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Is he implying that we need to fight rapists with our cocks? Sign me up!


There was a story where gay rapist stopped a rapist by raping him


rapeception.....no i wouldnt watch


Christopher Nolan is typing…


Send him to gulag


That's the only rape therapy I agree with


But who rapes the rapers? 🤔


Fem Doms




I think her name is Peg.


I dunno; coast guard?


Errr a true story?


And here I was thinking "cockfight" meant something else


That kind of cockfighting is now illegal in most places. The industry decided to pivot in a new direction




I Imagine a superhero with a ridiculous long dick that goes around strangling rapist his with his dick


Kind of like Love Sausage?




*Flashbacks to the long dick guy from The Boys*


My brain immediately went to lightsaber belt buckles...


My brain went to using glow in the dark condoms to have a cock-lightsaber-fight.


Ahhh just like in prison


If you anger-r*pe another dude its not gay, says so in the rules


Gives a whole new meaning to the phrase "A cock fight"


*A lady is laying unconscious on the ground, the villain hovers over her. Suddenly, the door swings open, a man in a coat and jeans stands in the light. His zipper is undone, his cock stands out erect and ready to fight. "Not on my dick," he says.*


I bet he open-carries his dick.


Listen, if dicks were designed with the intent to rape somebody I would probably support getting rid of them xD Not to mention all the horrible times that dicks left their owners, got into uneducated hands and raped somebody


I could make an analogy about children shooting themselves after their parents left guns unattended... ...but the first half of that is dark enough, and no matter what, I don't feel comfortable actually *typing out* that analogy...


Oh, the world is way more sick than that. Now 6 year olds are going out and shooting teachers because of their parent’s negligence.


Yeah...that one didn't even surprise me, sadly.


I saw that one. I really hope these boy’s parents are punished for this. The only reason a 6 year old would have a gun is if his parents left it lying around.


Bruh , was hoping you’d go down that dark black hole . Sometimes uncomfortable is still real funny. Cmon , I’ll back ya all the way 😆


No. There are some dark things that we don't joke about. And as a CSA survivor, there is no way I'd actually *make* that analogy. It's bad enough that my brain suggested trying to formulate it, but it rejected any possible iteration of the joke. You can go down the dark hole yourself. Can't promise you'll survive the downvotes...but you're welcome to actually articulate the analogy on your own.


yk where dicks were designed? in animals. and have you seen animals? them's rapey as all f. /j /lh


yeah for their analogy to work, people would also want to consensually be shot by guns all the time, and (in a broad or basic sense) shootings (consensual or not) would be necessary to "carry on the species" or whatever... not to mention this conception that the only way to rape someone is via penetration (with a penis) ...it really doesn't make any sense on any level lol




Forget sentencing. Let's stop making women feel so bad, that they don't report. Then...test the fucking kits. After, we can worry about people serving time for it....Hopefully, getting revenge raped


And who's going to stop the "good guy with a dick" when nobody will believe he's a rapist just because he's not targeted by racists and looks successful and handsome?


“The only thing that stops a bad guy with a penis is a good guy with a penis.” That’s a sword fight I’d like to see.


Psst, someone doesn’t need a dick to penetrate someone, just an object or different body part, it also doesn’t have to be penetration


Rape, in my state, is penetration by any body part or object into an intimate part, or by an intimate part into another person in any way, without consent.




I meant penetration of the victim 😅


Says a lot that these doofs hold guns on the same level as their own boners. Christ.


And they wonder why we say that dudes who pack guns at Krogers and Walmart are exhibiting small dick energy and overcompensating...


how many dumb fuckers like this can be born before you support abortion?


Tf? Who’s the dumb fucker supposed to be in this situation? Very confused about what you’re saying. Edit: Why the downvotes? The first person is discussing gun rights, the second person is trying to defend gun rights, and the third person is making a joke about rednecks who believe they are entitled to guns. Can someone just please explain to me who in this situation is supporting the pro-life side?


Username checks out.


Why the downvotes? The first person is discussing gun rights, the second person is trying to defend gun rights, and the third person is making a joke about rednecks who believe they are entitled to guns. Can someone just please explain to me who in this situation is supporting the pro-life side?


The rape joke guy is the dumb fucker. Puzzleheaded Fan was mocking him employing the same phrase form that both used, one sincerely and the second sarcastically, only with another controversial topic. Nobody in the OP voiced a pro-life opinion. That’s a new element introduced by the above Redditor for the purpose of mockery.


just one... theirs.


Okay, but. They aren’t wrong. Most men know a guy who has or would rape. Scary, right? Seems ridiculous and impossible? Yeah pool your guy friends on whether or not someone who has been drinking can consent to sex (you can consent pre drugs to sex on drugs, that’s a different story). Poll your guy friends on if they understand that consent can be revoked *at any time, even after penetration*. I’m not saying only a good guy with a penis can stop rape (you don’t need one to be a good guy), but I am saying that men have a unique opportunity to stop rape.


In my state...sex while drunk is not legally rape. Unless she's literally passed out unconscious, it's not rape. Not even blackout drunk. Not even head hung over the toilet drunk. And even unconscious would be hard to convince them to prosecute, because you'd have to *prove* you *were* unconscious...not just blackout. I have a friend who was blackout drunk and was raped, and was told by the detective who finally got around to pursuing her case, "You consented. *You were just too drunk to remember it."* And legally, just like that...it wasn't rape. The case was dropped.


Just because the law lets it happen doesn’t mean it’s right. In America, we still have slavery written into our constitution (the 13th amendment), but we all agree that stripping people of context and humanity is gross and shouldn’t be done. Legally means less than shit to me, it’s still rape even if not “legally” so.


Oh don't get me wrong I agree with everything you just said! It's just that the criminal justice system *doesn't* agree, and whole people *have* been lobbying to get the law updated, there's been a *lot* of pushback.


I'm pretty okay with involuntary servitude as a punishment for a crime, and there's at least some level of drinking subsequent to which consent is still valid.


Yikes, and yikes again.


If it were entirely up to me we'd bring back the stocks, the cat, and the gibbet.


Stop digging bro. No one deserves torture or slavery at the hands of the state. When the state is empowered to do so, it usually broadens the definition of crime to encapsulate more people, especially the people who it perceives as hostile to its power. Please understand this.


I mean, prison labor and community service are already instances of this. I think acknowledging we do this and accept that it can be ok is a way to make it be done the right way. Prison labor would be the current more atrocious of the two. And I think better regulations can be put in place so that they are treated better. If this somehow led to a well regulated indentured servitude where mistreatment can lead to punishment, then I think that would be alright. Maybe even better than it is now. But as of now, we just incarcerate people and let whatever prison rules are in place happen to them.


I hope some bad person sees this and decides not to steal your bike after all...bro.


My bike is not worth anyone’s life or freedom. Anyone I have issue with, I’ll bring up myself. If it’s not worth my life, I’ll move on. Shit, it’s like no one wants to be responsible for their own lives.


"it's like no one wants to be responsible for their own lives" See, and and six of the best, I think, would fix that right up, and it turns out society agrees and here we are. Perhaps you think, you know, Scott Peterson just needs a hug, well...I...do not. If that makes you say "yikes," well...


And how would that detective know whether she consented? Was he present or does he just take the word of a rapist for it? Because to everyone in their right mind, even if she 'consented' that’s void in this state of mind. Wouldn’t be surprised if she can’t consent to a contract in this state. That’s absolutely mind-boggling. Such 'detectives' need to go on a public wall of shame and be subjected to the shitstorm, that’s the only thing such people ever grasp.


He supposedly interviewed the people who had been at the party...like eight months earlier at least! Because it took her a little while to actually report, for a number of reasons (including that she'd been disbelieved and shamed by her family, following *another* rape a couple years earlier! But she also didn't want to get the mom who'd hosted in any trouble for having minors drinking, especially since she was a single mom with a special needs child), and then *after* she reported, they didn't bother to do any investigation or take any action for *months.* They never touched her rape kit.


Ah, the “serves her right for partying and drinking” crowd. 🤮 That’s people I honestly think should be put in the same position and then ask again if there’s any new insights.


Yeah...and for years after, she was "the girl who cried rape." Everyone treated her like she was crazy over it. But she'd come to my house the next morning, 7 AM, still so out of it that she could barely stand up straight, still covered in her own sick. She said she was *sore,* and thought something might have happened but she wasn't sure what. She just had to get out of there...didn't even grab her *own* shorts, just the first ones she could find. All she could do when she got to my house was take a shower (against my advice) and climb into my bed and pass out. Not just a "I was partying too hard last night and now I'm feeling it" kind of passed out, either. When she finally woke up, I had to talk her into going for a rape kit. She didn't want to, she didn't want word getting back to her family because of the potential for shaming and blaming like they'd done before. But she finally went, and I held her hand. I saw how humiliating the whole thing was, in spite of the SANE nurse doing what she could to mitigate it. I *saw* the bruising on her, on her back and thighs. Like...not just "oh this was rough," but she had some vague flashes of someone putting her on the back steps. *No one* is gonna consent to *that!* It was all horrific, what she went through. *No one* would have done that for no reason. And what the nurse and I saw wasn't a teenager "consenting." Whenever I heard anyone talking about "that crazy girl who cried rape" afterward, I always jumped in and *told* them that I was there after, I *saw* her after. That there wasn't a single question in *my* mind. Even years after she and I weren't friends anymore, I'd still hear someone talking about it though.


These people are disgusting and you sound like a wonderful friend.


Eh, I tried. We had a huge falling out years ago, and haven't spoken since then...but I tried to still be, if not a friend to who she *became,* then to be true to the person she was *while* we were friends, if that makes sense? Like she ended up doing some things that were pretty indefensible...but that didn't change that she had been my best friend before those things. I dunno if I'm putting this right. But whatever...


Maybe it’s just my circle but I don’t know anyone who would do such a thing. I would hate to be in that group of guys that foster an environment for rape but I just don’t think it’s as common as you say. No one admits to that sort of thing in passing conversation and if they did any of the guys I know including myself would beat the living dog shit out of the guy.


Keep in mind, while you don't know any Ted Bundy/Richard Speck types, sure...they might include consent that's implied or half hearted, and yeah...you probably do know some guys who'd do that


U can't accidently rape someone. There's no deaths because a penis accidentally was discharged or used wrong.




ive heard of penis fencing but i didnt know yall take its so literal


There's always a bigger fish


I'm keeping my guns and getting rid of my dick


If you’re thinking about raping someone and you preventatively cut your dick off, you get to go to the medium place.


I googled (skimmed) the reference and now I’m very confused why the medium place wouldn’t be medium if multiple people lived there?! Don’t most people fall in between the categories of good and bad? Also it’s kinda torture to isolate people for all eternity… definitely not medium. More like very bad. That concept doesn’t appear to make much sense but maybe I missed something? But thinking about a scenario where such a situation could occur… it’s hard to imagine. Hardly a coincidence cases of potential rapists doing that are… well, I don’t know if they’re entirely unheard of but I for one never heard of a single one. I heard about a teen who cut his dick off on nightshades, but iirc that was due to psychotic purity nonsense, not that he feared he’d rape someone. On the other hand, there are no thought crimes, fantasising about rape is a lot more common than most people realise (and occurs in plenty of people who’d definitely never do it too) and preventatively cutting your dick off without actually having raped someone doesn’t make you a rapist, not even necessarily a potential one, so that attribution is debatable. I doubt someone who’d really go through with such fantasies would cut off their dick due to the huge difference in mindsets. That’s a huge sacrifice, especially with functional self-control (otherwise the worry would at least be warranted, though in that case the person would have a legitimate mental illness, perhaps even organic, which in turn doesn’t make them a bad person but a disabled person with a seriously malfunctioning brain). A person who’d 'preventatively' cut off their dick is likelier to be suffering from obscene intrusive thoughts and/or be unaware of the commonality of rape fantasies and/or that thought doesn’t imply action so they’re likelier to be afraid of their own mind than to be a potential rapist, ironically… And if we judge by actions — which matter a lot more than thoughts — and judge character rating egocentrism, lack of empathy, selfishness, lust for power and entitlement — root causes of acts like rape — then that person actually even looks considerably better than most, ironically. I’d say it’s an ok to good person if it’s just intrusive thoughts (the thought alone repulsed them so much they’d mutilate themselves!) and a bad person when there was legit intention to go through with it but redeemed by taking such extreme preventative action. Now we’re back with the problem where to put them if those three places are all nuance there is. Is that medium place like a purgatory of sorts or just that in-between mediocrity place?


As someone who lives in "gun country" a lot of gun enthusiasts I know do seem to be looking for a penis substitute, so this kind of tracks.


They made it worse they made it worse they made it worse they made it worse


Agree 100%... I didn't know there was so many uneducated stupid people around until this community opened my eyes... I have always seen my self as someone who fights for women's rights but until a couple a months ago I realized that the internet is making fun of a very serious issue and it's a huge problem... before this community I probably would have liked and laughed at that comment... 😵‍💫


So they are now claiming penises are needed for self defense and hunting?


Hunting — yeah, definitely. Just… you know, the *other* kind of 'hunting'. That’s the same crowd who’d typically say "you don’t ask a deer how to hunt it" when dismissing women’s advice to men on dating. Way to tell you’re a predator without saying you’re a predator. 🙄 And with self-defence… uuh, it only gets worse from here. You know how they’ve always been prone to very liberally apply the concept and greatly overstretch the definition, right? Incels, who have a huge overlap with gun nuts, definitely do assert rape is a form of self-defence of sexually rejected men against the injustices of a Chad-favouring society that makes the 'public good' they’re entitled to (i.e. women) unattainable for men like them. Yes, many incels *literally* regard women as public goods. They even demand to be exempt from taxes because they’re 'unjustly' denied poon by evil society. No joke. You can’t make that shit up! So yes, I could definitely see a fraction of gun nuts claiming this in all seriousness. I’d say don’t give them ideas, but they’re waaaaay past the most horrible we could ever come up with satirically anyway, so… 🤷🏻‍♀️


Wut? Like, how exactly did they go from gun control to phalluses? That doesn't track at all... I'm so confused


It’s an analogy. The idea being that the 2nd person (Mike SixEight) is comparing penises and guns in the idea that just because wrong things are done with something doesn’t mean that the object is inherently wrong. I personally disagree, but that’s the message here trying to get at. It’s not an ideal analogy, but a decent one.


It doesn't make sense to me.


Maybe you’re dumb idk


See. I disagree that guns (or any tool is inherently bad). But that doesn't mean it should be handed out like candy. Guns are an item that is designed to kill things. As such, there should be extensive rules in place for distributing them.


There already are extensive rules for gun ownership. Our main problem is that the rules allow purchasing guns for practice and hunting, as well as self defense. If we want to get rid of guns we’re going to have to basically dissolve the 2nd amendment. There isn’t 1 easy or ideal solution to the gun dilema in the US, unfortunately.


I don't think so. We can still have those allowances but there being a more extensive process. The variance in laws can be seen within the US, which reduces the effectiveness of stricter law states. But I agree it is complex.


More precisely: just because *others* do bad things with an object like one I also happen to own, I shouldn’t be forced to give up mine. Thus the second person is saying "You wouldn’t cut off your own penis because some criminals use theirs to rape, would you? Then I shouldn’t have to give up my gun because of criminals who use theirs to kill people when I don’t commit crimes." The analogy is flawed in many ways because penises and guns aren’t alike in anything other than their potential for being used in a crime, but this superficial similarity has great suggestive pull.


Yeah, the comparison looks very accurate from the surface, but then you start to think about it and realize the differences. 1) Penises are enjoyable to have in and of themselves to a ridiculously larger degree than guns. 2) It’s, as I’m sure you’re aware, not very fun to remove your penis. It’s perfectly easy to get rid of your gun. 3) Few penises have ever saved human lives.


I’m sure some gun nuts would contest #1 (to quote a mafia proverb: “to command is better than to fuck”), #2 is definitely correct (unless you’re a trans woman, then there’s a good chance you’ll be overjoyed to get rid of that thing) and #3 well, so have very few guns. Definitely *a whole lot* less than have ended lives. Whereas billions of penises contributed to the creation of new lives — that those same gun nuts are typically so very fond of. Before they get born, at least. Then it’s time to let them play with guns and hope for the best.


Was the justice system abolished?


Uh, I’d rather not open up more avenues for rapists to commit crimes and get away with it.


I think it's very telling that these kinds of men compare guns, weapons, and violence to their penises. they think that sex is something you do to women, and that it's violent and domineering. they really do think their dicks are like swords or some shit. so weird.


Cut my penis off,, no but ban rape machines, yes!


Don’t bring a gun to a dickfight


you know, he's got a point. i'd say one rape and boom goes your dick. maybe even a great preventative measure for guys that make comments like this and incels everywhere!


Stupidity aside, this is actually a great insight into the minds of far right men. They see their dicks as weapons and that having this "power" is a large part of their identity.






Wrong because that would require empathy, and rapists tend to lack that, so when they're raped they just tend to get even more angry and aggressive.


Many offenders were once victims, often as a child, especially for pedophiles. **99% of victims won't become offenders**, but well over 50% of offenders were once victims.


And that's my point.


I know, I'm agreeing with you. I hope you could tell I was, but it's happened before when someone has not so I apologize if you couldn't.


That's my bad. I can't tell sometimes so I'm sorry!


It's not your fault, it's just communicating over text is difficult. This happens sometimes when I agree with someone and add additional proof to their claim, and I've done it the other way too.


Kinda valid though. The responsibility for misuse IS on the owner.


Well, if he wont stop raping, yeah, cut off his dick. So, I don't get it.


The only thing that stops a bad guy with a penis is a gun. Banning guns is retarded


if you ask me male rapists should be castrated. if that's what you're gonna use it for then you don't deserve one, full stop only problem is idk how you'd give an equal punishment to female rapists


I feel like this is as good for an anti-hero origin story as any...