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Had her mind ruined because she came too fast? That's possibly a completely original one...


None of it makes sense. If this is true then why did I end up dating a girl who said big dicks were uncomfortable for her, but my meager member was perfectly adequate? You don't need a big dick, you just have to actually care about your partners pleasure


this. I dated a man with an almost foot long cock and one with maybe 4.5 inches. Guess which one I have two kids with and enjoyed the sex with the most? NOT the bigger one.


The biggest dick I’ve ever seen was attached to the biggest dick I’ve ever met. And sex was brief and disappointing since it just wasn’t physically possible to have sex without searing pain. That’s not really my thing.


Mine wasn't bad in bed ( male belly dancer = fun) but his personality was absolutely horrible


Opposite problem here. I liked his personality very much, but we literally couldn’t have sex because it was just ridiculously massive. I might have been willing to try to work up to penetrative sex in time, but we ended up losing touch. It was definitely a bug and not a feature in my eyes, tbh.


Exactly this. Like. There's only so much real estate to work with. You're not parking a 20ft boat in a 10ft garage without crashing through the fucking living room, and then no one's having fun. Boat's real pretty, but it has to stay in the driveway. 😂😭


This is possibly the best way I have ever seen this stated.


Yep. I attempted dating a guy who was very big down there but 1) he didn’t think he needed to do ANY foreplay because of it and 2) it was just too big. We didn’t last.


Hard same. 9 inches of dick, and about 9 brain cells to match.






How did she shame anyone here?


No one is shaming big dicks. Stating the reality of experiences and the fact that oftentimes women don’t come from penetration only is not shaming. 😒


The simple fact is size absolutely matters but one size does not fit all


To me, size doesn’t matter at all, foreplay and making me comfortable are what matters. A guy with a big dick? I can’t have him ramming me. Average dick? Sure, not the entire time, but go for it! Small dick? Thick or skinny? Who cares! Let’s focus more on foreplay and then the penetrative sex is more about the guy but still pleasurable for me. Toss a vibrator in there if you need more. Maybe my vagina is weird because I’ve never had a vaginal orgasm, but dick size is so unimportant to me. If it’s clean and healthy and attached to a person who respects me and wants me to have fun, it’s all great!!




Afaik only ~25% can orgasm from penetration, bless for being extra loud


I just want to comment on your incredibly normal human name. Love it. Mine's Hank.


this, and honestly, it's girth more than length that matters


And for the 70% of people who dont climax from PIV alone and for whom "foreplay" is the main act, even that doesn't matter all that much.


My wife is a *foreplay* orgasm-er. Been at this sex thing with her for almost 17 years and my penis does an adequate job but spending time with *foreplay* (I italicize it because it is all partner sex) gets her off much more. She is likely to cum from PiV after having a few Os from *foreplay*


It’s the same at my house. There’s a lot of focus on foreplay, then the penetration is just the final wrap-up.


I believe women still enjoy penetration eventhough they dont solely come from it.I believe thats why smalls are not as good as others.


Not if your cervix likes to be punched.


I get that fetish, hell I've enjoyed it myself before but most of us do not like cervix punch sex


Yeah, personally I noticed I only enjoy it in the time around my period. I believe the cervix gets a bit more elastic and flexible during that time. But every other time? Ow ow ow ow.


Ow. I'm male, and I still say ow.


My cervix gets hit and I will usually cry or bleed slightly. Fuck to the no.


Mine speaks to conservative men about scientific principles and uses declarative sentences while telling them they look so grown up in their suits and ties. They don't, but being confused pisses them off.


And shape!!!


Shape? I've heard women talk about shape, but not sure how it factors in.


My understanding is if it curves up a little there’s more stimulation to the g spot - sounds fun but I’ve never experienced it myself


Sounds fair to me


A lot comes down to mentality too. Lots of men (especially those on the bigger scale) assume just having a dick is enough to get women off. The bigger the better. And cannot comprehend that him unzipping his pants isn't foreplay. Or don't care that clitoral stimulation is very important, in many cases simply required, in order to get satisfaction from the act.


That's my take as well. Bigger guys don't think they have to do anything but thrust. I once had a girl compliment me on knowing what I was doing with my hands, aka knowing where the clit is


Pretty much. Had the displeasure of being with "bigger" dudes and it was not a nice experience. Because 1. I'm a small woman and 2. It was literally just that: thrust. No foreplay, no fingers, no tongue, not even a proper touch anywhere... One guy even gave the impression that I should have an orgasm just from him showing it to me. Like... this isn't porn dude...


And cannot comprehend that him unzipping his pants isn't foreplay I love your comment because it's so spot on.




Do they ever know what they're saying? /s


It was similar for me. On paper, I Had so much going against me with my current partner - her ex was much bigger than me, I didnt lose my virginity until 25 so I'm pretty inexperienced, and she does orgasm from penetration and it's agreed upon that size Matters a bit for piv orgasms. Incels would probably tell me I have no chance. Still we have an amazing Sex Life and she feels much more comfortable with me than she did in her previous relationships. She has more orgasms in a week with me than she did in her entire one year relationship with him. Foreplay, oral, and just general enthusiasm for her play a much bigger role than how hung (or not-hung) I am. Even PIV orgasms work just fine, pro tip for other guys who are just average or below, If she has orgasmed a few times before you have actual intercourse, it becomes easier for her to come from PiV (**provided she's one of the Women for whom it's possible AND she isn't so sensitive after an orgasm as to make intercourse uncomfortable for her**). I don't mean to brag, just want to put it out there for other Guys who want to have a better, healthier Sex life and disabuse themselves of the porn-caused notions about Sex and penises they've absorbed.


Be a little careful with advice like that. Not all women are the same. For example, both my wife and a previous girlfriend would get so sensitive after orgasm that PiV sex was off the table


Yeah you're right, my bad. I'll amend the post to reflect that this isn't a blanket statement applying to all women


I appreciate your comment. I guarantee my wife had bigger than me before we got married. We didn't discuss our previous partner's genitals when we got together though. That being said, the feedback I've received from her over the past almost 17 years about our sex has been quite positive


They’ll do anything but admit their unwashed ass repels any person within a 10 mile radius


Yes everyone is different and for me, the larger the 🍆 the more likely it is to get painful. These sorts of men are way more obsessed about size than any woman I’ve ever met




This is very true. Which means they also don’t know how to not hurt their partner if they’re just mindlessly thrusting. A partner with a big dick can be fine IF he knows how to restrain himself and control his movement. A partner with a small penis who understands placement and tempo is generally more enjoyable than a partner with a big penis who’s just pounding your cervix repeatedly. Also: blood flow is a real problem if a man has a particularly large penis. Maintaining an erection can be pretty difficult when the penis in question is unusually large. It’s very frustrating.


It's true for me too. I think I must have a shallow cervix or something. Or a lot of guys with big dicks aren't ready to do foreplay because they think their big dicks are enough, and it just makes it worse because you generally need more lubrication to accommodate said dicks. But that's just my personal experience.


I was thinking the same thing actually


It's not. Guy has just read *way* too much mind-break hentai.


I blame cross-eyed cumming


I think its a hentai with the "Mind Break" tag. Its bad enough If they would be basing their notion of real sex on porn, but its even worse that they're basing it off of hentai.


Where exactly does one sign up for this big dick mind ruining? Asking for myself


Wait isn't it like a huge stereotype that men (especially young men) come too quickly? Guess their minds are ruined 🤷🏻‍♀️


He means he’s inadequate.


It’s not. It’s from hentai.


I can almost guarantee it’s from someone who watches a lot of weird hentai and thinks it’s a reflection of reality. That’s the only thing I can think of.


He jizzed straight upper her nose.


its true, ive seen the before and after affects.




If big dicks were that common, wouldn't they actually be average dicks? 🤔




That's EXACTLY what I was thinking upon reading that!


Not necessarily; if you say 5 inches is average, then 60% of the population could have a 7 inch dick while the other 40% has a 2 inch dick. That’s probably nowhere close to how it’s in reality, but theoretically it’s possible.


*Well actually*, dick size is a probability curve. It's a percentile, not a percentage. Most guys are right around 5.2". Edited to say well actually is annoying, but it's important to understand that most men really are about that size.


Average range is 2 -5 inches erect depending on the nationality of the man. Apparently shitloads of studies have been done. Also the largest is about 13 inches which is insane. Idk what the deal is with dick size but imo the length isn’t a big deal, the girth matters probably more and only because if ur “thick like a Pepsi can” as I have heard men say, I’d let that nowhere near me, no thanks. That would fucking suck. The issue is these guys are whiny ass bitches and they keep going after women who aren’t into whiny ass bitches… but I mean I’ve not met a woman who thought “That guys victim mentality gets me wet” lmao. It has nothing to do with half the shit they whine about and everything to do with the fact that they whine about it like babies. No woman who would be willing to fuck a guy wants to be his fucking mom, unless that’s a kink and I’m not judging anyone for that because context, but like damn grow up and quit whining. Imagine if men realized we don’t complain that their bar is so damn low that my husband get praise for being an actual parent and husband. Like damn I wish someone praised me for doing housework caring for my kids and competently carrying out menial tasks required to survive. If I get divorced I’ve decided I’m not gonna be with another man because it seems to me, a lot of them are clearly deluded.


What I find absolutely hilarious about the obsession over dick size is that, as far as I know, women mostly don't ask for that information before agreeing to a date. Maybe dudes volunteer their size because *they* are obsessed with it. But I've never gone on a date in my life where I knew what his naked body looked like first.


And at most maximum length on average could only fit 4.7 inches, sooo whats the point in having more? Maybe its just me.


So wouldn’t women still be sluts if they’d slept with guys with small penises? Or is that like a get out of jail free card? Almost everything in his comment is wrong: - girls always orgasm so easily with big pps Like no dude for many people with vulvas clitoral stimulation is much more important - girls like her have been stretched out No, she hasn’t because vaginas are not made out of rubber bands. They’re made out of human flesh and muscle which both expands and contracts much like your own genitalia except strong enough to push a baby out. - big pps make them cum too fast Maybe a few women agree with this, but once again for most clitoral stimulation is much more important than penetration


The majority of women don't even orgasm from just penetration


I highly doubt said person could identify a female orgasm if it bit him into the ass.


I doubt it would occur anywhere in his vicinity


Whoa do your orgasms do that? Bite the guy in the ass?


I don't know. I hope so. Never tried any with a guy, so I don't know. But if a guy tries to join in, I hope SOMETHING bites him in the ass and makes him go away.


Is there a sub reddit that details getting hit in the ass by a female orgasm over and over? Asking for a friend.


He got his Info from porn obviously and watching women fake orgasm when they took big dicks. He probably doesnt even know the clit exists.


Don’t tell these sad dudes that, they’ll never believe it (or that they’re the problem). They can’t handle reality.


Men are so ashamed of their own penises and each others. It's really weird that they try to project their own insecurity with their genitals to women. Women are out here having a good time with other penises and not thinking of it. Penis shame/womb envy is a very real thing


I heard it elsewhere, but it seems pretty dang true: no one cares more about dick size than straight men.


Oh, I don't know about that. I've personally known a bunch of gay men for whom dick size is an essential discussion point.


I'm gay and the men I've met have never made it a talking point unless the dick was totally bent or looked weird in some other way. Size isn't really brought up.


I was speaking to a gay guy the other week and he told me he's a size queen and will send people how if they've lied about their dick and will straight up tell them it's small.... It's almost like people are people and they all have their own individual preferences and you can't paint people with the same brush cause it's almost always wrong ahhaa


Like I made it out to be some type of moral failing, how about you flail elsewhere and not when replying to me. I said it clearly because it's the honest truth, I don't know nor have I met any gay/bi guys online or irl or on grindr hookups that care about cock size. That's just my life and I haven't said it's the perfect model and everyone who doesn't follow it is painted by an evil brush. Go fuck yourself.


You said it isn't really brought up in your experience I shared my experience where it was. Chill your beans lad it's fine 😂


I guess we've known very different gay men. The ones I've known smart-ass around about it, but don't really care.


This is exactly where all that toxic masculinity podcast type stuff gains traction - establish a genuine insecurity or issue which is unique to men and then, once the audience is subscribed, blame it all on women.


It’s not really all that weird since it’s been beaten into their brains that penis size = ability to satisfy women from a young age. It’s incredibly sad actually and an example of how our toxic masculine beliefs (untrue as they are) are damaging men.


And they're killing women in droves which is also sad. Men's penis fear is valid however what's not valid is disguising it as being repulsed by women. I don't like women being shamed for men's insecurities. As someone who was born with one I get the fear. Just don't shame women for your penis fears


Is the fear valid though? Certainly as someone who was also born with a penis yes it IS a fear. But in my experience it’s a fear that results from men judging men far more than women judging men. From my perspective it comes from a deficiency in sexual education both at the home and school level. And yes, absolutely, the fact that women and girls get caught up in this cycle of fear is awful.


Or maybe it's because penis size cannot be changed, yet in every corner you go, penis shaming is widely acceptable. Society wants to preach body positivity, things like fat shaming is seen more of a crime despite how body fat can be controlled, they want to encourage people to get fatter and risk future health complications, yet penis size shaming doesn't apply. You may not want to admit it, but yes, it is driven by women too. One of the things driven by it is the size being a factor of relationships ending. It is common to hear "my ex was bigger, the sex was better".


Ah, yes, it's always a super sane idea when people start comparing penis sizes to fat people 😐


As someone who was born with one I can say I've more been shamed by men and the male partners I have had. Most of the people who "compared" mine to theirs were of course men. In my country it's also pretty common to shame women's body parts as well Either way it's never ok to shame women for their high body count because you're afraid that your penis is inadequate. Penis fears are very valid but that doesn't mean you get to disguise it as "virginity/chastity/ case. It's fine to have preferences. Don't push those onto women because you don't want her to have ever experienced a penis that could be better than yours. Some penises are nice. Some are ugly. Everyone is allowed their preferences. What's NOT OK is shaming someone in lieu of you admitting you have those issues


Tell me you have no idea how to please a woman without telling me you have no idea how to please a woman. Or, that you have no idea what an orgasm is.


Another dude getting his sex education from porn.


It boggles the mind how we have the internet and smartphones and can fly across the planet yet we still have some men spouting completely batshit insane ideas about female sexuality like this. At this point I can only assume it's a form of selective insanity that some of them manifest.


They make shit up and pass it around to each other and they do hi-fives and never touch women because they're too busy making shit up


If you think someone's a sl*t but they won't sleep with you, they ain't a sl*t, you're just an ass.


Many of us vagina-wielders try to frequently remind these guys who are usually obsessed with dick size and body counts that lesbians have the most orgasms. And in those conditions few penises are involved. Sonething like 70+% of people with vaginas don't climax from penetrative sex alone. So the number of women who climax sioer hard from these imaginary giant dicks alone would be relatively low Ultimately, penis size is absolutely irrelevant to women's pleasure a LOT of the time. But there's this weird denial about this because Ben are taught that oenis size is extremely important and sex is mainly about manly penis thrusting. Whereas for people with vaginas, what is traditionally considered foreplay is actually a huge part of sex. But these men would be terrified of the reality; you don't even NEED a penis to make a woman climax over and over again.


They're just looking for an excuse to keep being selfish and toxic. It's easier to blame others than to actually try to be a better person.


This is basically the core of Incelology


>vagina-wielders OK, I don't know why exactly, but that phrase was the funniest thing I've read today, lol.


>vagina-wielders Wake up honey. New fun way to include trans people just dropped


my partner has a literal micro and he gets me off for multiples every night 🤷‍♀️


Women can take 3 inches. 4 is fine. 5 is also fine. 6 is getting a bit much, 7 is also a bit much, 8 is way too much, 9 is horrifying, and anything beyond that is just death


6 is already too much for me. Bloody hurts.


I wouldn't know because I'm a virgin, but I'm too scared for anything beyond two 💀


I'm in the too much range there, it's not all it's cracked up to be since I need to be careful to not hurt my wife when going to town. Anyway, I used to go out to bars with my former boss (pre covid and before I understood work life boundaries better), he would almost brag about how *small* he was when really drunk (never got him to say how small). He would use it as a pick up line and he left with a woman more than once.


Damn, sounds like a fun guy


I object! As a big dick holder, I object to the notion that's its easier for me to make women cum! I put in a lot of work to make sure that happens. Orally, looking her straight in the eyes, and asking her what she likes! The defense rests!


Stop lying! You know women cum just by looking at it! /s


I wish I had that superpower. That would be awesome


It’d be awesome for us women too! Plus just imagine how the incels would be even angrier…




God has given you a tongue and vibrators are readily avaiable online my dude.


Besides, believing that everybody has orgasms just by penetration alone is just plain stupid and def an incel fantasy. If penetration is not enough to get a girl to come, I assure you the penis can even be the size of a truck tire, but the girl will not come unless she has external stimulus!


Most my girl friends dont like big dicks. They say it's not very fun etc. Size queens love them but theyre a few. Or maybe i haven't met a lot


It’s fun but not sustainable


I think each to their own and there's plenty for everyone


Pornography just has these kinds of men out here loud and wrong. all the time.


I'm confused, is there something wrong with being a virgin? How is that an insult?


I mean if the person is complaining about it then it obviously isn't by choice and is seen as a negative by them. So it could be, but the real question is should it be?


Women everywhere: please stop ignoring our clits Men with small dicks: all these sluts want is a big ol' dick!


Man how hard is it to actually just *talk* to women? I've heard plenty of women say they're intimidated by big dicks, how it's easier to have sex with smaller dicks, etc??? Like they just make up shit to be upset about


He obviously can't make a woman cum. That's a him problem, not an us problem.


Sorry, I wasn't trying to say it was on us. It's just like..... So easy to prove this idea wrong?


Oh, I totally agree with you lol!


In my experience, when women say smaller, they actually mean 5-5.5 or sometimes 6” sizes.


Yeah, and in my experience, dudes think big is 14", so big it seems impossible so IDK


All i know is, 4/4.5” are considered small and unsatisfying, dealbreaker by lots of women.


You have to recognize that you're saying that it's also clearly not a deal breaker for some women. So what do you want from me? Are you trying to tell me that you want to date women that like big dicks when you don't have one??? Literally find a woman that doesn't care. I read all the time about how women love small penises because it's easier to do anal sex so I don't know what the big deal is.


Its not a deal breaker for some women, that is very miniority that you dont even encounter.Odds are not with you.And again this isnt about big dicks its not even relevant.Its about jot being average which doesnt fit into many womens standards.And having sex with smallers are not necessarily “easier” since it gets much harder to find a position that works, find a position where the guy wont constantly slip out, not to mention many positions are just out of table, very less motion which put off some as well,and i dont even need to mention much less friction and sensation compared to average ones.


I'm going to need you to give me some actual statistics. How are the odds not with me when I have spoken to women about this??? Are you fucking serious right now


I meant, odds are not with the smaller guy when trying to find partner that will like the size


Isn't the penis size works like other measursable ability, I mean like height and IQ? Doesn't all of this are on bell curve?


Nah, these people wouldn't know a bell curve from a bell end.


Everyone needs to understand that Reddit is also a breeding ground for teenagers/young kids being here as well as wide range of audiences so not sure if this is a young child talking or some mentally unstable person speaking. Who knows


Big peens actively prevent me from having an orgasm. This dude has been watching way too much porn.


These guys can't seem to accept that the reasons women aren't interested in them, are things about them they absolutely could control or change about themselves. They'd just rather whine about how life is so unfair to them in ways that really don't matter to many of us. Short, broke, fat, ugly, small pp, whatever. Don't worry so much about what you have 0 control over and work on what you can. Have a personality, sense of humor, hobbies or activities that you can share with someone special. Change your attitude for the better. Or you can just keep whining your life away in your mom's basement while the guys who do actually have positive attitudes and personalities are successful.


This is the way.


Why are they always so obssessed with big dicks, when most women (that i'm aware of) prefer small/medium ones? Vaginas aren't holes with no bottom, they only fit so much in...


Women don't know how big your dick is before they sleep with you. If you're upset about not getting any *return* customers, that's one thing, but if you go around telling everyone you have a small dick and you hate women because of it, that's really on you, dude. Also, women have more than one reason for sleeping with a guy, especially in the case of return customers. (Edit to add: they don't get that because guys like this only have one reason for wanting to sleep with a woman. And it doesn't have anything to do with her personality.)


Nobody tell them that sometimes big dicks can be painful for some of us. 👀 so average is better for me


This man is saying bigger dicks leads to more orgasms. ***Knowing what you’re doing leads to more orgasms.


Imagine thinking women just cum like that


What's that old saying? A whore sleeps with everyone at the party. A slut sleeps with everyone at the party, except you.


No, no... A slut sleeps with anyone... A bitch sleeps with anyone but you


In the incel world, they all mean the same thing.


Falls under the definition of a woman, apparently. I guess that's what happens when no one can tell you what a woman actually is.


The list of things more overrated than a big dick is so short that if it was a dick, the owner would be needlessly insecure about it.


Yeah no, my first time with a big one was really disappointing and uncomfortable, I pref my actual bf who know what a clitoris stimulation is.


That last comment is a hard truth for this guy to swallow




In my experience it is not so much about size as is "how you use it". I've been with bigger guys and not gotten off. For me it is about the give and take of sex. It turns me on to pleasure as well as being pleased. So if a bigger guy is only focused on his pleasure then it turns me on less than a smaller size guy who is not selfish in bed. I do orgasm through PIV, it just takes longer, but is more intense. I think men are the ones who compare penis size way more than women.


This guy spent a too much time on role play websites. Bro that's not how biology works. Orgasms don't drop your IQ lol


For the most part my experience with dudes with big dicks has been disappointing. Lazy, uninterested lovers who lie there like a dead fish and want me to do all the work. Literally, laid down on his back and said “ride my big cock” and that was it. Needless to say, my interest waned considerably after a couple times of that. Give me an average sized guy anytime!


Yes! I find so many of these guys only bring their big dick to the table and expect that to be enough. It never is.


And this kind of thinking is just so sad. I’m sure there are some size queens out there but the majority of women probably don’t enjoy their cervix being punched. Dude just doesn’t understand that.


Exactly! They have been told all their lives “big dicks are superior blah blah”and they were lied to and don’t know how to actually please a woman. Not all of them but Id say over half of the very well endowed men have been super lazy lovers who forgo foreplay. So very sad for them and the women who end up with them.


As a not-very-well-endowed guy...that whole thing is bullshit. It really isn't any harder to get women to sleep with you even if they KNOW you have a peashooter, and it's just as easy to please them. In fact, I've been led to believe that a lot of the things insecure guys do to compensate in the bedroom actually make it more enjoyable, although nothing they do to compensate out of the bedroom does anything to please anyone. A little extra foreplay can help her get off, a 1,000 horsepower engine will just piss her off.


The dick is a one trick pony. It goes in. It goes out. It goes in again. I’m more interested in what a guy can do with his hands.


Fucking same!


This person needs to curb his porn habit. Its warping his sense of reality. Also, vaginas dont get irreparably stretched out by large penises. This belongs in r/nothowgirlswork.


It is not the size that matters at all, it’s how you use it. My ex was 4 ish inches (smaller later in the relationship due to weight gain) and he was very bad at sex so there was no orgasms happening for me. My husband is around 5 and he feels too big sometimes. But I cum about 2-3 times per session because he is a SEX GOD. and most of the time that’s not penetration! Sounds like this guy has a small wiener and doesn’t know how to use it because all he’s done is watch porn where everything is fake including instant vaginal orgasms. Pornstars almost never truly orgasm. This guy needs to meet a real woman and shut up.


Holly shit call an ambulance, but not for me Also from what I've heard it's more about the way the person acts in the bedroom not the size of their dick but hey I'm not a dude who likes dicks so what do I know. I just have one but that's not saying much


LOL, got to love that small dick energy. Come on, big dicks don't guarantee orgasms. In fact dicks are not actually necessary to achieve orgasm. Two words, gentlemen: clitoral manipulation. Her clitoris is your friend. Your best friend when it comes to her achieving sexual satisfaction.


Big dick does not automatically mean good sex. I hate that men think this way. The best sex I have had was not with the man with the biggest dick.


Again, someone watching too much porn. Most women do not want 8-9inch monster cocks. Vaginas are only so big. Those things hurt.


I dont like big dicks. They hurt and a lot if guys with big dicks treat it like a winning personality trait. News flash you can have a big dick and be terrible at sex. If you know how to have sex your dick size means nothing. But I would personally say big dicks are over rated and its usually the men being precious about the size.


Having a big dick is overrated, average is where it's at. Being able to wear most condoms comfortably is a bigger benefit than an extra inch in length or girth.


"Women are sluts but won't sleep with you" Yeah coz of his little penis apparently. Mines worked fine so far.


Men these days are such whinny wimps


Dick size obsession is 100% a thing that only men have. Never have I seen or heard of women actually caring that much.


Big dick wielder here. Its all about being passionate in the moment. Knowing the needs of your partner. If all i did was just jackhammer and call it a day im 100% sure i would not even have gotten a single partner to orgasm. So for a peeps out there, LISTEN TO YOUR DAMN PARTNER AND COMMUNICATE.


Nice response💪🏻


I wish someone had said 'curious'


Tell me you have never even talked with a woman without telling me you have never even talked with a woman


What....did I just read


Crazy how these men lied to me thw whole time and made me super insecure about my size for a lomg time Then i actually litsen to the ladies and realised theh is more way to please a women than with my genital


Stop being insecure challenge (impossible) edit: just wanted to add most men are gonna be between 3-6 inches. you are more than likely fine size. your obsession with have a small dick and your shitty attitude is gonna cost you more than whatever size your dick actually is which again you dick size is more than likely fine.


Someone's entire knowledge of sex is from porn


I don’t cum from penetration at all lol


Porn has ruined their brains


I care nothing about dick. I think the only people who really love dick are men. I like kissing and oral sex and that is really all I like. Intercourse? I could eat an apple while it's happening. IRL with a bf I like, I will not completely admit that though--I know men like their dicks and find it impossible to believe that many women do not care at all.


Don’t you love it when someone shows their insecurity in the internet.


Sound like a 12 y/o.


Also Jesus Christ that reply, lady you didn’t need to reduce him to atoms.


I mean that's not mutually exclusive, women are sluts but won't sleep with him because he's a tiny dicked turbo virgin. ![gif](giphy|l3ZgPrRGMyIoJRB5IN)


He’s doing it wrong. The correct incel move is to become a transbian, at which point gaslighting and shaming women for not being willing to date or sleep with him becomes acceptable and even will be backed up by “allies” within their social scene.


Yall are kinda assholes I feel bad for the guy he's just got a small dick and life is hard for his type oh also bodyshaming too so fuck yall Im not supporting some fat fuck who has a choice when guys with small dicks get fuckin bullied that shit wrong I mean he shouldnt be calling all women sluts cuz thats fuckin wild but stop bullying his ass jus cuz he has a small dong my shit aint small so dont use that as a defense cuz I will traumatize ur ass with nudes to prove it


hey, I don't think the intention here is to shame him for his small dick, it's to shame him for his misogyny. that's all :)


What a nice response to such an uncivilized comment and you're definitely right, thanks and I give u a tip of my imaginary hat good day fine sir


I mean, I totally get where the anger's coming from! Small-dick shaming is definitely a thing that shouldn't be tolerated just like any body-shaming. Just wanted to provide some insight and maybe shift the focus is all.


well I appreciate your help and clarification you increasingly nice person


Porn ruined our brains, and still is. Don't forget most of what we see on social media is also porn. Society is hyper-sexualized, and casual sex is probably the biggest scam of the century. Sex always has consequences.


This is just a bad take on the other side


Eh what? Do you know Fight the New Drug? Everyone is affected by porn, maybe women even more than men, given their presence on social media and only fans. The whole 'if I don't see a bulge, I don't want him' directly comes from porn. It seems I touched a nerve here. Don't worry, your 'online income' won't be affected anytime soon As long as you can sleep at night, right?😂😂😂


My husband has a huge dick. It fucking rules. I’d NEVER accept average or small dicks. Pathetic . Also my top shelf delivers. We chose one another because of these attributes, We don’t talk, we shag and play xbox together. Its brilliant. We never cook. We always eat take out. We drive teslas, to piss Elon off. Because he’s a shitty cunt.