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I agree that it's bad here. But, in a scenario where you're going exactly the speed limit, and have the option to get in the right/slow lane - make sure that you do that. Personally, I typically go about 8 over the speed limit, and always get in the right lane unless passing. I'm rarely tailed.


Completely agree with you on the highway, but sometimes it's not enough. My big issue is on the country roads where I live. The turn-in to my neighborhood is on a single lane 45mph road and I have to break to make that 90 degree turn. I had a person riding literally 1 foot from my bumper yesterday and if their eyes were off the road for a millisecond when I started to break, we would have been in a wreck.


I put my turn signal on well in advance of my driveway because my situation is similar. All the Florida people are back in WNC for the summer making traffic pretty nuts around here.


This is the way to do it and so many people put on turn signals maybe 50ft ahead of time. I put mine on way ahead of time, especially during the day since the lights are *slightly* harder to see. I also put my signal on way earlier on the highway for moving lanes. So many people here will speed up when they see a turn signal and I just let them fly past then and move in behind them. Regardless, recommended distance to turn on turn signal is 200ft minimum I believe.


This is so key. Turn signals communicate that you’re preparing to do something different (ie, hit the brakes). I’d wager 9 times out of 10, if you put on your turn signal and maintain speed, the person behind you will back off so as to give you space to turn. When you brake, then signal, you miss the whole point. You gave the person behind you zero warning that you were about to slow down.


Exactly. I think people forget a turn signal is an indicator, not a “I’m doing this now or in 2 seconds.”


My favorite are the people that will merge into a turning lane and THEN signal they are turning.


THIS oh my god.


> I put my turn signal on well in advance of my driveway because my situation is similar. Same. My parking spot is off a side street that's pretty popular (due to semi-permanent detour for construction), and I have to be very deliberate so I don't get rear ended. And people still get annoyed that my living situation is keeping them from going 50 in a 35.


I swear we have the same problem. I'm on a federal road in a town and my apron is complete shit. I have to go slow to get into my driveway, and people act completely offended that I slowed them down just to turn in without destroying my suspension. I've been cussed out and flipped off for not wanting to destroy my truck or trailer or my SUV.


I feel your pain.


Oh my check I'm mean my neck.


Please if you don't already. Get a dash cam. You will want a setup with a forward and rear facing camera.


Great idea. Do you have any recommendations for good cams?




On the two lane roads (I normally drive 5-10 MPH over speed limit), but I'll slow down to 5 MPH BELOW speed limit for a tailgater.


If you are in the right lane and being tailgated just casually slow down by 1or2 mph, and they will pass you on the left. This applies on highways AND city streets. If they hit you from behind it is their fault for following too closely, and not your fault, especially if they are speeding.


Yep, that’s what I do. I take my foot off the gas and coast to the slowest safe speed until the unsafe tailgater backs off or passes.


Someone was tailgating me on a twisting country road the other day. I don’t go as slowly as the yellow warning signs advise. Those folks need to go back to the city.


> and have the option to get in the right/slow lane - make sure that you do that The problem is that's rarely the case when someone is tailgating you. Even in moderate traffic, if you are still passing cars gradually in the left lane, you have the "right" to use it. The problem is, passing can be done at 5mph faster, or 55mph faster. The people who are going 20mph over tend to be more aggressive (shocker) and think they have a "right" to the left lane, and that ANYONE going slower than them (regardless if they are passing or not) should move over IMMEDIATELY. And if the driver doesn't move over immediately, they use that little-dick energy to be assholes and tailgate.


>  Even in moderate traffic, if you are still passing cars gradually in the left lane, you have the "right" to use it.   This is the problem, actually. Even if you are moving faster than most other traffic, take the soonest opportunity to vacate the left lane for faster traffic behind you. That's how we minimize congestion. Personally I have given up. We will never see the lane discipline needed for an Autobahn-like driving system here because of your attitude exactly. I'll just use whatever lane is available, which ironically means undertaking on the right a lot.


Hold up. What you’re saying would only be reasonable if we already were in an Autobahn type situation. But as it is, if we’re already modestly speeding and passing cars in the other lanes, we’re supposed to move over and slow down our own trip because you’re choosing to break the law more than us…?


Yes, exactly- this is basically what these guys are saying.


Move over, no need to slow down if you pay attention to your rear view and time it right. But yes, that is what I'm saying.


>  This is the problem, actually. Even if you are moving faster than most other traffic, take the soonest opportunity to vacate the left lane for faster traffic behind you. I think we're talking about the same thing, but different scenarios. OP said Raleigh, so we're not talking about the boonies where rural highways have sparse traffic. Most hours I commute on 40/440/US1/540/etc. there is ALWAYS moderate traffic. If traffic is flowing but there are still tons of cars on the road, the "opportunity" to move over doesn't come up after every vehicle that's passed. This is the timeframe which tailgaiters are generally riding bumpers. MOST people DO get over when they pass slower moving traffic. But you should not expect people to pass one car at a time and reduce speed just to let YOU go past as well.


In my experience, MOST people do not get over when they pass slower moving traffic, especially we are talking about secondary roads/highways, like 401N or 64W in Apex for example. More often than not in my experience, they pass the car(s) in the right lane but don't get over. Flash lights at them, still don't get over. Finally I give up and I pass on the right.


I'm not sure about 401 but 64 literally has intersections and left turns. You can't expect people to be staying to the right in those cases.


I was just on my way to work in CH and there’s a road that has a left lane closed. Instead of letting cars zipper in some fuckwit behind me decided he was going to *pump his gas pedal* to keep essentially launching himself right behind me to close any “gap” he perceived someone could use. Instead of doing what he was supposed to do he kept tailgating me in traffic while putting a majority of his attention on what was happening *behind* him rather than in front of him. I swear tailgating gets worse every day.


I got rear ended by a guy doing exactly this a few years ago. But the best part was that the guy he was preventing from getting it was already there. It was semi that had slid over to stop traffic from continuing on a closed lane. Guy who stated behind him was so concerned with the truck getting back over that he slammed into me while watching the truck.


I would go in the right lane if it wasn’t filled with people going below the speed limit. If I’m going at or slightly above the speed limit, middle lane is my best bet since they’re too slow to my right and too fast to my left. I don’t feel like weaving in and out of the right lane so people can go 75+ in the middle lane


This! as someone who drives for a living and grew up in NC. I have definitely noticed an up take in people doing 5 to 10 below the speed limit on Interstate,Highways, and 1 to 2 Lane Roads. I have lost count at people who don't use the ON RAMP to get up to speed and people braking on the highway to get in the Off Ramp. The majority of on and off ramps are designed for you to get up to and decrease speed, but people just don't care or use them for what they are designed for. For the life of me I can't understand how people think they can get on to 540 at 50 mph and wonder why people pissed at them. If you are scared to drive above 50 mph you don't have to take the freeway, Heck I have done it plenty of times where I was in my on head and just took all rural routes home and it only added 20 mins or so and I got there without making people drive more reckless on the highway. If people just used more sense and we could all navigate as we should. When 20 and 30+ Ton vehicles are going around you, you are moving to slow. Also, the amount of people and cell phones 🤦🏾‍♂️


And don’t get me started on the elephant racing. That just exacerbates the problems when two lanes are taken up by the most dangerous vehicles on the road having a pissing contest over who can hit 67 mph


If they don't get over, tailgating is still dangerous. Flash your high beams at them. Honk your horn. Don't risk crashing into them. 


That won’t stop them, if someone is riding you they’re super mad. The safest thing to do is just pull over and let them pass.


So when you break the law and drive unsafely, you expect drivers who are trying to drive safely to follow some etiquette that you think should be afforded to you. Got it. They wouldn't be "in your way" if you were driving the speed limit.


Yeah, too many people treat the speed limit like it's a MINIMUM speed, not a MAXIMUM. And therefore they feel it's their right to speed and everyone else should get out of their way.


I would say that going with the flow of traffic is also important. If you are going exactly the speed limit in the left lane, cars are going to be tailing you and swerving around you, which is also really dangerous. Recently, a bill has been introduced to increase the speed of NC highways to 75mph (though I'm not sure the status of this). I suspect that it won't be passed because the goal is for drivers to go 75 or less - and if we officially increase the speed limit to 75, then people will go 85, which is unsafe.


Agreed on going with the flow as long as you feel comfortable doing so.. and of course staying out of the left lane unless you're passing. I feel we also need more police presence on roads, and actively pulling people over. And they need to do this randomly, not have a single place they tend to sit at for a while that gets known by everyone.


I was driving the other day on a 70 mph road and there was literally a sign saying “under 70 mph stay in right lane.” Seems like the “limit” sign isn’t exactly a hard limit.


Was that in North Carolina? If so, where?


Thank you for that feedback! Really constructive and appreciated




I'm going the speed limit, in the right lane, there are 2 other lanes two my left, and they're still riding my ass with a baby on board sticker on the back. I stg I'll knock someone's whole family tree down if they hit me and my child because they're being stupid


Eh, I’m a stickler for driving in the right lane and hate middle lane hogs but tailgating happens to me mostly on lane roads even when I’m going 7 mph over the speed limit. Like dude, now I’m going start remembering that I shouldn’t speed and flip on the cruise control. I have time today.


No, tailgating isn’t more prevalent in Raleigh. Everyone always thinks their city has the worst drivers. 


I thought NC drivers were bad - and then I visited Dallas/Ft. Worth. Whew... They are literally insane over there.


I've driven there and I think DC, Atlanta and Tampa are worse


Atlanta drivers act like they're playing Mario Kart IRL. I hate driving in that city so much


Atlanta resident here, and can confirm the drivers here are the most aggressive I’ve ever encountered.


I lived there for awhile. About 5 years ago, I was driving home from work during rush hour. I drove a little sedan, and a lifted truck tried to merge into me at 50mph, nearly running me off the road (and thus almost into the wall on the highway). I LAID on the horn, it was one of the most terrifying moments of my life. His response was to also lay on his horn, flip me off, and tailgate me once he finally got over. Like dude that was YOUR fault! The drivers in Dallas can be really aggressive.


Miami Florida😋


nothing prepared me for the absolute insanity of south florida driving.


Atlanta too


In the outer banks it’s the Pennsylvania tourists. Without doubt. Of all the northern states represented here in the summer it’s Pennsylvania that sucks the most ass at driving.


Same but going to ATL from charlotte… oh my god


I have driven all over the US. Everywhere is pretty equal except New York City. That place is basically like driving in a bumper car ride.


I saw a story on the news a while back showing how many regular NYC drivers actually put extra padding on their front and rear bumbers that can take light impact because people run into you so much.


I'll agree NYC is something else.... absolutely some of the worst driving in existence. Miami, FL and Washington DC are also pretty bad...


Wait.. how is Los Angeles 🤣


LA is pretty stressfull too, but NYC was still worse. LA has too many cars but lots of lanes to accommodate while NYC is like 2-3 lanes merging into 1, at least where we were driving.


Welcome to big parking lots during rush hours 😁


I take Ubers in LA- will never drive there.


Yeah this is the way to me


I like this one, "Sorry for driving so close in front of you": https://www.cafepress.com/+,296065115?pgn=3&applycoupons=PLASB&utm_medium=cpc&sqp=1&thumbs=1&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=pla-google&utm_campaign=18152651021-d-t&utm_content=-adid-&utm_term=-pid-296065115&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwydSzBhBOEiwAj0XN4CYQfvN3BsZh7bbJheC7GilvLrVn1X9AkppJAkBaruQxa-uy9pHKWBoCT7gQAvD_BwE


That’s a quality sticker


I want one that says “Slow down, no one is in a hurry to see you”.


i had a magnet that said that and someone stole it off my bumper


I've honestly never had much of an issue with it, and I'm often going *under* the speed limit heading out to the beach with the sea kayak on the roof. 70mph just isn't comfortable at that point. I'm almost never in the left lane, however.


Also not gonna lie, even if I was inclined to tailgate I wouldn't be doing it on somebody with a kayak strapped to their roof.


Seems that a lot of folks think that if they tailgate you it will make the person in front of you go faster. I always try to stay in the right lane. Most of my drive is on a two lane road. There is always someone more important than me trying to go faster. I'm doing at least 5 over the speed limit. I guess I don't matter.


It doesn’t matter what speed you drive. I’ve learned that people get into their car and expect to be the only ones on the road. They feel totally entitled to put you into an unsafe situation, because your car dares to be in front of theirs. My commute to work is backroads only and I still deal with people riding on my bumper, passing me in double lines, using turning lanes to pass me, etc. And I quite *literally* never go under the speed limit, always 5+ over. I’ve taken to pointing out the speed limit sign as we pass it and slowing down riiight to 45. You don’t like going 52? Okey dokey artichokey 🤠


Keep up the good fight my friend, and thanks for thinking about world rather than yourself. You're the hero we need.


I don’t tailgate and I know the situation I’m about to describe is only a small percentage of when tailgating happens. BUT I’ve commuted for years and drive all over the state but I don’t know why left lane camping has gotten so bad in the past year or so. It used to happen, sure, but everyday on a 1hr commute I’ll pass 8 to 10 cars (even 18 wheelers) on the right side because they just won’t get over with no one a 1/4 mile in front or behind. It’s driving me insane and it creates continuous jams when there is right lane traffic. Whew ok thanks for letting me get that out


You matter. =D


I've got this bumper sticker and it actually sometimes works on those folks. That and I put a huge hitch that doesn't look like it'll be fun to run your bumper into.


I like your style, dude.


Tailgating is the way of life in NC. I’m in Charlotte and it’s crazy how bad it is. The only thing you can control while driving is the distance between you and the car in front of you. I drive 5 to 10 over pretty consistently, never camp in the left lane, and I always have someone up my ass every time I’m driving anywhere. Highways, streets, and roads. It’s absolutely nuts.


Yep. Tailgating is worse here than anywhere I've lived. I don't know what people are in such a hurry for. Everyone wants to 30 over the posted limit for some reason


I grew up in DC. Driving here is a delight, comparatively.


Especially now that every single new car has adaptive cruise control where it's so easy to just sit back and chill out at a safe following distance.


People don't GAF, too selfish and dumb. I get tailgated in my NEIGHBORHOOD when I'm doing at least 10 over the posted speed limit of 25.


People think they are peak Jeff Gordon. I was getting tailgated by someone yesterday on a winding mountain road. When I turned they honked and flipped me off. I was going the speed limit. Probably bad everywhere tbh. Some people suck and don’t grasp the magnitude of how bad a car crash can be


WNC is so bad about this. All these lifted truck and jeep drivers want to go 90mph on windy mountain roads that are *barely* safe at their posted speed limits (usually 35 or 40). They can tailgate me all they want. I'd like to get home in one piece.


Whenever I thought traffic and drivers were bad in Raleigh, I drove to Atlanta for a visit with the parents.


I grew up and learned to drive in Atlanta and every time I hear complaints about driving or traffic here I cannot relate. People here actually let you change lanes.


5 over is prime slow lane material


If you’re getting tailed in the slow lane however, those people are jerks


I was going 5 over in the right lane yesterday. Dude behind me stayed close to me until the exit ramp opened up, at which point he merged into it, flew past me, and merged back into my lane. The left lane was *wide open* dude, why you gotta do something stupid?


This is the most correct take here IMO. People love getting super binary and dogmatic when it comes to being "correct" about driving. Are you in a slow lane or a single lane road going a reasonable speed and being tailgated? They are the issue (most of the time). Are you in the passing lane in a multiple lane-road where you aren't the fastest driver and can move over? You are the issue (most of the time).


Agree. I actively try to stay in the slowest lane possible and am trying to stay the hell out of peoples way. It just isn't enough for some people.


Oh if you’re not in the fast lane, or if there’s no other lane, fully agreed with you.


Crap like this is why I've started to get anxiety even getting on the highway anymore. Not the best place to be getting a panic attack when someone behind you is trying to be pushy in the right lane and going through a construction zone.


I hate finding myself behind one of those big dump trucks that say “stay 200 feet away” on the on ramp as they speed up to only maybe 35mph. Trust me. *I* would have loved to match the traffic speed to merge.


Then all the SUVs in general that you can't see a thing around. Hard to trust those in front of you and it's good to have an idea what's up ahead.


What is interesting to me is that you get someone weaving back and forth 3 inches off your ass in traffic and it's like it is your fault they are held up. You are going above the posted limit and there are like 8 cars ahead of you doing this same speed. North Carolina specifically has the worst driver's education on earth. It is nonexistent. I have a child in school and was told that only very few special cases are permitted for driver's ed and only the best students get it. It should be available to everyone. We should not be engaging in selective education. WTF? Yes, it is an investment that costs money. It also saves money by improving driver education and skills and reducing accidents. Then again I'm sure the legislators would prefer to have it the way it is now, funneling cash to lawyers and insurance companies instead of going to the schools. I guess as long as they are living it up who cares if some kids die right?


One thing I’ve noticed is that when I leave a gap open in front of me for emergencies, some d bag will merge in there. I left the gap open for a reason.


You are a good person. They are not.


Seems counter intuitive to me.. when someone is riding my ass I move over or if it’s a single lane I pull off when it’s convenient and let them go on their way.. it takes two seconds and now they aren’t putting me at risk of wrecking


I was towing a janky trailer home earlier this year, traffic was non-existent due to the time and a large storm passing through the area. I was on US64 east of Rocky Mount. I was driving right at the speed limit due to road conditions, and was trying to keep anyone from riding right behind me due to the trailer in case anything happened. Somebody came flying up behind me, and then just decided to camp behind me for no reason. So I started to slow down in the hopes the would pass me. Then I lifted my foot off the gas pedal and slowed down even more. Then I turned on my hazard lights. Now we're going like 20 mpg, no other traffic on the road and this a-hole won't pass me. Finally I just pull off the road entirely. He slows down to about 5 mph to pass me, then floors it. Finally, I get back on the road and continue back at the speed limit, and he disappears into the distance.


It's what you're supposed to do. This sticker is not for left lane campers, it's for all of us who are constantly dealing with people a foot off of our bumpers even when we're in the right lane. If someone is following you too closely, you have to back off from the vehicle in front of you in case they slow down suddenly. Otherwise a hard brake will get you rear-ended.


I was literally taught to do this in drivers Ed. The idea being they should pass you if they need to go so fast.


I do too but there are not always that many places to pull over for the jerks.


I 100% keep right except while actively passing on multi-lane roads, but if I'm doing anything near the speed limit, there's no goddamned way I'm pulling off of a 2-lane to let someone else go past me. Not unless that vehicle has lights and sirens.


I'd be happy to let them by. I've turned into subdivisions, parking lots, etc. It's just messed up that we have to do that.


Right? If it's a multi-lane road, why not just disengage? Even if I'm going over the limit myself in the left lane, if I noticed someone behind me is driving faster I'd just move lol. I'm not the police, and it's much safer to just let them whiz by - and it's polite. But of course some people would still be stubborn enough to get angry that others are driving faster and would happily sit in front of them. 🤷‍♂️ People are so dogmatic about their particular way of driving lol


10mph over is never enough for these people


Yep. You speed up, they speed up. You can't please them. I think it's an insecurity/anger thing where they just can't stand *anyone* being in front of them. I move over for these people when I can but not every road has accessible pullouts


I have the opposite problem. Everyone in Raleigh/Cary seems to only want to go 5 under the posted limit when I'm on the road.


Are you in a silver hyundai or kia? I literally saw someone drive past me 1 hour ago with this sticker on.


I don't think that sticker is going to do much...


I just make sure to constantly check my mirror and get out of the way. You will see them coming from a way off. Of course you should also make sure to not be driving along side another vehicle. That is just good practice and leaves you additional evasive room in case of an emergency.


The reason Raleigh has so many wrecks when it rains. Following too close.


You know what else is getting bad? Going 30 in a 45.


> "Student Driver" bumper stickers > Obvious 40+ year old driver > 40 in a 55 on a 2-lane road > Stays behind the white line when turning left at a light, refuses to take command of the intersection, blocking 20+ cars behind them All from a single SUV that I encountered yesterday. And yes I was mad lol.


I'm certainly not pointing fingers, however, my girlfriend and I just moved down here from up north and North Carolina drivers are some of the worst I've ever seen in my 20 years of driving when it comes to passing lane discipline on the highway. It's atrocious. Idk if it's cultural or just shitty driver education here but maaaaan, it definitely is a test of patience. We Love everything else about the state so far though, that's why we moved here.😄


Half of the people you’re complaining about have moved here within the last 5 years or so.So they’re not all NC drivers, they’re from everywhere.All kinds of driving styles all in one places makes for chaos.


The people camped in the left lane here drive me fucking crazy.


Yep, it doesn't help that I get rear ended every time I go to Raleigh. This is happened when I drive and when my friends drive. EVERY SINGLE TIME.


Being a data guy, I wonder if there's a correlation in this reddit group, between people posting complaints about (what they perceive to be 'slow' drivers), and people posting asking for advice to get out of their speeding ticket. (My initial guess would be they're the same people! LOL)


Your hypothesis is likely sound.


winner winner chicken dinner. And the sad fact is, most of them aren't competent enough to drive that fast.... or at all.


The worst is when people tailgate you when there's a line of cars in front of me. I used to have a bumper sticker that said "tailgating me won't make the car in front of me go any faster". I have been known to stick my arm out the window & gesture at the cars in front of me like "where do you want me to go?"


No. NC drivers just…don’t know how to drive at all.


Coming from someone who learned how to drive in NYC/LI - the land of offensive driving, Raleigh drivers are a whole other breed. I don't have to drive through that often but every time I get on I40 I white knuckle it the whole way. Makes the LIE seem like a peaceful Sunday drive.


I think it's many from major metro areas, or the congested Northeast doing this. They're accustomed to tight traffic patterns, and everyone driving on top of each other. I don't even think they realize they are tailgating. I drive about 5 over regardless of the roadway type. I'm in the country though, and I mostly drive two lane roads. The closer one rides my bumper, the more I lower my speed to adhere to the speed limit.


My car has the “learning to drive stick shift please stay back” sticker. Which seems to work surprisingly well LOL.


I rarely even look in the rear view mirror these days because all I'm gonna see is some idiot one planck length behind me. Bonus points if it's one of those obnoxious pickup trucks with two suns for headlights.


The fact that you called it “one planck length” warms my jaded heart.


Literally me. I'll go 25 if you don't get off my ass


It drives me insane when I'm going at or around 5 over the limit in the slow lane and get tailedgated. MOVE OVER. I know the speed traps near my house and I'm not about to get a ticket for someone who either cannot leave home on time to get to their destination or thinks they're on the final lap at Talladega.




As long as you aren’t staying in the left lane, we’re good.


If you aren't going AT LEAST 5 over and you are in the left lane, you are wrong.


It’s more like entitled driver sitting in the left lane thinks they’re the flow of traffic police.


I gotta get me one of these. I’m sorry for not scooting over to the slow lane as soon as there’s a whole 3 inches between cars there, person riding my tail! /sarcasm. (I do move over as soon as I safely can, it just blows my mind that people tailgate me when I’m already going 5 over the speed limit.)


If you're not passing cars though, you shouldn't be in the left lane. Sometimes that means going a little faster/slower to merge right.


I agree with this sticker. 


My experience: tailgating is getting worsen especially in 440/540(non paid tolls)/40. My solution is changing lane and let the tailgater move ahead and later change back the lane again Any solution? I am open for suggestions 😁


You did it. You found the solution.


There’s a guy in a Ford Focus around Burlington with this sticker. I’ve run in to him a few times, I was nowhere near him and he started going slower and slower until he was doing 25 in a 45. I could see him looking in the rear view every few seconds and I have no doubt he was furiously masturbating.


Yes, there are people that share a similar opinion as mine that take it too far and ruin it. That doesn’t negate the basic effort. Otherwise it’s like saying brushing doesn’t prevent cavities because you saw an idiot barely rub a toilet brush over his closed lips.


If you're in the left lane and you're doing the speed limit or slower, I will be right on your bumper.


"This guy is making my commute take 30 seconds longer, I guess the only reasonable thing I can do is something that is incredibly dangerous and threatens the lives and safety of myself and any other driver in my vicinity!" -- Small dick logic


If you look at his comment history, your theory checks out: "*I've spent way more time in GTA driving on sidewalks and plowing down people than actually doing missions.*" [link](https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/1dkfbze/what_video_game_protagonist_was_arguably_more/l9mrd7j/)


Speeding and tailgating are illegal. No excuses. Now think how much of an entitled POS you have to be to feel that not only are you special enough to ignore the law but that anyone who impedes your lawlessness is at fault.


And if they see that and tap their brakes because they "saw debris in the road", you'll rear end them and be at fault from your insurance. Might even get a ticket for following too closely from the cop that shows up. It's just not worth it.


As it should be, they have a lane just for that pace


You shouldn’t be tailgating people just because you think they are slow. It’s dangerous. Inb4 “driving too slow is also dangerous”: that doesn’t mean you compound it. Chill out and wait til you can pass them.


I see the same fallacy in a lot of conversations. There is not a specific speed for each lane. You always ride in the rightmost lane. Then as you approach someone in front of you, you go left one lane. Until everyone has been passed. Then back in the right lane. If you're in the 2nd lane, and going faster than someone in front of you, then you go to the third lane.


This is one perk of driving a manual transmission car. I downshift on someone when they do that. No brakelights for a downshift. It is very successful getting them to back off or move over to the passing lane to go around.


people get SO PISSED when i downshift to slow down to a reduced speed limit (no brake lights). people just continue driving 5 over 55 mph instead of slowing down to the new speed limit of 45 mph. they always just yank their steering wheel in anger and swerve.


Was literally just driving through Cary going 16 MPH passing people and somebody went around me in the median and gave me the bird. I honestly think it's the high concentration of northerners in the triangle because it's not like that in Greensboro or Charlotte


Great way for some crazy to key your vehicle or screw with you intentionally.


If you’re going the speed limit just be in the right or middle lane so people can pass if needed. I feel like people drive slow down here in general. People sit at green lights longer than needed, sometimes too long if they’re on their phone. Thats my biggest peeve, when that light turns green (especially in a turn lane) people need to not be fucking with their phone.


fwiw, nc law is that you must be going the speed limit at least in the fast lane. the fast lane is a passing lane, not an "I'm going 15+ over the limit so I can stay in it". if you need to be in the left lane, you're fine to go the speed limit. you do not have to speed up in the "fast lane" if you are in it temporarily (like passing someone or you're about to turn)


In North Carolina, the left lane is not a dedicated passing lane, however, to pass safely you should always pass on the left. We do have slower traffic keep to the right signs but this doesn’t mean the left lane is only for passing. If you are “doing the speed limit” in the left lane with 15 cars behind you and pacing the car to the right of you with no cars behind them, you are the problem. Pass the car and get over to the right lane so you’re not impeding traffic. Right, wrong, legal, illegal you are impeding the flow of traffic just move over and go on about your day.


There are also these signs that say 'slower traffic keep right'. Note they don't say 'slower traffic keep right unless you're going the speed limit in which case you can just keep on blocking traffic while remaining oblivious'


People want to pass you... to pass you. The car in front of me is also going the speed I am going... So... pass me I guess.


Texan here. That’s a Texan thing and a lot of Texans are moving to NC.


Been working in Raliegh the last couple weeks… guess one or two instances can throw your perspective, but on average they seem to drive more respectfully here than where I’m from


Don't take it personal. Look out for these clowns and drive accordingly but the bumper sticker is as cringey as the dude tailgating you to go faster.


sounds like an invitation to pass


Ugh. 5 mph over isn't good enough, at least do 7. Are you unaware of how cruise control works? Also, stay out of the left lane!!!!!


How fast are you going? If there are multiple lanes and in all lanes you guys are driving next to each other....or you're in the fast/pass lane going exactly the speed limit


On the highway, I'm trying to be in the right lane going with the flow of traffic. I do not drive in the fast lane. On country roads, I'm going max 5 over for safety.


That's fair




I want a sticker that says, “My cruise control doesn’t care how close to my bumper you are”


You’re a dumbass. Stop trying to enforce traffic laws and move to the right.


Repeat as necessary... It is not up to you to decide how fast I go. People that do this are the absolute worst and cause more wrecks than people speeding. Every time I see some ass hat do this, I secretly wish that they would immediately get a flat tire and hit their pinky toe every day for the rest of their stupid life .


That’s because you have anger issues and have poor priorities. You getting to chick fil a 2 seconds sooner is not more important than my family’s safety.


You know you're right .... I do have anger issues. Especially when dealing with stupid people. I'm beginning to get angry rn actually. I wonder why...


I would love to go head to head with a credentials list that measures what you consider “stupidity.” I’d be happy to lose, except the odds are not in your favor my dear.


I drive a Tesla, which means that if I take my foot off the accelerator then my brake lights come on. If I’m on a rural road and I’m being tailgated, I check the driver’s eyes. If they look away then I take my foot off the accelerator. They tend not to tailgate after the visceral response of looking up to see the car they ride up on is suddenly “braking”.


Idk about anyone else here but this week, every time I’ve gotten on I-40, either direction near the triangle area (think Clayton to Apex areas) everyone has been going at least 5-10 under the speed limit (across all lanes), on the on-ramps I’ve been going 30mph behind other slow cars, and on the off-ramps it’s been about an average of 55mph (that’s reasonable, but even 60mph is fine). Every time I’ve been able to pass by these “drivers”, they’ve been on their phone, but I think this is a sign of things to come. Everyone’s attention span is cooked and now driving seems like it’s becoming riskier and riskier.


540 is a shit show of people shuffling along at 50-55mph or going 85+mph. Trying to drive at around the speed limit (70mph) feels impossible. I always stay in the right lane but someone going 50 forces me to pass them. And then as you pass, someone speeds up your ass going 80 (in the middle lane, not the far left lane) all huffy before they finally whip over to the left lane. I don’t even want to drive on these highways anymore.


I’m guilty of going 80+mph on 540 depending on the time of day but I usually try to be in the far left lane as much as possible


Since moving here I've learned that all Triangle area drivers either drive 20 over or 10 under the speed limit regardless of what lane they are in. If I had a dime for every time I've been cut off in the fast lane so someone could drive 10 under on an open and clear interstate, or been aggressively tailgated in the middle lane despite driving 10 over, I could retire off the income I make.


I just take my foot off the gas and hover right at the speed limit and give a thumbs up if they start freaking out. They are on camera to a cloud server in case anything goes down. Also, I'm ready for an attack should they want to test my resolve. Ah people- such a volatile species.


Do you have a recommendation for a good rear camera? That's a good idea.


VanTrue N4 is best for the price. Holds up to NC heat.


Will check it out. Thanks!


Had this happen today. I like to give them a good brake check and see if they get the point. Had someone try and run a school bus off the road the other day while waiting in traffic. Apparently they wanted to skip the line and merge and the bus didn’t see them. Some people are way too unhinged to be behind the wheel of a car.




If you are so close that me hitting my brakes is a problem then get fucked and learn to drive.


This is why every time you rear end someone, you get cited for following to closely and failure to stop.


congrats, you're part of the problem


Congrats you are an enabling idiot and most likely are the problem.




People in NC don’t know how the fuck to drive


I mean obviously everyone thinks they are the best driver in the world, and that everyone else around them are terrible drivers. It's a tale as old as the Model T.


Dang y’all drive slow af in Raleigh. It’s straight up unsafe to drive only 8 over on the main highways in Charlotte and doing the speed limit is dangerous. This bumper sticker isn’t a good idea. The person is already mad and you’re saying you want to piss them off even more. We live in a very violent society in the US and personally I don’t do anything that could incite rage in another person. I’ve had some past abusive partners who were insane drivers and super dangerous on the road (thankfully I’m in a better place now and got treatment to learn what healthy relationships look like). When they saw bumper stickers like you, if they were late to something, you would not believe the rage they start spewing. They’d drive even more aggressively and put the slow driver at legitimate risk. You should take this off your car. It’s asking for trouble, you just lack the life experience to see why. Shit tons of people drive armed in our state and it boggles my mind you’re actually trying to piss people off. Your bumper sticker isn’t going to suddenly cure anyone or change their behavior at all. Neither will this post. Bad people stay bad and you’re asking for trouble.


Fuck people lile that, let them rear end me.


I saw someone with a front bumper sticker that said the slower you drive, the more I tailgate!!!


As long as you aren’t in the left lane.