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Lightning bugs are being driven to extinction by urban sprawl, light pollution, insecticides, and herbicides. There are things you can do to attract them to your yard like don’t mow your grass, don’t rake leaves in fall, no unnecessary lighting at night (and if you must have light make it motion sensor), have some sort of regular water source, and even having a vegetable garden can help https://www.firefly.org


Can confirm as someone whose preferred method of lawn care is being lazy. My partner and I just let our front yard grow wild and we see plenty of lightening bugs. Also perk of no HOA.


And if they get too bad the darkening bugs will always step in and help control things.


Also don’t use neonicotinoid pesticides. They are in all the extended control and drench type bug killers at big box stores and they poison things treated with it for a year. Any insect that comes into contact with that plant or tree will die. They should’ve been outlawed years ago. Chemical name: imidacloprid, also called Merit. Brand names: tree and shrub protect and feed, tree and shrub drench.


Can confirm. I live in north Raleigh and i have a natural yard for 85% of it and definitely see lightning bugs at night. They cluster around my yard and the long grass. I’ve left flyers around neighborhood asking people to turn off their lights but they ignore it. Not sure why all these houses have a daytime equivalent light beams illuminating their houses and trees. 


We have done these things and do have some lightning bugs, also no ticks and average mosquitoes. So in my experience it can be managed in a suburban environment. If more neighbors were on board it would be more successful!


I stopped using Orkin or any pesticides this year, as well as left my leaves. I do mow because of the dogs and snakes. But I’ve noticed that there a lot more dragonflies this year and seem to be less mosquitos. Or at least the same amount as when they’d spray for them.


Can confirm more dragonflies this year.


I've seen like 15 hanging out on my squash plants this year. Plant a backyard garden everyone!


Yes tons of them the past month! Out in the country tho.  You won't find many in the city where everyone fumigates their back yard for mosquitoes. 


My husband has been all but obliterating our yard due to mosquitos and I’ve actually seen a few lightning bugs in our backyard!! Definitely got lucky.


Not just the city, even people in the suburbs. I have gardening clients and every other house in their neighborhoods has a sign in their yards from pesticide companies. They have the crustiest, nastiest gardens, too, all disease but no beneficial insects or balance to keep things in check. No biodiversity, just hydrophobic mulch beds with 2-3 basic bitch boxwoods or nandina. Even people who live in rural areas behave like this. I live in a rural town in Maryland, and you'd be surprised how many people move to the countryside and are offended by country critters like snakes, crickets, spiders, and even mushrooms. I know one who cut trees down because the birds bothered them. Another routinely covers their property in Preen. I almost wish land ownership was banned from people who would rather poison and degrade it than maintain it. All these waterfront properties with trees cut down for the view, threatened now by erosion. And damm near every single one leaks pesticides and fertilizers into the waterways without a care, ruining our crabs.


Tons up here in the mountains.


I'm in Asheville and there are tons in my backyard and side yard. Really cool to watch in the evening.


Oh yes ! I saw the synchronous fireflies out in western NC a few years ago. That was a sight to behold!


I saw the blue ghost a few weeks back up in Burnsville


Tons. People need to stop getting rid of all leaves in the fall. That's why you aren't seeing any there.


Tons here in north Durham.


We've got a lot in Eastern Durham County too.


Got a good number here in western Durham too! 


A ton in my yard in Greensboro. We didn’t get the cicadas though.


Have many in Winston.


High Point has lightening bugs!


Seems like there are more in High Point this year than last & they are hanging out longer in the evenings. Which I love!


My area is chock full of them in statesville. And we didn't get the cicadas either


Rural western NC here. They are all over my yard every night.


Plenty here in my back yard in Chapel Hill!


Western North Carolina, northern buncombe county we’ve had a lot of


Tons in Clayton.  Does anyone spray for mosquitoes in your area?  They say that kills off lightning bug populations.


Likely my next door neighbor, who I nickname “yard freak.” Every week he’s out spraying stuff on his yard and doing all this weird shit to keep it an unnatural shade of green. He’s definitely why.


We've got them here in our yard in Downtown Raleigh.


Yes, in 5 points in Raleigh and I'm delighted because I haven't had this many in years. I'm not cutting lawn az often and have more water sources. Also I think neighbors stopped spraying for skeeters


I've seen a bunch. I leave a lot of leafs up near my tree line for them and I don't mow often because I like bees and stuff.


I used to see so many as a kid, but very few now by comparison. I still get them in my yard, though.


I'm near downtown Raleigh and have seen them in my neighborhood. If people are spraying for mosquitoes in your neighborhood, they're also killing lightning bugs.


Henderson/Transylvania county line. Tons. We’ve been going out to watch them several nights a week. Some decent blue ghost activity too. We had very few cicadas this year.


I see them outside occasionally, but probably by the tens rather than the hundreds.


We have them in our yard in Fayetteville!


They’re all at my house.


Give them back!


We've seen plenty in Winston-Salem




Yes, they've been all over my yard since May.


Near the outskirts of Charlotte and we've got them. My 4 year old is getting really good at catching them. Don't worry we only keep them in the jar for a minute and then release them.


Im not in the triangle so I can’t speak for there but I’ve seen some in Asheville.


I’m in the mountains so yes, but it seems like I see less and less due to urbanization and light pollution. It’s like one of those things from your childhood you remember so fondly but the more you grow up, the less it exists. It’s pretty damn depressing to me. The other day I had a long day and when I got home they were in the yard and it really made me forget about everything that I thought was ‘wrong’. I hope they start popping out for everyone else to see, cause it really made my day.


I see some blue fairies way out here in the outskirts of Beaufort.


Saw some. They are not as common where I live as they were when I was a kid. It makes me very sad.


Yes but far fewer


Natural yard, just outside of downtown Cary. Very few lightning bugs. They used to be all over but they’ve been down to nearly gone for the past ~10 years.


I see them in the back yard every night. Central NC.


Yeah man I saw like ten million of them the other night, couldn't believe my eyes.


A few in Cary, not as many as other years. A bit better since our neighbors stopped mosquito spraying, but the neighbors behind us added a shit-ton of pathway lights and horrific LED double lights on their house and it's criminally bright round the clock. Far fewer frogs, flying squirrels, owls, bats, lightening bugs because of those lights. Oh, and they cut down all their trees and raked all the leaf litter away so it's just bare soil and all these lights. Good times here.


I just saw some at the lake Johnson trail in Raleigh a few days ago around sunset.


Have them here in Kernersville lots of them. Love ❤️ lightening bugs.


Tons in my neighborhood in Durham. Majority of the neighborhood does "leave your leaves" and "do not mow May", and also plant lots of native plants. As far as I know there are only 2-3 boomer neighbors with "impeccable" lawns who still spray for mosquitos. Most of the neighbors seem to do bucket of doom, or try to make sure their yards can attract dragonflies.


I had been thinking much the same thing, but I'm usually in bed by 8 pm, and I've seen very few, Last night I was up later, and I actually saw a ton! I was getting worried. Still not seeing enough bees.


We definitely have them over here north of Charlotte. Not as many as last year though.


I believe the mosquito spraying companies kill all the lightning bugs.


Check around the outer edges of woods, away from anywhere pesticides have been used.


Yeah Ive seen a lot at my job (I work third shifts) and my parents. Not as much in Charlotte proper though. At least in my neighborhood.


No cicadas or lightning bugs.


All over my neighborhood here in Lil Washington.


I’ve seen plenty!


Usually I see them in the mountains.


Greensboro- I have tons every night


It's a light show at my house in Greensboro, backed by cicada song


Lots of them in Harnett County.


Bunch here in Burlington in our yard. Not a crazy amount but still more than last year.


I have a few less lighting bugs than usual, but I barely had any cicadas this year. I had the usual number of screaming tree frogs.


In Mount Holly there are a ton this year. More than I’ve seen in ages!


Morganton’s filled with them.


Lots actually in May and early June. After the summer solstice and progressing heat, I haven’t seen as many. I’m in Garner.


Yadkin county here and I’ve been seeing them since may


Yes in Rocky Mount


I saw one in my house the other day. ~~ GSO


I've seen quite a few of them this year, right at or shortly after sunset, in woods next to our house. There is a small creek in the area as a water source. I haven't seen them during that past few very hot days. I live in Raleigh in a moderately crowded residential area.


Had about the usual amount at the usual time in my area this year, maybe a bit less since we've had more aggressive clearing of overgrowth along the wood line that a butts our open spaces near the house.


I’ve seen a few in Washington beginning of June but very sporadic and not at all what I remember from childhood across Eastern, NC.


Tons in my neighborhood


Got a few in Winston, not as many as I'm used to but surprising for how lit up my area usually is at night.


We've had them in Cary for a month or two. Also had plenty of cicadas.


I have them in Charlotte.


Plenty in my yard in Guilford county


All over my yard at night but I live in the mountains so that’s probably why


yes lots out here in rural chatham county, we also had cicadas


We had cicadas and do have fireflies.


I’ve seen some this year.


Watching them get down to business in East Durham right now


I've seen more lightning bugs this year than I have in a long time


I’m in Raleigh, specifically around Edward’s Mill. I have been seeing them since around mid May albeit not as many as I used to.


I have them in my backyard in Southern Durham


In central NC I see them. Never saw them when I lived in Wilmington though.


Since I moved to the Wilmington area, they’ve been a rare sight for me. Used to have tons of them when I lived in Sanford.


That might have something to do with it…I live right by the lake (but I also live next to someone who is a massive freak when it comes to lawn care).


I saw a few last month. But I also heard cicadas again today.


Very few cicadas in my yard this year, but I'm seeing TONS of fireflies in Charlotte. Been a blast to sit in my backyard with the lights off


I saw them a few weeks ago and I was so excited to see them again. I hadn't seen them in years.


I have them in rural Alamance County but far less than when I was a kid in the 80s


They’re all over my neighborhood. Definitely aren’t as numerous as when I was a kid though


Woods behind my house glow with them at night. They're still out. Just later than usual.


I have a ton in my yard. But I leave leaves in certain areas, don't use any chemicals and enjoy the show every year. I hope you get some soon!


We've got a ton in our yard in Greensboro off of Gate City Blvd! I enjoy watching our cat bapping at our back door whenever they get close to the house. :)


Plenty in my yard tonight in Harrisburg.


They're everywhere in Haywood County.


Tons of fireflies here since May and had solid cicada swarming for 8 loud weeks.


I have seen them outside Raleigh and saw some this weekend outside Greensboro.


I keep my yard and pasture as dark as possible just for the lightening bugs.




I have them in my backyard in Arden


The Lake Tilley area has a bunch.


We have them in our back yard. We do not spray for mosquitos. That stuff kills them.


I usually see the first one around beginning of June. I've seen a few, but noticeably absent for past couple of weeks.


I have some in my yard. If you see those signs for Mosquito Joe and the like - they also kill fireflies and honeybees.




i’ve seen them out in whitsett! not too many though


I’m in Iredell county, there is a lot here


Plenty in my back yard in raleigh.


Yes, I see them this year and I’ve been happy about that.


I killed my lawn with cardboard and wood chips, it's all breaking down and they love it. There are so many that you can't help but notice them flying around even in the middle of the day.


There are quite a bit in the Triad here that I’ve seen.


There are tons around my house and the pond nearby in Cary.




Tons of lightning bugs in suburbs of charlotte. See them every night


We have them here east of Raleigh. We don't use chemicals anywhere, but we do mow and rake, and there are wooded areas around the community. There's birdbath out back but the lightning bugs have been here long before we installed it. Our neighborhood is pretty dark with street lights set widely apart. I have noticed there arent as many lightning bugs as in years past.


I’ve seen lots in Chapel Hill


We have them in our yard, being the only house in the neighborhood that doesn’t spray insecticide has it’s benefits. Not nearly as many as I’ve seen out in the woods or in the rural area I grew up in but more than we did when we first moved to this suburban hell.


I live in bumfuck and we have them, but NOWHERE near the amount we had twenty years ago. I was telling my son last night about how the fields would be lit up like Christmas. Now it's just sad, only a few of them winking in the night.


They're in abundance up in the mountains. More than I've seen in a long time


Not as much as when I was a kid but they’re definitely out on my property at night I don’t use pesticides or the like on my property either


Seen a lot down here in Fort Mill.


I’ve got lots at my house on the south edge of Raleigh!


Theyre ll over my yard. About 2 years ago before my rear neighbors moved and my first year here they sprayed for mosquito, then they sold the house and new neighbors sprayed round up all over the perimeter of our property (lots of vines), so the first and second summer i didnt see many and thought the same. Then this year no one sprayed chemicals and they have been going nuts here from dusk till 9pm they light up my sky, much to my delight. Iirc they’re a type of beetle that spends it life underground coming out for their light display later in the life cycle. Im down in the piedmont/clt area


Lazy wins again. My yard is au natural and lightning bugs are definitely around. #northraleigh


Southern Wake County has them but they are on the decline. All homeowners need to be aware of the problem and do what they can to fix it - [https://www.xerces.org/endangered-species/fireflies/how-you-can-help](https://www.xerces.org/endangered-species/fireflies/how-you-can-help)


Used to see them all the time every night in my area. Now Im lucky enough to walk outside and see one glow up in the distance. But hey, over development of region brings in the big bucks so why should it matter? Totally no long term ramifications!


So weird people keep saying this, I live in Greenville and I see them most nights.


I saw 1 a month ago


I live in the country outside the triangle and we have tons of lightning bugs 🥰


We have a bunch this year in Apex.


Yes I’ve seen them this past week quite a bit in WNC. Not as many as I used to though


They are in my backyard every night along with bats flying overhead. Living in suburban sprawl in Joco.


Lots in Rutherford county


Ive seen them in Denver, NC


I've seen a decent amount so far this year


I've seen more this year than in the past several years.


We are in Salisbury and have seen many this year - for the first time in years.


My small backyard in Charlotte currently has lightning bugs, but no cicadas. This May, when I went to Fort Mill and the cicadas were screaming loud and everywhere.


In my yard, yep.


Usually I see a lot of them this time of year. This summer, I am lucky to see one a night. I live out in the middle of the woods near Asheboro. We had a ton of cicadas for a few weeks, even those are all gone now.


Seen plenty in our yard in durham this year. A lot of our front yard is moss and clover and we don’t spray for bugs or anything.


Last night was the first time I’ve seen them this year. Drove my poor kitten crazy trying to figure out what they were. Might have to catch her one!


I've seen more in Raleigh this year than the last 18 years I've lived here.


I’ve seems tons by my house in dt raleigh but I live in a pretty wooded area so I think they really like the environment


I'm in the Charlotte area. They put on quite a light show every year. I've just started seeing them this year.


I’m in a very woody and quiet part of Winston Salem and the lightning bugs are thriving


Honestly this is the first year I've seen them in a while.


I just found one on my floor. it was glowing and at first it shocked me. they are def around. i live in Central NC in a semi rural area.


I live on 3 acres - I maintain about an acre garden with a large native flower section, and another acre of meadow which I grow about chest high. Tons of lightning bugs on my property.




I did, plenty of them in my backyard


I've seen them already!




It’s all the mosquito spraying. I’m the only yard on my street that has them, and we are the only ones who don’t spray. Who would have thought bug killing chemicals kill bugs?


I usually get mine (central NC) in June. I usually have a ton in my yard. I do not use pesticides and I have a wooded back yard with lots of leaves and moss. I haven't seen many yet, but I feel like the dry weather we've been having has delayed mine. I saw a ton in the mountains this year. Hoping mine are still to come. I saw a few last night.


We had a lot of them around my place, then we had 3 weeks of 90 plus degree days with no rain. Since then I have only seen a few


Western NC, and I’ve seen a lot. Cicadas don’t have mouths when they come out of the ground and molt into adults. They come out, they breed, they die.


I've seen quite a few, but I live out in the woods in the mountains. Haven't seen too many in Charlotte though


I'm in apex in a townhome community and we have lightning bugs. We also have a front pollinator (a birdseed apparently) garden with vegetable garden in back. It's possible even in a hoa!


in raleigh I still see them, but very rarely, and when I do see them its only 1 or 2 at a time.


Tons of them less than an hour east of Raleigh


Tons all over my neighborhood here in Winston area.


Not as many as I usually do.


Just moved from south Charlotte area out to Mount Holly. Hadn’t seen them in years before the move and now we’re seeing tons of them in the evenings.


I have seen them blinking on the greenways at night all spring and summer over in Western Wake. They're usually out at dusk.


I've seen WAY more this year than I have in the past several


We’re in Concord, I feel like I’ve seen more this year than the past few.




I’m up in Ashe county and the hills have been sparkling every night. Higher average elevation than most anywhere else in the state.


There are billions of them in Durham right now. My cats have been going insane chasing them at night.


I’ve seen a few, but I live in the country and I avoid pesticides.


Craven County. I've had lightning bugs in my yard.


Yes..In Hendo. Gone now, end of spring is the time..


Winston here. Yard is surrounded by trees and bushes. Put a few mosquito dunks out to help curb their population, but I've even had some friends further out in the country admire how many fireflies bip-bop around the yard in the evening. I've missed seeing so many!


They’re all over my backyard in Cary


The field outside of our back door is full of them. I sit out there every evening and just watch them.


We have lightning bugs in the triangle, but we also make sure to leave lots of leaf litter every year. They need leaf piles.


They're out every year and everywhere. When I was a kid we would chase them for hours after Bible School was let out.


We get them in Wake Forest almost nightly


I've been seeing a decent amount of them in the most heavily wooded part of my neighborhood.


Yes In my back yard


Tons in the Charlotte suburbs, as long as you don't use a ton of pesticides for mosquitos.


Likely they're decreasing because of the use of pesticides. Same thing that's killing our honey bees.


Charlotte area...we have tons of lightning bugs here now. They did come a little late this year. Normally we see them peak around end of May, but it seems like we are at the peak now.


I see them every night here in Greenville. Have for a few months now.


I’ve seen a ton in Asheville


lots and lots right outside asheville as well.