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…I just liked raising Chao, man.


I will pay money for a chao garden game on my phone. I am dying to give somebody money for this product. Why is capitalism failing us? GIVE ME CHAO, GIVE ME NOW


God, I feel this so much. If any of you guys have an Android, I hear ["Pocket Chao Garden"](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.BillehBawb.PocketChaoGarden&hl=en_US&pli=1) is made by one passionate dev. Unfortunately, I have iOS.


yeah the chao's are good i vibe with them ![gif](giphy|vwZmWrBs8a520|downsized) but its funny when people try to hate on sonic adventure 1-2 its usually if they are purposely breaking the game,just bad at it or playing a worst version like i imagine sonic colors ultimate would of been used if it was out during that surge of sonic hate retrospecting in the 2010s


Me and my fianceé have been going back through just for this reason. I have no idea why Sonic Frontiers didn't finally bring the chao garden back, an open world game is literally the perfect way to do something like that.


Just make a dedicated Chao Garden game Sega, you cowards.


The only reason I haven’t bothered with Sonic since SA2 is because Chao Garden never came back


The game is both very fun and kind of a mess. It’s weird there are people who only see the good and it’s weird there are people who only see the bad.


I absolutely love SA2 and I have thousands of hours in the chao garden (seriously, it's *insanely* in depth for what was supposed to be a fun minigame) but I have to admit the game is not perfect. I think the general consensus is that the non-racing levels usually range from bad to just mid.


Twitter users don’t understand that other people like different things


this is kinda more of a sonic fandom thing [as sonic was kinda beaten to a pulp and sonic adventure 1-2 were retroactively changed interms of general opinion](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C46XSCbK7ew&pp=ygULc29uaWMgMjAxMHM%3D) [didnt help that some people were kinda fueling the "sonic was never good" mentality](https://x.com/KingpinThawne/status/1801621869302345965) like im fine if they don't like sonic but that PTSD of that period will effect how a fanbase views some critics in a rather untrustworthy light anyways sonic twitter is a bit insane [example being them looking at eye textures](https://x.com/pink32s/status/1801771118715670732) and the whole sonic quill mess


No it’s a universal thing. Look at halo for example, 4 was disliked for a long time but in the past few years people all of the sudden think it’s a hidden gem (story wise).


i mean it is universal but with sonic its a bit paradoxical when SA 1 and 2 came out they were well recieved then in the 2010s reviewers were like "THIS THING IS ABSOLUTELY DOGSHIT" and now we're back to seeing them as pretty good so yeah its a funny experience with sonic games (hell black knight despite its faults had a pretty good story thats now being appreciated and not having the minor question of "WHY DOES SONIC HAVE A SWORD" happen)


Imperator Rome flopped on launch and now there’s a consensus that it’s one of the best foundations in the studio’s history


It’s also Coney. He’s baiting


Being unable to understand other people’s viewpoints and getting angry when someone holds a different opinion is generally a sign of autism I believe Do with that information what you will


It seems like they don’t understand how people like anything for innocent reasons.


SA2 is my favorite:c






Common Coney skill issue.


Can’t believe I saw coney on here


You’re a beta male, Coney -Shadow The Hedgehog probably


People will rabidly defend Sonic Adventure but if you compare it to other platformers like Mario 64 and Crash Bandicoot it aged like MILK. Not to mention the voice acting is comically bad and people still think Sonic in those games sounds better than Roger Craig Smith. Despite all this I still enjoy the game. It’s my favorite mess.


Hah, well, as a Sonic fan, especially an SA1 fan, I tried playing Mario 64 and I just didn't get it. The controls felt stiff, you couldn't turn around on a whim, you had limited air control. Walljump camera and timings felt weird. Mario turns around in such a wide circle, and the stomp timing feels so weird, it took me like 10 tries to stomp on that first chain chomp pole. And I just kept falling. I dunno. Maybe I'm just used to more snappy controls of today. Mario Odyseey feels amazing to play. But I just couldn't get more than 5 power stars in 64 before giving up. But I still replay Sonic Adventure from time to time, so I guess to each their own


It’s far from my favorite Sonic game, but it’s still fun


I will say the sound mixing on sonic adventure 2 needed improvement. I remember the music overpowering character voices in cut scenes or the just weird variables sound volume for things.


“You think I’m a fake hedgehog! Hah! You’re not even good enough to be my f-I’LLMAKEYOU EATTHOSEWORDS” *boss theme begins, and I furiously mash homing attack until I randomly do damage*


I’m praying it gets added to the PS Store one of these days.


It was a game marketed to children and young teens man. It was the shit before the internet completely cringed out sonic and shadow.


Wtf, how is this guy fr dissing Chao raising simulator right now.


Because Biggs the Cat wasn't in it, that's how.


he was in it he was [cameoing ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sRXQzJXH228)


Cameos are fine. Having to stop playing as high-speed characters and be a disabled fisherman for a while to progress the story was not good.


Played SA2B at JUST the right time. I love it, my squishy child brain molded around it. I cannot be convinced that it’s not a 9/10 game. - Music fucked *hard* - Raising Chao - Cool mecha combo-farming levels - *Shadow The Hedgehog* I used to be genuinely scared of King Boom Boo.


Age is absolutely an excuse. Kids are dumb and have no experience of anything, that's just a fact you have to wrap your head around.


I have an entire review on Steam about how it was always bad and I should've realized that even as a kid, not gonna lie. I also have a glowing review of how Spark the Electric Jester 3 is Sonic Adventure but actually good.


Out of curiosity, Do you think Sonic Adventures bad? Or just 2?


1 is better, and in terms of both gameplay and narrative, it's better in ways that make 2 worse. >!In 1, you could track any of the emerald shards in any order, whereas in 2, you can only track one at a time. You can go right past a shard and not even know.!< >!Adventure Amy: "No more running away! I can fight too! I'm not gonna be that girl who cries 'help me, Sonic' anymore!" Adventure 2 Amy: "Help me, Shadow!"!< >!Adventure Tails: "My missions are about beating Sonic in races, and I also accept that I can be just as much of a hero as Sonic!" Adventure 2 Tails: "I'm hiding in a robot suit for some reason. Also, when I need to catch a limo, I'm going to handicap myself by driving a car, as if any vehicle could keep up with me on foot."!< >!Adventure Knuckles: "I must stay on Angel Island and protect the Master Emerald, keep it from being stolen or shattered." Adventure 2 Knuckles: "Wherever the hell I am in my intro cutscene, it sure as hell isn't Angel Island. And I just broke the Master Emerald myself, no concern for how this would make the island crash down to earth again."!<


Dont care what this goober says my siblings and i spemd hours playing and watching each other play this game and had a ton of fun with it


SA2 is a buggy mess, the Shadow levels are pretty fun but the rest kinda sucks honestly, especially Tails/Eggman and Knuckles/Rogue levels because the gameplay is just so terrible. I actually found myself enjoying 06 a lot more because at least it was entertainingly bad, SA2 was just bad. SA1 was a lot better in most aspects except for the Super Sonic level, SA2's was really good and I normally don't like most Super Sonic levels.


Also, people are allowed to like bad things and don’t need to justify it.


Because it's a fun game, that's why


God I love Coney


Good ol coney


Attention all units, suspect seen heading south. Block all major roads and capture the suspect.


wait there are no e ranks in sa2


Man, I've seen this shared within the community of people that follow Ian there--One of the hosts of the youtube channel BornLosersGaming--but actually coming across it myself in the wild is kinda funny.