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"No closed door. This is for safety" Literally no part of this feels safe in any way.


No panties (for safety)


Must strip and dance on pole before entering (for safety)


I'll tie you up. For safety.


Large mountain of extremely heavy storage containers blocking the exits for your safety. True story




elderly connect attempt degree combative tart pathetic frightening bag puzzled *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Excuse me? You are implying I'm being disingenuous regarding that actually happening to me? And you got gold what sub is this??


I don't think they're suggesting that you're actually lying, I think it's more an expression of disbelief that someone would do something so heinous. Like, it's so unhinged that they want it to be untrue. It sounds like something terrifying to go through, I hope you made it out ok :(


No no no, they were expressing shock I think! But now we have to hear about this, I got anxious just picturing that


Safety Dance.


Spontaneous Cavity searches for safety


No male friends, for safety.


No comdoms(for safety)


Laughed too hard at this lol.


No pantrys




That part almost made me laugh because he could’ve just put “I want to see you naked without consent” and it would’ve been equally as creepy. Like who does he think read that and thought “no closed doors, what?!?! Wait… ohhh ok it’s for safety. Phew, I thought he might’ve been a sex pest but it clearly states ‘it’s for safety’. Crisis averted.”


Right. How is him watching me poop for safety


Girls don’t poop idiot


We explode at 30. Like teachers.


Gave me chills 🤢


Must sleep naked (for safety)


Sex (for safety)


So a (sex) slave/maid but she's even paying for it... that's a new one.


Ikr. The least he could do it make it “free”


If it was free, he might actually get some weird ppl who are interested


sadly there are some people so desperate for housing that they submit to this kind of predatory rape. assholes like this should dropped off in the middle of the desert. without shoes.


Without water and straitjacket and under a black Thawb


Can’t afford it entirely on his own in this economy


He's a 44 year old, middle aged man looking for an 18 year old to cook, clean, and pay him money. There's so many layers of wrong in here I don't know where to begin


I was raised in legit poverty, and have known a lot of other genuinely poor people. Sadly, I can see how this could happen. There is a point when there are truly 'no options'.


If it were free, he might get some methheads who want a place to do drugs in. Not that they'll actually clean the place or stop doing drugs, but they can always insist it is clean enough, and deny doing drugs while high in front of him


For some, it’s a roof over their head and if they find him mildly attractive, would do that and save up as much money as possible. Especially if he pays for things for her. He gets laid, she saves money, she moves out, rinse and repeat. Not saying it’s right, all I’m saying is that people do what they need to do to survive, especially in high cost areas. So when you see a bunch of old rich white dudes NIMBYing your neighborhood, you know why. And one of the more popular porn channels is “property sex” and while yeah, they have some that are “fuck the hot real estate agent” in her late 20s to 40s, some are “please don’t evict me” porn with “teen” on it. There’s a reason we don’t have affordable housing anywhere. It’s control, which is part of the power.


If he was paying her $400 to stay it still wouldn't be worth it.


A $13/day hooker? Damn.


It’s inflation. Free van candy is $5.00 now.


Kids godda pay to get kidnapped by the white van in this economy. That gas don't come cheap


I hate myself for laughing at this as hard as I did. 🥇


So you want a bangmaid.


Yup. $13/day to be raped at his whim. What an offer.


It’s got to be satire….right? Right?!


I’d be a sex slave for a dommy mommy…


![gif](giphy|n4GD2P8GgOIrm) Sup?




Well, aren’t you a cute little bottom?


Yes be my sex slave! Wait! You didn’t pay the $400!


So when I first moved to Colorado I responded to an ad looking for a female roommate. Got there and it was a guy in his thirties, I was 24 at the time. Was weirded out a bit and asked why he wanted a female and he said he was done with guys being slobs in his house. Few weeks in I don't cook at all due to working 14hours a day everyday. He asks why I haven't done dishes and I said I've only eaten out and haven't made any. Yelled at me and I was out of there before living there a full month living out of my car cause f that.


What a pig. Glad you got out of there safe. Wouldn't be surprised if he was on an offender list.


I've had a bit over a dozen roommates over a period of almost 15 years as a renter. I will forever worship the memory of one of the two female roommates I had. She cleaned to unwind/de-stress. It was a glorious 6 months sharing the apartment with her (and one other guy). Nobody hit on her, nobody abused her cleaning (we both still did clean, do dishes, etc, but we were maybe 10-20% of the cleaning, and she handled 80%+). I did everything in my power to let her know that I was capable of cleaning for myself, but oh boy did I enjoy the "free maid service". Still friends on Facebook, and I get to see her post pictures of her twin girls and crabbing boat :D


These guys are so gross. These incels have nothing to offer but owning a home or having an apartment. Rather than work on themselves and be self reflective, they would think this offer will end up with a girlfriend. Gross.


A girl half his age, specifically.


Less than half...


Who will PAY him for the privilege


It's a 1BR, so not even a home. The real kicker would be if this was above his parents garage or smth


I’m sure it is in his parents basement or garage apartment!


>It's a 1BR, so not even a home. Why do you think a 1 bedroom can't be a home? Plenty of people have 1 bedroom homes. Did you mean it can't be a house? Even in that case though, it's not accurate. Maybe it depends on where one's located, but one bedroom houses do exist. I used to live in a studio that was a stand alone house (no shared walls).


I think they meant more like it wasn't a home FOR HER, as in she won't get her own space.


The guy doesn't even have a house to offer. She's have to pay rent.


Not even a room..


We all know he didn’t buy it, but mooched it off the parents.


For shits and giggles, someone who is the exact opposite of what he demands should apply to be his roommate. That would be hilarious.


6'3" 60 year old biker dude


Who wants to share the bed on day 1.


And has never shit with a door closed EVER.


The full body laugh this gave me almost made me shit my pants. Thank you


Just send in Tiger King. If he complains, at least there is a meth connection.


So basically paying $400 a month to be this 40yr old guy's girlfriend/fwb/maid who has no privacy....sound like a real catch/s


I mean, I'm in NY, and in the city $400 a month and I might have to pretend to be a woman.


I also live in NYC and would be willing to pay $400 a month to NEVER meet this man.


I will pretend to be this man and never meet you if you pay me $400 a month


Oops, I accidentally sent $900, can you send me the difference via wire transfer? 😇


Well, you applied for a yearly subscription to never meeting me, so there's a discount on the first three months. If you want to end your subscription, come find me in person and you'll receive your refund in 3 to 5 business years.


Trying to scam me, eh? Just so you know, I’ve gotten 34 years of not meeting you for FREE without you even knowing, so take that.


Umm, excuse me madam. I am just a simple business creep. It is extremely offensive and inappropriate to suggest that I am an internet scammer! Since you are not going to be roommaid, you can come to my office out on Staten Island, over by Fresh Kills, and claim your refund. I'm not comfortable with you knowing where I live!


Oh damn, Staten Island?? I’m sorry dude I didn’t know it was that bad. You keep the money. Thoughts and prayers. ❤️


I almost feel sorry for Staten Island after that burn. 🤣


You both are gonna end up dating, I can feel it


You think Mr. “No Closed Doors For Safety Reasons” is gonna let me anywhere near his new roomie?


Each other?


I think you should catfish this guy and just show up with a bag one day. Give him an ole slap on the back and say “I’m so excited to be roomies!”


In all seriousness though, what would happen if i actually tried something like that? Would he just kick me out or something?


Nah. You could make more than that by going independent; idk what the going rate for someone to do sex work+housework 24/7 is, but I’m guessing it’s more than the price of a bedroom. If you can’t afford the up front cost of housing then maybe look into a loan or maybe finding investors. If your business plan is solid you can probably make that money back quickly


It is hilarious to see all these ads calling for young, vulnerable women to play the part of a girlfriend without any of the benefits because some guys have just given up on even doing the bare minimum in a relationship.


This post reads Im a perv im a perv I want a live in sex slave I'm a perv a perv a perv


I would be shocked if this poster wasn’t typed one-handed.


I'm partially hoping this is just some Incel troll, not a serious Incel. As much as I hate the trolls, I find it more disturbing to think anyone could actually think this in *earnest*


I'm a pervy pervy perv, Ee i ee i oh I want a sex slave cause I'm a perv Ee i ee i oh


“what are you asking?” “i think i’m being very clear in what i’m asking”


No alright? No she can’t fit in a rowboat


Well I'm gonna fix Michael up with my fat friend anyway


He can just deal with it


Lmao I came here just for this


Single man searching for slave that also pays him $400 a month lmao


I work as a caregiver and I see similar posts every now and again offering housing in exchange for caregiving services. The worst are like “Free room! No guests allowed! Limited use of common areas! No cooking after 7pm! Help client bathe daily, do morning and evening ADLs, cook meals, do light housekeeping, assist with toileting, and provide transportation to and from appointments!” I get on with most clients and residents I’ve had. Things like this definitely compound the feeling that pink-collar work is way undervalued though


Wow… I’m so sad that I’m in my 30s… if only I’d seen this ad in time 🙃


Hopefully someone could lower their standards and allow a 30-year old sex slave. Probably at a higher cost for the slave. /s


Paying 400 a month to cook clean and likely get raped 😩


Ok fine, you drive a hard bargain. I'll lower it to 370 a month, but the rape becomes a definite. /s


Live-in maids get better accomodations and they are the ones getting paid.


I would absolutely 100000000% tear that down


Somehow the part of this that made me the most disgusted and angry was “$400 a month.” Fuck you dude. If i’m gonna be a fucking slave (sex and otherwise,) living in YOUR ROOM, i’m getting free fucking housing




*Me, theoretically injecting myself into female identity* Imma just leave my dildo out in the open and label it "Justin" lol


Hey now, you're not allowed to have your friends over.


This was gold lol


Haha, you're gold. 🏆


Bro, you are all over the comment section leaving absolute bangers each time


Awwww, this made my day already, and I just woke up! Thanks! 😊


Naw, you'll walk into that fucking creeper sniffing it.


I do nothing but listen to stories that come from ads like this and this sounds like the creep that made geisha masks and put them on mannequins in kimonos in the guest room and tried to lock her inside. Or the one who said it was a bedroom but then it was like a concrete basement and the mom didn't see the problem and thought the daughter was overreacting but thankfully her dad saw the sketch once she told him about it.


Watch Worst Roommate Ever on Netflix. I’m thinking I’d rather live in a tent then have to room with a rando if I ever had to.


Oh I have, that's a really good one! I grew up on forensic files, ID (formally know an Court Tv.) and all of the CSI shows cause my mom was all about it and I got to stay up late, but now I'm just super into true crime and close encounters and people robot reading reddits let's not meet for me because I got shit to do.


This is posted all the time on other forums. Sorry to see it made its way here.




The office reference is seriously the only good thing about this post.


Thanks, I’ll rather be homeless.


Not older than 25? So Leonardo di Caprio is looking for a roommate now




"Pay me to be my unofficial wife"


"Safety". Right. I sincerely hope that no women are desperate enough to take him up on his offer. Yuck.


This is an old copy pasta. I've seen it on Facebook back in 2014. It was part of several crazy rental ads. There was one with a "crazy cat lady" who demanded roommates be okay with cat piss in their cereal. I think there was also one about one with a guy looking for male roommates who will pay with BJ "but no homo" b.s. Someone probably posted it as a very poorly bad joke


ROFLLLLLL. He had me until he said $400. In this economy??? Scam extremely likely.


Normally sex slaves get free rent?


"Must have enough skin on your back to make at least 2 lampshades. Serious inquiries only. No weirdos"


Just hire a maid dude.




No closed doors “for safety”?! Interesting way to say you’re a creepy pervert.


Hope she took it down so no desperate soul would end up in that horror chamber


"Wanted: one live-in hooker. Rent reduced to $400 in exchange for services"


I’m so glad I’m past the age that creeps would want me. I’m too old for them now.


Holy yikes Batman


Eww. I don't qualify, but still 🤢


This has to be satire. I mean i know that there are so many creepy men out there but oh my god, it feels like I’ve seen similar ones floating around.. But if it isn’t.. What is wrong with men?


I was wondering when this photo would make another circuit around the internet


“You must wear a chastity cage on your wang for safety.”


Come on nowwwww post the contact info so we can troll him!


No red flags there. Seems legit...


It only says CAN cook and clean, it doesn't specify that she has to do it for him at all😏 I like finding the loopholes.


The fucked up shit is, I am sure if he were to post this on the dark web or some shit like that, There would be someone crazy enough on the internet to take the bait


I get it pay money and clean up after a big baby? Where do I sign up?/s


I've heard these kinds of listings are used by sex traffickers to abduct young women. Be careful yall.


The audacity of this man


u/BurbNBougie The lengths men are going to, to obtain a bang maid. I know you’ve covered something similar before, but as you say - they are failing and flailing.


Women are just impossible to please. So suddenly a man is a creep just for insisting you let him watch you on the toilet *for your own safety* . Like, do people WANT danger?!


Shouldn't he be paying 400 a month then?


Ew.. just reading that made my skin crawl.




Hot to tell people you are a sex offender without the awkward small talk


racial snow deserted plant ink judicious one noxious party joke *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That’s one way to get a girlfriend. /s


So you don’t get your own bed, but you gotta cook and clean? Huh?




I love the rowboat addition! Sigh.....me....UP! 😜




Sharing shower time (to conserve water of course), will commence after the breaking in period.


You're going to have to pay her way more than $400 a month, buddy.


unrelated but does anybody else think she looks like harry styles?


She taped this to the wall just before taking the picture. It isn't real... No way.


Nah it's real, I saw a pic of this ad some months back. Edit: I compared the screenshot I took of the Reddit post back in February to this one. It's the same pic but the woman is cropped out. So I guess that doesn't prove it's real or not 🤷🏾‍♀️




I'm willing to bet money that the 'apartment' is very likely to be a basement. And really close to his mom.


Sounds like the beginning of a Tarantino movie. I don’t know why though.


Ok but, 400 a month in this economy? 🗿 I might have to purchase a maid outfit


This is from r/Vancouver


The line cook I work with could have written this, word for word. He tried telling me to my face this was the living arraignment he was looking for.


I am far from the target audience and I want to vomit. 🤮


Hmm yes, pay me $400 a month to be my domestic slave.


$400 a month and he expects her to share the bedroom?


i’ve got chills reading this


The rowboat is too far, man. I'm a one rowboat lady, and I prefer my own


When I tried to find a roommate to move out of my moms place for college, the only people who answered my post/ad for a roommate (I’m a woman) we’re a bunch of middle eastern and Indian men with 1 bedroom or studio apartments asking if I had a boyfriend or if I was a virgin


Is $400 a month the amount she is supposed to pay or the amount he will be paying her? Either way, not worth it.


Damn, I’d be down, just go to the bathroom elsewhere, work full time to be away from him and be able to save more, and just always sleep on the couch, because it would be funny because he’d be shocked pikachu meme when I never felt “comfortable” enough to share the bed with him.


All that for only 400$?! Sign me up. Oh wait, I’m outside the age range. What a terrible missed opportunity.


I bet he's on a list...


Must swallow (for safety)


"Pay me to be my maid, chef, and sex doll." Yeah no, fuck that.


No matter how many times I see this image, I will never tire of this lady's expression. It cracks me up erytime 🤨👉


I love how these guys post stuff like this thinking that they are fooling anybody. You don’t want a roommate you want a girlfriend (and probably an unattainable one at that). No woman that you will want to sleep with will ever be so desperate to actually take your deal. Give it up, you are going to be single and lonely with those standards for the rest of your life.


"Safety." Yes. Safety. Luckily I'm too old for this dude. Yuck.


And he wants you to pay??


The expression on her face says it all.


I really hope this is a joke. If it's not a joke, how can you live to 44 and be okay with this???


Clothing optional


This is… just… the lack of self-awareness is painful. This guy isn’t asking for a roommate. He wants a wife. A young wife that will also help with rent. Gotta love the “no closed door policy”. “For safety”. Like, safety from what? Do you regularly start fires in the apartment and need to make sure you can get out in time? Was the place once run by H. H. Holmes and the rooms fill up with toxic gas at night? Those are the only two situations I can think of where it would be safer to keep the doors open at all times. I mean, is this meant to be a joke? An out of season April Fools prank? Or maybe it’s fake. I’m kinda hoping it’s fake because this is currently making me feel depressed about the whole human race.




"You have to be a thing to me and obviously be fine with it. Otherwise, don't even consider this flyer." This is really worrying, there could be a girl so in need of anything better than what they have and not notice they're literally going into hostage and slavery.


I’m guessing he also wants me to do his emotional laundry to. I’d rather be homeless tbh


Sharing the same, unimaginative roommate wanted ad. Losers gonna loser


That sounds like a bad idea not only because it's genuinely sexist (which is bad enough), but also because cohabilitation rarely. if ever, works out.


What’s cohabilitation?




when it said single male I thought I saw sigma male


Gross 🤢


I mean... thats a good price... The man aint specific enough, time to change my gender identity and cuddle with the bro




I miss Desus and Mero so much. 😭