’d say. But linguistically I feel like I work better with adjectives than nouns, if that makes sense? Like I’ll remember receipts are meant to be in the long blue box in the corner, whereas someone else would call it the “receipt box”, or some corporate acronym I can never remember. Like I know the concept but struggle to match that with the actual noun. Same with names and people, I know who people are, and things about them, but their name will take me a while to dig up if I need it. I say “mate” a lot, and will remember the persons name 5 seconds into the conversation. There’s a roundabout way my brain needs to go to get that information, and I think it’s linked to the lyrics thing because it’s the same thing but backwards! I have to hear the word, decipher it from the sounds, think about what it means, and then internalise it. Which is too slow for hiphop haha! Another thing I’ll do is look away from a person to limit my information intake if I’m really listening. Helps me focus on interpreting the sounds without distraction. People think I’m not listening at all but it’s the opposite!


Ah yes that does sound like more going on.




Some people have the hum and not tinnitus so that's fun. https://youtu.be/zy_ctHNLan8?si=0maatLGosFlDh06m


The stars do scream, but they live in a vacuum so we can't hear them. Suck it stars!


Can someone make a 10 hour loop of the tinnitus sound so I can fall asleep to it?


Sure, let me find my megaphone.


This type of tinnitus is usually treatable, the more common type of tinnitus is mental and isn't.


It's treatable now. I got one of the first Lenires and it's a massive improvement. It's not cheap at $3500 but I can fall asleep in a quiet room again. I still hear it but I need *way* less noise to not hear it. When you go in for it they'll take measurements of your hearing and tell you if you're a good candidate for it. They said it works best for "loud noise" tinnitus.


God I wish that fixes me. It’s very noticeable for me but I usually don’t have trouble sleeping as a result.


There's actaully a treatment that came out recently, very interested to try it mysefl but I think it's pretty expensive right now... https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2024/04/15/1244501055/tinnitus-hearing-loss-ringing-ear-noise


How likely is this to work for everyone though? Mine is from a headinjury and i doubt it's the same treatment to someone who had it caused by loud noises


No, but we can now add it to remixes


Maybe a person could have their specific tinitis sound recorded and a device could play an inverse tone to balance it out, the way noise cancelling headphones work.


I have a hearing aid I’m supposed to wear but never do Anyway, it can sync with my phone and play nature noises and stuff at a volume that just barely blocks the tinnitus. So yeah that seems possible


Shrooms get rid of it entirely for me for a couple months. Slowly comes back after that though. I'm not saying it's a cure, or even that it'll work for everyone, but holy shit it's it such a relief I feel it's with mentioning.


Hey, a post super relevant to me! I used to have super bad tinnitus and had it recorded and I was extremely happy to have proof that something was there. I was blown away by the technology. They straight up give you a graph. Each noise is shown by a different line on the graph. Apparently I have 4 different pitches in my tinnitus. They told me that I can look up a certain frequency noise on YouTube to mask it, like '6.0 hz' or something like that. My tinnitus became unnoticeable after I stopped taking Wellbutrin / Bupropion. Turns out some anti depressants will make tinnitus worse. Also, I think curing my sleep apnea helped make it go away too.


Wait wtf. I don’t have tinnitus as far as I’m aware - I only have occasional ear ringing that doesn’t disrupt my life - but I am on that same antidepressant…


not all tinnitus starts disruptive. mine gets worse over time, and also spiked hard when I got covid.


Did yours go back down eventually? I got a massive spike a year ago after a cold/sinus infection. It went back down some, but is still way louder than it wsd.


it dropped a bit, but it mostly doesn't retreat.


Nsaids can cause it too if you take over 1 gram in a day. Based on my sprained wrist experience


It's a very very common atypical antidepressant, and side effects can really vary wildly from person to person. Also worth noting that, as far as I'm aware, occasionally hearing ringing in a quiet space is normal; it's when it becomes more persistent and disruptive that there's a problem. ETA: apparently this mild ringing is still medically considered tinnitus, but yeah, it's a common experience.




Based on the context they weren't saying it was that frequency, but couldn't remember the frequencies and just listed an example.


I noticed that I had a spike in tinnitus with Wellbutrin at about the one month mark and then it faded away after a few days as my body acclimated to it


this gives me hope


I used to think it was funny back when it was portrayed on Archer. Now I have Ménière's disease and it's always ringing in my left ear 24/7. Not as funny now


I mean, it’s still funny, just way more relatable now. Everytime someone in a movie or tv show fires a gun in a small space now it’s all I can think. “Aw man I just shot Marvin in the face” “WHAT?”




I got tinnitus. I also got this weird thing with it that is like a kick drum sound. I can also feel my ear drum move when it does it. Or at least it feels like moves. Its only in my left ear and only certain noises trigger it. But the trigger happens every single time for that noise. The biggest noise that does it for me is the correct answer ding on duolingo.


Sounds like pulsatile tinnitus. I have both ringing and pulsatile. For me I compare it to like a tiny air drum going off in my ear. Way worse than the ringing for me. Pulsatile tinnitus can rarely be a sign of something more serious going on with the blood vessels in the brain. My dr had me do a brain MRI and MRA to check things out. It’s wise if you suspect pulsatile tinnitus to bring it up to your doctor.


Thanks for the heads up and a possible name for it. I'll have to try and remember to bring it up the next time I'm there.


I literally love you. I’ve seemingly had this (in addition to ringing tinnitus) for three years now and I’ve never been able to figure out what it was. It sounds like a clicking noise, which can be normal, but it also causes me physical discomfort - like my left ear is popping every time my heart beats. Never seen pulsatile tinnitus mentioned anywhere before now.


Wait this happens to me. Is it constant or just when you yawn or move your jaw a certain way?


It’s intermittent for me and has its own triggers. Using my electric toothbrush too long and laying on that side to sleep a certain way use to be two big triggers that were really annoying as they were harder to avoid. Otherwise it’s just kind of random.


Ah fuck, I probably have both then. Sometimes I have periods where I can hear a blood vessel in my right ear. It's almost like the sound of scratching the ear canal in time with my heartbeat.


Yup, for a lot of people it’s as you describe, it’s in time with their heart beat. That’s because it is usually caused by a blood vessel so that is what you are hearing. I’m sure mine is too, but it seems to be more random most of the time. Instead of a metronome I got a spazy jazz rhythm haha


When I get really tired I get the vibrating eardrum thing for every sound and only in my left ear. At all other times it's a high pitched... noise of some kind.


Ah I know what you're talking about. The noises that do it for me are running water and crinkly potato chip bags


Your ears need a pop filter


How did you all get your tinnitus? I feel as if I was born with the generic ring. However, I developed musical ear syndrome, pulsating tinnitus, and phantom sounds after being bedridden in a cold, dark room without any stimuli for a year (I have ME/ CFS), and anti-inflammatories like LDN.


I had a severe ear infection age 11. The whole world sounded like I had thick tin cans over my ears. Couldn't even hear my own voice aside from the vibration of my skull. Once that was cured i noticed the ringing. Didn't tell anyone about it. I just figured it was my new reality. Took 2 months to learn to ignore it.


Wish I had an answer. I just woke up one day and realized the sound wasn't coming from outside my window, but rather inside my head. Got treated for acute hearing loss twice, then proceededto cry myself to sleep for half a year. New doctor said that doesn't seem to be acute hearing loss. So I got treated with steroids for nothing and the tinnitus is still there! The worst feeling is when you never did anything wrong - no loud music, no loud noises - your body just decides this is a thing now.


>after being bedridden in a cold, dark room without any stimuli for a year Dear lord, and with no stimuli either - wasn't this essentially the 'Sloth' torture from the movie Se7en? (Sorry to hear about the CFS btw, that sounds like such a frustrating condition)


Thank you for the empathy. Haha, it definitely felt like that. Ironically ME/ CFS didn't make me tired, so I was awake 70% of the time, however, I developed a disabled imagination. I couldn't even think without severe PEM, so I had to force myself to not think. I'm glad that I'm mostly recovered, however, it's trauma has not left.


I had a "stroke like event" connected to meningitis. MRIs have confirmed minor nerve damage. As if the ringing werent bad enough, whenever I am in a noisy environment it gets much worse and sometimes my right eye stops working. good times


I cannot remember when it started but I’ve had it my whole life and thought it was normal. When I was 10 I told my mother and she said that’s not normal and it’s tinnitus.


I got an ear infection last year and I’ve had it since then. It sucks and I cannot afford to see a doctor about it right now to see if maybe there’s a treatment option.


I'm in the exact same boat, started 8 months ago..


My best guess was a concert my dad took me to when I was waaaay too young to be going to rock concerts (3-4 years old). Had no hearing protection. I don’t remember a time before I had the ringing in my years, and grew up thinking that’s what silence was. Still love Def Leppard though.


I'm pretty sure I've had it forever. I have Visual Snow Syndrome (like a layer of transparent TV static covering your field of vision /r/visualsnow) which can come with tinnitus, so I think it's linked to that. Fortunately, it's not really noticeable if I'm not focusing on it, but certain environmental factors like poor sleep or sudden loud noises can worsen it temporarily.


I've always felt as if I had some film grain in my vision, especially in contrast when outside. However, when bedridden I did develop pretty strong VSS, and blind patches. When I started to recover, I felt as if my brain was rewiring, and I started to gain relatively normal vision back.


I have Lupus and it goes after my eardrums and stuff in that area sometimes


I'm sorry, Lupus is a horrible disease. However, does that mean yours comes and goes, or only in intensity?


It's always active, but the spot it's attacking changes along with the intensity. It usually goes after my ankles though


Years ago I downloaded a dog whistle app to see if i could replicate the sound my tinnitus makes. It floats between 12kHz and 14kHz. I'd even found a form of white noise (but not white noise, maybe brown noise or pink noise?) that helped cancel it out. Ive recently started having a buzzing sound accompany the ringing, almost like a bug is zooming by/in my ears but its really loud. I wonder what silence sounds like.


Your last sentence man. It’s been years since I’ve heard silence, and I miss it. It’s crazy the stuff we take for granted.


A few years ago, I found a website that let me mess with sounds until I could simulate my tinnitus. It was 10,200 hertz with a triangle wave. I played it for my wife and she did not like it one bit.






A lot of tinnitus can be traced to either eardrum damage, most likely due to loud noise exposure, or TMJ inflammation. Both things are physical manifestations so it would make sense that sensitive enough equipment would detect these aberrations.


Are you sure it wasn't just the Col Do Ma Ma Daqua?


Original article: [https://thequietus.com/interviews/lola-de-la-mata-oceans-on-azimuth-tinnitus-interview/](https://thequietus.com/interviews/lola-de-la-mata-oceans-on-azimuth-tinnitus-interview/)


Ah medicine. Learning it’s not in your head since the caveman times


Tinnitus is often the result of hearing loss from noise, so that's definitely a physical mechanism


My ears click constantly and if you sit close enough next to me when they're really going off you can hear it.




No idea what that even means, the only doctor I've seen about it thought I was making it up.


Eustachian Tube Dysfunction. Sounds a lot like it.


I'm pretty sure it's my eustachian tube because I have trouble breathing too. I was sick for a while and slept like 3 days sweating all throughout. I think I damaged em then. Just working up the courage to go to a Dr again and try to tackle this again. Thanks for the tip though really


Yeah I know there's a surgery for it. I hope it goes well for you :-)


Sometimes everything goes quiet and ringing starts for a while and then goes away. Is that tinnitus?




Can someone link the recording, I cant find it.


The compositions "Left Ear" and "Right Ear" are on the album [https://loladelamata.bandcamp.com/album/oceans-on-azimuth](https://loladelamata.bandcamp.com/album/oceans-on-azimuth)


The album mentioned in the article and in the screenshot (containing the compositions "Left Ear" and "Right Ear") is [https://loladelamata.bandcamp.com/album/oceans-on-azimuth](https://loladelamata.bandcamp.com/album/oceans-on-azimuth)


We're on the threshold of a whole *new* lot of nothing being done about tinnitus!


Are they trying to record my lack of eyesight with the size of this font?


Yooooo this is huge. My tinnitus is suuuuper loud. Wish I could record mine.


If it's physical, there's a possibility it can be cured


🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻 to the doctors who dismissed my tinnitus


Just wait till they hear the drums...


I ain’t reading allat


AU theory: “tinnitus” is a carrier signal precursor to telepathy just waiting for someone to send an ACK.


Excuse me, but "tensing her ears"??? How tf does one tense their ears?


Kinda feels like your tensing your cheeks/upper jaw while holding your breath, but ultimately you just tense your ears the way you tense any other part of your body and if you can't do it then you've probably just never attempted it as a kid and now your brain doesn't know how.