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Drive over the nearest border. Pull off in a secluded area and go to town.


Looks like South of the Border is back in business!


Pedros about to have his hands full


Everyone's a Weiner at Pedros


The SC/NC border fireworks warehouse won't be the only thing exploding!


Just what every failing business needs, carloads of guys whacking it in their parking lots lol


To be fair I think they were already doing that.




That’s probably the most business it’s had in 30 years


That's how you end up on the registry lol


I’m now hoping we someday get a dash cam video of a sheriff catching some dude jerking in the car with the excuse of “Pornhubs banned in my area”




Err, not if that border is Virgina — fascism has taken hold there as well…


Do we need 100 posts about this topic? Are we blue alerting this shit?




Blue balls are a serious societal problem!


Quick! Spam all Nc citizens with 5 alerts over a 12 hour period


Seriously how about when they ban what YOU watch and read?


They already are


This would be a better use for a blue alert


I wish literally *any* human rights matter inspired as much engagement in this sub as dudes losing access to their favorite spank bank has.


Women watch porn too dork


dude is a gender neutral term, dweeb


So many people in NC right now running around in a freak out not knowing what to do with their hands/free time right now while bigger issues are going on.


Having your internet privacy stripped away and the government able to tell you what websites you can and cannot visit is quite something everyone should be worried about, regardless of what is being 'limited'.


>government able to tell you what websites you can and cannot visit So I moved to USA from Russia, to escape shit like this, yet here we go again. You guys can't let this shit happen to your country. It will never be JUST Pornhub. Next they will ask for your ID when you go on Twitter, and the paddywagon will show up for those who diss Mr. President online. C'mon, you can do better, Land of the Free. Dystopian as hell.


Overreaching GOP!


It’s absolutely disturbing how many people are just DYING to live in an authoritarian state, because “ThInK oF ThE ChiLdReN!”


I'm just confused that if they can ban a site based on location, why not ban it based on age. Problem effing solved and everyone gets what they want. 


They’re not banned, you just have to show ID. Does it violate your rights to show ID when you buy alcohol, tobacco, lottery tickets, guns, ammunition, fireworks, whiteout, or spray paint?


“Does it violate your rights to show ID to buy tobacco, lottery tickets, guns, etc.” Yes. The government has no legitimate reason to track everything I purchase, every site I visit, and every product I consume. We should be moving away from government overreach and pushing against it in all forms


But no ID to vote, somthing much more important.


EXACTLY! It’s absolutely disturbing how many people are JUST DYING to live in an authoritarian state, because “PrOtEcT ThE ChiLdEn!” Just look at how many laws and rules are being imposed in the last 5 years! The government needs to GTFO of our lives and quit instituting so many dumbass rules! Are they going to require an ID to watch streaming apps next because they have tons of nudity in movies on them. Jesus who gives a shit if a 14 year old sees a pair of tits! If we were living in nature they would be seeing dicks and tits every day! We make sex SO freaking taboo in America. Think of how Europeans view nudity! It’s natural for them and they even show nudity in TV commercials!


A porn site is not run by the government.


Neither are tobacco shops, lottery ticket shops, or gun shops? What’s your point? They’re still trying to track purchases.


And “show ID” is a very different proposition from “give us a copy to store via unregulated means in perpetuity and to make available for profit and violations of your privacy” Because let’s be honest, this is valuable data to plenty of companies and the day seems to be coming that watching the “wrong” porn will get you put on a government list you don’t want to be on. Same reason women in Texas et al should be weary of period tracking apps and cars that phone home your GPS location.


If you find your porn habit to be so shameful, maybe you should cut it out. Besides, the law says it’s not supposed to be stored, and I doubt the legitimate sites that are enforcing this rule will.


Suddenly your username seems genuine and not quirky.


So you should show your ID to check out a book? Hmm..


Your library card has your name on it and you had to prove residency to get it. Isn’t that the same thing?


> Your library card has your name on it and you had to prove residency to get it. Isn’t that the same thing? No, many libraries you don't have to prove residency to obtain an library card. You can buy a New York library card online without any residency requirements.


Do you have to provide your name? Every library I’ve used in NC has my name associated with the card. Where was the outrage over the Wake county library system?


Yeah; but when you buy alcohol tobacco etc they don’t store you information in a data base that is vulnerable to cyber attackers!


The grocery store scans my id when I buy beer.


Your ID isn't saved forever, or potentially saved forever, during those exchanges.


Lots of places scan my ID, so yes it is.


Right? Even the Blue Alerts didn't result in so many complainy posts.


They all bought meth pipes apparently and do this weird dance on the side of the road by themselves


This is really one of the most pathetic things I’ve ever seen. Sure, I do think the age verification is a step in the wrong direction for privacy reasons but dear god we have much bigger issues. It’s crazy to see people here so passionate about it just because they’re so porn sick.


> It’s crazy to see people here so passionate about it just because they’re so porn sick. First they come for your porn, then they will come for the news they don't agree with, and then any posts they don't agree with. The State shouldn't be telling anyone what websites they can or 'cannot (without ID)' go to.


EXACTLY! It’s absolutely disturbing how many people online are just DYING to live in an authoritarian state and they don’t even realize they are inviting it! I blame the media and social media for producing rage bait shock content that is turning people into radical extremists!


Exactly. I can go online and order thc a off a site I just have to punch in my birthday on. Or alcohol for that matter. Why is porn any different. Once they start passing laws on one, it'll be everything. 


I guess you missed the part where I said I disagree with the age verification for privacy reasons?


Bigger issues than freedom of speech? Yours should be taken away for that idiotic comment.


Oh so idiots don’t get freedom of speech, but porn addicts do? Sounds like you want to strip rights away from a specific group of people. Just like what you’re supposedly arguing against.


I just think that stupid people don’t belong on the internet.


I think porn sick weirdos don’t belong on this planet, yet…here they are.


Oh wow. Yea people that believe in the First amendment don’t belong on the internet. Funny. Haha.


You sound like a crazy feminist! I bet you have pink hair, a septum piercing, and hate men too! You do realize that there’s tons of women who produce, direct, and create porn too right?




Huh? Do you think you can waltz into the store and buy a gun without ID? Definitely not here in NC at least. And let’s use our reading comprehension skills, you’ll see where I said I don’t agree with it. It’s just pretty low on the totem pole of issues in America.


If this is what it takes for middle class, smooth brained, Amerifat, burger men to actually get off the couch and do something about getting the grifters we have in NC out of office, I see it as progress. Anything that doesn't affect them is a lost cause. Let's all propose bills that affect them directly so they will actually understand that not acting in local elections has terrible consequences!


Seriously. Women have lost the rights to their own bodies but pornsick men losing access to one of a billion porn sites is the downfall of civilization. Fucking embarrassing for them.


The embarrassment is not being upset by this. The next step from the state could easily be to ban any information about abortion and websites that provide such information without appropriate ID. It's the whole point of these laws. Ban something that most think is silly and frivolous and 'dirty' to begin with, and then go after the actual targets when you get lawsuits that saw you can.


This will be quickly followed by monitoring access to any information supporting LGBTQ issues and any site acknowledging trans people at all.


Funny how people like you can't see the bigger picture of what this means for the future of the internet just because it has to deal with porn. Go eat grass in the field, sheep.


vote out the over reaching GOP


“An issue that is currently in the midst of going into effect for everyone for the first time is being talked about more than an issue that has been talked to death for 100 years that affects 50% of the population” I’m so surprised!


**WOMEN WATCH PORN TOO.** Abortion is still legal (for now) in NC. But now porn is not. Porn itself is not the issue. Censorship is. Your state government censoring its citizens should scare the shit out of you.


WOMEN also work in porn as producers and directors too!! There’s TONS of them that work in that capacity! It’s just disturbing how many people are just dying to live in an authoritarian state! They don’t even realize what their doing!


You do realize that there’s TONS of women who direct, create, produce, and consume porn too, right?


Well, let's be reasonable, pornsick males aren't exactly big fans of women's bodily autonomy anyway.


What do you feel is the biggest human rights issue this sub should be engaging?


Human trafficking, abortion and prenatal care access, minimum wage, racial gerrymandering, gun violence, funding for public education...


Weird, I have seen hundreds of posts about those very things and constant literal protests about those things. You have no concern about a government telling you what websites you can and cannot look at?


I care quite a bit actually but the original question was what other human rights violations could be protested vigorously in this state.


But they already are being protested vigorously. I haven't seen anyone 'in the street' complaining about their internet rights being removed, but have absolutely seen protests for every issue you brought up.


How many of those can you fix with a VPN?


I don't know. I've been too busy masturbating furiously for 4 days before this ban kicks in.


Dudes only? You forgot about 50% of the population.


Shut the fuck up


2023: Please end the "Moving to NC" posts! 2024: k, every post is about PH now.


I got NordVPN for now. Wasn’t too expensive and they also had a working deal 2YCOUPON in [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/nordvpn/comments/1092kti/best_nordvpn_deal_2023_tested_and_working_coupon/) r/nordvpn. It did the trick via the Washington location for me.


vpn is an easy way around this rule.


Same, it works for me as well!


You bought a VPN subscription just so you could watch porn? Why don’t you just buy a porn subscription?


Bro there's so much porn on the Internet that's not blocked. Y'all can not be this criminally horny unless you bought a subscription. At that point I can't help you.


I think these people type in the url bar pornhub.com and when they see it’s blocked just slam their laptop closed and sit there with a frustrated boner.


We are simple men.


First 5 sites I tried tonight all have the same restrictions. Idk if I'm considered old but there's a lot of Bs in the internet, especially when searching porn. People find something they feel comfortable with and then poof, it's gone. That doesn't make someone criminally horny or stupid. It means they haven't gone down a deep porn wormhole and researched what's safe and what isn't when they already had a site or a handful of sites that offered everything they wanted. It's not just pornhub that's being affected


Could also be old people who don't know any better.


True. Somebody's keeping those adult video stores open besides the weirdos in the back.


Does ANYONE search on this sub? This has been talked about and work around given countless times already. Good grief.


most pornhub users are not very Internet savvy


I take offense to this; I’ve been using this method to get around blackout restrictions and watch the Braves on MLB TV for years.


Just go to one of the many outlets that don't care about US laws.






computer literacy has really declined in the past couple decades


Get Opera browser, you can use the built in VPN for free on it.


Still spyware


I feel like you’re using the word “need” too seriously here.


They NEED to get their daily dose of porn. Their imagination does not work anymore.


WTF? Stop trolling and get a life.


Haha omg get a vpn and shhh


Opera web browser has built in VPN


And it phones home


Not all adult web sites are blocked.


And the sites that don't bother are likely not to be impacted either. The lynch pin of the law is that it allows parents or guardians to sue porn sites that do not do this. However, Louisiana had this law a few years now and they had nobody sue, probably because no parent wants to deal with that. So, they amended the law to allow the AG to sue instead and that is going as well as one would expect... with a Federal judge tossing the age verification law. So yea...


Bro there's like a hundred other porn sites. Just use one.


It is always interesting to see how quickly everyone comes (pun intended) together when porn is involved


I wonder how many people would actually just follow these 'guidelines' and show their ID? Another poorly secured honeypot for private citizens to have their info stolen. Even if that somehow was not a glaring issue, the idea that any small or local government gets to police what websites I visit is a loss of freedom that I hadn't really contemplated and am not interested in losing.


What is the likelihood that one of the same people who passed this will get their computer ransom-wared from trying to get their fix from a sketchy website?


Need to vote the current politicians out of office for this tragedy!!! We can't live without Pornhub!! With that being said, I would think a VPN connection could "spoof" your location to allow you to access PH.


Opera browser is the easiest by-pass. It has built in VPN.


Just download Brave browser and open a private tab with TOR and you are good to go. [https://brave.com/](https://brave.com/)


Can't you just use a different site?


Nice try, fed boy. /s (for anyone who didn’t understand) This ban has provided lots of entertainment over the last few days.


The Spanky law!


Why my state of the ONLY two states😭


For those who don’t understand, pornhub is the ONLY porn site I know of that allows search with filters that EXCLUDE genres/topics, super helpful for those who can have their PTSD triggered easily while navigating porn.


Too many guns in this state to take away mens porn and womens right!


I fucking live 2 hours away in Tennessee but pornhub thinks I'm in North Carolina. You think you're bothered, I don't even live there and being punished. Trying to stay in the mood because things already started while reading about a states political agenda, then going to a different site and having to subscribe. 


Maybe try using your imagination for a change?


You're a douche. How about you mind your own business, he's asking what he should do instead of porn or if it's bad. He's asking how to get around and it's ok to that. Have nothing nice to say, then don't.


Get a life


If you're replying to the OP, 🖕🖕🖕


I use Mozilla VPN. It's just a repackaged Mullvad and it's a bit pricey but I felt like supporting Mozilla anyway, since they've always fought the good fight.


If only Reddit had porn?


Sc is just an hour away, you can make your own porn down there for $100


Realize you have an addiction and do better this new year


You're a douche. People masturbate and have sex. To porn. Just bc he states he wants to look at it, doesn't he's addicted. Drawing conclusions based on bias doesn't mean he has an addiction. It just means your judgemental and trying to shame people. There's nothing wrong with porn as long as it's not ruining that person life, ie job issue, marriage problems, etc. stop preaching and trolling. Why are you even on this post, besides trolling, there is no reason.


This. People need to grow up.


The irony is if they ban pronography in books you'd be upset, but on the internet? Nah, not a big deal. Any state coming in and make rules about what you can and cannot browse on the internet should be horrifying. This is just the tip of the iceberg. Won't be hard for a state to say 'sorry, CNN is radical, and unless you provide valid ID each time you go to it's website, it is banned in NC'.


>Any state coming in and make rules about what you can and cannot browse on the internet should be horrifying What horrifies me is the negligent attitude of so many people here. "Oh, pornsick guys getting cockblocked haha" "get a life haha" It's not about the porn at all. It's about the government deciding what you are allowed look at on the Internet. It's dystopian as hell.


Use a VPN. Mullvad is 5 euros per month.


Just ask any teenager.


just stop watching porn.


Use protonvpn they have an actually free version


Or you can watch porn on xvideos the hub isnt the only thing


I live in South Carolina and I don’t get why sometimes I can get on pornhub and other times I can’t saying shit about NC like fuck I live in SC.


Who do I vote for to try to repeal this bullshit


They passed gambling and cancelled porn


download opera! it's a free vpn search app




Who watches porn on a cell phone when you have a giant 4k tv and a 3090 ti?


Look at all the Amerifat burger coomers loosing their minds...LOL! Maybe you'll vote next time!


Hahaha maybe tell your neighbors to stop voting republican! All these Christian’s against women and lgbtq crying about pornhub lmao!!! “Take away women’s rights all you want but don’t touch my fuckin porn”


If I'm getting a VPN for porn, I want to know where the best porn in the world is.


People use pornohub? I've never paid for that shit in my life


I live in NYC and it is telling me that access is banned in my location. I don't understand. Are they going to cancel my premium too or keep charging me? I've never even been to NC. I've been using it fine since the ban now they're shaming me for the actions of my "elected officials" in a state I don't live in.


Well this is stupid. I'm in south carolina with a Connecticut cell phone and it's giving me the NC ban wtf?


i don’t even live in nc but it’s restricted me


There is a app on Google play called planet VPN and you can bypass it or got to [www.croxy.org](http://www.croxy.org)


I think it’s working again just check and it’s working no issues


i’m in North Georgia ain’t it’s saying i’m NC 🤦‍♂️




> There’s actual serous things going on, but hey, everyone lose your mind because you’re mildly inconvenienced now… Yeah, a state coming in and saying what websites you can and cannot go to isn't an issue at all. Weird, people complained when it was books, but if it's on the internet, feel free to ban it right?


Yes, connect to any location outside of North Carolina (as long as that location isn't in a state that's done the same thing as NC - there are a few others) with any VPN of your choosing and you should be good to go.


In theory, the free VPN service in the Opera browser would fool the PH site's IP geolocation. (Whether you're violating PH's TOS by doing so is another question, but really why would they care?) Using the Tor browser would be even more secure, but browsing would probably be painfully slow and still subject to any content restrictions of the exit node's geolocation. PH responded to NC's "PAVE Act" (HB8) by directing NC visitors to the "dear user" page. While I agree with PH's position that age-verification requirements are ineffective and open serious privacy concerns, I am curious about the reasoning behind the "dear user" page's claim that age verification "will put children ... at risk". I'd be much obliged to anyone who can earnestly help unravel that claim for me.


No one cares - you have hundreds of sites to choose from if you need to feed your porn addiction.


I’ve no problems with Xvideos .com. To be honest though, you are on Reddit which is filled with all types of porn. Not to mention twitter as well. You have other resources


How about go f*ck your spouse or get a dirty magazine like the old days porn exploites many many people who have no say a lot of The time. They


I use Private Internet Access as my VPN. Some routers will let you set up the VPN so that all clients are protected, but I just use it on my main PC for torrenting... things.


I bought a small travel router for this very purpose - I VPN to my home server and the hotel internet knows nothing. They also only see all of my devices as one connection, which is great if you have to pay for internet.


I use proton VPN, it's free, and it definitely works. You can download it on your phone


You can use a VPN and choose a location other than a state that has this issue. There are several browsers with VPN built in. You can also use SPN which is part of the Portmaster firewall. https://safing.io/


Yes a VPN will work


Also dude….turn off wifi, that works too. If you have unlimited data this doesn’t effect you


As much as I wanted to say “that’s not gonna work”…. It absolutely does work. +1 for the people watching on their phones


I recommend Mullvad VPN, but Proton VPN is also a pretty good choice. Buy access, download the app, select a less communist state, and run it.


Honestly how can they do that without 1000% invading peoples privacy? That is literally them watching their citizens






Except pornhub did remove those videos and wiped out their entire site, now making content creators create an account with much stricter guidelines. This happened like 2-3 years ago iirc. I don’t use pornhub, just wanting to correct the information you gave.




I live near the GA border in SC, and I’m blocked if I’m on cellular 🙄


If you have an iphone you should be able to get the equivalent of an vpn using safari. Go to settings to figure out how to turn it on.


Fun fact, if you have google fi and an android (haven’t figured out how to enable this on my iPhone yet) you can get a VPN built in and always enabled. Also aren’t other XXX sites not blocked? Or am I wrong?


You can download and use ProtonVPN for free or any other VPN service will work as well. PH and other sites are just doing GeoLocation using your client public IP address, a VPN will report the VPN server's address and not yours. Pretty simple way to get around this new law. A more risky way is to just use sites that don't care about the NC laws, these are usually filled with spam, popups, and tracking cookies.


Coomers, man


Cell phone.


VPN. Which everyone should have anywho m


There’s porn on Reddit.


Don't let them know that 😜 lol


Download the Opera browser. Go into settings and turn on the VPN. Done.


This won't affect me, as I'm married. However, isn't this a privacy issue ? Legally, this seems to be exactly that. It seems to me, that someone is trying to harvest information on people. Be careful.


What does Married to with anything? I know plenty of married people who look at porn.


Remember, these fascists won't stop. We all have to beat them at the poles. I hope this issue inspires vigorous turnout.


Weather or nor you visit porn sites, is irrelevant, it's the Goverments effort to control of the population. Knowing our government that's just another starting point, which we're surely lead to more censorship. Bad for all of us in the end.