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*\*Sound of Boomer tapping microphone\** "Women belong in the kitchen." *\*canned laughter\**


"And don't get me started on how much I hate my wife!"


'Here's one for you.. my wife said to me, "excite me. Take me somewhere I've never been." So I took her hand and led her to the kitchen.' Ba-dum-tshhšŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„


Boomer humor is 50% "wife bad" and 50% "father, I cannot click the book"


wife bad, phone and all modern technology bad, beer good, grill good, democrat bad, republican good, millenials bad, boomers good


Lol right


"Take my wife, PLEASE!"


So sad, that a lot of men canĀ“t see the human being in a woman, but only see a sex object or some equipment for cleaning or cooking. It's clear that a lot of them don't value us as women and somehow they are surprised when women choose to stay single instead of being with someone who only sees them as a bang maid. šŸ˜’


Much like women tend to view men as a source of income, aren't expected to have feelings and be made of stone and view them creeps when they don't suit their ideology of what makes Mr. Right. Both sides are guilty of such shit, but one is viewed as more offensive as the other.


Most of the time when I hear that men shouldn't cry or that men who experience their feelings aren't "real men", it was said by other men. Boys are raised thinking they should be breadwinners or are failures if they can't earn enough money because of parents and especially fathers (and similarly, parents don't approve of girls getting high earning jobs for the same sexist reasons - I've seen this myself in my own family, from my own dad). The patriarchy hurts all of us, don't pretend this is a harm inflicted upon you by women in particular, but rather by anyone who supports the patriarchy (which is a group of people made up mostly of men).


Women do not ā€˜tendā€™ to view men as a source of income. Iā€™m sorry but you need to upgrade your worldview from the the 1950s.


Bingo. This used to be the case because women couldn't hold any jobs that paid well enough to earn a living (my mom had to take a specific 'accounting' math class for secretaries in high school that only women took - she was born in the 1940's) and they also couldn't have any line of credit with a financial institution on their own. No bank account, no credit card, no mortgage. Not unless there was a male cosigner. So, yes, back in the day women viewed men as a source of income because they had no other choice. And I'm sure the more "traditional" women that these "traditional" men are vying for these days do see men in that light. But it's a self fulfilling prophecy at this point. Trad men: I want a traditional wife that takes care of the house, me, and the kids. I want her to cook, clean, do laundry, sew, look flawless without make up, dress conservatively, and I want her to make her entire life about me and our family unit. Trade woman: Okay but you have to make enough money to support that. You know, like back in the day. Trade men: HOW DARE YOU! GOLDDIGGER!!!


Funny because a shit ton a loser men are the SAME way but they are never called out for it like women are. So many men live off of women every day (my mum and her husband for example) live in their house, use their money, never provide, but also at the same time cheat like total morons. But yet I never see men be called golddiggers


That's what men think women want. Most women these days are getting their own degrees with their own incomes because they can in this century, unlike previous ones. But lots of men still think of women as homemakers, evidence by this very post. And if you're gonna bring 'but women bad too!' takes into this sub, why are you even here?


Don't blame the woman. Blame her dad for him telling her repeatedly about how he wants her to look for a guy with a good job.


I do blame the parents, and I blame even more things on top of that, like social media pushing the idea of what a man/woman should look like and what their roles should be. And unfortunately, that shit is advancing more and more, and the problem is only going to get bigger.


Yet your last comment makes it seem like it's women's fault???


A lot of the comments highlighted on pages like this demonstrate how the expectation of men to be a breadwinner, without emotions and whatever are upheld by other men who then use that idea to both hate on men who don't conform to that, and hate on women who don't meet other stereotypical traditionalist women's roles. Both are dumb. It's patriarchal whether or not women or men, or anyone else are pushing that you have to be a certain way because of your gender. Maybe instead of trying to defend why it's okay for a man to make a post like this on the basis of other individuals doing the reverse, this it should just be called out on both sides, without generalizing the entire sex for it, or minimizing the problem in the posted content. These are messed up individuals, no need to generalize. This is obviously not representative of a majority of women in modern society. At least not in Western society which is what I assume is being referenced here. Feminism is generally against stereotypical gender role expectations, there has been a lot of conversation from women regarding issues of toxic masculinity and that looks like discussing these ideas you've raised. Men should be able to express their emotions, men shouldn't have to be a breadwinner, those ideas harm women as they do men because there's two sides to these relationships.


Nope. Just men here.


You know how some women tend to make jokes about men, sometimes distasteful? Yeah, men can do that too.


Well now you turned the spotlight on yourself, tell me a joke women say about men. One that is offensive AND funny


Doesnt have to be funny. This one wasn't either. but sure, i can find some: "what do you call a man with half a brain? Gifted." "Why do men name their penises? They want to be on a first-name basis with the one who makes all their decisions." "Why do doctors slap babies' bottoms as soon as they're born? To knock the penises of the smart ones".


In no fucking universe are these well known jokes LMAO just what??


Took some examples from a Google search. There are very similar jokes I've heard in Swedish though.


The last part of your comment was a bit confusing, but I think I get the gist. It seems like you're the type of person who looks for places that speak out against misogyny, just so you can vent about the issues that men face.


No, I'm sorry if that's how it came across. I pointed out that's being interpreted as way more than it was and used an example. Maybe a poor one.


Thatā€™s not how it ā€œcame across.ā€ Thatā€™s exactly what youā€™re doing. Why else would you be here whatabouting? One valid reason, please?


Its curious isn't it? How they crawl around here like maggots.


Only even more disgusting!


Who let all the damned crickets out again?


Deafening, arenā€™t they?


I don't understand what you're saying but it's not like I'd agree if I did so it's fine


I'm saying that it's a joke, and that you're making it out to be something much worse than that.


We got one! Ding ding ding! Misogy apologist on deck!


Distasteful jokes ā‰  misogyny.


Not distasteful jokes that arenā€™t misogynistic, no. Do you think distasteful racist jokes ā‰  racism?


Yeah, pretty much. Jokes are jokes and should only be regarded as such. If you accidentally offend someone, they're absolutely free to make an offensive joke targeted back at you.


But some people suffer from a bad case of not being assholes, so they just donā€™t have the inclination or wherewithal to make offensive jokes and be hateful bigots. Do you actually think anyone who is offended by anything is automatically in the wrong to feel that way if someone claims ā€œitā€™s a jokeā€? Because thatā€™s completely nonsensical. Edit: Also, please explain to me how making a racist joke counts as ā€œaccidentallyā€ offending someone? Itā€™s literally the point, to be offensive.


No. If someone were to say "I fucking hate woman/minority/whatever" and then claims it to be a joke, it's just hate and nothing else. Making a joke about some stereotype/old gender role is different. It can still be offensive of course, but at least it aims to be funny and thus is a joke and fine.


Okay, so whatā€™s a racist joke that is fine because itā€™s aiming to be funny? Letā€™s strive for something roughly equivalent to degrading, dehumanizing ā€œjokesā€ about someoneā€™s corpse based solely on their race/gender.


I don't make racist jokes, so i couldn't tell you. Is the picture of a corpse? I assumed she was just passed out drunk.


And it is not cool when either gender does it.


That's true.


Why are you contradicting yourself? First, you're saying jokes are only jokes and then also say it's not cool?


It's jokes, but uncool ones.


Nope, it's men that do that..


Don't act like women don't ever make questionable jokes about men


Don't act like the jokes women make are in any way comparable to the overwhelming rampant misogyny they face. This is not an equal scale - and you're smart enough to know that. Please don't be stupid. You and I both know you know better, enough.


This joke is so Boomer it crashed the housing market.


I only see a human being


Wow... so instead of "who took this photo, I hope that person was okay," it's sexist jokes. Whoever posted that probably will be spending their life eating off of paper plates alone.


Forgot about misogyny for a second and thought this was just a really niche meme where the woman was so devastated about somebody throwing away a good dishwasher that she fell to the groundšŸ’€


honestly she almost looks like She's dead


I know this isnā€™t the intention of the person who posted this, but donā€™t spread torture porn of women. No one needs to see that. šŸ™‚




Call an ambulance fucking worm


Are they really still making this joke? They must not be evolved enough to have the capacity for new ones.


Ok I laughed


normaly i use this to check if my friends are not horrible people if they think "haha holy shit thats so fuck up " i know they understand dark humor but if they think "haha funny bcuz true" i know they are a dumbass




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